Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 1 Revision 2
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55: Modern Day Tales of Female Executions

Having found her stride Alyssia began to write furiously. Her next project was a series of short stories based on things she had read about, saw on TV or found on the internet. For her first two tales she decided to try out a sparser more staccato style than that which she employed up till now when describing executions

Bridget Fordyce: The New Mary Ann Cotton

Determined to be seen to be taking action against rising crime levels the 1980’s right wing Tory Government had re-introduced capital punishment. They had also bowed to media pressure & decided that executions would be carried out in public.

One of the first victims of this policy was destined to be 27 year old Bridget Forsyth who was convicted of murdering four members of her family, including two adopted children for the insurance money.

The court gasped as they listened to details of the case finding it difficult to believe that such a pretty young woman had committed such terrible crimes. Bridget was undoubtedly very attractive with short black hair & large dark eyes.

At her sentencing her slender figure was well displayed in a tight white blouse, short flared cream skirt & tan panty-hose. She sobbed quietly as she was condemned to death by hanging.

As the murders had happened in Newcastle the media christened Bridget the modern day Mary Ann Cotton after the female serial killer who had committed similar offences in the North East of England in the 19th Century

As she emerges from the prison Bridget looks up at the gallows.

The noose dangles down from the beam.

She becomes aware of the breeze on her bare neck & the fluttering of her skirt as the gentle wind tries to lift it.

She hears the warden say, “Bridget if you have any last words get ready to say them now.”

The condemned woman’s throat is dry, she is breathing quickly. She shakes her head”.

The execution party start up the gallows steps.

As Bridget mounts the scaffold she can feel her heart pounding in her chest. .

On the scaffold platform the guards place her on the trap, pull her arms behind her back & tie her wrists together.

Bridget closes her eyes as she feels the noose around her throat, the knot presses at the side of her neck as the rope is tightened.

The hangman pulls a white hood over the prisoner’s head.

This was happening so fast. Bridget feels her belly muscles quiver & her legs begin to tremble.

All she can see is the inside of the white hood in front of her eyes.

She can feel the soft wind swirling around her legs & tugging at the hem of her short skirt. For a moment she becomes concerned about preserving her modesty & then suddenly the floor is no longer under her feet.

Her stomach seems to hit her ribs as her toes desperately point downward futilely searching for a foothold.

Her concerns for her dignity prove to be well founded as her short cream skirt flies up above her waist fully exposing the tight pink panties under her tan pantyhose.

The last thing Bridget feels is a massive clout on the jaw as the rope jerks taught & the noose snaps her neck

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