Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 7 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 7 Revision 2[This is based on a scene in a Gerald Seymour novel in which a young Iranian girl is hanged - can't recall the title]
Alyssia’s next effort was inspired by accounts in the media of executions of young women in Iran for prostitution
An Iranian Hanging
The three young girls, none yet twenty, were trying to be brave. They had been condemned for prostitution & to drive the message home the authorities had dressed them in their working clothes of tight tops & miniskirts.
The flat bed lorry carrying the girls stopped. The guards lifted the prisoners from their wooden seats & pushed them towards the open end of the lorry. They heard the bellowing of a tannoy, & realised that it was the same voice, hushed & musical then, that had sentenced them to death yesterday.
They stood at the edge of the bed of the lorry. There were people as far as they could see. A roar greeted the sight of the girls. The sound of the voices came at them like waves across shingle, repeating again & again. It was impossible to make out what was being shouted but the faces told them. The crowd were shouting their hatred & their pleasure at what was to happen to them. As far as they can see were faces of hate & faces of pleasure.
They couldn’t see the Mullah but they could hear the excitement in the shrillness of his voice. Hands reached up for them & they were lifted down from the lorry. The guards dragged them forward & men in uniform forced a passage clear ahead of them & then condemned girls saw the crane.
The crane was on a platform behind the cab of a truck which was parked outside the offices of the Revolutionary Guards. There was a heavy wooden table under it’s lowered arm from which three noosed ropes hung .
The prisoners were forced up onto the table, their hands were tied behind their backs & the nooses placed round their necks. The girls cried quietly as the cardboard signs saying “I was a whore” were hung round their necks.
They heard the Mullah’s voice above all of the others & suddenly there was silence.
The arm of the crane slowly rose lifting the girls up into the air. Those at the front of the crowd have an unobstructed view up the prisoners’ miniskirts. Two are wearing white panties & one pink. As they are hoisted up the girl’s begin to swing, convulsing & kicking as they slowly strangle to death.
After five minutes it is over & the dead girls’ sightless eyes stare out over the silent crowd.
The bodies are left hanging above the street for the rest of the day as a reminder of what happens to those that flout Islamic Law
After writing An Iranian Hanging Alyssia was in desperate need of her battery powered little friend. After she had “Scratched her itch”, which gave her enormous satisfaction, she returned to her desk & started on her next piece of work.
Alyssia’s next effort was inspired by accounts in the media of executions of young women in Iran for prostitution
An Iranian Hanging
The three young girls, none yet twenty, were trying to be brave. They had been condemned for prostitution & to drive the message home the authorities had dressed them in their working clothes of tight tops & miniskirts.
The flat bed lorry carrying the girls stopped. The guards lifted the prisoners from their wooden seats & pushed them towards the open end of the lorry. They heard the bellowing of a tannoy, & realised that it was the same voice, hushed & musical then, that had sentenced them to death yesterday.
They stood at the edge of the bed of the lorry. There were people as far as they could see. A roar greeted the sight of the girls. The sound of the voices came at them like waves across shingle, repeating again & again. It was impossible to make out what was being shouted but the faces told them. The crowd were shouting their hatred & their pleasure at what was to happen to them. As far as they can see were faces of hate & faces of pleasure.
They couldn’t see the Mullah but they could hear the excitement in the shrillness of his voice. Hands reached up for them & they were lifted down from the lorry. The guards dragged them forward & men in uniform forced a passage clear ahead of them & then condemned girls saw the crane.
The crane was on a platform behind the cab of a truck which was parked outside the offices of the Revolutionary Guards. There was a heavy wooden table under it’s lowered arm from which three noosed ropes hung .
The prisoners were forced up onto the table, their hands were tied behind their backs & the nooses placed round their necks. The girls cried quietly as the cardboard signs saying “I was a whore” were hung round their necks.
They heard the Mullah’s voice above all of the others & suddenly there was silence.
The arm of the crane slowly rose lifting the girls up into the air. Those at the front of the crowd have an unobstructed view up the prisoners’ miniskirts. Two are wearing white panties & one pink. As they are hoisted up the girl’s begin to swing, convulsing & kicking as they slowly strangle to death.
After five minutes it is over & the dead girls’ sightless eyes stare out over the silent crowd.
The bodies are left hanging above the street for the rest of the day as a reminder of what happens to those that flout Islamic Law
After writing An Iranian Hanging Alyssia was in desperate need of her battery powered little friend. After she had “Scratched her itch”, which gave her enormous satisfaction, she returned to her desk & started on her next piece of work.
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 7 Revision 2