Execution Tales Chapter 51 Part 13
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Ilse Mitze

In March 1944 an 18 year old girl named Ilse Mich was charged with stealing eight vests, five pairs of panties & thirteen pairs of stockings following a bombing raid on Hagen. In her defence it was said that she had earlier helped to dig out victims.

Her employer admitted that that she could be “Difficult” but added that in the main she was “Industrious & respectable”. Hagen’s medical officer however giving evidence dismissed her as “Impudent & mendacious”.

Ilse was condemned to death, a sentence which caused even the local security authorities to protest. Nevertheless in May 1944 in Dortmund Prison she was dragged screaming & pleading to the guillotine & her fate proclaimed on wall posters to deter other potential looters.
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