Execution Tales Chapter 69 Revision 2
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69: The Hanging of “Jenny Wanda Barkmann” & “Elisabeth Becker”

The next Saturday the twelve Club members admired each other’s WW11 Red Army dress uniforms all of which had been provided by Sir Reginald. The uniforms consisted of olive green caps, jackets, ties, white shirts, knee length black boots, knee length skirts for the women & cavalry style britches for the men. Once they had read MG & PT’s script they hurried down to the cellar anxious to begin

As this week there are two prisoners Grace, once she had turned on the camera, MG & PT assisted Mala & Josette in bringing the doomed young women into the cellar. Though it wasn’t strictly speaking historically accurate the two victims were dressed in the same type of SS uniforms that the Club members had worn the previous week.

The two girls who were about to hang were Latvian waitresses whom Grace Mala & Josette had abducted in the same manner as Saskia Malinowsky. Olga Merlov & Natasha Serov were very attractive 21 year olds & they were about to find out that their dreams of modelling careers were instead destined to end with them dancing their lives away on the end of a rope

This week two nooses dangled from the gallows crossbeam. Underneath them to recreate the flatbed trucks used during the actual hangings was a flat four wheeled trailer

As was Saskia the previous Saturday Olga & Natasha, wearing the black & silver SS uniforms minus the caps, their hands tied behind them, were confused & fearful as they were forced into the cellar by MG, PT & the three black girls, who were also dressed in Red Army uniforms & like Saskia’s their fear changed to pure terror when they saw the gallows.

They wailed & fought as they were forced onto the platform, made to stand on the trailer & noosed

Once the victims were prepared Grace, Mala & Josette remained on the trailer with the two doomed girls holding them in position. MG & PT dismounted but remained on the platform. Their next job would be to release the brake & push the vehicle from underneath the prisoner’s feet

Sir Reginald moved to center stage & read from the paper prepared for him by MG & PT, “Jenny Wanda Barkmann & Elisabeth Becker you have been found guilty of mass murder & crimes against humanity. For these offences you have been sentenced to hang by the neck until you are dead. The executions will commence in five minutes. Becker will be hanged first so that Barkmann, whom the court has found to be the most evil of the two, can see at first hand the fate that awaits her”.

With that he moved to a couch, sat down & started to gently massage his rapidly growing erection. The three couples prepared themselves. The woman sat on their partner’s laps facing the scaffold their skirts up around their waists with the men’s throbbing cocks spearing deep into their pussies. The men moved their heads to the side so that they could see past the women, determined not to miss any of the fun

“Jenny” & “Elisabeth” were now only too well aware of what was about to happen to them & they shrieked in terror pleading for mercy.

After five minutes had elapsed MG released the brake of the trailer & she & PT began to slowly push it along the platform. “Elisabeth” who had been placed next to the rear edge of the vehicle tried desperately to keep her feet as the trailer moved beneath her feet. Grace firmly pushed against her ensuring she stayed where she was.

Mala & Josette kept a firm grip on the trembling terror stricken “Jenny” who looked on in horror

The taut rope around her throat pulls “Elisabeth” from the trailer as it disappears from under her. Now hanging suspended by her neck her knees flex & jerk.

Her mouth shuts tight, her back arches a little & then after a moment she convulses, her chest demanding air she can’t have, her face fills with agony.

She twists & sways & then starts to take giant steps as if running in mid-air. Her pumping thighs push up her black SS uniform skirt displaying her white panties much to the gratification of the watching Club members.

“Elisabeth’s’ now blood flecked eyes bulge from her gradually swelling & darkening face, her tongue lolls out of her gaping mouth & her neck starts to stretch as her body violently shakes & shudders

As soon as “Elisabeth” swung free from the trailer Grace had climbed down from the vehicle & the platform & had gone to join Sir Reginald. Now along with the three other women on the couches she is bouncing up & down on her partners lap as the four men frantically fuck their women.

MG & PT sit on gallows platform, eyes fixed on the girl slowly strangling to death a few feet from them, their skirts bunched around their waists fingers frantically moving in & out of their pussies.

Mala & Josette as yet can’t touch themselves as they hold onto the terrified “Jenny” however the sight & sounds of “Elisabeth’s” agonizing death struggles just next to them combined with feeling the terrified trembling of the doomed girl in their grip is making the crotches of their panties soaking wet under their skirts

The hanging girl dances for a full six minutes before her chest heaves for one last time & she dangles dead swinging on the rope

All of the Club members come apart from Mala & Josette. Once he has recovered his breath Sir Reginald says throatily, “I think we should delay the next hanging for fifteen minutes so that we can all recover our “Mojo” so to speak. Sister Morrison & Sister Chan would you mind taking over from Mala & Josette in restraining the prisoner. I am sure my two employees are desperate to relieve themselves”

MG & PT got up & mounted the scaffold & climbed up on the trailer. Mala & Josette handed over the weeping shivering “Jenny” to them & hurried down to a couch where they each rubbed themselves to a climax within a couple of minutes

MG & PT could feel their arousal growing again as they stood holding the shivering sobbing “Jenny”.

Fifteen minutes later Mala & Josette returned to the platform, released the trailer’s brake & pushed it out from beneath “Jenny’s” desperately scrabbling feet. They then returned to their couch as did MG & PT.

The doomed girl rotates slowly as she starts to hang & she immediately begins to fight & struggle. Her hands twist in her bonds, her feet fly out in every direction as she searches for a foothold as she swings three feet above the gallows platform.

Her head is pushed back by the knot at the front of her neck & she is gasping & wheezing fighting to move the air into & out of her lungs. Her eyes bulge & her face contorts in pain as her lungs begin to burn & her limbs start to ache.

“Jenny’s’” gasping & groaning is becoming more rapid, the heaving of her chest faster & shallower as she runs out of air. Her body convulses, her back arches & she raises her knees up to her waist giving the Club members an unobstructed view up her black skirt to her light blue lace panties

All of the spectators are well on the way towards their second climaxes of the evening

By now “Jenny’s” thrashing is truly frantic as her body fights its inevitable fate & her muscles respond to the burning agony of breathlessness. Her arms jerk as best they can, her legs flail back & forth, her chest heaves in rapid but useless spasms.

She lasts longer than “Elisabeth”. Finally after nine minutes “Jenny’s” legs” rise up one last time raising her knees to above her waist. She makes a last gurgling sound trying to inhale & failing to do so moans in agony.

Her legs sink down, her muscles shake as they give up the futile battle for life. Her chest quivers shaking her breasts & then she is still & quiet

The twelve Club members orgasm intensely for the second time within half an hour

Once they were back upstairs & enjoying pre-dinner drinks Sir Reginald raised his glass & said, “That was even better than last week. I propose a toast to Sister Morrison & Sister Chan”.

The rest of the members responded enthusiastically & drained their glasses

Sir Reginald then said, “Well Sisters what’s next?”

MG & PT smiled at each other & MG replied, “Have any of you ever heard of the case of Mary Blandy?”

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