Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 6 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 6 Revision 2[This is an adapted tale based on one I came across on line - author unknown]
The next day refreshed, showered & fed she returned to the computer. This time she turned her attention to the war time Soviet Union & set her next story in one of Stalin’s Gulags
The NKVD Commandant
Olga Olchenko the Commandant of the women’s camp read the latest instruction from NKVD HQ on executing females as ten women & girls were to be executed for staging a protest against the habitual rape being practiced by the camp guards
“Hanging a woman is more demanding than a simple male execution. Never forget that these are public hangings conducted before the whole camp’s prison population, paraded for the occasion. The prisoners should be induced to vomit in their cells so that the condemned women have empty stomachs when they are led out to the execution ground. The womens’ hands must be tied behind their backs & they may well need to be gagged beneath their black hoods. Having pointed to the difficulties of executing women prisoners there is no doubt that experience tells us that it provides welcome entertainment for camp guards, both male & female”
Olga smiled & said to herself “Amen to that”. Under her smart blue uniform skirt her panties were already quite moist as she contemplated tomorrow’s hangings. She decided to retire to bed. Before she went to sleep Olga masturbated picturing in her mind the female hangings she had already witnessed bringing herself to a very satisfying climax
By noon the next day all of the preparations had been made. Ten nooses hung from the prison gallows & underneath them stood the platform which consisted of a simple wooden trestle which the doomed women & girls will be made to stand on before they are noosed. The trestle will then be kicked over & the prisoners will be left dangling by their necks to slowly strangle to death.
The two hundred women prisoners stood in rows supervised by Olga’s male & female guards. Some of the officers had snarling leashed dogs & the others all had whips which they didn’t hesitate to use when required.
The ten condemned young women were led out, hands tied behind their backs & marched to the gallows. They were all very attractive which is why they had been repeatedly raped by the male guards. Wearing only their thin prison shirts & knee length skirts they shivered both against the cold & in terror. As was customary they all had shaved heads as the war time Soviet state was determined to do everything it could to dehumanise those perceived as enemies of the people.
Olga looked on, she glanced at her current lover Ivana Timoshenko & smiled. The young blonde NKVD officer smiled back at the still very attractive older Olga.
The condemned girls by now were standing behind the trestles & the dangling ropes.
The Commandant walked forward & began to speak, “These women are being punished for making disgraceful & totally unfounded accusations against my camp guards. Let their fate be a warning to you all”. She nodded to her chief guard who signed to his officers to begin.
Pleading, crying, protesting & struggling the ten prisoners were forced up onto the wooden trestle, hoods were pulled over their heads & the nooses placed around their necks. Olga had seen no need to gag any of the condemned.
The chief guard looked at her waiting for her signal. The Commandant lifted & dropped her hand & the guards kicked over the wooden trestle.
As the prisoners started to hang Olga breathed deeply trying to control her growing arousal. She glanced at Ivana & smiles as she saw that the younger girl was trying to do the same.
The condemned women struggled hopelessly against the unforgiving ropes. They jerked & convulsed legs wildly kicking, their skirts were lifted up by their thrashing legs & the women’s simple white panties were seen by all.
It was seven minutes before they all dangled dead on the gallows. Olga beckoned to her chief guard “Leave the bodies there to this time tomorrow. They will serve as a salutary warning & reminder of the consequences of this kind of behaviour”.
“Of course Comrade Commandant”, the guard replied & saluted.
Olga turned to Ivana, “Comrade Timoshenko. I need you to come to my office. There is some business I need your assistance with”.
Ivana smiled & nodded. She accompanied the Commandant to her office & once they were inside Olga placed a “Meeting in Progress” sign on the door & locked it. She breathed heavily & said to the young officer, “Ivana, I must have sex with you now”
The blonde girl smiled “Of course Comrade Commandant”.
Olga went to the bed at the back of the office & lay down. Ivana went to the bottom of the bed & began to move herself up Olga’s body pushing the Commandant’s skirt up her thighs as she did so. The older woman moaned in anticipation.
When Olga’s blue uniform skirt was above her waist Ivana pushed the Commandant’s white panties to the side & put her tongue inside Olga’s pussy. The effect on the Commandant was electric. She gasped & moaned & brought her legs up to rest on Ivanaka’s shoulders.
“Did you see their little white panties as they danced Ivana?” , Olga said hoarsely, her voice thick with lust.
“Indeed Comrade Commandant” replied Ivanka raising her head from Olga’s crotch & continued, “ I thought I was going to come on the spot when they kicked up their skirts”.
At this Natasha went back to licking out her boss’s pussy. Olga’s thighs squeezed hard on the sides of Ivana’s head when she came & her hips bucked.
The Commandant lay still composing herself after her shattering orgasm. She said “Ivana I have something new I think you will like”.
The younger girl replied “What is that Comrade Commandant?”.
Olga got up from the bed & said “Let me show you”. She removed her skirt reached into a drawer & took out a nine inch velvet covered wooden strap on dildo. Ivana gasped in delight.
“Bend over the bed”, Olga instructed”, as she put on the dildo. Ivana did as she was told & wriggled her bottom in anticipation.
The Commandant stood behind Ivana & lifted the younger girl’s skirt up above her waist. Olga then very gently pulled Ivana’s panties to the side & slid the wooden phallus deep inside her pussy.
Ivana gasped “Oh God Comrade Commandant it feels so big & hard. I feel as if it will split me in two”.
Olga began to move slowly backwards & forwards being careful not to hurt her lover. Ivana’s moans got louder & she grasped the pillow under her head tightly. She placed her hand on her clitoris just above the thrusting dildo & began to rub herself frantically. She came screaming in ecstasy.
Both women lay back on the bed & lit cigarettes. “Oh God”, Sighed Olga, she continued, “I do love hanging young women & girls”.
Ivana smiled at her lover. “Remember Comrade Commandant we are executing counter revolutionary enemies of the people as instructed by Comrade Stalin”.
The women hugged each other as they shook with laughter
Once she had completed The NKVD Commandant Alyssia sat back & pressed her thighs together relishing the sensations coming from her groin. She took a deep breath & moved onto her next tale
The next day refreshed, showered & fed she returned to the computer. This time she turned her attention to the war time Soviet Union & set her next story in one of Stalin’s Gulags
The NKVD Commandant
Olga Olchenko the Commandant of the women’s camp read the latest instruction from NKVD HQ on executing females as ten women & girls were to be executed for staging a protest against the habitual rape being practiced by the camp guards
“Hanging a woman is more demanding than a simple male execution. Never forget that these are public hangings conducted before the whole camp’s prison population, paraded for the occasion. The prisoners should be induced to vomit in their cells so that the condemned women have empty stomachs when they are led out to the execution ground. The womens’ hands must be tied behind their backs & they may well need to be gagged beneath their black hoods. Having pointed to the difficulties of executing women prisoners there is no doubt that experience tells us that it provides welcome entertainment for camp guards, both male & female”
Olga smiled & said to herself “Amen to that”. Under her smart blue uniform skirt her panties were already quite moist as she contemplated tomorrow’s hangings. She decided to retire to bed. Before she went to sleep Olga masturbated picturing in her mind the female hangings she had already witnessed bringing herself to a very satisfying climax
By noon the next day all of the preparations had been made. Ten nooses hung from the prison gallows & underneath them stood the platform which consisted of a simple wooden trestle which the doomed women & girls will be made to stand on before they are noosed. The trestle will then be kicked over & the prisoners will be left dangling by their necks to slowly strangle to death.
The two hundred women prisoners stood in rows supervised by Olga’s male & female guards. Some of the officers had snarling leashed dogs & the others all had whips which they didn’t hesitate to use when required.
The ten condemned young women were led out, hands tied behind their backs & marched to the gallows. They were all very attractive which is why they had been repeatedly raped by the male guards. Wearing only their thin prison shirts & knee length skirts they shivered both against the cold & in terror. As was customary they all had shaved heads as the war time Soviet state was determined to do everything it could to dehumanise those perceived as enemies of the people.
Olga looked on, she glanced at her current lover Ivana Timoshenko & smiled. The young blonde NKVD officer smiled back at the still very attractive older Olga.
The condemned girls by now were standing behind the trestles & the dangling ropes.
The Commandant walked forward & began to speak, “These women are being punished for making disgraceful & totally unfounded accusations against my camp guards. Let their fate be a warning to you all”. She nodded to her chief guard who signed to his officers to begin.
Pleading, crying, protesting & struggling the ten prisoners were forced up onto the wooden trestle, hoods were pulled over their heads & the nooses placed around their necks. Olga had seen no need to gag any of the condemned.
The chief guard looked at her waiting for her signal. The Commandant lifted & dropped her hand & the guards kicked over the wooden trestle.
As the prisoners started to hang Olga breathed deeply trying to control her growing arousal. She glanced at Ivana & smiles as she saw that the younger girl was trying to do the same.
The condemned women struggled hopelessly against the unforgiving ropes. They jerked & convulsed legs wildly kicking, their skirts were lifted up by their thrashing legs & the women’s simple white panties were seen by all.
It was seven minutes before they all dangled dead on the gallows. Olga beckoned to her chief guard “Leave the bodies there to this time tomorrow. They will serve as a salutary warning & reminder of the consequences of this kind of behaviour”.
“Of course Comrade Commandant”, the guard replied & saluted.
Olga turned to Ivana, “Comrade Timoshenko. I need you to come to my office. There is some business I need your assistance with”.
Ivana smiled & nodded. She accompanied the Commandant to her office & once they were inside Olga placed a “Meeting in Progress” sign on the door & locked it. She breathed heavily & said to the young officer, “Ivana, I must have sex with you now”
The blonde girl smiled “Of course Comrade Commandant”.
Olga went to the bed at the back of the office & lay down. Ivana went to the bottom of the bed & began to move herself up Olga’s body pushing the Commandant’s skirt up her thighs as she did so. The older woman moaned in anticipation.
When Olga’s blue uniform skirt was above her waist Ivana pushed the Commandant’s white panties to the side & put her tongue inside Olga’s pussy. The effect on the Commandant was electric. She gasped & moaned & brought her legs up to rest on Ivanaka’s shoulders.
“Did you see their little white panties as they danced Ivana?” , Olga said hoarsely, her voice thick with lust.
“Indeed Comrade Commandant” replied Ivanka raising her head from Olga’s crotch & continued, “ I thought I was going to come on the spot when they kicked up their skirts”.
At this Natasha went back to licking out her boss’s pussy. Olga’s thighs squeezed hard on the sides of Ivana’s head when she came & her hips bucked.
The Commandant lay still composing herself after her shattering orgasm. She said “Ivana I have something new I think you will like”.
The younger girl replied “What is that Comrade Commandant?”.
Olga got up from the bed & said “Let me show you”. She removed her skirt reached into a drawer & took out a nine inch velvet covered wooden strap on dildo. Ivana gasped in delight.
“Bend over the bed”, Olga instructed”, as she put on the dildo. Ivana did as she was told & wriggled her bottom in anticipation.
The Commandant stood behind Ivana & lifted the younger girl’s skirt up above her waist. Olga then very gently pulled Ivana’s panties to the side & slid the wooden phallus deep inside her pussy.
Ivana gasped “Oh God Comrade Commandant it feels so big & hard. I feel as if it will split me in two”.
Olga began to move slowly backwards & forwards being careful not to hurt her lover. Ivana’s moans got louder & she grasped the pillow under her head tightly. She placed her hand on her clitoris just above the thrusting dildo & began to rub herself frantically. She came screaming in ecstasy.
Both women lay back on the bed & lit cigarettes. “Oh God”, Sighed Olga, she continued, “I do love hanging young women & girls”.
Ivana smiled at her lover. “Remember Comrade Commandant we are executing counter revolutionary enemies of the people as instructed by Comrade Stalin”.
The women hugged each other as they shook with laughter
Once she had completed The NKVD Commandant Alyssia sat back & pressed her thighs together relishing the sensations coming from her groin. She took a deep breath & moved onto her next tale
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 6 Revision 2