Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 7 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 7 Revision 2Astrid & Elsa
In the SS HQ in Berlin two attractive blonde women in their late twenties sat at either side of a desk however there the similarities ended.
The prisoner, Astrid Schneider was conventionally pretty with shoulder length blonde curly hair & corn blue eyes. Astrid was wearing a smart blue knee length business type suit, tan stockings & black shoes,
The woman on the other side of the desk in her immaculate black & silver SS uniform, white shirt & black tie & knee length pristine black boots was SS officer Elsa Strauss. Strauss had very closely cropped hair, cold grey eyes & an almost archetypical Aryan face, fair & handsome which just missed being beautiful because of a certain indefinable hardness that slightly marred her features
“Astrid”, the SS officer said gently “Do you know how Eva-Marie died?” Shocked Astrid looked at her.
The officer smiled. “Oh Eva-Marie is dead my dear Astrid. She strangled to death at the end of a rope. It took her some time to die. It took them all some time to die. Think of that….. the rope biting into your neck, choking, strangling….. feeling everything. Do you want to die like that Astrid?”.
Astrid’s eyes glazed in horror & she inhaled, a rasping sound. “I have told you”, she spoke with difficulty “Eva-Marie & I may have been lovers but I knew nothing of any plot to kill the Fuhrer or of her involvement in it”.
Ignoring Astrid’s plea Strauss continued, “We filmed them dying at the Fuhrer’s request & I have a copy of the film here which I am going to show to you to see if that helps to loosen your tongue”.
At that she signed to the two SS soldiers in the room to take Astrid next door where a screen & projector were set up. Strauss followed them & pointed at a chair for Astrid to sit in.
The SS woman sat off to the side so that she could watch the screen & Astrid’s reactions. No more was said & then one of the soldiers turned down the lights & switched on the projector.
The black & white footage flickered onto the screen. Both the visuals & the sound were of excellent quality & the film lasted about twenty minutes.
The camera lingered longest on Eva-Marie Buch’s suffering. As she kicked & struggled Eva-Marie made horrible gasping choking sounds & her knees came up almost to her chest several times exposing her underwear beneath the prison skirt before she weakened & finally died. Her hanging took 13 minutes in total.
As the film played Astrid watched in shocked horror crying silently as she witnessed the execution of her former lover.
Strauss had seen the film several times. The first time her motivation had been morbid curiosity but after that she watched it purely for her own sexual gratification. The SS woman was a lesbian however she was also a sexual sadist. As Strauss sat her gaze went backwards & forwards from the screen to Astrid’s face & she began to feel the familiar wetness in the crotch of her panties.
Her arousal was aided by the set of Geisha balls in her vagina that she had inserted before the interrogation began. She had been given these as a present by a secretary at the Japanese embassy with whom she had had an affair with, up to when the Japanese girl had been recalled to Japan a few weeks previously.
The SS officer’s face showed no sign of her increasing pleasure as the combined effect of the film footage, Astrid’s horror & the Geisha balls pushed her closer & closer to an orgasm.
The only indication of her highly aroused condition were the tight grip her hands had on the arms of the chair & the squeezing of her thighs together as she sat with one leg crossed over the other. As the film finished by quite an effort of will Strass managed to avoid climaxing which she knew would have shown in her face.
“Well Astrid. What have you got to say now?”, the officer asked as a soldier put the lights back on.
Astrid sobbed “I can’t tell you anymore because I don’t know anything. You must believe me!” Strauss got up & walked over to the crying girl & looked down at her.
She sighed “Well that is a pity Astrid. I’m afraid that leaves me with no choice”
Astrid looked up, fear beginning to rise “What do you mean?” she blurted out.
The SS woman nodded to the two soldiers who marched over to the chair Astrid was sitting in & forced her to stand taking an arm each.
Strauss took a piece of paper from her jacket pocket & started to read “Astrid Schneider. By the special summary powers invested in me by the Fuhrer I declare that you are guilty of treason against the Fatherland. The sentence for this is death by hanging. Sentence will be carried out immediately.
The SS officer looked at Astrid & put the Death Warrant back in her pocket. “Astrid Schneider. Have you anything you wish to say before the sentence is carried out”.
Astrid was totally shocked & by now absolutely terrified. “You can’t do this! I am innocent I tell you! “, she wailed.
Strauss went over to a door on the other side of the room from the one leading back to the interrogation cell, pushed it open & then stood back so that Astrid could see what awaited her.
In the middle of the room was a pole with a noose dangling from the top. A stool stood at the bottom of the pole.
Astrid screamed in terror & struggled in futile desperation as the two guards dragged her through the door towards the hanging pole.
“Please no! Oh God! Please don’t” she begged.
Strauss had been fascinated by this method of hanging since she learned of it after the annexation of Austria & since then she had always wanted to witness it.
The soldiers handcuffed Astrid’s wrists behind her back & forced her up onto the stool. One of them reached up took the noose & put it over her head & adjusted it around her neck. As instructed by Strauss he ensured that the knot was placed at the front side of the condemned girl’s neck to ensure the prisoner’s death will be by agonising slow strangulation.
Strauss didn’t want Astrid to lose consciousness too quickly & she had been told by an Austrian policeman who had seen several pole hangings that this needed to be done to ensure that the victim was aware of what was happening to her for as long as possible.
One of the soldiers went back into the room where they had watched the film & retrieved Strauss’s chair which he placed about six feet in front of the noosed Astrid & the hanging pole.
Strauss sat down looked up at the trembling whimpering prisoner, crossed her legs & smiled evilly.
A third soldier then entered the execution chamber with a film camera on a tripod which he set up pointing at the doomed girl.
The other two soldiers moved to behind the pole & took hold of the end of the rope which dangled down from the back of the pole & looked at Strauss waiting for the signal to start the hanging.
The SS woman’s panties were by now very wet & she gently squeezed her thighs together under her black uniform skirt.
Astrid made one last plea “Have mercy! Please have mercy! I am innocent!” she sobbed.
Strauss turned to the camera man “Start filming”, she instructed. The soldier nodded & switched on the camera.
Strauss looked at the two soldiers standing behind the hanging pole & lifted her hand into the air.
The soldiers pull on the rope lifting Astrid up off the stool. As the rope brutally tightens around her neck she emits a few guttural noises & her face grimaces in pain. She then begins to jerk & starts to kick.
Her pumping thighs raise up her skirt giving Strauss heavenly views of her stocking tops & pink panties.
The SS woman squirms in her seat tightly grasping the arms of the chair as she feels the waves of pleasure pulsing through her body from the rising heat in her groin.
By now Astrid’s face is a picture of agony, her skin is reddening, her eyes bulging & her tongue extending.
Her suffering goes on for seven minutes before life is extinct & she hangs dead.
Strauss experiences one of the most intense orgasm’s she has ever had.
The three soldiers looked at each other & smiled knowingly.
Once she has composed herself the SS officer got up from her chair & turned to the cameraman “Did you get all that?” she asked.
“Indeed Oberst”, he replied.
Strauss nodded & smiled “Good. The film will no doubt prove useful in future interrogations of traitors. I want a copy as soon as possible”.
She looked at the body of Astrid dangling from the pole “You can get rid of that”, she ordered.
On that note the SS woman turned on her heel & without a backward glance strode out of the execution chamber.
Once Astrid & Elsa was finished Alyssia looked at the couch by now very aware of the juices soaking into her underwear from her pussy.
In the SS HQ in Berlin two attractive blonde women in their late twenties sat at either side of a desk however there the similarities ended.
The prisoner, Astrid Schneider was conventionally pretty with shoulder length blonde curly hair & corn blue eyes. Astrid was wearing a smart blue knee length business type suit, tan stockings & black shoes,
The woman on the other side of the desk in her immaculate black & silver SS uniform, white shirt & black tie & knee length pristine black boots was SS officer Elsa Strauss. Strauss had very closely cropped hair, cold grey eyes & an almost archetypical Aryan face, fair & handsome which just missed being beautiful because of a certain indefinable hardness that slightly marred her features
“Astrid”, the SS officer said gently “Do you know how Eva-Marie died?” Shocked Astrid looked at her.
The officer smiled. “Oh Eva-Marie is dead my dear Astrid. She strangled to death at the end of a rope. It took her some time to die. It took them all some time to die. Think of that….. the rope biting into your neck, choking, strangling….. feeling everything. Do you want to die like that Astrid?”.
Astrid’s eyes glazed in horror & she inhaled, a rasping sound. “I have told you”, she spoke with difficulty “Eva-Marie & I may have been lovers but I knew nothing of any plot to kill the Fuhrer or of her involvement in it”.
Ignoring Astrid’s plea Strauss continued, “We filmed them dying at the Fuhrer’s request & I have a copy of the film here which I am going to show to you to see if that helps to loosen your tongue”.
At that she signed to the two SS soldiers in the room to take Astrid next door where a screen & projector were set up. Strauss followed them & pointed at a chair for Astrid to sit in.
The SS woman sat off to the side so that she could watch the screen & Astrid’s reactions. No more was said & then one of the soldiers turned down the lights & switched on the projector.
The black & white footage flickered onto the screen. Both the visuals & the sound were of excellent quality & the film lasted about twenty minutes.
The camera lingered longest on Eva-Marie Buch’s suffering. As she kicked & struggled Eva-Marie made horrible gasping choking sounds & her knees came up almost to her chest several times exposing her underwear beneath the prison skirt before she weakened & finally died. Her hanging took 13 minutes in total.
As the film played Astrid watched in shocked horror crying silently as she witnessed the execution of her former lover.
Strauss had seen the film several times. The first time her motivation had been morbid curiosity but after that she watched it purely for her own sexual gratification. The SS woman was a lesbian however she was also a sexual sadist. As Strauss sat her gaze went backwards & forwards from the screen to Astrid’s face & she began to feel the familiar wetness in the crotch of her panties.
Her arousal was aided by the set of Geisha balls in her vagina that she had inserted before the interrogation began. She had been given these as a present by a secretary at the Japanese embassy with whom she had had an affair with, up to when the Japanese girl had been recalled to Japan a few weeks previously.
The SS officer’s face showed no sign of her increasing pleasure as the combined effect of the film footage, Astrid’s horror & the Geisha balls pushed her closer & closer to an orgasm.
The only indication of her highly aroused condition were the tight grip her hands had on the arms of the chair & the squeezing of her thighs together as she sat with one leg crossed over the other. As the film finished by quite an effort of will Strass managed to avoid climaxing which she knew would have shown in her face.
“Well Astrid. What have you got to say now?”, the officer asked as a soldier put the lights back on.
Astrid sobbed “I can’t tell you anymore because I don’t know anything. You must believe me!” Strauss got up & walked over to the crying girl & looked down at her.
She sighed “Well that is a pity Astrid. I’m afraid that leaves me with no choice”
Astrid looked up, fear beginning to rise “What do you mean?” she blurted out.
The SS woman nodded to the two soldiers who marched over to the chair Astrid was sitting in & forced her to stand taking an arm each.
Strauss took a piece of paper from her jacket pocket & started to read “Astrid Schneider. By the special summary powers invested in me by the Fuhrer I declare that you are guilty of treason against the Fatherland. The sentence for this is death by hanging. Sentence will be carried out immediately.
The SS officer looked at Astrid & put the Death Warrant back in her pocket. “Astrid Schneider. Have you anything you wish to say before the sentence is carried out”.
Astrid was totally shocked & by now absolutely terrified. “You can’t do this! I am innocent I tell you! “, she wailed.
Strauss went over to a door on the other side of the room from the one leading back to the interrogation cell, pushed it open & then stood back so that Astrid could see what awaited her.
In the middle of the room was a pole with a noose dangling from the top. A stool stood at the bottom of the pole.
Astrid screamed in terror & struggled in futile desperation as the two guards dragged her through the door towards the hanging pole.
“Please no! Oh God! Please don’t” she begged.
Strauss had been fascinated by this method of hanging since she learned of it after the annexation of Austria & since then she had always wanted to witness it.
The soldiers handcuffed Astrid’s wrists behind her back & forced her up onto the stool. One of them reached up took the noose & put it over her head & adjusted it around her neck. As instructed by Strauss he ensured that the knot was placed at the front side of the condemned girl’s neck to ensure the prisoner’s death will be by agonising slow strangulation.
Strauss didn’t want Astrid to lose consciousness too quickly & she had been told by an Austrian policeman who had seen several pole hangings that this needed to be done to ensure that the victim was aware of what was happening to her for as long as possible.
One of the soldiers went back into the room where they had watched the film & retrieved Strauss’s chair which he placed about six feet in front of the noosed Astrid & the hanging pole.
Strauss sat down looked up at the trembling whimpering prisoner, crossed her legs & smiled evilly.
A third soldier then entered the execution chamber with a film camera on a tripod which he set up pointing at the doomed girl.
The other two soldiers moved to behind the pole & took hold of the end of the rope which dangled down from the back of the pole & looked at Strauss waiting for the signal to start the hanging.
The SS woman’s panties were by now very wet & she gently squeezed her thighs together under her black uniform skirt.
Astrid made one last plea “Have mercy! Please have mercy! I am innocent!” she sobbed.
Strauss turned to the camera man “Start filming”, she instructed. The soldier nodded & switched on the camera.
Strauss looked at the two soldiers standing behind the hanging pole & lifted her hand into the air.
The soldiers pull on the rope lifting Astrid up off the stool. As the rope brutally tightens around her neck she emits a few guttural noises & her face grimaces in pain. She then begins to jerk & starts to kick.
Her pumping thighs raise up her skirt giving Strauss heavenly views of her stocking tops & pink panties.
The SS woman squirms in her seat tightly grasping the arms of the chair as she feels the waves of pleasure pulsing through her body from the rising heat in her groin.
By now Astrid’s face is a picture of agony, her skin is reddening, her eyes bulging & her tongue extending.
Her suffering goes on for seven minutes before life is extinct & she hangs dead.
Strauss experiences one of the most intense orgasm’s she has ever had.
The three soldiers looked at each other & smiled knowingly.
Once she has composed herself the SS officer got up from her chair & turned to the cameraman “Did you get all that?” she asked.
“Indeed Oberst”, he replied.
Strauss nodded & smiled “Good. The film will no doubt prove useful in future interrogations of traitors. I want a copy as soon as possible”.
She looked at the body of Astrid dangling from the pole “You can get rid of that”, she ordered.
On that note the SS woman turned on her heel & without a backward glance strode out of the execution chamber.
Once Astrid & Elsa was finished Alyssia looked at the couch by now very aware of the juices soaking into her underwear from her pussy.
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 7 Revision 2