Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 8 Revision 2
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The idea for this one came from a book she had recently read, the name of which she couldn’t remember, which vividly described a hanging in 1970’s Turkey.

A Turkish Execution

“Why have you brought us here?”. Asked Jenny. “A murderess is to be hanged”, replied Soraya. She continued “I think you will find it educational”.

Soraya paid the taxi driver & both girls moved towards the center of the town square. Jenny, taller than most of the gathering crowd, looked over their heads.

She stared fascinated at the scaffold, which consisted of three long poles arranged in a tripod. It was bathed in floodlights.

“The idam sehpasi” Soraya said pointing at it & continued “Or the three feet for the condemnation to death”.

The place of execution was surrounded by soldiers & police. Soraya took a firm hold of Jenny’s wrist & led her close to the center of the square.

The condemned girl, hands cuffed behind her back, dressed in prison issue knee length white shroud was led from the back of a police van towards the scaffold. She seemed to be very young, no more than twenty.

When she saw the waiting noose dangling from the scaffold tripod the prisoner started to struggle & scream for mercy. Her long black hair flew backwards & forwards as she shook her head sobbing “No! No! Please No!”

Soraya said to Jenny “Now if you could understand Turkish you would be able to read the placard which they have hung round the prisoner’s neck. It says “For the murder of my husband I am to be hanged”.

The doomed girl was dragged to the tripod scaffold. The hangman’s movements were practiced & smooth. He slipped the noose over the prisoner’s head, pulling the knot round to the front side of her neck. He then helped the trembling girl up onto the stool pulling the rope taut.

There was absolute silence in the square apart from the sobbing of the condemned prisoner.

Jenny gripped Soraya’s hand tightly. The Turkish girl looked at Jenny’s face & smiled. Her English lover stared transfixed at the girl on the scaffold, she bit her lip very aware of the increasing dampness in her panties under her skirt. Soraya too was beginning to feel the effects of arousal in her groin, as she always did, when watching hangings, especially of young girls.

When everything is ready to his satisfaction the hangman kicks the stool vigorously, it topples over & the prisoner jerks. Initially she hangs still then she starts to kick. It is as if she is riding an invisible bicycle as her legs move steadily up & down.

Jenny gasps as she sees the white vee of the dying girl’s panties as the movement of her legs pushes up her white shroud. It takes five minutes for the girl on the rope to die & by the time she hangs still Jenny & Soraya are both highly aroused.

Soraya whispered in Jenny’s ear “Come on Jenny the show is over. Let’s go home & make love”.

Her face flushed Jenny looked at the Turkish girl & smiled, “You really are an evil bitch Soraya. You knew what seeing the hanging would do to me didn’t you”.

Soraya smiled back & nodded her head”. I made an educated guess my love”.

They both laughed & arm in arm began to walk home

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