Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 1 Revision 2
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53: World War II: Tales of Female Executions in WWII

As Alyssia became more familiar & comfortable with the WWII material, based on what she had learned from her research, she began to fully apply her imagination to the subject & add colour to the somewhat dry material she had been producing. Her first effort she called “Lida, Klava & Lena”.

Lida, Klava & Lena

Lida watched the soldiers around her & cast a glance in the direction of her friends Klava & Lena, who quietly looked on at the soldiers preparing the gallows on which the three girls were sentenced to hang for partisan activities.

Lida bit her lip as a thick log was positioned about three metres above the ground resting on two trees. The soldiers took lengths of rope from the small truck & made nooses & tied them to the log at regular intervals.

“I am only eighteen”, she thought, wondering why she wasn’t more afraid. Maybe because hanging didn’t sound as painful as being shot?

Her friends Klara & Lena however were very scared of what awaited them though they were trying not to show it. The girls had been arrested on their way home from college & they were still wearing their uniforms of white blouses, navy blue knee length pleated skirts & white socks. All three were very pretty with lovely smooth skin & clear complexions.

Lida was the tallest, with short black hair & pale blue eyes, Klava was a brunette with big brown eyes & Lena, who was the smallest, was a green eyed blonde.

The SS officer in charge of the executions was young blond & arrogant. His assistant an SS soldier carried a camera with him & snapped several pictures of the girls. He offered them a wicked smile before pointing at the gallows & miming hanging by the neck on an imaginary rope with his tongue extended & eyes crossed. At this Klava & Lena started to tremble & whimper as their fear grew.

The soldiers tested the ropes with their own weight, they then jumped to the ground & informed the officer that everything was ready. He looked at the three girls & ordered the soldiers to prepare them for the nooses.

Three empty barrels were placed under the ropes & the girls were forced to climb up on them. Three soldiers tied their hands behind their backs & placed the nooses around their necks. Lida felt the knot tighten the coarse rope against her skin, despite herself she began to tremble in anticipation of imminent death.

The officer took out a piece of paper & read a short death sentence before pointing at Lena, who screamed, “Please no!”, just as the soldier standing behind her kicked the barrel away.

She dropped about one meter, gasping noises escaped from her throat before she began to kick. Lida had never heard sounds like that. Lena spun round on the rope, her face turning red, spittle dripping from her mouth.

Soldiers took out their cameras & snapped pictures of the dying girl. Lida looked at Klava who was watching Lena’s agony with horrified dread.

As Lena kicked her skirt rose up & down affording the watching soldiers brief glimpses of her white panties which they endeavoured to try & record with their cameras.

Lida hoped that when her turn came she would be able to control her kicking legs to some degree to preserve at least a shred of her dignity.

Lena gave one final convulsion & hung still, her tongue protruded from her dark red face & her dead bulging eyes looked down at the soldiers.

By this time Klava was sobbing uncontrollably & pleading for mercy. She was shown none, the officer pointed at her, the stool was removed & Klava started her dance. Unlike Lena whose suffering had taken just two minutes due to her slender build Klava’s agony continued for a good seven minutes. She kicked her feet so hard & so high that her shoes flew off leaving her feet in their white socks thrashing the air.

Her skirt rode up her thighs & the soldiers had no difficulty in taking pictures of Klava’s repeatedly exposed pink panties however it was obvious to Lida that Klava was past caring about such things.

The soldiers laughed as they watched Klava’s futile struggle for life. The dying girl shuddered several times before her head dropped to her shoulder, her neck was stretched so much that Lida could see her bulging veins & arteries. Klava’s brown eyes remained wide open & staring when she finally stopped moving.

Now it is Lida’s turn. As the officer points at her she tries to prepare herself but she is by now as terrified as her friends had been. Watching the executions of the two other girls had disabused her of the idea that hanging was less painful than shooting however she does manage to stop herself from pleading for mercy, just.

As the barrel disappears from under her Lida feels the rope suddenly bite into her soft neck with deadly force. In a vain attempt to preserve her modesty she manages to remain hanging straight for nearly thirty seconds, before the pain becomes unbearable & she begins to struggle & kick in a one sided battle against the throttling noose.

Like Klava her panties, white in her case, are soon being regularly displayed to the appreciative watching soldiers as her pumping thighs lift her blue uniform skirt up again & again. However by this stage, like Klava before her, Lida is past caring.

She lasts longer than the other two girls because she is bigger with stronger neck muscles & she had made the mistake of filling her lungs with air just before the barrel was kicked out from under her feet.

The inevitable conclusion comes after ten minutes of excruciating agony & Lida swings limply alongside the bodies of her two friends. Her facial expression speaks volumes for the suffering she had endured at the end of the rope.

By the time she had finished Lida, Klava & Lena the crotch of Alyssia’s panties under her skirt was pretty moist & her nipples were erect.
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[Meant to say this is an adapted version of something I read several years ago on line]

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