Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 9 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 53 Part 9 Revision 2Once she had composed herself she started on her next tale which had more of a plot than her previous efforts & for the first time included a garotting
The Blitzmadel [Telephone Operator] Girls, The Partisan & the Collaborator
Keller looked at the young partisan girl. “I sentence you to death by hanging for crimes against the Wehrmacht. Tomorrow we will find a tree to string you up on from”.
He turned to Schmidt. “Take her out of here”.
The big soldier walked up to Natasha & pushed her towards the door. Natasha gave Keller a hard stare before she was escorted out.
Greta Lubanski the female Polish collaborator whose information had led to the arrest of Natasha entered the room. Lubanski was dressed in a nice blue skirt & jacket & tan seamed stockings covered her long legs. The clothes were paid for by the money she received from the Germans. She was attractive, in her late twenties, with wavy brown hair & brown eyes.
She smiled shyly & said, “Can I watch the hanging Herr Keller?”
“But of course”, Keller replied offering her a pack of cigarettes. “Tomorrow we will hang the little partisan, but today there is another hanging you can see if you wish” Another partisan?” Lubanski asked excitedly.
“No”, Keller shrugged. “Just a couple of deserter Blitzmadel girls we caught yesterday. I am told they are both very good looking. The executions will take place in an hour or so at the old barn”.
When Keller & Lubanski arrived at the barn there was already a platoon of soldiers waiting including several SS men. Dangling from one of the barn’s beams were two ropes with slip knot nooses hanging above two empty artillery shell crates.
The two Blitzmadels stood together, still in their grey uniforms which they hadn’t had a chance to change out of before their arrest, hands tied behind their backs. They both cried quietly tears rolling down their cheeks.
Keller looked at them appreciatively as they were indeed very good looking. Both had short bobbed haircuts, one brunette & one blonde & their young lithe bodies filled their tight uniforms very nicely.
“Heil Hitler”, Keller saluted the SS men, “Looks like we are just in time for the party”.
“It will be a good party”, the senior SS officer replied pointing at one of the soldiers with a motion picture camera. “Every female hanging in the field, including those of deserters must be recorded. The order came from Himmler himself”.
“So” asked Keller “Which one will you hang first?”.“That one the SS officer responded pointed at the brunette. Two soldiers took the young Blitmadel by her arms & forced her up onto one of the crates.
The condemned girl struggled uselessly, sobbing & pleading for mercy. The soldiers steadied & noosed her. Lubanski clenched her fists as her anticipation grew. It was partly because of the promise of days like today, as well as the money, that she had decided to help the Germans. The collaborator was in no way political she was driven purely by her sadism & greed
The heavy boot of the soldier kicked the crate from under the girl’s feet. A gurgling moan escaped the Blitzmadel’s throat & she span slowly on the creaking rope. The soldiers cheered & then fell silent. They wanted to hear the sounds the girl was making.
Initially she made a loud rasping noise, then wheezed loudly & suddenly began to kick. For about a minute her legs moved frantically up & down at times raising her skirt above the tops of her stockings & giving the spectators delicious views of her white underwear. Her body swung like a pendulum. Her lovely face reddened & she jerked hard several times before she was still.
Lubanski breathed heavily, her panties were by now very wet. She glanced at Keller’s crotch & saw that he had an erection.
The SS men put a sign round the hanged girl’s neck that said simply “I was a deserter”, & posed beside the dangling body for the camera.
The second Blitzmadel let out a loud wail of terror as she was dragged to the second crate & noosed. For a second time the crate was removed & the pretty blonde girl started to hang. She lasted five minutes longer than her friend.
She kicked & convulsed violently as she struggled on the rope. The watchers gleefully noted that her panties were pink as her skirt at times was lifted above her waist by her desperately threshing legs. By the time she stopped moving her face was dark red, her eyes almost popping from their sockets & her tongue extended almost to her chin.
Lubanski came. She gripped the sides of her skirt, bit her lip to stop herself moaning & breathed deeply to try & control the delightful tremors coursing through her body. Keller looked at her & smiled knowingly to himself.
The second Blitzmadel had a sign put round her neck & both bodies were left swaying on their ropes as a warning to anyone else who was thinking of deserting
At dawn the next Natasha was given a piece of bread & a glass of water by one of the soldiers. She ate slowly enjoying the food for the last time in her young life.
The door opened & two soldiers entered accompanied by Keller. “It’s time”, Keller said to Natasha.
She stood & the soldiers tied her hands behind her back. They went out into the spring sunlight & walked to the edge of the village where a lone tree stood with high branches jutting off from the thick trunk. Standing next to the tree waiting for the show to begin were the cameramen & of course Lubanski.
Despite her determination not to show fear to the enemy Natasha’s dread grew & she began to cry quietly. She was acutely aware that her 18 years of life was about to be brutally ended.
Her one consolation was that she had left fabricated evidence before her arrest, that would easily be found by the Germans, that pointed to the fact that Lubanski was a double agent.
The soldiers threw the rope over one of the branches & tied a slip knot noose at the end. Natasha was taken to the tree & her slim neck was quickly noosed. The soldiers took the other end of the rope & looked at Keller awaiting his signal.
Keller nodded & the soldiers began to pull on the rope lifting the partisan girl up into the air. Before her feet left the ground Natasha managed to take a deep breath.
The soldiers pulled her about six feet into the air & tied the rope off on another branch of the tree. Natasha’s feet kicked as she desperately searched for the ground that she could no longer reach.
Her tongue began to emerge from her mouth & her eyes started to bulge. She writhed in agony, spinning on the rope, legs kicking hard back & forth & up & down under her peasant skirt revealing her skimpy underwear.
For the second time in two days Lubanski felt her orgasm building, her panties beginning to flood with her juices.
Natasha’s swaying body trembled & spasmed as her muscles went into a last violent fight for life. Her gurgling wet sounds stopped & her swollen tongue rolled out of her mouth. The Partisan dangled dead from the tree .
One of the soldiers mounted a step ladder & placed a notice round the dead girl’s neck which said, “ I was a terrorist”.
Keller looked at Lubanski who was unsuccessfully trying to conceal her very intense climax.
He went over to her, smiled & whispered in her ear “My dear why don’t we go back to my office & have a schnapps to toast the death of an enemy of the Reich?”.
The Polish woman nodded eagerly & looked down at the bulging erection pushing against the front of the German’s trousers.
They retired to Keller’s office, he locked the door, pushed Lubanski’s skirt above her thighs, pulled her panties to one side, dropped his trousers, & thrust his throbbing cock into the Polish woman’s soaking pussy. The first time they both came very quickly.
After a schnapps they then fucked again this time in a more leisurely & languid way. As they sat smoking afterwards there was a knock on the door.
Keller got up “Give me a couple of minutes would you”, he said. He got fully dressed & turned to Lubanski. “I will be back soon my dear & we can then resume our discussions, so to speak”.
The Polish woman smiled & nodded. Keller left.
He returned after half an hour along with two Gestapo officers a man & a woman. The three entered Keller’s office in a sudden manner that startled Lubanski. Keller pointed at her. “This is Greta Lubanski the woman you are looking for”.
The Gestapo officers nodded & moved quickly towards the Polish girl who was too shocked to protest. She was hand-cuffed, taken outside & bundled into a car which quickly drove away
A week later & Keller arrived at the prison where Lubanski was being held. He was ushered into an office where the two Gestapo officers that arrested Lubanski sat behind a desk.
The male officer said, “Thank you for coming Captain”. Both officers stood up to shake Keller’s hand. He continued, “We thought it only fitting that you witness the punishment of the woman who betrayed you & your men”.
“Thank you for the invitation”, replied Keller as he sat down. “When will the execution take place?”.
“Oh in about half an hour” replied the woman officer, whom Keller noted was quite attractive. She had short black hair & her full breasts pressed against her brown uniform shirt.
“We think you will find the proceedings especially interesting” She continued.
“How so?” said Keller “After all I have seen a lot of death in the last few years”.
“Not like this I think” said the male officer. “Have you heard of the Garotte Vil?”.
Keller replied, “Of course. I served in Spain in 1938. It is how the Spaniards execute their criminals”.
“At Himmler’s request we have been asked to try it out” the officer went on. “In Spanish judicial executions an iron collar is fitted round the prisoner’s neck. A screw is then turned which pushes a metal spike into the back of the spinal column. Death is instantaneous. We have been asked to adapt this. Rather than a metal spike a rope is slowly twisted & tightened round the condemned person’s neck”.
“The Reischfuhrer’s view is that this might be an improvement on the slow hanging we normally use in that it gives the executioner excellent control on how long it will take for the prisoner to strangle to death. How long a hanged a prisoner takes to die is pretty random as you yourself know Captain as it depends on the condemned’s sex, weight, strength etc. Greta Lubanski is going to be our first garrotte guinea pig”.
Twenty five minutes later Keller followed the two Gestapo officers into the execution chamber watching appreciatively the woman officer’s shapely bottom as it wriggled slightly under her tight black leather skirt. They sat in three seats facing a wooden stool above which rose a wooden pole.
The prisoner was then brought in. Lubanski was still wearing the blue business suit & stockings she had on when she was arrested.
When she saw Keller she cried “Captain! Please tell them that this is a terrible mistake! I am innocent”.
Keller looked stonily at her.
Seeing that she could expect no help from Keller Lubanski started to struggle & plead for mercy. None was forthcoming.
The two prison guards made the terrified woman sit on the stool & cuffed her hands behind the wooden pole. Lubanski pressed her knees together in instinctive modesty.
“Over to you my dear”, the male officer said to his female colleague much to Keller’s surprise
The Gestapo woman, nodded got up & took a piece of rope from her skirt pocket. She went over to Lubanski & dangled the rope in front of the prisoner’s terrified face.
She said to the doomed woman “Greta Lubanski you have been found guilty of treason & sentenced to death. Have you anything to say before the sentence is carried out by slow strangulation?”.
She put particular emphasis on the word slow.
Lubanski could only gibber in terror.
“Very well then,” said the officer & she went behind the prisoner. She stood with her black boots braced apart, her legs slightly straining at the tight leather skirt which was pulled taut & rose slightly up her shapely stockinged legs.
She wrapped the rope around Lubanski’ neck & the pole & & tied & twisted the ends of the rope around a small metal pole which she has been carrying in her other skirt pocket.
Keller could feel his erection growing as he watched on fascinated.
At a sign from the Gestapo man the female officer starts to slowly rotate the metal pole which begins to tighten the rope around Lubanski’s neck. Breathing gradually & inexorably becomes more & more difficult for the Polish woman.
The Gestapo executioner licks her lips. Under her leather skirt her panties are beginning to get decidedly wet.
When Lubanski’s wind pipe is finally forced shut, her eyes start to bulge & her tongue begins to emerge from her mouth. She begins to buck & struggle on the stool, legs kicking all thought of decorum gone.
Both Keller & the male Gestapo officer are given a fine view up Lubanski’s skirt to her cream silk underwear as her legs flail akimbo.
By tightening & then loosening the strangling rope the Gestapo woman finds she can extend Lubanski’s sufferings for as long as she wants.
After fifteen minutes the male Gestapo officer says hoarsely, “Finish her”.
The executioner tightens the rope as much as she can while she rubs her crotch against the wooden pole. Keller & the Gestapo man can’t see this as their view of the Gestapo woman is obscured by the jerking convulsing & kicking Lubanski.
As the prisoner final dies the Gestapo woman shuts her eyes & comes, keeping her mouth firmly shut to prevent any sound coming out which may betray her excited state. However both Keller & the male Gestapo officer, both of whom have rock hard erections, are both very aware of what is going on & they smile complicitly at each other
The woman officer composed herself & came round to view the result of her work with the rope. She was pleased to see that the prisoner’s face was totally distorted by the agonising pain of her death.
“Well my dear I think we shall go back to the office & discuss the experiment” said the Gestapo man. Not trusting herself to speak yet the Gestapo woman nodded.
He turned to Keller “Well Captain justice has been served. I hope you found the process gratifying” Keller replied “It was both gratifying & fascinating. Thank you again for the invitation”
He shook both their hands & one of the guards escorted him from the death chamber & then to the gates of the prison. He immediately headed for the nearest Wehrmacht brothel to relieve his throbbing erection
The two Gestapo officers returned to their office. They locked the door behind them after placing a sign on the other side of the door which said “Interrogation underway. Do not disturb”. They then flung themselves at each other. The man pushed the woman up against the wall feverishly releasing his almost bursting cock from his trousers.
He pushed the woman’s leather skirt up to her waist & she wrapped her booted legs around his waist. He pushed aside her soaking panties & they fucked as they had never fucked before. His cock rammed in & out of her like the piston of an engine as she held him tightly encased by her arms & legs.
They were both trying not to make too much noise however they couldn’t help moaning & gasping. They orgasmed simultaneously.
Once the intense sensations have subsided they adjusted & straightened their clothing & sat down at the desk. “Well my dear, I could do with a cigarette. What about you?”.
The woman nodded “Yes please”. They lit up & the male officer said, “Well we now need to do a report assessing the execution for the Reichsfuhrer & I know he will want every detail included. Next time we must arrange for the execution to be filmed. Anyway down to work”.
By the time they had finished reliving the execution & documenting the report they were very turned on again.
Their eyes met & the woman got up & bent down over the desk. The man moved to stand behind her & gently lifted her skirt up & over her bottom.
She squirmed & moaned in anticipation as he slowly pulled her pink panties to one side. He teased her by putting the tip of his cock just inside her pussy, finding this unendurable she pushed her body backwards so his cock was fully buried inside her. She gasped in pleasure, grasping the sides of the desk for support.
He slowly began to move in & out. She groaned at every thrust trying not to scream in delight. The tempo of the fucking slowly increased until almost in a frenzy they climaxed together. The woman couldn’t contain herself & let out a scream as she orgasmed.
Two other Gestapo officers walking down the corridor outside the office, paused, looked at the“Interrogation underway. Do not disturb” sign shrugged & walked on.
The man & woman were pleasantly spent. As they sat back down the man said. “Well my dear, in your view should we carry out any further executions by slow strangulation on the garrotte?”.
She smiled at him “Oh yes! Oh yes indeed!”.
He laughed at her enthusiasm. “I concur 100% my dear” he replied
The Blitzmadel [Telephone Operator] Girls, The Partisan & the Collaborator
Keller looked at the young partisan girl. “I sentence you to death by hanging for crimes against the Wehrmacht. Tomorrow we will find a tree to string you up on from”.
He turned to Schmidt. “Take her out of here”.
The big soldier walked up to Natasha & pushed her towards the door. Natasha gave Keller a hard stare before she was escorted out.
Greta Lubanski the female Polish collaborator whose information had led to the arrest of Natasha entered the room. Lubanski was dressed in a nice blue skirt & jacket & tan seamed stockings covered her long legs. The clothes were paid for by the money she received from the Germans. She was attractive, in her late twenties, with wavy brown hair & brown eyes.
She smiled shyly & said, “Can I watch the hanging Herr Keller?”
“But of course”, Keller replied offering her a pack of cigarettes. “Tomorrow we will hang the little partisan, but today there is another hanging you can see if you wish” Another partisan?” Lubanski asked excitedly.
“No”, Keller shrugged. “Just a couple of deserter Blitzmadel girls we caught yesterday. I am told they are both very good looking. The executions will take place in an hour or so at the old barn”.
When Keller & Lubanski arrived at the barn there was already a platoon of soldiers waiting including several SS men. Dangling from one of the barn’s beams were two ropes with slip knot nooses hanging above two empty artillery shell crates.
The two Blitzmadels stood together, still in their grey uniforms which they hadn’t had a chance to change out of before their arrest, hands tied behind their backs. They both cried quietly tears rolling down their cheeks.
Keller looked at them appreciatively as they were indeed very good looking. Both had short bobbed haircuts, one brunette & one blonde & their young lithe bodies filled their tight uniforms very nicely.
“Heil Hitler”, Keller saluted the SS men, “Looks like we are just in time for the party”.
“It will be a good party”, the senior SS officer replied pointing at one of the soldiers with a motion picture camera. “Every female hanging in the field, including those of deserters must be recorded. The order came from Himmler himself”.
“So” asked Keller “Which one will you hang first?”.“That one the SS officer responded pointed at the brunette. Two soldiers took the young Blitmadel by her arms & forced her up onto one of the crates.
The condemned girl struggled uselessly, sobbing & pleading for mercy. The soldiers steadied & noosed her. Lubanski clenched her fists as her anticipation grew. It was partly because of the promise of days like today, as well as the money, that she had decided to help the Germans. The collaborator was in no way political she was driven purely by her sadism & greed
The heavy boot of the soldier kicked the crate from under the girl’s feet. A gurgling moan escaped the Blitzmadel’s throat & she span slowly on the creaking rope. The soldiers cheered & then fell silent. They wanted to hear the sounds the girl was making.
Initially she made a loud rasping noise, then wheezed loudly & suddenly began to kick. For about a minute her legs moved frantically up & down at times raising her skirt above the tops of her stockings & giving the spectators delicious views of her white underwear. Her body swung like a pendulum. Her lovely face reddened & she jerked hard several times before she was still.
Lubanski breathed heavily, her panties were by now very wet. She glanced at Keller’s crotch & saw that he had an erection.
The SS men put a sign round the hanged girl’s neck that said simply “I was a deserter”, & posed beside the dangling body for the camera.
The second Blitzmadel let out a loud wail of terror as she was dragged to the second crate & noosed. For a second time the crate was removed & the pretty blonde girl started to hang. She lasted five minutes longer than her friend.
She kicked & convulsed violently as she struggled on the rope. The watchers gleefully noted that her panties were pink as her skirt at times was lifted above her waist by her desperately threshing legs. By the time she stopped moving her face was dark red, her eyes almost popping from their sockets & her tongue extended almost to her chin.
Lubanski came. She gripped the sides of her skirt, bit her lip to stop herself moaning & breathed deeply to try & control the delightful tremors coursing through her body. Keller looked at her & smiled knowingly to himself.
The second Blitzmadel had a sign put round her neck & both bodies were left swaying on their ropes as a warning to anyone else who was thinking of deserting
At dawn the next Natasha was given a piece of bread & a glass of water by one of the soldiers. She ate slowly enjoying the food for the last time in her young life.
The door opened & two soldiers entered accompanied by Keller. “It’s time”, Keller said to Natasha.
She stood & the soldiers tied her hands behind her back. They went out into the spring sunlight & walked to the edge of the village where a lone tree stood with high branches jutting off from the thick trunk. Standing next to the tree waiting for the show to begin were the cameramen & of course Lubanski.
Despite her determination not to show fear to the enemy Natasha’s dread grew & she began to cry quietly. She was acutely aware that her 18 years of life was about to be brutally ended.
Her one consolation was that she had left fabricated evidence before her arrest, that would easily be found by the Germans, that pointed to the fact that Lubanski was a double agent.
The soldiers threw the rope over one of the branches & tied a slip knot noose at the end. Natasha was taken to the tree & her slim neck was quickly noosed. The soldiers took the other end of the rope & looked at Keller awaiting his signal.
Keller nodded & the soldiers began to pull on the rope lifting the partisan girl up into the air. Before her feet left the ground Natasha managed to take a deep breath.
The soldiers pulled her about six feet into the air & tied the rope off on another branch of the tree. Natasha’s feet kicked as she desperately searched for the ground that she could no longer reach.
Her tongue began to emerge from her mouth & her eyes started to bulge. She writhed in agony, spinning on the rope, legs kicking hard back & forth & up & down under her peasant skirt revealing her skimpy underwear.
For the second time in two days Lubanski felt her orgasm building, her panties beginning to flood with her juices.
Natasha’s swaying body trembled & spasmed as her muscles went into a last violent fight for life. Her gurgling wet sounds stopped & her swollen tongue rolled out of her mouth. The Partisan dangled dead from the tree .
One of the soldiers mounted a step ladder & placed a notice round the dead girl’s neck which said, “ I was a terrorist”.
Keller looked at Lubanski who was unsuccessfully trying to conceal her very intense climax.
He went over to her, smiled & whispered in her ear “My dear why don’t we go back to my office & have a schnapps to toast the death of an enemy of the Reich?”.
The Polish woman nodded eagerly & looked down at the bulging erection pushing against the front of the German’s trousers.
They retired to Keller’s office, he locked the door, pushed Lubanski’s skirt above her thighs, pulled her panties to one side, dropped his trousers, & thrust his throbbing cock into the Polish woman’s soaking pussy. The first time they both came very quickly.
After a schnapps they then fucked again this time in a more leisurely & languid way. As they sat smoking afterwards there was a knock on the door.
Keller got up “Give me a couple of minutes would you”, he said. He got fully dressed & turned to Lubanski. “I will be back soon my dear & we can then resume our discussions, so to speak”.
The Polish woman smiled & nodded. Keller left.
He returned after half an hour along with two Gestapo officers a man & a woman. The three entered Keller’s office in a sudden manner that startled Lubanski. Keller pointed at her. “This is Greta Lubanski the woman you are looking for”.
The Gestapo officers nodded & moved quickly towards the Polish girl who was too shocked to protest. She was hand-cuffed, taken outside & bundled into a car which quickly drove away
A week later & Keller arrived at the prison where Lubanski was being held. He was ushered into an office where the two Gestapo officers that arrested Lubanski sat behind a desk.
The male officer said, “Thank you for coming Captain”. Both officers stood up to shake Keller’s hand. He continued, “We thought it only fitting that you witness the punishment of the woman who betrayed you & your men”.
“Thank you for the invitation”, replied Keller as he sat down. “When will the execution take place?”.
“Oh in about half an hour” replied the woman officer, whom Keller noted was quite attractive. She had short black hair & her full breasts pressed against her brown uniform shirt.
“We think you will find the proceedings especially interesting” She continued.
“How so?” said Keller “After all I have seen a lot of death in the last few years”.
“Not like this I think” said the male officer. “Have you heard of the Garotte Vil?”.
Keller replied, “Of course. I served in Spain in 1938. It is how the Spaniards execute their criminals”.
“At Himmler’s request we have been asked to try it out” the officer went on. “In Spanish judicial executions an iron collar is fitted round the prisoner’s neck. A screw is then turned which pushes a metal spike into the back of the spinal column. Death is instantaneous. We have been asked to adapt this. Rather than a metal spike a rope is slowly twisted & tightened round the condemned person’s neck”.
“The Reischfuhrer’s view is that this might be an improvement on the slow hanging we normally use in that it gives the executioner excellent control on how long it will take for the prisoner to strangle to death. How long a hanged a prisoner takes to die is pretty random as you yourself know Captain as it depends on the condemned’s sex, weight, strength etc. Greta Lubanski is going to be our first garrotte guinea pig”.
Twenty five minutes later Keller followed the two Gestapo officers into the execution chamber watching appreciatively the woman officer’s shapely bottom as it wriggled slightly under her tight black leather skirt. They sat in three seats facing a wooden stool above which rose a wooden pole.
The prisoner was then brought in. Lubanski was still wearing the blue business suit & stockings she had on when she was arrested.
When she saw Keller she cried “Captain! Please tell them that this is a terrible mistake! I am innocent”.
Keller looked stonily at her.
Seeing that she could expect no help from Keller Lubanski started to struggle & plead for mercy. None was forthcoming.
The two prison guards made the terrified woman sit on the stool & cuffed her hands behind the wooden pole. Lubanski pressed her knees together in instinctive modesty.
“Over to you my dear”, the male officer said to his female colleague much to Keller’s surprise
The Gestapo woman, nodded got up & took a piece of rope from her skirt pocket. She went over to Lubanski & dangled the rope in front of the prisoner’s terrified face.
She said to the doomed woman “Greta Lubanski you have been found guilty of treason & sentenced to death. Have you anything to say before the sentence is carried out by slow strangulation?”.
She put particular emphasis on the word slow.
Lubanski could only gibber in terror.
“Very well then,” said the officer & she went behind the prisoner. She stood with her black boots braced apart, her legs slightly straining at the tight leather skirt which was pulled taut & rose slightly up her shapely stockinged legs.
She wrapped the rope around Lubanski’ neck & the pole & & tied & twisted the ends of the rope around a small metal pole which she has been carrying in her other skirt pocket.
Keller could feel his erection growing as he watched on fascinated.
At a sign from the Gestapo man the female officer starts to slowly rotate the metal pole which begins to tighten the rope around Lubanski’s neck. Breathing gradually & inexorably becomes more & more difficult for the Polish woman.
The Gestapo executioner licks her lips. Under her leather skirt her panties are beginning to get decidedly wet.
When Lubanski’s wind pipe is finally forced shut, her eyes start to bulge & her tongue begins to emerge from her mouth. She begins to buck & struggle on the stool, legs kicking all thought of decorum gone.
Both Keller & the male Gestapo officer are given a fine view up Lubanski’s skirt to her cream silk underwear as her legs flail akimbo.
By tightening & then loosening the strangling rope the Gestapo woman finds she can extend Lubanski’s sufferings for as long as she wants.
After fifteen minutes the male Gestapo officer says hoarsely, “Finish her”.
The executioner tightens the rope as much as she can while she rubs her crotch against the wooden pole. Keller & the Gestapo man can’t see this as their view of the Gestapo woman is obscured by the jerking convulsing & kicking Lubanski.
As the prisoner final dies the Gestapo woman shuts her eyes & comes, keeping her mouth firmly shut to prevent any sound coming out which may betray her excited state. However both Keller & the male Gestapo officer, both of whom have rock hard erections, are both very aware of what is going on & they smile complicitly at each other
The woman officer composed herself & came round to view the result of her work with the rope. She was pleased to see that the prisoner’s face was totally distorted by the agonising pain of her death.
“Well my dear I think we shall go back to the office & discuss the experiment” said the Gestapo man. Not trusting herself to speak yet the Gestapo woman nodded.
He turned to Keller “Well Captain justice has been served. I hope you found the process gratifying” Keller replied “It was both gratifying & fascinating. Thank you again for the invitation”
He shook both their hands & one of the guards escorted him from the death chamber & then to the gates of the prison. He immediately headed for the nearest Wehrmacht brothel to relieve his throbbing erection
The two Gestapo officers returned to their office. They locked the door behind them after placing a sign on the other side of the door which said “Interrogation underway. Do not disturb”. They then flung themselves at each other. The man pushed the woman up against the wall feverishly releasing his almost bursting cock from his trousers.
He pushed the woman’s leather skirt up to her waist & she wrapped her booted legs around his waist. He pushed aside her soaking panties & they fucked as they had never fucked before. His cock rammed in & out of her like the piston of an engine as she held him tightly encased by her arms & legs.
They were both trying not to make too much noise however they couldn’t help moaning & gasping. They orgasmed simultaneously.
Once the intense sensations have subsided they adjusted & straightened their clothing & sat down at the desk. “Well my dear, I could do with a cigarette. What about you?”.
The woman nodded “Yes please”. They lit up & the male officer said, “Well we now need to do a report assessing the execution for the Reichsfuhrer & I know he will want every detail included. Next time we must arrange for the execution to be filmed. Anyway down to work”.
By the time they had finished reliving the execution & documenting the report they were very turned on again.
Their eyes met & the woman got up & bent down over the desk. The man moved to stand behind her & gently lifted her skirt up & over her bottom.
She squirmed & moaned in anticipation as he slowly pulled her pink panties to one side. He teased her by putting the tip of his cock just inside her pussy, finding this unendurable she pushed her body backwards so his cock was fully buried inside her. She gasped in pleasure, grasping the sides of the desk for support.
He slowly began to move in & out. She groaned at every thrust trying not to scream in delight. The tempo of the fucking slowly increased until almost in a frenzy they climaxed together. The woman couldn’t contain herself & let out a scream as she orgasmed.
Two other Gestapo officers walking down the corridor outside the office, paused, looked at the“Interrogation underway. Do not disturb” sign shrugged & walked on.
The man & woman were pleasantly spent. As they sat back down the man said. “Well my dear, in your view should we carry out any further executions by slow strangulation on the garrotte?”.
She smiled at him “Oh yes! Oh yes indeed!”.
He laughed at her enthusiasm. “I concur 100% my dear” he replied
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