Execution Tales Chapter 55 Part 18.1 Revision 2
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Her final story for now is by far the longest she had attempted. It featured several characters based on British TV personalities & actresses

“The Dance Hall” & “La Senorita De Muerte”

“The Dance Hall

The eight accused young women & girls entered the dock & sat down, throwing nervous glances at the five judges looking down at them.

In Singapore’s main criminal court five judges always sat in capital cases. The eight prisoners consisted of four Quantas stewardesses, all twenty four years of age or under & four Chinese students, who unfortunately for them were eighteen.

All eight accused were to say the least very attractive. The four stewardesses were wearing their light purple Quantas uniforms which consisted of smart jackets & quite tight knee length skirts. They also wore clean crisp white blouses, flesh coloured panty-hose & slip on grey shoes.

The four Chinese girls were dressed in their exclusive sixth form college’s uniforms of navy blue blazers with white edging, white shirts, blue & grey ties, grey & white pleated mini kilts, knee length white socks & black shoes.

They all looked pretty as a picture, respectable, innocent & harmless. On the advice of their lawyers they had worn these clothes all the way through the trial to try & give the best impression to the judges

The case had shocked & then fascinated all of South East Asia, Australia & New Zealand & had also been given extensive coverage in the UK, due to the nationality of some of prisoners.

Three months earlier in a combined police operation, the Singapore & Philippines authorities had acted at the same time & arrested all those they suspected of being involved in a heroin smuggling ring orchestrated & run by a number of Quantas airline staff.

The stewardesses had been smuggling the heroin into the two countries in their almost never searched hand luggage & then supplying it to students from wealthy local families who in turn sold it on within their social circles.

The Singapore police had come under considerable pressure from the government, press & public following the deaths of two girls from families who were amongst the most high profile in the country.

In Manilla two more accused drug smugglers, who were Quantas executives & considered to be the ring leaders, were in prison awaiting trial. It had been decided to try the eight those arrested in Singapore first simply because there were more of them

“The accused will stand”, said the chief judge.

The girls rose apprehensively to their feet. The court was silent, the tension unbearable.

The judge continued, “We have arrived at our decision, on which I may add we all agree. I will now read the verdicts to the court. These eight young women are accused of trafficking in Class A Drugs i.e. heroin & the amount of the narcotics involved, 28.5 kilogrammes, makes this a capital crime”.

“Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang we find you guilty on all charges”.

The Chinese girls moaned in despair, started to cry & shake.

The judge ignored this & continued looking directly at the four white prisoners “Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman we also find you guilty on all charges”.

The four stewardesses stood looking stunned, the youngest Reid started to sob & had to be supported by her guard as she swayed & almost fainted.

Relentlessly the judge went on, “We have already decided on the sentences in this case which reflect how seriously the Singapore government & people view these offences. Sue Linn, Victoria Chin, Sally Po & Mary Tang you will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, unless the appeal court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. As a recognition of the fact that you weren’t the prime movers in this case you will be executed by long drop hanging”.

The students started to wail, plead & sob. The judge signed to the guards “Take them down”.

The four had to be almost carried from the dock & disappeared out a door at the back of the courtroom

“Tegan Jakova, Josephine Sims, Rachel Reid & Karen Gillman you too will be removed from this court & taken to Changi Prison where one week from today, again unless the Appeal Court or the President intervenes, you will each be executed by being hanged by your necks until you are dead. There is no doubt that you were involved in the organization of the drug smuggling & supply of the heroin to our young people so you will suffer the extreme penalty of short drop hanging”.

Once the sentences had been handed down the four Stewardesses all started to sob. Reid wails “No! Please have mercy! Please have mercy!”.

The judge looked at them impassively & said “Take them down”.
They too disappeared through the door at the rear of the court. The closing door cut out the desperate pleading & the cries of despair..

Holly Wilson, an Australian TV journalist, looked on in fascinated horror from the spectators’ seats. She was to say the least “Televisual”. She was twenty eight with long centrally parted blonde hair, large brown eyes, “A Peaches & cream” complexion, lovely large upstanding breasts, a thin waist, curvaceous hips & long legs. She was wearing an expensive white silk blouse, & loose flared short red skirt. Due to the heat she was barelegged.

She crossed her tanned, toned legs & looked at Commander Amanda Brown, the police officer sent by the Australian Government to monitor the proceedings & said, “I don’t know about you Commander but I need a drink. Don’t worry anything you might say will be strictly off the record”.

The police woman was in her mid-thirties. She had short brown hair & regular features. Though slightly mannish in appearance she was undoubtedly very attractive. She was in her formal “Dress whites”, which consisted of a white peaked cap & jacket, shirt with green & yellow tie, white A-line knee length skirt & tan panty hose

She nodded & replied. “Let’s go, there is a nice little bar just across the street”.

The two women left the court building, crossed the road, went into the bar, ordered their drinks & took them to table in a quiet corner.

Holly took out a cigarette, lit it & inhaled deeply. She looked at the Commander & said ,“I presume from your calm reaction this isn’t the first time you have been at one of these trials in Singapore involving our citizens?”.

Taking a sip from her beer Amanda sighed & replied, “Unfortunately Miss Wilson this is my fourth time here for one of these. This though is the most high profile due to the age, & it has to be said sex, of those involved”.

Holly continued “Please call me Holly. Do you still feel the same at each sentencing?”. “What do you mean Holly?”. Amanda asked.

The blonde reporter was flustered & embarrassed. She looked into her beer avoiding Amanda’s eyes & replies “Of course I was horrified & appalled but also………”.

“Turned on ?”. The police woman smiled & finished Holly’s sentence.

The reporter looked up at Amanda blushing “How did you know?” she asked.

Amanda chuckled & replied, “My dear Holly, the reason why this is my fourth Singapore capital case is because I ask for these assignments now. The buzz you get at the sentencing is nothing compared to what you experience at the hangings. Assuming these eight are going to be executed are you going to be there?”.

The reporter nodded “Yes. My channel has reserved a seat for me at the prison”. In that case Holly take these” said Amanda taking out from her pocket what looks like two oval shaped marbles connected by piece of twine about an inch long.
“What are they?” asks the blonde girl.

“Geisha balls”, replied Amanda “I was given two sets by a Japanese Police Officer by the name of Suki at an Interpol conference in Toyko last year. We had a brief affair & she gave me these as a memento”.

Amanda looked appraisingly at the reporter. “Yes Holly I am gay, as according to the tabloid press are you. Are you?”.

Holly nodded & asked “What exactly do you do with them?”.

“You put them in your pussy of course”, laughed Amanda.

She continued “I recommend that you put them in before you go to Changi for the hangings. Wear tight panties & panty hose to ensure that they stay in place & wear a skirt with pockets. Cut the bottom off the pockets & that way you can rub your crotch with no-one else being aware of what you are up to. That is what I do”.

The blonde girl smiled, reached across & took the Geisha Balls. “Well Commander thank you very much. I can certainly confirm that this conversation is very much off the record”.

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Here are the other main characters in The Dance Hall & La Senorita De Muerte
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