Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 14 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 14 Revision 2The condemned prisoners in the next story were based on two pop stars that Alyssia especially liked
Frankie & Agnetha
“It is the sentence of this court that you, Francis “Frankie” Bridgewater & Agnetha Simmonson, are to be kept under custody until a date when you will be taken to a place of lawful execution & there hanged by your necks until you are dead. And may God have mercy on your souls. Take them down”.
The two young woman had to be dragged from the court their hysterical screams chilled all who heard them.
Three months had passed. The prisoners’ last appeals had been denied. They each sat in their cells softly crying waiting to be taken to the gallows. They had been allowed to choose from their own wardrobes what clothes to wear. Both looked lovely.
The English girl Frankie was a slender brunette with short hair. Her full brown eyes were doe-like which gave her a slightly elfin look. She had on a white blouse, a full flared knee light blue skirt, tan panty-hose & white shoes.
Agnetha was a beautiful blonde Swede. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders & she had clear piercing blue. She was clad in a white top & mini skirt & knee high white boots. Her thighs were bare.
The guards came for them, two to each prisoner. They entered the cells & quickly strapped the prisoners’ wrists together behind their backs. One guard on either side the condemned girls were taken from the cells.
When they saw each other the girls smiled weakly in recognition through their tears, even though they were both very frightened. Waiting for them in the corridor was the warden & a priest. The execution party moved off down the corridor with the warden at the front & the priest bringing up the rear.
The walk to the execution chamber was short. The warden opened the door & the guards entered behind him with the prisoners. The priest closed the door behind him.
They walked out onto the gallows platform. The witnesses sitting below looked up as they appeared. When they saw the coiled nooses hanging & the masked hangman waiting for them Frankie & Agnetha’s fragile composure cracked.
They started to struggle, begging & screaming for mercy but the guards have had long experience of dealing with unwilling prisoners & quickly have them standing on the front collapsible section of the platform with the ropes dangling directly in front of the girls terrified faces.
The executioner stepped forward & placed hoods on the prisoners. He then pulled the ropes over the trembling girls heads & made sure that they sat tight around their necks
Some of the male witnesses could feel themselves getting hard as they looked at the scene above them. From where they were sitting they could see almost all the way up the prisoners’ skirts, especially the Swedish girl’s. They started to rub the bulges in their underpants through their pockets
The hangman went to the lever at the side of the gallows platform & looked at the warden who nodded.
The front section of the gallows platform falls away with a crash. Frankie & Agnetha fall about two feet, their skirts rise up exposing their cute tight white panties to the spectators, until they are stopped with a jerk by the ropes around their necks.
The gasping & choking of the prisoners is clearly audible to all in the execution chamber. They start to struggle & kick. Frankie’s thighs thrust frantically up & down under her skirt & the movement of Agnetha’s white boots makes it appear as if she is trying to run in mid-air.
Their panties are now on almost permanent display to the watchers. They continue to struggle, squirm & dance as they slowly strangle for about five minutes before the violence of their movements calms & reduces to involuntary spasms & twitches. At last they hang dead.
At least two of the watching men come in their pants
Frankie & Agnetha
“It is the sentence of this court that you, Francis “Frankie” Bridgewater & Agnetha Simmonson, are to be kept under custody until a date when you will be taken to a place of lawful execution & there hanged by your necks until you are dead. And may God have mercy on your souls. Take them down”.
The two young woman had to be dragged from the court their hysterical screams chilled all who heard them.
Three months had passed. The prisoners’ last appeals had been denied. They each sat in their cells softly crying waiting to be taken to the gallows. They had been allowed to choose from their own wardrobes what clothes to wear. Both looked lovely.
The English girl Frankie was a slender brunette with short hair. Her full brown eyes were doe-like which gave her a slightly elfin look. She had on a white blouse, a full flared knee light blue skirt, tan panty-hose & white shoes.
Agnetha was a beautiful blonde Swede. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders & she had clear piercing blue. She was clad in a white top & mini skirt & knee high white boots. Her thighs were bare.
The guards came for them, two to each prisoner. They entered the cells & quickly strapped the prisoners’ wrists together behind their backs. One guard on either side the condemned girls were taken from the cells.
When they saw each other the girls smiled weakly in recognition through their tears, even though they were both very frightened. Waiting for them in the corridor was the warden & a priest. The execution party moved off down the corridor with the warden at the front & the priest bringing up the rear.
The walk to the execution chamber was short. The warden opened the door & the guards entered behind him with the prisoners. The priest closed the door behind him.
They walked out onto the gallows platform. The witnesses sitting below looked up as they appeared. When they saw the coiled nooses hanging & the masked hangman waiting for them Frankie & Agnetha’s fragile composure cracked.
They started to struggle, begging & screaming for mercy but the guards have had long experience of dealing with unwilling prisoners & quickly have them standing on the front collapsible section of the platform with the ropes dangling directly in front of the girls terrified faces.
The executioner stepped forward & placed hoods on the prisoners. He then pulled the ropes over the trembling girls heads & made sure that they sat tight around their necks
Some of the male witnesses could feel themselves getting hard as they looked at the scene above them. From where they were sitting they could see almost all the way up the prisoners’ skirts, especially the Swedish girl’s. They started to rub the bulges in their underpants through their pockets
The hangman went to the lever at the side of the gallows platform & looked at the warden who nodded.
The front section of the gallows platform falls away with a crash. Frankie & Agnetha fall about two feet, their skirts rise up exposing their cute tight white panties to the spectators, until they are stopped with a jerk by the ropes around their necks.
The gasping & choking of the prisoners is clearly audible to all in the execution chamber. They start to struggle & kick. Frankie’s thighs thrust frantically up & down under her skirt & the movement of Agnetha’s white boots makes it appear as if she is trying to run in mid-air.
Their panties are now on almost permanent display to the watchers. They continue to struggle, squirm & dance as they slowly strangle for about five minutes before the violence of their movements calms & reduces to involuntary spasms & twitches. At last they hang dead.
At least two of the watching men come in their pants
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 14 Revision 2