Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 4 Revision 2
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By now Alyssia had the bit well & truly between her teeth & she rapidly produced her next story The Austrian Method

The Austrian Method

The town barracks had a large assembly ground. At the north east corner there was a twelve foot high pole with a winch behind it. Eva didn’t understand why the Austrian’s had to be different but they hanged criminals & saboteurs from that pole.

She hated to admit it but Eva loved being invited to see the hangings by her boyfriend, Mikhail who was a member of a recently formed Austrian Waffen SS division.

The executions always took place about half an hour before sunset. There was an art to it all. The rising tension as the criminals were marched out, the preparations, the solemn & sonorous intonation of their crimes, the sun setting over their faces as the nooses are tightened around their necks, the soft jerk & then the horrendous yet fascinating dance as the condemned struggled in obvious agony to try & stay alive for as long as they could as the sun slowly set shrouding their anguished faces in the darkening twilight.

Today three young women who had been convicted of profiteering were to be hanged. They struggled & pleaded for mercy as they were dragged to the hanging pole.

It was incredible how the three danced together around the same pole. Their legs weaved & intertwined as they desperately tried to get purchase on each other’s convulsing bodies in a doomed effort to get some relief from the mercilessly strangling ropes.

This inevitably led to their skirts riding up as they tried to climb on each other exposing their panties to the mesmerised spectators. Their hands were bound to the front to their breasts & their hands clenched into fists & then unclenched & those faces. Eva had never seen such pain & terror once the stools had been taken away from under the prisoners’ feet.

She looked at Mikhail. Under her smart brown skirt her panties had never been as wet as this.

Once the condemned girls hung dead she said “Mikhail, not that I am complaining but why do you bring me to the executions?” Mikhail smiled & whispered in her ear “How wet are your panties Eva?”.

The girl blushed & protested “I don’t know what you mean”.

He continued, “Eva when we make love after watching a hanging you are like a girl possessed. That is why I bring you to the executions”.

As she knew this was only too true Eva said no more. Mikhail saluted his fellow officers & the couple went to his quarters.

They entered Mikhail’s rooms & he locked the door. Eva rushed to him, they embraced & she whispered in his ear “I need you to make love to me & I need you to do it now” Her voice was trembling, pleading & desperately insistent.

He lifted her up & carried her into the bedroom. Mikhail put Eva on the bed & took off his trousers & underpants. His blood engorged cock stood proud & Eva moaned in anticipation.

He got on the bed & pushed Eva’s skirt up. He then started to gently massage the crotch of her pink panties. The girl’s moans increased & she tightly grabbed her boyfriend.

She whispered urgently in his ear “Fuck me you bastard! Fuck me now!”, Mikhail smiled as he has never heard the well brought up Eva use such language. However he was more than happy to oblige.

He pulled the squirming girl’s panties down her legs, over her feet & threw them over his shoulder. He then moved on top of Eva & rammed his cock into her. She gasped, moaned & wrapped her legs around her lover.

They started to fuck. Mikhail tried to go slowly at first but Eva wanted it quick & hard. They both came quite quickly. Eva had never had an orgasm like it. She almost passed out.

After a few minutes Mikhail his head resting on one of his hands smiled looked down at his lover & said “You really are a dirty bitch Eva”.

Eva smiled back “I know but I just can’t help it. Now fuck me again”. Mikhail was only too delighted to comply
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