Execution Tales Chapter 63 Part 2 Revision 2
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Delighted by what they had learned about Iranian female executions MG & PT dressed in their nun’s outfits & carrying their references from Botswana & Singapore went to the Foreign Office & offered their help in the Bahrami case.

The official they met told them that he sincerely hoped it wouldn’t get to that stage as the British Government was making strenuous efforts to get Tehran to commute the death sentence, however if this was unsuccessful then they would give serious consideration to asking the Iranian’s to allow the Sisters to visit & offer support to Jennifer

Much to MG & PT’s delight the Iranians refused to budge & Jennifer’s death sentence was confirmed by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khameni. In private this wasn’t much of a surprise to MI6 as the evidence against her was overwhelming & she was in fact a British agent

To prove that they weren’t barbarians & that they did respect other faiths Tehran granted permission for MG & PT to visit the condemned woman a week before her execution

The next day “Sister Morrison” & “Sister Chan” flew to Iran at the expense of the UK Government. At the “Nuns” request their visit was kept a secret from the media & a security D Notice issued barring all reporting in the UK. They were met at the airport by a British Embassy official who took them to their hotel, again paid for by the UK taxpayer

The following day an Embassy car collected MG & PT from their hotel & took them to the forbidding Evin prison where Jennifer was being held. They were greeted respectfully by the Prison Governor & then two female guards took them to the death row for female prisoners

As they walked down death row they could see that nearly all of the cells were full. They were taken to a room at the end of the corridor & asked to wait while Jennifer was brought to meet them.

When they were alone MG & PT smiled complicitly at each other. MG leaned across & whispered, “I feel as if I have died & gone to heaven, what a wonderful place”.

The door opened & Jennifer Bahrami was brought in. She was very attractive. She had quite long dark curly hair, large almond eyes, her face was tanned. & she was fairly tall & slender.

As seemed to be the custom in some countries as a condemned prisoner Jennifer was being allowed to wear her own clothes which consisted of a white blouse & a knee length brown suede skirt. Due to the heat she was barelegged & the bottom part of her legs were also tanned light brown

Jennifer sat down with a sigh & said, “Thank you for coming Sisters. I understand from the Embassy that this isn’t the first time you have tried to help someone in my situation. I was brought up a Catholic but I’m afraid I have lapsed somewhat. Anyway it is good to see at least two friendly faces in this hellhole”

MG asked, “How are you bearing up Jennifer?”

She replied, “Monday’s are the worst. That is when the executions take place. They come for the prisoner’s at twelve o’clock & take them to the gallows at the end of the corridor. Last Monday two teenage girls were hanged. My God how they screamed, wept & pleaded as they were dragged to their deaths”.

At this both MG & PT crossed their legs, as they felt the very familiar sensation of their panties moistening.

Jennifer continued, “That isn’t all. Each female prisoner on death row is medically examined on arrival & if they are found to be virgins the guards rape them two nights before they are executed. This is due apparently to some stipulation in the Koran that it is against Islamic Law to kill a female virgin. My view is that it has nothing to do with religion. I think they do it simply because the guards like to fuck young girls. The two last week were raped on Saturday evening”.

MG & PT’s eyes widened at this information, in what they hope looked like horror

Jennifer laughed mirthlessly, “Don’t worry Sisters. They checked me out too but my cherry was well & truly popped over ten years ago”

The three young woman chatted for a further hour before a female guard came into the room & told them they had to leave

That evening as they recovered from some very frenzied love making the girls agreed that they must somehow witness Jennifer’s hanging. The next morning they relayed their request to the prison authorities & still trying to appear to the world as civilized the Iranian’s granted this special dispensation

MG & PT visited Jennifer each day & on the morning she was due to hang they sat with her in the death cell for an hour before they came for her. The condemned young woman appeared calm & composed though her face was pale under her tan.

This Monday four young Iranian women none over the age of 21 were also to be executed. They had all been condemned for prostitution & selling drugs. As a message to the population, & to entertain the guards the prostitutes were dressed in their working clothes of tight tops & miniskirts. The Iranian girls were all very attractive, which was essential if they were to make a decent living as prostitutes.

The Prison Governor appeared followed by a dozen male & female guards. The prostitutes struggled & wailed as they were cuffed & taken from their cells. Jennifer wearing her familiar white blouse & brown suede skirt was the last prisoner to be brought out from her cell & she seemed to be remaining stoic.

MG & PT followed the execution party towards the death chamber. They couldn’t believe their luck, five hangings in one day!

They entered the death chamber & MG & PT inwardly gasped as they saw what was in front of them. Five thin nylon cords hung down from a large metal pipe between the two walls each with a simple slip knot noose at the end. Under each noose stood five wooden stools.

The condemned prisoners were taken to the stools & forced to stand on them. The executioner using another stool expertly slipped the nooses round the soft slender necks of the young women. He drew the cords fairly tight around their throats, carefully positioning the knots to ensure slow & complete strangulation

When he was satisfied he went & stood in front of the five doomed girls. They all sobbed in terror & pleaded in Farsi for mercy. Jennifer’s eyes were closed & she appeared to be praying

The hangman goes to the first mini-skirted girl & kicks away the stool & she gurgles as the nylon cord bites into her neck under the weight of her body. She shudders, convulses & her legs flail & kick up & down lifting up her flared red mini-skirt showing off her tight white panties to the highly appreciative guards.

She takes five minutes to die but eventually her feet twitch for the last time & she hangs quietly. Bloodshot eyes bulge from her once pretty face which is now dark & swollen, her tongue lolls down almost down to her chin dripping spittle. The girl’s neck has been stretched a couple of inches & the nylon cord has bitten so deeply into her neck it has almost disappeared from view. The executioner goes to the swaying girl & checks for a pulse. He finds none.

The remaining three Iranian girls are now hysterical with terror as they have had to endure watching & listening to the first hanging. Jennifer is now trembling & tears run down her cheeks

MG & PT stand there holding hands tightly their eyes closed as their first orgasms sweep through them. Like others before them the guards assume they are praying

The hangman slowly & methodically works his way down the line carrying out one execution at a time. He kicks away the stool then stands back to watch each prisoner’s face darken & legs thresh about invariably exposing their panties under the mini-skirts.

On average it takes them about five minutes to slowly strangle to death & so by the time that the four young prostitutes all hang quiet, their tongues bulging from their mouth, heads hanging down poor Jennifer has been standing noosed on her stool waiting to die for over twenty minutes & she now loses her composure & starts to sob & plead just as the authorities had planned. They were determined that the female agent should suffer as much as possible to send a strong message to “Perfidious Albion” that spying in Iran would not be tolerated.

MG & PT are now well on the way to their second climaxes

Savoring the moment the hangman looks up at Jennifer & smiles evilly as he kicks the stool away. Her eyes open wide in shock as she feels the full force of the nylon noose around her neck, her mouth gapes wide, her tongue starting to stick out, as she tries to breathe.

She begins to struggle & her legs swing outward & downwards looking for the floor that is out of reach below her. She then twists & contorts & begins to kick up & down. To the pleasure of the guards the hem of her knee length brown skirt is raised high enough at times to afford them tantalizing glimpses of her skimp pink underwear.

Jennifer’s complexion grows dark red & then bluish purple. Her neck stretches & horrible choking noises come from her. After fully eight minutes her body relaxes into welcome death, her protruding eyes stare out sightlessly into the room & her tongue bulges luridly from her gaping mouth. It is over

MG & PT come again hard, marvelously & intensely. They rock backwards & forwards on their heels their panties flooded with their juices. They breathe deeply their eyes closed once again as the wonderful sensations pulse through them.

That evening in the hotel room the girls both agreed that the Evin executions were the best ones they had seen. They then made love for most of the night.

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