Execution Tales Chapter 66 Revision 2
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66: The Tender Mercy of “Sister Morrison” & “Sister Chan”

Over the next two months MG & PT killed another nine young women & girls to bring the total consigned to a watery grave to ten. They were careful to vary where they hunted so as not to raise any suspicions amongst the other prostitutes on the streets

Each of the nine victims, after the first one, were murdered in line with scenes from their stories. The first executions they enacted were those described in MG’s WWII stories such as “Lida, Klava & Lena”, “Jaqueline Fontaine”, “The Looters” & “The Bitch of Paris”.

To add realism MG & PT bought Women SS Officers uniforms from a fancy dress shop complete with black boots. The first night they tried the uniforms on they were so turned on they grabbed each other & desperately pushed the knee length black skirts up above their waists thrusting their hands inside each other’s panties.

They then relished rubbing their pussies raw while wearing the uniforms as their victims slowly strangled to death in front of them

They obtained a second hand Qantas stewardess uniform online & dressed one of their prisoners in it to mimic the execution of the drug smugglers in MG’s “Dance Hall”.

The next execution they brought to life was the hanging of the Bacchantes in MG’s story entitled “Rome”. For this killing MG & PT wore togas & their victim was dressed in a brief tunic.

During the enactment of the hanging in PT’s “Spies” they adapted the gallows to enable them to hang their blonde prisoner via the Japanese method of using two secured horizontal ropes

The murder that excited MG & PT the most of these was based on the garotting in PT’s “ETA Girls”. They had gone out of their way when searching London’s red light districts for a suitable “Star” & the girl they found was perfect for the part.

She was a 19 year old Syrian asylum seeker called Jamila, who despite the difficulties life had thrown at her was still beautiful. To make some money Jamila was selling the only thing she had, her body.

She had long thick curly black hair, large dark eyes & delicate features. When she first came to the attention of MG & PT her pert young breasts, slim figure & long lithe legs were shown off to perfection in her tight white blouse & black leather mini-skirt. As soon as she saw Jamila MG whispered in PT’s ear “Ariana” & PT smiled & nodded

During the day after they first met Jamila, MG & PT set about installing a home- made garotte in the basement. It consisted of a large second hand wooden chair bought at a market. They fixed it to the gallows platform via sprockets & nailed a wooden post to the back of the chair. The obtaining of a wooden stick & some leather straps completed their preparations

The abduction, killing & disposal of Jamila went off without a hitch & after it MG & PT sat back & watched the film of the murder several times

Jamila is just coming round secured to the wooden chair by leather straps round her wrists & waist. PT enters the scene & approaches the prisoner. Like MG who was making sure the camera got everything, PT is wearing her SS officer’s white blouse, black skirt tan pantyhose & black boots. She leans down & whispers in Jamila’s ear informing her of her fate. The prisoner’s eyes open wide in terror & she starts to scream.

MG focuses the camera on Jamila’s face & zooms in for a close up, savoring the sight & sound of the girl’s terror. She then slowly pans down taking in the girl’s futile & desperate struggles against the leather straps holding her on the chair. The camera lingers on Jamila’s thighs. Despite her legs being pressed together a sliver of white can clearly be seen between her hose covered thighs beneath her black leather mini-skirt

PT disappears from shot for a few seconds & then returns holding a length of soft leather twine which she dangles in front of Jamila’s terror stricken face

The girl screams again & pleads for her life. PT walks slowly behind the seated wriggling Jamila who continues to struggle & strain against the securing leather straps as if she can snap them through sheer force of will.

PT gently puts the leather twine around the girl’s shivering slender throat & pulls both ends behind the wooden upright fixed to the backrest of the seat. She then ties the ends together & places the wooden stick between the leather twine & the back of the wooden post. All is ready

As she feels the leather round her soft neck Jamila’s terror mounts even higher. PT waits for a minute sadistically tormenting the doomed girl.

She then slowly begins to twist the stick, her hands at either end. The look on the girl’s face as she feels the leather tighten around her throat is vivid & explicit. Her eyes open wide & a strangled squeak comes from her gaping mouth.

As the pressure on her neck increases Jamila begins to struggle desperately fighting for breath. Her firm young breasts press against her tight white blouse as her chest heaves & her back arches. Her fingers clench & unclench. Her legs splay wide fully exposing her white panties & her heels bang up & down on the gallows platform.

Her fully wide open eyes bulge from their sockets, her swollen tongue emerges from her open mouth & her face begins to darken. She tries to rise from the chair but the leather strap will only allow her bottom to lift a couple of inches up off the seat. The look on her face is one of pure agony, her suffering is obviously intense.

After ten minutes PT gives the wooden stick a final twist. Jamila convulses & spasms violently her bottom leaving the seat, her legs threshing in front of her, she makes a gurgling sound & then slumps limply in the wooden chair. Her head lolls to one side, her face is now purple, her bloodshot eyes stare sightlessly at the camera, her mouth is wide open & her swollen tongue protrudes dripping saliva

Each time after watching the film MG & PT made passionate love

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