Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 8 Revision 2
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[This was again inspired by the description of a multiple execution of male & female prisoners in a Sven Hassell book - not sure which one]

She decided no, not yet, took a break, had a coffee & a cigarette & then returned to the computer where she started work on The Ballet Troupe

The Ballet Troupe

When evidence of spying for the Russians had been found in the ballet dancers Berlin quarters, despite the fact that the two members of the troupe involved in the espionage took cyanide tablets before they could be arrested, Himmler himself decided that the best way to deal with this was by way of a collective punishment. This would send a strong message that everyone had a duty to watch what their colleagues were up to & report anything suspicious & after all they were all Polish.

The highly regarded ballet company had been kept together by the Germans, with its’ members being spared slave labour & given extra rations so that they could tour the Reich giving performances & hopefully raising the morale of the increasingly beleaguered German people. There had been twenty six dancers in the group, thirteen men & thirteen women & so following the death of the two spies, a man & a woman, there were twenty four left.

As they were all Poles no trial was deemed to be necessary & they were taken to Plotzensee Prison & put in cells, two to each one, which overlooked the central yard of the prison. The men were housed on one side of the yard & the women the other.

Dominating the yard at its centre loomed the gallows which was capable of being used to hang up to twelve people at one time.

Initially the prisoners didn’t know what their fate was going to be until four Gestapo officer, two men & two women, went from cell to cell & informed the dancers that they were all going to be hanged.

This news provoked wails of disbelief, terror & screams for mercy, especially from the women & girls. It was this reaction that led the two sadistic senior prison officers to decide to hang the men first which would mean that the female prisoners will have to watch these executions while waiting their turn.

Just before the start of the hangings the Prison Governor & the women officer in charge of the women’s section of the prison prepared for the coming entertainment in the Governor’s office which had a splendid view of the yard.

The woman leant over the desk next to the window & the Governor stood behind her. He lifted up the woman’s black uniform skirt & slowly began to rub her breasts with one hand & the front of her powder blue panties with the other.

They both began to breathe heavily & very quickly the Governor’s throbbing erection pressed against his trousers & the woman officer’s panties began to moisten.

At 5 pm all twenty four dancers were led from their cells with their hands cuffed behind their backs, two SS soldiers on either side of each & marched down to the yard. The male condemned wore their striped prison trousers & jackets, the women their striped skirts & tops.

The women were taken to one side & stood in a line looking up at the eight foot gallows platform. Dangling from the beam, which was another eight feet above the platform, were twelve nooses & beneath each noose sat a stool.

The men were forced up the steps to the gallows & each was made to stand behind a rope. The adjutant then read out the sentences of death.

While frightened the men were determined to die with dignity & they made no sound.

They were then hanged one at a time. Two SS men acted as hangmen, their shirt sleeves rolled up well above their elbows. Working from right to left they lifted a prisoner up onto a stool, noosed him & removed the stool leaving the condemned kicking violently & struggling frantically for life.

As the dancers were all young, fit & strong their convulsions went on for some time.

When the last of the twelve started to hang the first one was still moving, though more slowly.

Ten minutes after the stool under the last prisoner had been taken away all twelve swung lifelessly on their ropes, their erections visible against the crotches of their striped trousers.

The Governor & the woman officer thoroughly enjoyed the male hangings. By the time the last man died the Governor’s engorged cock, now released from his constricting trousers was pressing against the woman officer’s panty covered pussy

As the executions of the men progressed the women watched on in terror & horror knowing that this was the fate that awaited them. Some cried & pleaded for their lives while others looked on too shocked to say or do anything.

Once all of the men were dead the two SS men took the bodies down from the gallows & threw them into twelve of the twenty four coffins laid out next to the gallows.

The nooses were left dangling awaiting their next victims.

After all of the men’s bodies had been removed the women were made to climb the steps to the gallows & like the men before them they were each led to stand behind a rope. Again the adjutant read out the sentences of death & the women were also then hanged one at a time.

Like the handsome male dancers the women are also very attractive, young & fit. Athletic sculptured thighs & firm buttocks encased in white panties can be seen under the prison skirts as the female ballet dancers put on their final frantic performance.

As the first woman begins to hang the Governor pushes the woman’s panties to one side & thrusts hard into her. She gasps & moans wriggling her bottom against him. They begin to move, very slowly at first, as they both watch the executions with mounting pleasure thrilling to the sights & sounds of the hangings.

After three minutes all twelve female ballet dancers are kicking & convulsing on the gallows, complexions darkening, eyes protruding, tongues gradually extending from their mouths & spittle running down their chins. Eight minutes later their agony is finally over & the twelve young women dangle dead on the gallows

In his office the Governor & the woman officer fuck frenziedly. The woman has two orgasms, the first one when the sixth woman is hanged & the second as the last woman dies. The Governor comes violently flooding the officer’s pussy with his spurting seed at the same time as she comes for the second time

The twelve dead girls were quickly removed from the gallows & their bodies dumped in the remaining twelve coffins

The Governor & the women officer straightened & adjusted their clothes & lit up cigarettes.

The Governor looked at the woman smiled & said “Well I must say that is the best ballet performance I have ever seen”.

The woman laughed “It certainly beats Swan Lake by a mile”.

As soon as the Ballet Troupe had been put to bed Alyssia could deny the demands of her body no longer. She threw herself down on the couch lifted her skirt & rammed her fingers inside her pussy & furiously rubbed her breasts. She climaxed in just two minutes, even more intensively than the previous day.

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