Execution Tales Chapter 56 Part 1 Revision 2
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[This is an adapted version of a story I found on-line several years ago - author unknown]

56: Moist Gusset & Pussy Throbs

With some trepidation Alyssia decided to circulate her work to various websites. The first story she posted under the name of “Moist Gusset”, which made her smile when she thought of it, was “The Dance Hall & La Senorita De Muerte”. Much to her delight it was very well received

She received the most effusive praise from a “Pussy Throbs” who said she was an American woman short story writer working in the same genre as Alyssia. Alyssia looked for examples of Pussy’s work & the first one she came across was called “The Trial of Georgia May Forde”

“The Trial & Execution of Georgia May Forde”

The trial proceeded quickly. Every day the courtroom was packed with press & spectators watching every curve & ripple of Georgia May’s 21 year old sun-tanned flesh in her revealing outfits. To prevent any escape attempt she had to stay in jail during the trial but she was free to wear anything she chose from her large wardrobe during it & she made the most of it

Georgia May knew that she was in real danger of receiving the death penalty, while her accomplices would most likely be given life sentences. Although she didn’t like the idea of wasting away in prison for the rest of her life, she feared dying in the Gas Chamber even more.

She couldn’t let that happen. She thought that her only chance was to dress seductively at her trial & sway the men on the jury to spare her the humiliation & agony of a public execution.

She planned out her outfits in great detail. She would wear no bra over her firm pert breasts & her panties would be only skimpy white & pink thongs. At strategic points during the trial she would open her legs a little to flash the jury.

On the first day of her trial she wore a light blue mini skirt, & a tight white blouse. Her bronzed legs were bare. When she entered the courtroom to take her place at the defence table she saw the Gas Chamber for the first time. At the side of the court room was a large square glass case inside which a metal chair with open leather straps at the arm rests sat bolted to the floor.

She sat down at the table filled with apprehension by the presence of the Gas Chamber which sat menacingly at the side of the courtroom. As she sat down she allowed her mini skirt to ride up her thighs revealing her white panties to the jury. This was serious & she had to use all of her seductive skills to avoid gasping her last breath in the large glass “Coughing Box”

The trial lasted for five days. It was clear to Georgia May that the case against her was open & shut. She was going to be found guilty. She decided that she should take the stand to plead for her life & say how sorry she was for what she had done.

For the occasion Georgia May wore a very seductive tight fitting very short white lycra mini dress that accentuated every curve of her body. The material expanded & contracted tightly against her body, sculpting around her braless breasts, hips & buttocks. Her slender muscled legs were encased in tan pantyhose

She was called to give her testimony & all eyes followed her as she got up. Every contraction of her leg muscles & ripple of her body was apparent as she walked to the glass fronted witness stand. As she sat down & crossed her legs, as she intended her short white dress rode above her thighs & the courtroom got a tantalizing glimpse of the vee of the pink thong covering her crotch

She kept her composure throughout the testimony but it was clear on cross examination that she was guilty & had no excuse for her crimes. Her only chance now was to gain the sympathy of the men on the jury to spare her the death sentence, hoping that they would decide that she was just too cute to send to the Gas Chamber.

She admitted her guilt but pleaded for her life. She claimed to be remorseful & that she would change. She turned to the jury with her legs uncrossed exposing her pink thong once more & with tears in her eyes begged them not to condemn her to the Gas Chamber.

She said, “I’m terrified of the Gas Chamber, please don’t send me to it, I’m too young to die that way & I promise I’ll change my ways”. She did appear to gain the sympathy of many in the court, but the question was how did it play with the jury?

Georgia May’s plea for her life completed the presentation of the case & all that remained was Judgement Day.

For the verdict Georgia May decided to try & appear as innocent & harmless as possible. She wore a simple white blouse, black jacket & flared black, mini-skirt, flesh coloured panty-hose & black leather shoes. She looked more like a co-ed student than the cold blooded killer she actually was.

As she walked into the packed courtroom she looked around at the spectators & press watching her every move. Her gaze fell on the Gas Chamber which had now been wheeled to the centre of the courtroom on the castors fitted to the bottom of the large glass case.

She knew that if she was condemned in a short time she would be struggling against the leather straps attached to the metal chair inside it begging & screaming for her life

But no it wasn’t over yet. There was still a chance that the jury wouldn’t vote for the death sentence. She took her place at the defence table & both sides gave their final arguments. Her attorney argued that she had repented of her crimes, shown remorse & vowed to change

Once the final arguments of the lawyers were completed the jury retired. As soon as the panel left the courtroom two male prison guards walked over to Georgia May & told her that it was time for her to sit in the Gas Chamber.

The room was filled with low murmuring as each guard held her arms & guided her to the large glass box. They pulled open the door & forced Georgia May to sit down in the metal chair, they then went & stood behind the seated prisoner who was now really scared & wanted to scream

The wait for the return of the jury was excruciating. After half an hour they were back. There was complete silence as the judge asked, “Have you reached a verdict?”

The jury foreman rose & said “We have your honour. We unanimously find the defendant guilty on the three charges of first degree murder”.

The judge then asked, “Are you in a position to give a recommendation as to sentence?”

The foreman turned & looked at the terrified & trembling Georgia May sitting inside the Gas Chamber & said in a firm voice, “We recommend unanimously & very strongly that the defendant be put to death in the Gas Chamber”

Georgia May gasped at these words & tried to rise from the chair but was pushed back down by the guards standing behind her.

She cried out “Noooooh!. Please don’t kill me! I don’t want to die! No don’t kill me! Pease don’t!”, she begged & then broke down sobbing helplessly.

All that remained was to pass sentence. The judge looked at the prisoner shivering & weeping inside the Gas Chamber & said via the microphone connected to the speakers inside the glass box, “You Georgia May Forde having been found guilty on three charges of first degree murder & are hereby sentenced to death in the state Gas Chamber. May God have mercy on your soul. Guards you may proceed to carry out the sentence”.

The courtroom doors were now locked shut & the spectators prepared to watch the show. A hush came over the court.

The two guards stepped forward & quickly secured the squirming sobbing prisoner to the metal chair. They tightly bound her wrists & elbows to the arm rests.

No hood was pulled over Georgia May’s face leaving her to stare at those assembled to watch her die.

The judge asked if she had any last words & all she could do was scream, “Noooooooh!”. Her final desperate plea for life was clearly transmitted to the courtroom through the Gas Chamber sound system

Many in the courtroom were highly aroused & shifted in their seats as men’s cocks became rock hard, pressing against their trousers & women squeezed their thighs together as their panties began to soak with their juices beneath their skirts.

The guards gave the leather straps securing Georgia May to the metal chair a final check, left the Gas Chamber & closed the door behind them.
The condemned girl sits shaking in the chair waiting for the deadly cyanide to begin to fill the glass room. As she hears the hiss of the fumes as they began to rise from the bucket beneath her seat her terrified eyes bulge open & she takes a futile deep last breath & closes her eyes

As the deadly gas fills the chamber Georgia May desperately tries to hold her breath for as long as she can however after a minute & a half she is forced to exhale & take a deep breath of the noxious fumes.

The effect on her is immediate. Her eyes again open wide as does her mouth. Her body tries to rise from the metal chair, all her muscles tense. She then collapses back into the chair & her body begins to shudder & convulse. Her unsecured legs thrash & kick lifting her black mini skirt up above her waist leaving her pink panties on permanent display.

Georgia May is dying in extreme pain.. Her face is a picture of agony, her eyes protrude out on stalks from a face that is slowly turning blue,, her mouth gapes open & her extended tongue drips drool

Georgia May’s suffering in the “Coughing Box” lasts thirteen minutes before she slumps dead in the metal char. Several of the spectators, men & women, orgasm as she dies.

Once it was all over the spectators filed silently out of the courtroom & the guards turned on the extractors to remove the deadly cyanide gas from the glass chamber to allow the doctor to enter the Gas Chamber & certify death

Alyssia found the story highly arousing & read it several times before retiring to bed to rub herself to a very satisfying climax

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