Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 5 Revision 2
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[Four of the pictures are of three UK TV presenter& & a British actress whom I think it would be fun to watch dancing on the gallows]

To increase her pleasure she decided to start to base her characters in her next story on those TV personalities she found most sexually attractive

The Televised Hangings

Harmony Wells looked into the camera & addressed the viewers, “Welcome to the first live TV broadcast of a public execution. In 30 minutes the convicted killers Karen Gilmour, Michaela Strain & Rachel Rivers will be hanged by their necks until they are dead”.

The lovely blonde reporter’s serious face & solemn intonation belied her growing excitement. Beneath her short black leather skirt the crotch of her panties was already quite damp as her level of arousal mounted as the time of the executions drew near

The stadium was already packed the crowd agog with excitement. The Government’s decision to bring back capital punishment & also to make the executions public & televised was proving to be widely popular, especially when those due to have their necks stretched were three very attractive young women

The spectators went wild as they caught sight of the three condemned girls being led out & marched towards the gallows which had been erected in the centre of the pitch.

Karen was first, she was tall with very short brown hair. Her slender figure, pert breasts & long legs were well displayed in a tight white blouse & flared brown mini-skirt.

Michaela came next, she was blonde, smaller almost elfin in appearance. Her top was also white & she too was wearing a short skirt, red in her case.

Rachel brought up the rear. She was also blonde & slender & she was dressed in a yellow blouse & green mini-skirt .

All three prisoners had protested when they were given these clothes to wear by the TV Director saying that it would be humiliating if everyone could see up their skirts as they hanged.

He had laughed & replied that that was the whole idea. He was under strict instructions from the network to do everything he could to “Sex up” the executions so as to maximise the pay per view subscribers & revenue

The three doomed young women were all sobbing & obviously terrified. Their arms were bound to their sides by thick leather straps.

Each of them was firmly guided up the gallows steps by the two guards on either side of them. Once they reached the platform they were placed next to the dangling nooses that would soon be placed around their necks

The Warden of the jail where the prisoners had been kept prior to their date with the rope climbed the steps to the gallows platform & stood at the front of it holding a microphone.

He turned & addressed the trembling prisoners, “Karen Gilmour, Michaela Strain & Rachel Rivers you have each been found guilty of murder & for these crimes you have been sentenced to be hanged by your necks until you are dead. Do any of you have anything you wish to say before sentence is carried out”.

Karen & Michaela said nothing as they continued to sob however Rachel wailed desperately, “NOOOOOOH1 PLEASE NOOOOOO! PLEEEEEASE NOH!”

The Warden looked at the hooded hangman & said, “Executioner do your duty”.

Back in the TV studio Harmony crossed her nylon clad legs & pressed her thighs together as she watched the close up pictures of the condemned young women on the gallows.

Her co-presenter Amanda Holmes, who was also blonde & gorgeous whimpered slightly & involuntarily touched her neck. She too was thoroughly aroused by the scene she was watching. Both journalists panties were now very wet under their short skirts & their nipples were obviously erect as their firm breasts pressed against their tight tops

To maximise the impact & prolong the spectacle the Director, The Warden & the executioner had agreed that the hangings will be carried out one at a time at 15 minute intervals.

They have calculated that even though the prisoners are going to be hanged using the “Short drop” method they are unlikely to take a full quarter of an hour to slowly strangle to death

Rachel was to be first. The hangman went to her & placed the noose over her head & tightened it round her neck. Karen & Michaela held firmly by their guards looked on in horrified terror

The hangman goes to the side of the gallows & pulls one of three levers. Rachel’s eyes & mouth open wide as she drops. To the delight of the Director as planned her green mini-skirt balloons out & up exposing her tight pink panties.

She falls only two feet & her legs come together with an audible clap, her head is jolted to the side by the noose, her hands slap at her thighs while her feet flap.

The rope vibrates as Rachel’s body shudders. Drool runs down her chin. She strains against the constricting leather belt, her fingers splay outwards. Her legs & feet kick wildly giving the appreciative crowd repeated views of her panties as her skirt is pushed into the air by her desperately flailing thighs. Her eyes bulge & her tongue protrudes from her darkening face.

Rachel’s agony goes on for eight minutes before her body finally hangs still & limp on the rope

Harmony & Amanda in the TV studio close their eyes & rock backwards & forwards in their chairs as their orgasms pulse through their bodies

Michaela is next. She sobs & stares wild eyed out at the crowd as she is noosed. The trap falls & the prisoner lets out a brief shriek as she falls. Her red mini flutters upwards displaying her brief white panties to the delighted crowd.

The spectators cheer as her body convulses & her legs kick after the short drop. As the noose tightens around her neck Michaela tries to lift her arms but the tight leather belt keeps them fixed to her sides.

Her feet are alternately contracting & extending as if she is performing a complex ballet. Her hips rock back & forth, her back arches pushing her breasts forward. An extreme blush suffuses her face, her eyes & tongue protrude.

Michaela’s dance continues for seven minutes before her movements subside into small tremors & finally cease. Her now sightless blood flecked eyes bulge from a purple face that is no longer lovely but contorted into a grimace of pure agony reflecting the dreadful suffering she had endured before death had claimed her

Karen is by now almost catatonic with terror. She has to be supported by her guards as she is noosed. When she hits the end of the rope the shock revives her & she lifts her legs up towards her chest giving the appreciative spectators a marvellous view of the pink panties under her brown mini-skirt.

Karen’s long slender legs kick violently as she begins the final dance of death putting her panties on almost permanent display. Karen being the biggest & the strongest convulses for ten minutes on the gallows before expiring

Harmony & Amanda groan in ecstasy as they climax for the second time

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