Execution Tales Chapter 64 Part 2 Revision 2
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MG inspired by PT’s “Barbara Graham” returned to the computer keyboard & penned her next story. She set in 1969 in Spain when General Franco was in power

The ETA Girls

21 year old Ariana Gomez & 22 year old Yuliana Penna were arrested along with three male comrades in Madrid after a bombing campaign in the Spanish capital that had killed several members of the Guardia Civil. All five were members of ETA the Basque terrorist organization that justified it’s actions as they were carried out in the name of Basque independence

The trial of the five terrorists was given widespread media coverage not least because Ariana & Yuliana looked more like models than ruthless killers. They were both quite tall & slim with fabulous figures & manes of long black lustrous hair. Each day at the trial their lovely long legs were well displayed by the mini-skirts they habitually wore.

However their appearance didn’t help them & the two ETA girls were found guilty on all counts along with their three male colleagues. All five were sentenced to death on the garotte

There was some lobbying by human rights groups against the death sentences but the Spanish authorities brushed it aside. The sentences were welcomed by the majority of the Spanish people who while weary of the restrictions imposed on them by Franco’s military dictatorship were even more sick of the atrocities being perpetrated by ETA

On the morning of the executions 33 year old Felicia Santos, the female officer in charge of the women’s wing of the central prison in Madrid looked out of her office window at the garotte standing on its platform four feet above the ground. She smiled in anticipation at what was to come.

Her tight panties were already slightly moist under her knee length black uniform skirt. While she knew that she would find the execution of the three men entertaining what she was really looking forward to was the garotting of the two young women. Felicia was a dyed in wool fascist, vicious sexual sadist & a lesbian.

She turned to her current lover Maria Saurez & said. “Not long now Maria”.

25 year old Maria was a more junior officer & she too was a sexual sadist who got off on watching young women & girls suffer. Maria replied, “I can’t wait Felicia. My pussy is already getting wet just thinking about it”.

Felicia nodded & said, “Me to. I have just been told that on General Franco’s orders the spike on the garotte that normally severs the prisoners’ spinal cords has been removed. The five ETA terrorists are going to be slowly strangled by the steel collar alone, including of course the delectable Ariana & Yuliana & to put the icing on the cake the executions are to be filmed”

Half an hour later all was ready & the dozen or so witnesses including Felicia & Maria sat in their seats in front of the garotte on its platform. The cameras were ready & the masked executioner stood waiting behind the terrible instrument of death

One at a time the three young men were brought out, their sentences are read to them & they are garotted. Each was stoic & silent until they felt the steel collar tighten round their necks & they fully realised how they were going to die.

All three started to scream but their cries were silenced by the strangling collar. They bucked & heaved, legs flailing & kicking as their faces slowly darkened.

Felicia & Maria were amused by the sight of their bulging erections pressing against their trousers. The women officers crossed their legs under their skirts & pressed their thighs together.

On the orders of General Franco the men were garotted very slowly. The Generalissimo had instructed that each prisoner be kept alive for at least ten minutes before the steel collar was fully tightened breaking their necks.

In their cells Ariana & Yuliana couldn’t see what was happening in the prison yard but they could hear it all too clearly, the screams suddenly cut off replaced by desperate gasping & choking & the banging of the heels & feet on the wooden platform.

The terrified girls hands went to their slender necks as they started to understand that there was to be no merciful quick breaking of their necks. They sobbed in terror.

They came for Ariana first. Like all of the condemned she was wearing the clothes she was sentenced in which in her case consisted of a white blouse, a tight black leather mini-skirt, flesh coloured pantyhose & knee length black boots.

Arianna struggled & wept as she was taken from the cell out into the prison yard. She mewled in terror when she saw the garotte for the first time.

The guards dragged the futilely resisting girl up the four steps to the platform & forced her to sit on the wooden stool. They then handcuffed her hands behind the pole & further secured her to it by means of a leather strap around her waist.

The Prison Governor stepped forward & started to read from the piece of paper in his hand, “Ariana Gomez you have been found guilty multiple acts of terrorism including seven counts of murder. For these crimes you have been sentenced to death by garotting. Have you anything to say before sentence is carried out?”

The doomed girl sobbed helplessly & wailed, “I’m sorry! Please have mercy! In the name of God please have mercy!”

The Governor looked at the executioner & nodded. He stepped forward & carefully clamped the steel collar around Ariana’s shivering neck. The girl’s eyes opened wide as she felt its deadly embrace round her throat

Felicia & Maria leaned forward in their seats, their panties now soaking, mesmerized by the scene in front of them. They greedily drank in the sight of the wailing, terror stricken prisoner waiting to die. From where they were sitting they could see up past Ariana’s long booted legs to the vee of her white panties under her black leather mini-skirt

The executioner begins to slowly turn the screw which tightens the collar. As she feels it begin to press on her neck Arianna lets out an ear splitting blood curdling scream of pure terror which resonates around the yard, the noise echoing back from the surrounding prison buildings.

As the collar tightens the prisoner can only gurgle & gasp. Her back arches pushing her firm young breasts up against her white blouse. Her legs flail from side to side & her booted heels beat out a loud tuneless tattoo on the wooden platform, fully exposing her white covered crotch to the witnesses. Her face is gradually turning red, her eyes bulge & her mouth hangs wide open, the tongue lolling from its side.

As ordered Arianna’s agony is prolonged by the highly practiced executioner for ten minutes until he gives the screw its final turn. A wet crack is heard coming from the prisoner’s neck as the steel collar dislocates her spine. A powerful shudder goes through her body & then she relaxes slumped on the stool. Her once lovely face is now a horrific swollen dark caricature of what it had once been.

Felicia & Maria clenched their fists & bit their lips as they climaxed.

The prison doctor mounted the platform & went to the dead girl on the garotte. He checked her heart with a stethoscope & confirmed that she was dead. The guards removed the body & put in the cheap pine coffin lying on the ground behind the platform.

It was now Yuliana’s turn to die

In her cell Yuliana had almost fainted in terror when she heard Ariana’s dreadful scream as she first felt the pressure of the steel collar around her throat.

Moaning in terror she was almost half carried from the cell into the yard & placed on the garotte stool. She offered no resistance as she was secured to the pole & appeared to be in a total daze as the sentence was read to her.

Felicia & Maria could feel their arousal growing again as they looked at the beautiful young girl on the garotte. Her breasts were bigger than Ariana’s & amply filled her ruffled tight cream blouse. Like her friend Yuliana was also wearing a tight leather mini-skirt, brown in her case, she also had on tan pantyhose but instead of boots her feet were shod in leather shoes. Felicia & Maria noted that unlike Ariana the visible vee of Yuliana’s underwear was pink

The feel of the slowly tightening collar around her neck jolts the prisoner from her trance like state. Her eyes bulge wide open & she gasps. Her head twists & turns as she tries to evade the slowly constricting metal ring. It is becoming more difficult to get rid of the stale air trapped in her lungs & her large breasts bounce as her chest heaves as she tries desperately to breathe.

Her eyes are filled with utter panic. Her upper body thrashes backwards & forwards banging against the pole. Her legs pump up & down as if she is riding an invisible bicycle. Her pink panties are now on permanent display.

The executioner tortures Yuliana with the collar, at times he releases the pressure a bit to allow her to breathe slightly & then tightens the screw again. Her face is now a dark mask of pain, her eyes wide open pleading for release from her agony, her mouth is open wide drool trickling from the corner, her tongue shows through between her full red lips.

After the requisite ten minutes the executioner puts Yuliana out of her misery & the steel collar fractures her spinal column. Her body convulses one last time as she dies, her full firm breasts rise up under her blouse as her back arches away from the pole, her heels kick the platform for the final time. She is dead. Like Ariana her once beautiful features are now dark & contorted by the agony of her death

Felicia & Maria rock gently in their seats as they orgasm for the second time

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