Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 17 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 17 Revision 2She decided to introduce a new element to the proceedings in her next tale, impalement. The two main characters were inspired by a popular British actress who featured for many years in a long running TV police drama & a retired tennis player. She wrote The Traitors again wearing the tartan skirt she had had on while composing Caledonian Girls
The Traitors
Captain Jane Ackersley & Captain Martine Hedges stood on the parade ground square before representatives of both their regiments. Behind them loomed the scaffold covered for now in a large tarpaulin
The General moved to stand in front of two women & started to read from a sheet of paper in his hand, “Captain Jane Ackersley & Captain Martine Hedges you have both found guilty of treason in time of war. Do either of you have anything to say before sentence is passed”.
Both officers shook their heads.
The general continued, “You will first have your rank removed & then be dishonorably discharged from your regiments. You will then be immediately executed on the scaffold”.
The two women started to feel even more frightened, they had hoped for a quick death before a firing squad not by having their necks broken by an executioner’s rope, their bodies hanging degradingly on a gallows in front of those who had been their comrades.
The General went & stood in front of Jane & a male Captain moved to stand behind her. The General took off the woman officer’s black & white peaked hat & threw it to the ground.
He then ripped the Captain’s insignia from the shoulders of her black uniform jacket, tore off the medal ribbons sown into it above her breast pocket & pulled it apart at the front, the buttons popped off & fell to the ground.
The captain then reached out from behind her & forcibly pulled the jacket off her. Lastly the General reached to Jane’s neck & undid her black uniform tie & top shirt button. The tie joined the jacket on the ground.
The female officer was left standing in her clean white uniform blouse, knee length black skirt, tan hose & black shoes. The Captain pulled Jane’s arms towards him & handcuffed her wrists behind her.
Martine was then subjected to the same public disgrace until she too stood in her white shirt & uniform skirt. In her case the skirt was a black & yellow tartan kilt which fell to just above her knees. I
In recognition of the cavalry origins of her regiment she wore black leather boots which just covered her knees, as did all the officers of her regiment. Above her boots & beneath the hem of her skirt a brief line of tan panty hose was visible. Her green uniform jacket with yellow braid lay at her feet along with her green & yellow tie
The General stepped back & looked gravely at the traitors & thought, “What a waste”. He didn’t have military matters on his mind as this thought crossed his mind.
Both women were in their late twenties & very attractive. Their military training had ensured that they had firm supple bodies.
Martine was the more buxom of the two. She had short brown curly hair, lovely brown eyes & high cheekbones which gave her an almost Slavic appearance.
Jane was slightly taller than her fellow traitor. Her thick dark blonde curls, which ruffled in the breeze blowing across the parade ground, were a bit longer than Martine’s but they still only came to her shirt collar. Pale blue eyes looked at the General from a pretty oval face, a tear ran down her cheek
The General said to the male Captain, “Take the prisoners to the scaffold”. The officer saluted the General & said “Yes sir”.
As instructed two volunteer female officers from Jane’s regiment came forward & took her arms & two volunteers from Martine’s did the same with her.
They turned the prisoners round & started to walk towards the scaffold. As they did this four soldiers pulled the tarpaulin away & Jane & Martine gasped, stopped & stared in horror as they realised how they were going to die.
Standing straight up from wooden surface of the scaffold platform were two thick greased poles of black steel which tapered to a point. To the left & right of the steel shafts were heavy metal shackles. Each was mounted on the platform about a foot & a half feet from each pole. Directly above each one two noosed ropes dangled from the gallows cross beam.
“Oh my God!”, Jane said. Her legs seem to have turned to stone. She simply couldn’t move.
Martine threw back her head & screamed, a high pitched wail which reverberated around the parade ground.
The women officers holding the terrified prisoners had to drag them to the foot of the scaffold steps as they shrieked & howled in terror, struggling desperately against each forced step. The escorting officers gradually forced the doomed young women up the thirteen steps to the platform of the scaffold.
Waiting for them were two large masked male executioners. The women officers dragged the piteously pleading women to a position just behind each pole.
The two hangmen went to Jane first &, as they have been trained, the escorting female officers forced the prisoner’s legs apart by wrapping one of their own legs round hers & pulling it towards them.
As the first executioner held her firmly round the waist the second one pushed the condemned woman’s black skirt up above her waist &, using a safety razor, carefully cut through the crotch of Jane’s panty hose & the tight white panties directly above her pussy.
The two executioners & women officers lifted the shrieking helpless prisoner & carefully pushed her down onto the pole. Jane gasped as the razor sharp tip of the pole pressed past her pussy lips & into her. She felt herself being stretched almost to breaking point as her vagina strained to accommodate the shaft. Jane whimpered as the pole came to rest against her cervix.
One of the hangmen, & the two officers, held the doomed woman in place, balanced precariously atop the ruthless steel cock, as the other executioner fastened the heavy manacles around her ankles. They had to force Jane’s legs quite wide apart before the shackles could be fastened to her ankles . Once the chains were in place the noose went over head & one of the hangmen pulled it tight.
Martine was then prepared in the same way & the executioners & four women officers stood back & regarded the two trussed prisoners.
Both Jane & Martine’s skirts had been pushed up to the tops of their thighs by the spreading of their legs. The crotches of their panties, pink in Martine’s case, & the impaling poles penetrating them were clearly visible.
The four female volunteers, the crotches of their underwear now very moist, left the scaffold platform & stood in front of the gallows, waiting for the executions to begin. As they looked up at the terrified wailing prisoners they clenched & unclenched their fists, bit their lips & pressed their nylon clad thighs hard together as the wetness in their panties began to soak through to the panty hose under their uniform skirts.
The Army High Command had decided to ask for female volunteers to assist in the executions because of the level of anger amongst the prisoner’s colleague’s due to the sense of betrayal they felt.
While this had played a part in these four young women volunteering it wasn’t the main reason they had come forward. The major motivation was that each of them was gay, with more than a trace of sadism in their sexual make up.
The torture commenced. The nooses are pulled taut by the two hangmen, supple hemp digs a deep furrow into Jane & Martine’s tender necks. They gag & begin to strangle.
With their wrists cuffed & their ankles shackled the prisoners can’t move very much however their small & subtle movements make them look even more erotic to the watching young women on the ground. Tremors run through their bodies making their breasts quiver, Martine’s especially, their strong sensual legs shake.
The executioners keep the nooses tight for several long minutes, letting the prisoners strangle until they reach the brink of unconsciousness. And then the genius of the torture becomes apparent.
As Jane & Martine try to slip into blissful darkness, their nooses suddenly go slack. Their bodies come to rest upon the razor-sharp points of the spikes & now they experience a very different kind of pain.
As the deadly spikes press into their cervixes they can breathe again, & scream. At first they whimper, then they moan, & at last, as they wriggle on the poles, they scream. Their shrieks are long, pure & blood-curdling, they speak of a violation too vile for words.
After a few minutes the nooses are pulled tight around their throats once more. This means less pressure on their cervixes but of course they begin to strangle again.
Squirming struggling, breasts bouncing, faces darkening, eyes bulging, tongues extending from gaping mouths & saliva running down their chins they fight against the ropes.
And so it goes on. Three times in total: a few minutes of hanging is followed by a few minutes on the spike. Jane & Martine oscillate between these two tortures, each making the other possible.
After half an hour the Captain who has been standing at the side of the gallows nods to the two hangmen. They each press buttons on the handsets they carry during a moment of intense asphyxiation for the prisoners, their nooses agonizingly tight.
As they squirm & strangle suddenly the spits inside them begin to move. With their nooses taut, Jane & Martine are held virtually motionless, their ankles pulled against the metal edges of their shackles. There is absolutely nothing they can do.
As the metal poles move deeper into their bodies they feel them press against their cervixes for the fourth time. This time they keep going & the slender flesh walls give way. And then they the metal poles are truly inside them, moving up through their guts, penetrating them in the most horrible way possible.
They are of course still hanging. Their lungs burn with an aching need they cannot answer. Their bodies scream for air. And yet being slowly strangled is the least of their concerns, the agony as the sharp metal poles move rise implacably up through their bodies is indescribable.
The army doctors have been proved right. It is possible to fully impale a woman without damaging any organs that would cause instant death.
At last they feel the spikes against the back of their throats, hard & horrible. There is another push, another horrific rending & rupturing, & the poles slowly emerge from Jane & Kate’s mouths, their eyes widening even more in horror. Spasms wrack their bodies as blood pours down the poles. At last the agony overwhelms them, they quiver one last time & then go limp.
The four watching women officers who had volunteered to participate in the executions bodies shake, they rock back on their heels, their hands close into fists so tight their knuckles go white, they close their eyes, they gasp & bite their lips as the waves of pleasure of their climaxes pulse through them.
Once they had recovered they looked at each other & grinned looking forward to the frenzied love making they will engage in that night.
The General, who had a throbbing erection, addressed the assembled soldiers. “Justice has been served. The two traitors have been executed.”
He caught the eye of his current paramour, a Colonel, in what had been Martine’s regiment & smiled. The thirty five year old officer smiled back at her lover, her white panties under her black & yellow tartan skirt, already wet, began to moisten further in anticipation of the vigorous fucking she knew she was about to receive.
The soldiers of both regiments marched from the square leaving Jane & Martine’s bodies spitted on the scaffold
Alyssia pushed the vibrator inside her pussy imagining it to be an impaling spike. When she climaxes she does so thunderously
The Traitors
Captain Jane Ackersley & Captain Martine Hedges stood on the parade ground square before representatives of both their regiments. Behind them loomed the scaffold covered for now in a large tarpaulin
The General moved to stand in front of two women & started to read from a sheet of paper in his hand, “Captain Jane Ackersley & Captain Martine Hedges you have both found guilty of treason in time of war. Do either of you have anything to say before sentence is passed”.
Both officers shook their heads.
The general continued, “You will first have your rank removed & then be dishonorably discharged from your regiments. You will then be immediately executed on the scaffold”.
The two women started to feel even more frightened, they had hoped for a quick death before a firing squad not by having their necks broken by an executioner’s rope, their bodies hanging degradingly on a gallows in front of those who had been their comrades.
The General went & stood in front of Jane & a male Captain moved to stand behind her. The General took off the woman officer’s black & white peaked hat & threw it to the ground.
He then ripped the Captain’s insignia from the shoulders of her black uniform jacket, tore off the medal ribbons sown into it above her breast pocket & pulled it apart at the front, the buttons popped off & fell to the ground.
The captain then reached out from behind her & forcibly pulled the jacket off her. Lastly the General reached to Jane’s neck & undid her black uniform tie & top shirt button. The tie joined the jacket on the ground.
The female officer was left standing in her clean white uniform blouse, knee length black skirt, tan hose & black shoes. The Captain pulled Jane’s arms towards him & handcuffed her wrists behind her.
Martine was then subjected to the same public disgrace until she too stood in her white shirt & uniform skirt. In her case the skirt was a black & yellow tartan kilt which fell to just above her knees. I
In recognition of the cavalry origins of her regiment she wore black leather boots which just covered her knees, as did all the officers of her regiment. Above her boots & beneath the hem of her skirt a brief line of tan panty hose was visible. Her green uniform jacket with yellow braid lay at her feet along with her green & yellow tie
The General stepped back & looked gravely at the traitors & thought, “What a waste”. He didn’t have military matters on his mind as this thought crossed his mind.
Both women were in their late twenties & very attractive. Their military training had ensured that they had firm supple bodies.
Martine was the more buxom of the two. She had short brown curly hair, lovely brown eyes & high cheekbones which gave her an almost Slavic appearance.
Jane was slightly taller than her fellow traitor. Her thick dark blonde curls, which ruffled in the breeze blowing across the parade ground, were a bit longer than Martine’s but they still only came to her shirt collar. Pale blue eyes looked at the General from a pretty oval face, a tear ran down her cheek
The General said to the male Captain, “Take the prisoners to the scaffold”. The officer saluted the General & said “Yes sir”.
As instructed two volunteer female officers from Jane’s regiment came forward & took her arms & two volunteers from Martine’s did the same with her.
They turned the prisoners round & started to walk towards the scaffold. As they did this four soldiers pulled the tarpaulin away & Jane & Martine gasped, stopped & stared in horror as they realised how they were going to die.
Standing straight up from wooden surface of the scaffold platform were two thick greased poles of black steel which tapered to a point. To the left & right of the steel shafts were heavy metal shackles. Each was mounted on the platform about a foot & a half feet from each pole. Directly above each one two noosed ropes dangled from the gallows cross beam.
“Oh my God!”, Jane said. Her legs seem to have turned to stone. She simply couldn’t move.
Martine threw back her head & screamed, a high pitched wail which reverberated around the parade ground.
The women officers holding the terrified prisoners had to drag them to the foot of the scaffold steps as they shrieked & howled in terror, struggling desperately against each forced step. The escorting officers gradually forced the doomed young women up the thirteen steps to the platform of the scaffold.
Waiting for them were two large masked male executioners. The women officers dragged the piteously pleading women to a position just behind each pole.
The two hangmen went to Jane first &, as they have been trained, the escorting female officers forced the prisoner’s legs apart by wrapping one of their own legs round hers & pulling it towards them.
As the first executioner held her firmly round the waist the second one pushed the condemned woman’s black skirt up above her waist &, using a safety razor, carefully cut through the crotch of Jane’s panty hose & the tight white panties directly above her pussy.
The two executioners & women officers lifted the shrieking helpless prisoner & carefully pushed her down onto the pole. Jane gasped as the razor sharp tip of the pole pressed past her pussy lips & into her. She felt herself being stretched almost to breaking point as her vagina strained to accommodate the shaft. Jane whimpered as the pole came to rest against her cervix.
One of the hangmen, & the two officers, held the doomed woman in place, balanced precariously atop the ruthless steel cock, as the other executioner fastened the heavy manacles around her ankles. They had to force Jane’s legs quite wide apart before the shackles could be fastened to her ankles . Once the chains were in place the noose went over head & one of the hangmen pulled it tight.
Martine was then prepared in the same way & the executioners & four women officers stood back & regarded the two trussed prisoners.
Both Jane & Martine’s skirts had been pushed up to the tops of their thighs by the spreading of their legs. The crotches of their panties, pink in Martine’s case, & the impaling poles penetrating them were clearly visible.
The four female volunteers, the crotches of their underwear now very moist, left the scaffold platform & stood in front of the gallows, waiting for the executions to begin. As they looked up at the terrified wailing prisoners they clenched & unclenched their fists, bit their lips & pressed their nylon clad thighs hard together as the wetness in their panties began to soak through to the panty hose under their uniform skirts.
The Army High Command had decided to ask for female volunteers to assist in the executions because of the level of anger amongst the prisoner’s colleague’s due to the sense of betrayal they felt.
While this had played a part in these four young women volunteering it wasn’t the main reason they had come forward. The major motivation was that each of them was gay, with more than a trace of sadism in their sexual make up.
The torture commenced. The nooses are pulled taut by the two hangmen, supple hemp digs a deep furrow into Jane & Martine’s tender necks. They gag & begin to strangle.
With their wrists cuffed & their ankles shackled the prisoners can’t move very much however their small & subtle movements make them look even more erotic to the watching young women on the ground. Tremors run through their bodies making their breasts quiver, Martine’s especially, their strong sensual legs shake.
The executioners keep the nooses tight for several long minutes, letting the prisoners strangle until they reach the brink of unconsciousness. And then the genius of the torture becomes apparent.
As Jane & Martine try to slip into blissful darkness, their nooses suddenly go slack. Their bodies come to rest upon the razor-sharp points of the spikes & now they experience a very different kind of pain.
As the deadly spikes press into their cervixes they can breathe again, & scream. At first they whimper, then they moan, & at last, as they wriggle on the poles, they scream. Their shrieks are long, pure & blood-curdling, they speak of a violation too vile for words.
After a few minutes the nooses are pulled tight around their throats once more. This means less pressure on their cervixes but of course they begin to strangle again.
Squirming struggling, breasts bouncing, faces darkening, eyes bulging, tongues extending from gaping mouths & saliva running down their chins they fight against the ropes.
And so it goes on. Three times in total: a few minutes of hanging is followed by a few minutes on the spike. Jane & Martine oscillate between these two tortures, each making the other possible.
After half an hour the Captain who has been standing at the side of the gallows nods to the two hangmen. They each press buttons on the handsets they carry during a moment of intense asphyxiation for the prisoners, their nooses agonizingly tight.
As they squirm & strangle suddenly the spits inside them begin to move. With their nooses taut, Jane & Martine are held virtually motionless, their ankles pulled against the metal edges of their shackles. There is absolutely nothing they can do.
As the metal poles move deeper into their bodies they feel them press against their cervixes for the fourth time. This time they keep going & the slender flesh walls give way. And then they the metal poles are truly inside them, moving up through their guts, penetrating them in the most horrible way possible.
They are of course still hanging. Their lungs burn with an aching need they cannot answer. Their bodies scream for air. And yet being slowly strangled is the least of their concerns, the agony as the sharp metal poles move rise implacably up through their bodies is indescribable.
The army doctors have been proved right. It is possible to fully impale a woman without damaging any organs that would cause instant death.
At last they feel the spikes against the back of their throats, hard & horrible. There is another push, another horrific rending & rupturing, & the poles slowly emerge from Jane & Kate’s mouths, their eyes widening even more in horror. Spasms wrack their bodies as blood pours down the poles. At last the agony overwhelms them, they quiver one last time & then go limp.
The four watching women officers who had volunteered to participate in the executions bodies shake, they rock back on their heels, their hands close into fists so tight their knuckles go white, they close their eyes, they gasp & bite their lips as the waves of pleasure of their climaxes pulse through them.
Once they had recovered they looked at each other & grinned looking forward to the frenzied love making they will engage in that night.
The General, who had a throbbing erection, addressed the assembled soldiers. “Justice has been served. The two traitors have been executed.”
He caught the eye of his current paramour, a Colonel, in what had been Martine’s regiment & smiled. The thirty five year old officer smiled back at her lover, her white panties under her black & yellow tartan skirt, already wet, began to moisten further in anticipation of the vigorous fucking she knew she was about to receive.
The soldiers of both regiments marched from the square leaving Jane & Martine’s bodies spitted on the scaffold
Alyssia pushed the vibrator inside her pussy imagining it to be an impaling spike. When she climaxes she does so thunderously
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 17 Revision 2