Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 4 Revision 2
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[This is an adapted & extended version of a story I came across on line sometime ago author unknown]

A Center Fold Hangs

The Jennifer Powers case had captured the media world-wide which wasn’t surprising given the fact that it wasn’t every day that a famous center fold model found herself on trial for capital murder.

She had caught her lover in bed with another model, went to an adjacent room, picked up a gun, returned & shot them both dead in cold blood. Her guilt wasn’t in any real doubt, the question was whether she would hang.

As the jury filed back into court to deliver their verdict & recommendation as to sentence, if they found her guilty, all eyes were on the stunningly gorgeous prisoner

Jennifer had dressed conservatively for the last day of the trial in a dark suit with the hem of her skirt just touching her knees however as she stood next to her lawyer there was no mistaking her fabulous beauty & her breathtaking figure

The foreman of the jury stood & the judge asked him, “Mr Foreman have you arrived at a verdict on which you are all agreed?”

The foreman looked straight at the judge & replied, “We have your honour. We find the defendant guilty of capital murder”

There was dead silence in the court broken only by the prisoner’s gentle sobbing

The judge continued, “Have you a recommendation as to sentence?”

The foreman said, “We recommend that the prisoner be sentenced to death your honour”

The judge nodded & said, “Thank you for both your verdict & your recommendation as to sentence”

The judge looked at the weeping prisoner & spoke the words Jennifer had dreaded to hear.“Jennifer Powers you have been found guilty of capital murder. It is the sentence of this court that you be taken to the state prison. There in a few days, at a date & time to be determined, you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. May God have mercy on your soul”.

The beautiful young brunette who had been standing beside her lawyer went ashen, her knees buckled & she fell to her chair. Then with a bang of his gavel the judge closed the case of the State versus Jennifer Powers

Two police officers strode to the defence table & taking Jennifer by the arms helped her shakily to her feet. The officers still holding both of her arms pulled them gently back & then snapped shiny handcuffs on her wrists.

As they led her out through the side door of the courtroom Jennifer started sobbing again. The policemen took her down a side hall to an elevator, down to the parking level of the building & to a waiting police van.
Seated in the van a pair of leg cuffs were added around her ankles. The van along with a police escort car, then immediately headed out of the city for the hour drive to the state prison

It was the morning of Jennifer’s execution. At exactly 9.45 am the Warden, three male guards & the Chaplain entered her cell. The prisoner was immobile. She wasn’t trying to be difficult, she was simply too scared to move.

Two of the guards went to each side of her & lifted her by the arms. The third guard wrapped a wide leather belt around her waist & snugged it with a buckle. The belt had two smaller wraps attached to either side. The guards placed her wrists in each of these, tightened the buckles, pinning her arms to the sides of her waist.

The Warden then read her death sentence, “Jennifer Powers you have been found guilty of capital murder. For this crime you have been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until you are dead. The sentence will be carried out immediately”.

The Warden turned to lead the way out of the cell & down the hall. Two of the guards held Jennifer by the arms & helped her stumbling fearful walk. The third guard followed as did the Chaplain, quietly praying for the soul of the condemned young woman.

Guard number three was very familiar with Jennifer’s features being a regular subscriber to a men’s magazine she often displayed her charms in. He had to adjust himself slightly as he started to get an erection as he watched the beautiful young model walk to her death.

Jennifer’s picture perfect delicious face was pure white with terror & tears ran down her flawless cheeks. Her large breasts pressed against her white blouse & her knee length tight dark blue skirt accentuated the firmness & roundness of her bottom, the shapely curve of her hips & showed off the lower part of her sensational long slender legs.

They walked through the dark door to the death chamber, which was opened for them by the executioner, directly onto the gallows platform. Jennifer whimpered as she saw the noose.

The gallows were built similar to a stage, with the front half designed to swing down & collapse. The noosed rope dangled out towards the front edge with a square painted on the floor underneath. Straight across from the gallows was a glass enclosure for the witnesses.

Jennifer was nudged forward until her feet were inside the painted square.

The Warden asked if she has any last words. The doomed girl shook her head. He then instructed the executioner to do his duty

The hangman stepped forward & placed the noose over Jennifer’s head & snugged the knot tight around her neck. Next from his pocket he produced a tight white hood from his pocket which he pulled down over her head covering the terrified girl’s face.

The executioner then stepped back & to the left, placed his hand on a small lever & as the Chaplain said Amen to conclude his quiet prayer gave it a quick pull.

The floor underneath Jennifer disappears & she drops about four feet. There is the start of a scream cut off as the rope suddenly ends her fall. Her toes point downward trying vainly to seek support. The witnesses can see the tip of her tongue pressing against the tight white hood from her obviously gaping mouth.

Her magnificent body begins to convulse, her marvelous breasts bounce as she struggles on the rope. Her wondrous legs pump up & down as if she is riding an invisible bicycle. Their frantic threshing pushes her tight dark blue skirt up her thighs giving the mesmerized spectators tantalizing glimpses of her lacy high cut pink panties.

Her neck seems to stretch as she dances on the rope. Her chest & breasts heave as she tries futilely to breathe. Her thrashing becomes rhythmic with a stop…go…stop…go pattern. Soon the periods of quiet outlast the spasms. Jennifer’s hands open & close several times. Her pointed toes twitch several times then stop, her feet hang still.

Finally her body loses all tension & relaxes. She is at last quiet swinging gently from side to side

Guard number three ejaculated into his underwear, as did several of the male witnesses

Alyssia retired to the couch once she had finished A Center Fold Hangs & brought herself to a hugely satisfying orgasm with her vibrator.
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