Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 11 Revision 2
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[Got the idea for this from a story on line - author unknown]

Alyssia decided to introduce a variant to the method of execution in her next story

The Strangling Rack

Michaela Statham was brought to the execution chamber. She was a lovely 25 year old blue eyed blonde with exquisite & delicate features. Michaela had been allowed to dress in the clothes she was sentenced in which consisted of a white blouse, knee length brown skirt, flesh coloured panty-hose & brown shoes.

She gasped in horror as she saw the device that will shortly take her life. This was the first time that the Strangling Rack had been used & the officials & witnesses present were looking forward to seeing it in operation.

The Department of Justice had developed this machine to replace hanging. The main improvement on the traditional “Dance on the rope” was that it enabled the executioner to control exactly how long it took the condemned prisoner to die.

Michaela struggled & pleaded for mercy as she was led to the 10 feet tall rack. The prisoner’s arms were bound to her sides with leather straps which were attached to the device. Another strap was placed around her waist firmly securing her to the rack.

The noosed rope hanging down from the top of the machine was placed round her shaking slender neck. The other end of the rope disappeared into a box which contained a powerful electronically controlled winch.

Two padded rests were pulled down & fixed in place on top of her shoulders. Finally a wire attached to a heart monitor & screen which sat next to the rack was placed between her firm pert breasts. She was ready.

Michaela may have looked lovely but she was also lethal. She had been very adept in using her looks & sex appeal to get close to her victims. In her career as a contract killer she was thought to have carried out at least twenty murders even though she had only been convicted of eight.

Depending on the nature of the crimes committed the sentence could be adjusted from a quick snapping of the cervical vertebrae to slow strangulation, with the period of suffering specified by the sentencing judge.

Due to her multiple crimes Michaela was to take at least twenty minutes to die, & she knew it

The warden nodded at the executioner who took a note of the time on the clock on the wall of the death chamber & began to turn the knob which controlled the traction on the rope.

The noose slowly tightens around the prisoner’s neck. She gasps & her eyes open wide as she feels the rope trying to lift her however the leather straps binding her to the rack & the rests on her shoulders hold her firmly in place.

As the pressure builds Michaela’s complexion begins to darken, her eyes bulge & she makes strangled gurgling noises. In her position the only movement she can make is to flex & unflex her fingers & to kick her legs, which she starts to do with gusto.

To start with her legs move from side to side & then they begin to thrash up & down. At times her knees reach the level of her waist exposing the pink panties under the brown skirt. The executioner watches the dying girl & the heart monitor very closely.

When it appears that Michaela is going to pass out he adjusts the pull on the rope reducing the tension slightly so that she recovers slightly.

Once twenty minutes have past he looks at the warden who again nods. The executioner turns the knob suddenly & about 10 inches of rope rapidly disappear inside the box. A loud crack indicates the breaking of Michaela’s spinal column at the top. Her body is shaken by reflex convulsions which subside quickly. She is dead at last.

She was now far from beautiful. Her once lovely features were distorted by the agony of her strangling. Her skin was crimson, her eye balls looked up into her head & her puffed up tongue lolled a good two & half inches down her saliva soaked chin.

All concerned deemed the first use of the Strangling Rack to have been a great success

On the completion of The Strangling Rack Alyssia afforded herself some well-earned rest & recreation on the couch with her gently humming & throbbing little lover.
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