Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 3 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 3 Revision 2[The original idea for this story came from a scene in a novel I read some years ago - can't recall title or author]
Alyssia was a bit dissatisfied with Bridget Fordyce & The Nameless Prisoner because of the rapidity of the demise of the central characters. She resolved to begin to address this in her next story. She also decided to revert to the fuller more descriptive style of writing that she found she preferred
South African Executions
Miquita lay in her cell on death row staring at the ceiling. She was here because she killed the wife of her lover in a fit of rage when he told her he was finishing their affair. In a few days she will hang.
The executions took place at 6 in the morning, half an hour after they have switched the lights on. Today they were going to hang another young woman. Into the silence & darkness outside Miquita’s cell window there came a sudden whimpering, sobbing & crying as the prisoner was taken through the yard to the gallows.
Miquita listened as the sounds went past her cell window, round the corner & then stop as the doomed girl is taken inside.
She lifted her hand to her neck in instinctive sympathy for the condemned prisoner. Miquita lay still imagining her walk along the passage to the door leading onto the gallows.
Afterwards one of the guards told her that they had to put her in a straitjacket & tied her to a stretcher. She was an African who had smothered her child. She was hysterical when they hanged her.
The hangman forgot about the allowance he should have made for the straitjacket & the stretcher. The drop was too short, she wasn’t heavy enough & she had strangled to death.
Above floor level the guard told Miquita you could look down & watch the hood as it slowly turned round & round, her legs kicking under her prison skirt & her breasts heaving as she fought for breath. before the hangman’s assistants pulled on her legs & broke her neck She had died very hard
A week later it was the morning of Miquita’s execution. She sat on the bed wearing her prison issue denim skirt & white tee shirt. She was quietly sobbing.
She looked at the two female officers who have been with her through the night & wailed, “Why must I hang? I am only 20 years old! Can’t I be given another chance? Oh my God….Please don’t let them hang me! I don’t want to die!” She broke down again weeping noisily.
The guards said nothing. There was nothing they could say that would comfort the terrified girl
A few minutes later Miquita & the guards heard movement outside the cell. It was the escort. The prisoner shivered when she heard this. She could hear them talking as if everything was normal. But it wasn’t: she & three other young women were about to be executed.
Two male guards entered the cell & made Miquita stand. They quickly cuffed her wrists behind her back. The prisoner tried to resist but it was hopeless.
They dragged her out to the corridor without a word. A short walk followed through the prison yard. Miquita was then made to enter a room next to the death chamber. There she joined the other condemned prisoners.
The guards made her sit down on a chair & watched over the prisoners from a distance.
Miquita looked at the others who were about to hang side by side with her. She especially took notice of a very young looking blonde girl. She thought to herself, “She is so pale, I wonder how I look?”.
The other two condemned convicts are black women in their early twenties. They were trying to put on a brave front but they too were obviously terrified. The three other prisoners were wearing the same prison uniform as Miquita of white tee shirts & knee length denim skirts
As the guards talked amongst themselves Miquita learned about her companion’s stories. Britney the young blonde girl, who was barely 18, was sentenced for killing her illegitimate child.
The two black women were Jenna & Josephine. Both had been bank tellers who had participated in a robbery in which several innocent people had been killed.
The Warden arrived, the guards stopped their conversation & stood at attention. The prisoners were all made to stand. The Warden took out a piece of paper & looked at the shivering terrified women, he paused & then started to speak,
“It was the sentence of the courts that you Britney Roosbeck, Jenna Mbeki, Josephine Mossuna & Miquita Olson are to be taken to a place of execution & there to be hanged by your necks until you are dead. This sentence will now be carried out i”
The four prisoners whimpered in terror & young Britney cried out “NOOOOOOH! HELP ME! HELP ME! PLEASE NOOOOOOH!
The door in the opposite wall was opened. It led to the death chamber. The four condemned women each held by two guards were led one at a time onto the gallows platform.
Miquita & the two black women sobbed as they were placed on the trap but offered no resistance however Britney fought her captors all the way desperately wailing & pleading for mercy. It did her no good as the much stronger guards dragged her to the trapdoor.
As she stood waiting on the scaffold Miquita looked around. The gallows was a kind of balcony with a big trapdoor about eight metres long at the front. There was a beam with four nooses hanging from it.
In the lower part of the chamber looking up at the execution party were some thirty people, mainly journalists, both men & women, sitting & waiting for the hangings to start. It will be a big show for them.
Jenna & Josephine were praying & Britney was crying helplessly. Miquita was silent but like the other prisoners she was trembling with terror
The Warden asked if any of the condemned had any last words but no one spoke. The hangman came forward & hooded & noosed the prisoners. Britney seemed to faint as he did this & had to be supported by two guards standing on planks across the trapdoor.
The executioner went to the end of the gallows & put his hands on the trapdoor lever waiting for the signal from the Warden.
The witnesses tensed up waiting for the drop. Men were bothered by their throbbing erections pushing against their underpants & women crossed their legs their panties moistening beneath their skirts.
Miquita’s breathing quickened & perspiration gleamed on her skin.
The Warden nodded at the hangman
The executioner pulls on the lever & the floor disappears & at that moment the condemned brace themselves a split second before dropping through the trap door.
Miquita gasps in surprise as she drops but she is quickly silenced when she hits the end of the rope & the noose tightens round her neck. Suddenly there is a blinding pain in her neck & she hears a cracking sound before everything goes black. She shudders a little her legs kick spastically. Her movements subside as she drifts into death.
Jenna & Josephine twitch & shudder their necks also having been broken by the fall however poor Britney isn’t so fortunate. The hangman has miscalculated the drop.
She wheels half round & back, convulsions wrack her body, she wheezes violently & her feet & legs thresh about wildly lifting up her denim skirt displaying her prison issue white underwear to the transfixed spectators.
Two of the hangman’s assistants who are standing in the pit below the gallows just in case something like this happens go to the struggling slowly strangling girl & pull down on her legs. There is an audible pop as Britney’s vertebrae snaps under the increased weight & she joins the other three prisoners in death
Several of the spectators, both male & female, bite their lips to stifle their moans as they come, sperm spurts from cocks into underpants & panties are soaked with female juices
Once she had completed South African executions Alyssia was quite aroused however she decided to wait until she had finished her next tale before satisfying her needs
Alyssia was a bit dissatisfied with Bridget Fordyce & The Nameless Prisoner because of the rapidity of the demise of the central characters. She resolved to begin to address this in her next story. She also decided to revert to the fuller more descriptive style of writing that she found she preferred
South African Executions
Miquita lay in her cell on death row staring at the ceiling. She was here because she killed the wife of her lover in a fit of rage when he told her he was finishing their affair. In a few days she will hang.
The executions took place at 6 in the morning, half an hour after they have switched the lights on. Today they were going to hang another young woman. Into the silence & darkness outside Miquita’s cell window there came a sudden whimpering, sobbing & crying as the prisoner was taken through the yard to the gallows.
Miquita listened as the sounds went past her cell window, round the corner & then stop as the doomed girl is taken inside.
She lifted her hand to her neck in instinctive sympathy for the condemned prisoner. Miquita lay still imagining her walk along the passage to the door leading onto the gallows.
Afterwards one of the guards told her that they had to put her in a straitjacket & tied her to a stretcher. She was an African who had smothered her child. She was hysterical when they hanged her.
The hangman forgot about the allowance he should have made for the straitjacket & the stretcher. The drop was too short, she wasn’t heavy enough & she had strangled to death.
Above floor level the guard told Miquita you could look down & watch the hood as it slowly turned round & round, her legs kicking under her prison skirt & her breasts heaving as she fought for breath. before the hangman’s assistants pulled on her legs & broke her neck She had died very hard
A week later it was the morning of Miquita’s execution. She sat on the bed wearing her prison issue denim skirt & white tee shirt. She was quietly sobbing.
She looked at the two female officers who have been with her through the night & wailed, “Why must I hang? I am only 20 years old! Can’t I be given another chance? Oh my God….Please don’t let them hang me! I don’t want to die!” She broke down again weeping noisily.
The guards said nothing. There was nothing they could say that would comfort the terrified girl
A few minutes later Miquita & the guards heard movement outside the cell. It was the escort. The prisoner shivered when she heard this. She could hear them talking as if everything was normal. But it wasn’t: she & three other young women were about to be executed.
Two male guards entered the cell & made Miquita stand. They quickly cuffed her wrists behind her back. The prisoner tried to resist but it was hopeless.
They dragged her out to the corridor without a word. A short walk followed through the prison yard. Miquita was then made to enter a room next to the death chamber. There she joined the other condemned prisoners.
The guards made her sit down on a chair & watched over the prisoners from a distance.
Miquita looked at the others who were about to hang side by side with her. She especially took notice of a very young looking blonde girl. She thought to herself, “She is so pale, I wonder how I look?”.
The other two condemned convicts are black women in their early twenties. They were trying to put on a brave front but they too were obviously terrified. The three other prisoners were wearing the same prison uniform as Miquita of white tee shirts & knee length denim skirts
As the guards talked amongst themselves Miquita learned about her companion’s stories. Britney the young blonde girl, who was barely 18, was sentenced for killing her illegitimate child.
The two black women were Jenna & Josephine. Both had been bank tellers who had participated in a robbery in which several innocent people had been killed.
The Warden arrived, the guards stopped their conversation & stood at attention. The prisoners were all made to stand. The Warden took out a piece of paper & looked at the shivering terrified women, he paused & then started to speak,
“It was the sentence of the courts that you Britney Roosbeck, Jenna Mbeki, Josephine Mossuna & Miquita Olson are to be taken to a place of execution & there to be hanged by your necks until you are dead. This sentence will now be carried out i”
The four prisoners whimpered in terror & young Britney cried out “NOOOOOOH! HELP ME! HELP ME! PLEASE NOOOOOOH!
The door in the opposite wall was opened. It led to the death chamber. The four condemned women each held by two guards were led one at a time onto the gallows platform.
Miquita & the two black women sobbed as they were placed on the trap but offered no resistance however Britney fought her captors all the way desperately wailing & pleading for mercy. It did her no good as the much stronger guards dragged her to the trapdoor.
As she stood waiting on the scaffold Miquita looked around. The gallows was a kind of balcony with a big trapdoor about eight metres long at the front. There was a beam with four nooses hanging from it.
In the lower part of the chamber looking up at the execution party were some thirty people, mainly journalists, both men & women, sitting & waiting for the hangings to start. It will be a big show for them.
Jenna & Josephine were praying & Britney was crying helplessly. Miquita was silent but like the other prisoners she was trembling with terror
The Warden asked if any of the condemned had any last words but no one spoke. The hangman came forward & hooded & noosed the prisoners. Britney seemed to faint as he did this & had to be supported by two guards standing on planks across the trapdoor.
The executioner went to the end of the gallows & put his hands on the trapdoor lever waiting for the signal from the Warden.
The witnesses tensed up waiting for the drop. Men were bothered by their throbbing erections pushing against their underpants & women crossed their legs their panties moistening beneath their skirts.
Miquita’s breathing quickened & perspiration gleamed on her skin.
The Warden nodded at the hangman
The executioner pulls on the lever & the floor disappears & at that moment the condemned brace themselves a split second before dropping through the trap door.
Miquita gasps in surprise as she drops but she is quickly silenced when she hits the end of the rope & the noose tightens round her neck. Suddenly there is a blinding pain in her neck & she hears a cracking sound before everything goes black. She shudders a little her legs kick spastically. Her movements subside as she drifts into death.
Jenna & Josephine twitch & shudder their necks also having been broken by the fall however poor Britney isn’t so fortunate. The hangman has miscalculated the drop.
She wheels half round & back, convulsions wrack her body, she wheezes violently & her feet & legs thresh about wildly lifting up her denim skirt displaying her prison issue white underwear to the transfixed spectators.
Two of the hangman’s assistants who are standing in the pit below the gallows just in case something like this happens go to the struggling slowly strangling girl & pull down on her legs. There is an audible pop as Britney’s vertebrae snaps under the increased weight & she joins the other three prisoners in death
Several of the spectators, both male & female, bite their lips to stifle their moans as they come, sperm spurts from cocks into underpants & panties are soaked with female juices
Once she had completed South African executions Alyssia was quite aroused however she decided to wait until she had finished her next tale before satisfying her needs
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 3 Revision 2