Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 12 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 12 Revision 2Her next tale was inspired by a recent news story about a young Western woman convicted of drug smuggling in the Middle East who had been originally sentenced to death. Unfortunately in Alyssia’s view the sentence had been commuted. The accused in Alyssia’s version of events very closely resembled a young American film star
Alicia Silverman
The 23 year old Alicia Silverman collapsed, when the sentence was read out by the judge. She had proclaimed her innocence throughout her trial & insisted the drugs had been planted in her luggage.
The court could have sentenced her to twenty years in prison on a lesser charge, but the judge said the laws of the country must be applied evenly to all, including beautiful young American women.
Alicia had been on vacation in the Emirate the previous July when the police, conducting a routine search, had discovered a large quantity of heroin in her luggage.
The judge ordered that the young woman be hanged by the neck until dead. The date for the execution would be set after the decision was affirmed by the Emirate’s highest court. Alicia was to be the first American woman executed in the small Arab country. Amnesty International protested the sentence & claimed the trial was unfair
One month later Alicia sat in her cell which overlooked the prison yard which was dominated by the wooden gallows in the middle of it. Two female guards sat with her.
The lovely blonde American girl was dressed in her own clothes, a white blouse, short flared black skirt, clear pantyhose & black shoes. The authorities had allowed this as in their view it will reinforce the message of what happens to foreigners who try & smuggle drugs into the country.
Alicia looked the epitomy of a modern western young woman. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. She was terrified & her large blue eyes were filled with tears. Hers will be the second of the executions planned for this morning.
She heard the guards enter the cell next door to take the first condemned prisoner to the gallows. The 20 year old Arab girl had been convicted of murdering her husband.
Alicia listened in growing horror as the young murderess broke into incoherent pleas & sobs as she begged for her life. She had to be dragged & almost carried down the corridor & stairs & out into the prison yard.
When she saw the gallows, the noose dangling from it & the hooded executioner standing with his arms folded looking at her she let out an ear piercing scream of terror.
Despite herself Alicia got up & looked out the cell window at the scene in the yard below. She gripped the bars on the window tight & watched as the girl, in her prison uniform denim knee length skirt & white tee shirt, was dragged to the gallows & up its steps in horrified fascination.
The two female guards looked at each other & smiled, thoroughly relishing the young American’s terror. They both felt their panties beginning to get wet under their khaki uniform skirts as they looked at Alicia’ lovely firm bottom pushing against her short black skirt & long legs & listened to the noises coming from the yard.
The young Arab prisoner was pushed & pulled roughly to the trapdoor in the middle of the gallows platform. The masked hangman tied her hands together behind her back & the prisoner continued to cry & plead as the looped rope was placed over her head & round her neck. The executioner tugged on the wrist restraints & checked the noose to ensure it was snug round the prisoner’s shaking neck.
He stood back & walked towards the lever at the side of the gallows & looked down at the warden standing in the yard waiting for the signal to pull the lever. The warden nodded his head & the trap door slammed open.
The prisoner dropped about a foot, her startled cry cut short by the jolt of the noose around her throat & started to kick her legs wildly in the air exposing her plain prison issue white panties to those on the ground. Her face started to darken, mouth wide open but unable to breathe, her almond eyes began to speckle with red pinpoints from the building pressure on her brain.
After several minutes of dancing like a puppet on the rope, her body wracked by agonized convulsions & spasms she began to slow down, the gasping & choking noises quietened & finally she hung still on the gallows. Staring bulging bloodshot eyes stared out from her puffy, almost purple face, her blackened tongue lying on her drool soaked chin.
By law she will be left hanging for half an hour before being checked by the prison doctor to confirm death. Her body will then be placed in a simple wooden coffin & returned to her family for burial.
Once the Arab girl’s execution was over Alicia returned to her seat & slumped into it her head in her hands. She sobbed loudly.
Not for the first time the senior guard looked at the terrified girl & thought, “There is only one thing worse than being executed & that is waiting for the executioner to come”.
An hour passed & Alicia looked up in terror as she heard footsteps approaching the cell. The door opened & two male guards entered. They said nothing.
The American girl was pulled to her feet & her feet & wailed, “No! No”! No! I’m innocent” You can’t do this! You can’t! You can’t”!”.
It made no difference & she was forced from the cell down the corridor & stairs & out into the yard.
The female guards left the cell & went to a rest room on the ground floor that they knew had an excellent view of the gallows.
There was a specially invited group of important guests & a TV film crew in the yard. The authorities were determined to demonstrate what happened to arrogant Americans who flouted the Emirate’s laws.
Alicia was dragged crying & pleading to the foot of the gallows & was made to climb the twelve wooden steps to the platform. She saw the wooden coffin waiting for her body at the side of the scaffold.
She started to panic, her struggles became frantic. She was pushed to the trap & her wrists bound behind her by the executioner who put the hard, coarse & prickly rope around her slender neck. He placed the knot precisely at the front side of her neck to avoid any risk of breaking the prisoner’s vertebrae.
Tears streamed down Alicia’s cheeks, shaking & crying she pleaded for mercy. There was none.
The trap drops beneath the American girl’s feet. Like the Arab prisoner before her she falls about a foot. She begins to slowly strangle, grimacing in pain, jerking, her long slender nylon clad legs kicking in the air. Twisting, writhing, writhing, struggling desperately Alicia strangles very slowly, mouth open, eyes bulging gasping for air.
Her breasts bounce, her short black flared skirt flutters above her waist as her pumping thighs push it up exposing tight pink panties under her panty hose.
The TV crew transmit the execution live so that all of the population can watch Alicia’s long agony, including close ups of a face distorted by the slow strangulation & of her thrashing thighs & pink underwear.
Her movements begin to slow & then finally stop. Alicia swings dead on her rope, her face a silent scream of agony.
The two women guards who had been in the young American’s cell have had a marvelous view of the hanging. They sat in the rest room with their skirts up around their waists, frantically fingering their pussies inside their panties. They gasped & groaned as they orgasmed heads moving from side to side.
Once the pulses of pleasure have played themselves out they smiled evilly at each other, pushed their skirts back down over their thighs stood up & prepared to return to their duties
Alicia’s body was removed from the gallows, her death certified & her remains placed in the wooden coffin to be handed over to the US Embassy for return to her family in the States
Alicia Silverman
The 23 year old Alicia Silverman collapsed, when the sentence was read out by the judge. She had proclaimed her innocence throughout her trial & insisted the drugs had been planted in her luggage.
The court could have sentenced her to twenty years in prison on a lesser charge, but the judge said the laws of the country must be applied evenly to all, including beautiful young American women.
Alicia had been on vacation in the Emirate the previous July when the police, conducting a routine search, had discovered a large quantity of heroin in her luggage.
The judge ordered that the young woman be hanged by the neck until dead. The date for the execution would be set after the decision was affirmed by the Emirate’s highest court. Alicia was to be the first American woman executed in the small Arab country. Amnesty International protested the sentence & claimed the trial was unfair
One month later Alicia sat in her cell which overlooked the prison yard which was dominated by the wooden gallows in the middle of it. Two female guards sat with her.
The lovely blonde American girl was dressed in her own clothes, a white blouse, short flared black skirt, clear pantyhose & black shoes. The authorities had allowed this as in their view it will reinforce the message of what happens to foreigners who try & smuggle drugs into the country.
Alicia looked the epitomy of a modern western young woman. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. She was terrified & her large blue eyes were filled with tears. Hers will be the second of the executions planned for this morning.
She heard the guards enter the cell next door to take the first condemned prisoner to the gallows. The 20 year old Arab girl had been convicted of murdering her husband.
Alicia listened in growing horror as the young murderess broke into incoherent pleas & sobs as she begged for her life. She had to be dragged & almost carried down the corridor & stairs & out into the prison yard.
When she saw the gallows, the noose dangling from it & the hooded executioner standing with his arms folded looking at her she let out an ear piercing scream of terror.
Despite herself Alicia got up & looked out the cell window at the scene in the yard below. She gripped the bars on the window tight & watched as the girl, in her prison uniform denim knee length skirt & white tee shirt, was dragged to the gallows & up its steps in horrified fascination.
The two female guards looked at each other & smiled, thoroughly relishing the young American’s terror. They both felt their panties beginning to get wet under their khaki uniform skirts as they looked at Alicia’ lovely firm bottom pushing against her short black skirt & long legs & listened to the noises coming from the yard.
The young Arab prisoner was pushed & pulled roughly to the trapdoor in the middle of the gallows platform. The masked hangman tied her hands together behind her back & the prisoner continued to cry & plead as the looped rope was placed over her head & round her neck. The executioner tugged on the wrist restraints & checked the noose to ensure it was snug round the prisoner’s shaking neck.
He stood back & walked towards the lever at the side of the gallows & looked down at the warden standing in the yard waiting for the signal to pull the lever. The warden nodded his head & the trap door slammed open.
The prisoner dropped about a foot, her startled cry cut short by the jolt of the noose around her throat & started to kick her legs wildly in the air exposing her plain prison issue white panties to those on the ground. Her face started to darken, mouth wide open but unable to breathe, her almond eyes began to speckle with red pinpoints from the building pressure on her brain.
After several minutes of dancing like a puppet on the rope, her body wracked by agonized convulsions & spasms she began to slow down, the gasping & choking noises quietened & finally she hung still on the gallows. Staring bulging bloodshot eyes stared out from her puffy, almost purple face, her blackened tongue lying on her drool soaked chin.
By law she will be left hanging for half an hour before being checked by the prison doctor to confirm death. Her body will then be placed in a simple wooden coffin & returned to her family for burial.
Once the Arab girl’s execution was over Alicia returned to her seat & slumped into it her head in her hands. She sobbed loudly.
Not for the first time the senior guard looked at the terrified girl & thought, “There is only one thing worse than being executed & that is waiting for the executioner to come”.
An hour passed & Alicia looked up in terror as she heard footsteps approaching the cell. The door opened & two male guards entered. They said nothing.
The American girl was pulled to her feet & her feet & wailed, “No! No”! No! I’m innocent” You can’t do this! You can’t! You can’t”!”.
It made no difference & she was forced from the cell down the corridor & stairs & out into the yard.
The female guards left the cell & went to a rest room on the ground floor that they knew had an excellent view of the gallows.
There was a specially invited group of important guests & a TV film crew in the yard. The authorities were determined to demonstrate what happened to arrogant Americans who flouted the Emirate’s laws.
Alicia was dragged crying & pleading to the foot of the gallows & was made to climb the twelve wooden steps to the platform. She saw the wooden coffin waiting for her body at the side of the scaffold.
She started to panic, her struggles became frantic. She was pushed to the trap & her wrists bound behind her by the executioner who put the hard, coarse & prickly rope around her slender neck. He placed the knot precisely at the front side of her neck to avoid any risk of breaking the prisoner’s vertebrae.
Tears streamed down Alicia’s cheeks, shaking & crying she pleaded for mercy. There was none.
The trap drops beneath the American girl’s feet. Like the Arab prisoner before her she falls about a foot. She begins to slowly strangle, grimacing in pain, jerking, her long slender nylon clad legs kicking in the air. Twisting, writhing, writhing, struggling desperately Alicia strangles very slowly, mouth open, eyes bulging gasping for air.
Her breasts bounce, her short black flared skirt flutters above her waist as her pumping thighs push it up exposing tight pink panties under her panty hose.
The TV crew transmit the execution live so that all of the population can watch Alicia’s long agony, including close ups of a face distorted by the slow strangulation & of her thrashing thighs & pink underwear.
Her movements begin to slow & then finally stop. Alicia swings dead on her rope, her face a silent scream of agony.
The two women guards who had been in the young American’s cell have had a marvelous view of the hanging. They sat in the rest room with their skirts up around their waists, frantically fingering their pussies inside their panties. They gasped & groaned as they orgasmed heads moving from side to side.
Once the pulses of pleasure have played themselves out they smiled evilly at each other, pushed their skirts back down over their thighs stood up & prepared to return to their duties
Alicia’s body was removed from the gallows, her death certified & her remains placed in the wooden coffin to be handed over to the US Embassy for return to her family in the States
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 12 Revision 2