Execution Tales Chapter 62 Revision 2
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62: Back in London

Inspired by their trip to Singapore PT decided to set her next story there during WWII when it was under Japanese occupation. It was entitled Spies


25 year old Agnetha Nilsson & 24 year Jenni Blomquist had allowed themselves to be trapped in Singapore when the Japanese conquered the island. Their passports described them as neutral Swedish journalists, which they were, but they were also agents of the NKVD, the Soviet Union’s secret service.

Agnetha was beautiful. She had centrally parted long blonde hair, azure eyes, high cheekbones, a straight slightly stub nose & firm jaw. She was 5’10” tall with a superb body. She had long sleek legs, a flat stomach, large firm breasts & a beautifully rounded bottom

Jenni was attractive rather than beautiful. She was petite, barely 5’ 3” in height & her slim body weighed no more than 110 pounds. She wore her brown hair short which added to her slightly boyish appearance

The Japanese officers found them fascinating & exotic. They had never come across young women like Astrid & Jenni before & they became very popular invitees to events attended by senior officers & German & Italian diplomats

Over the next six months Astrid & Jenni slept with several senior Japanese officers & Axis officials & expertly managed to get them to talk about the progress of the war. What they managed to glean they radioed back to Moscow

The Kenpaitai,, the Japanese Intelligence Service knew that someone was making unauthorized radio transmissions from Singapore but as Astrid & Jenni were very careful to keep their coded messages brief & varied the locations which they transmitted from the secret police couldn’t track down the source of these broadcasts

What led to their downfall was the capture of a senior NKVD officer by the Germans as they over-ran the western part of the Soviet Union. Under torture by the Gestapo before he was executed he divulged the identities of all the Soviet agents he knew of including Agnetha & Jenni. The Gestapo passed the information to their counterparts in the Kenpaitai & the two young Swedish women were arrested.

The occupying Japanese authorities didn’t want to suffer the loss of face involved in admitting that two Soviet agents had been operating successfully for such an extended time in Singapore & so Agnetha & Jenni’s trial was held ”In Camera”. The sentence was inevitable – death by hanging. The two spies were taken to Changi prison to await execution

Several of the senior Japanese officers & government officials were also sexual sadists & they had ordered some changes to be made to the execution chamber in the prison.

A fully furnished viewing gallery had been put in with two-way glass at the front, those in the gallery could see out but those in the death chamber couldn’t see in.

Also the gallows had been adapted from the previous British style to allow hangings to be carried out in the Japanese manner. Instead of a dangling rope two noosed ropes were tied horizontally to the vertical support beams. Once the prisoner had had both nooses placed round their neck the ropes were pulled taut by two small winches.

When the trap fell the victim dropped hardly at all & would then strangle slowly to death. To maximize the impact & the humiliation the Japanese didn’t cover the faces of condemned prisoners.

On death row Agnetha & Jenni were allowed to wear the clothes that they had been wearing when they had been arrested. In both cases they had been at their news office when the secret police had come for them & they had been wearing smart business suits, navy blue for Agnetha, charcoal grey in Jenni’s case, white blouses & leather shoes.

As dedicated communists they had rejected the offer of religious spiritual comfort. They got no Swedish consular support simply because all the Swedish consul knew was that they appeared to have simply disappeared

The female Changi prison guards, who had continued working as normal for their new Japanese masters as they had the British were slightly in awe of the prisoners especially the Valkyrie like Agnetha.

Both Swedish girls had been composed & stoic since there arrest. Despite urgings from the Germans they hadn’t been tortured or interrogated too rigorously as the Japanese didn’t want to embarrass the senior officials who had slept with them more than they had to. Tokyo had however ordered several officers & officials back to Japan when the central government learned of the case

The night before the executions the new Japanese Governor of the prison visited the two young women in their cells & confirmed that they would be hanged the following morning at 9 am.

He had been a prison Governor in Japan before he was brought back from retirement after the Japanese occupied Singapore to run Changi & he was determined to do his job in Singapore the same way he had done when running the prison back home in Hiroshima. At heart he was somewhat surprisingly quite humane.

He asked Agnetha & Jenni if they had any last requests & both girls said they would like to be allowed to spend some time together on their last night of life. Not seeing any harm in it he agreed

Agnetha was taken to Jenni’s cell & the two young women embraced each other tightly.

There were two female prison guards in the cell along with them & the Governor had told them quietly to allow the two condemned prisoner’s to be together for as long as they wanted so long as Agnetha was back in her own cell by 7 am the following morning. He also instructed his guards to allow the two prisoners to do what they wanted, within reason

The guards were taken aback when Agnetha & Jenni’s hug moved onto a passionate kiss. They weren’t only fellow agents & friends, they were also lovers. Agnetha picked up Jenni & carried her to the bed in the cell, she then turned round & stared at the warders challenging them to interfere.

The two guards looked at each other & shrugged their shoulders. They had their order, they were both lesbians & this looked as if it might be quite entertaining

Agnetha lay down on the bed beside Jenni & they kissed long & hard. The blonde girl then reached down & began to pull the smaller girl’s dark skirt up her nylon clad thighs until her suspenders & white panties were visible. She then began to gently rub Jenni’s crotch.

Jenni returned the favour & soon Agnetha’s blue skirt was up round her waist with Jenni’s hand burrowing away inside the front of her pink panties

The guards watched on mesmerized, they could feel the gussets of their own underwear beginning to moisten under their khaki uniform skirts

Agnetha then got onto her knees, pushed Jenni’s panties to the side leant down & thrust her tongue deep inside her lover’s pussy while continuing to rub her own. Jenni’s legs rose & wrapped themselves around Agnetha’s head.

The guards gaped at the most magnificent pair of female buttocks they had ever seen. They both slipped their hands inside the waistbands of their skirts & began to rub themselves

Jenni moaned loudly as her orgasm approached. As she came her body tensed & she groaned in ecstasy

Once the smaller girl had recovered she got on her knees on top of Agnetha & went to work with her highly skilled tongue. When the tall blonde climaxed, her hips bucked & Jenni was almost thrown off the bed. Agnetha gasped loudly as her orgasm pulsed through her

Agnetha & Jenni’s love making continued for another three hours until they were spent. Their senses heightened by the knowledge that this was the final pleasure they would experience they both came three times. The guards for their part both orgasmed twice

Agnetha returned to her cell at 2 am & immediately fell asleep as did Jenni. The guards struggled to stay awake until they were relieved by the day shift at 6 am

The next morning the prisoners were woken at 7 am & prepared for their ordeal.

At 8 am the newly built viewing gallery in the death chamber began to fill up with senior Japanese officers & officials accompanied by their Chinese & Korean “Comfort women”. They were all looking forward to the coming show

Below them on the floor of the death chamber more junior officers & officials took their seats. Each of them was also accompanied by a female companion

The Governor had decided that Jenni should be executed first as he perceived her as the weaker of the two women. He entered her cell & told her it was time.

The two female guards handcuffed her hands behind her. As she walked past Agnetha’s cell the tall blonde girl cried out “Courage Comrade”. She then broke down weeping.

Her body trembling Jenni mounted the gallows steps. To the spectators she looked like an innocent schoolgirl she was so slight & appealing in her white blouse, dark grey skirt & tan nylon stockings

In the viewing gallery as instructed the “Comfort women” bent over the desks placed next to the balustrade. Their masters lifted up their skirts pulled their panties to the side & pushed their raging cocks inside the wetly glistening pussies & waited

At the top of the steps Jenni looked at the executioner holding the two nooses & her composure deserted her. She started to struggle & plead for mercy.

The guards dragged her to the hangman & held her in place as the executioner placed the two nooses around her neck. He then went to both sides of the gallows & using the small winches pulled the ropes taut.

Jenni gasped as she felt the ropes tighten around her neck. The two guards moved away leaving the prisoner alone sobbing & quaking with fear. Her eyes were wide open & filled with raw unmitigated terror. Her cuffed hands clenched into tight fists as she waited. She gave out a loud sob & anticipating what was about to happen sucked in a large gulp of air

Suddenly the platform drops from under her, she falls hardly at all held suspended by the two tight ropes. Jenni gasps gutturally & she begins to struggle. Her wheezing & grunting become more strained. Her legs flap back & forth & then lift up almost to her heaving shaking small pert breasts, exposing her stocking tops & white panties under her charcoal grey skirt to the entranced spectators

In the viewing gallery The Japanese officers & officials frenziedly fuck the “Comfort women” & in the witness seats the men have their hands up their companions’ skirts massaging the girls’ crotches as they in turn rub their partners’ rigid cocks through their trousers
Jenni’s head is shaking, her face is now purple red above her slowly stretching neck. Her eyes bulge, her swelling tongue protrudes from her wide open mouth which is foaming with drool. Her gasps continue sounding more & more like a carpenter’s rasp on hardwood.

She twists & shudders her legs jerking, her body arching backwards & forwards. Her eyes beg for release from the excruciating agony. Once again she pulls up her knees, holds them high for a few seconds & then slowly drops them. Jenni’s body goes into its final shuddering convulsions which last a further minute & then her eyes glaze over & she finally hangs dead on the two supporting ropes

In the viewing gallery the men grunted & groaned as their seed spurted from their throbbing rock hard cocks into the women’s pussies. In the witness seats several women moaned as they came & most of the men flooded their underpants with their sperm

Jenni’s body was left dangling for the regulation half hour while the spectators adjourned to a refreshment area excitedly chatting about the hanging they have just witnessed & the upcoming execution of the Amazonian like Agnetha

In her cell Agnetha was desperately trying to be brave, but the crash of the gallows platform as Jenni began her final dance had almost broken her.

The execution party arrived at her cell, the guards entered & forced her to her feet, pulled her hands behind her & cuffed her wrists.

As they entered the death chamber Agnetha breathed hard & looked up in growing terror at the scaffold.

She slowly mounted the steps to the platform as if every step required her full concentration. At the top the guards positioned her on the trap & the hangman placed the two nooses round her neck & then tightened the ropes with the winches at the side

The trap door opens & like Jenni before her Agnetha only drops a few inches. The nooses around her neck brutally constrict her throat. She gasps & tosses her head from side to side her blonde mane flying. She desperately tries to force a few more gulps of air down her windpipe but it’s hopeless.

Agnetha starts to kick, her legs flailing wildly pushing her blue skirt at times to her waist, exposing her pink panties. Her hands cuffed at the wrists open & close. Her facial expression is horribly distorted by the pain, she is becoming less lovely by the second.

Her magnificent body is wracked by spasms, her breasts bounce, her long legs strain, toes pointing down, as she fruitlessly searches for some purchase to ease the killing pressure on her neck.

The much stronger Agnetha lasts several minutes longer on the gallows than the smaller Jenni. Finally her movements become weaker, she gurgles gently one last time, her eyes recede into the back of her skull & her tongue rolls out of her mouth & then her body goes limp

All of the men in the viewing gallery & most of those in the witness area come for the second time. The sight & sounds of Agnetha’s execution had surpassed their wildest expectations

MG told PT that she thought “Spies” was one of her best tales to date & as a reward she spent several hours fucking her with her newly bought strap-on vibrating dildo

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