Execution Tales Chapter 73 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 73 Revision 273] The Gas Chamber
The next weekend the Club members were delighted when they entered the cellar & saw what Sir Reginald had prepared. The gallows were gone, in their place sat an eight foot square glass box with an entry door at the back.
Inside there was a metal chair with leather straps attached to the arms. On the ground under the chair was a metal pail. A plastic pipe led from the side of the chamber to the top of the pail & a small container sat on top of it held in place by two supporting metal struts
MG clapped her hands in delight & said to Sir Reginald, “Is that what I think it is? Am I looking at an actual gas chamber?”
He replied, “You are indeed Sister Morrison. I asked one of the companies I own to manufacture it telling them it was to be used in a film. The chamber is made from bullet proof glass & the extraction system in the roof actually works. A research chemist who is employed at one of my other firms obtained the chemicals & I researched how they should be used. Voila! What you see before you is a fully functioning gas chamber”
To replicate approximately what US prison staff would wear the Club members were again wearing the white shirts & blouses & black trousers & skirts of their SS uniforms
Sir Reginald continued, “Tonight we will restage the execution of Barbara Graham in the San Quentin gas chamber in 1950’s California. Our leading lady is a lovely 20 year old American exchange student called Kelly Burrows who Mala & Josette picked up in West London three days ago”
Grace turned on the film camera while Mala & Josette left the cellar to fetch the victim. To match the appearance of the real Barbara Kelly’s hair had been cut back & dyed chestnut brown & she was dressed in a beige woolen suit.
Over the previous two days Mala & Josette had told Kelly what was to happen to her & described in vivid detail what a horrible death poisoning by cyanide gas was & so when she was dragged pleading & sobbing into the cellar she was truly terrified
Mala turned the handle on the outside of the gas chamber door & she & Josette forced “Barbara” inside. They brought her to the metal chair, made her sit down & bound her wrists & arms to the arm rests using the leather straps affixed to the chair.
The two young women left the gas chamber closing the door behind them. Josette switched on the sound system which allowed the Club members to clearly hear what was going on inside the gas chamber & then she & Mala retired to a couch
The spectators found the sound of “Barbara’s” sobbing & pleading intensely arousing. As ever skirts were raised & cocks hardened
Sir Reginald got up from his couch, lifted up a microphone & began to speak to the doomed girl, “Barbara Graham you have been tried by a jury of your peers & been found guilty of capital murder with special circumstances. The courts have sentenced you to be put to death by means of lethal gas. By the powers vested in me by the state authorities I hereby instruct that this execution commence”
He went to a control panel at the side of the gas chamber & checked a dial that confirmed that the chamber was air tight. He then pressed a button which caused dilute sulphuric acid to flow through the plastic pipe into the chamber & begin to slowly fill the pail under the seated girl
As she heard the acid drop into the pail beneath her “Barbara” screamed & cried, “Why are you doing this to me! I’m not Barbara Graham my name is Kelly Burrows! My family is very wealthy! My father will pay you anything you want if you let me go! I promise not to say anything! Please don’t kill me! Oh God! I don’t want to die!”.
She fruitlessly struggled against the leather bonds securing her wrists & arms to the chair
Sir Reginald turned off the supply of the acid once the control panel told him that the pail was three quarters full. His hand was in his pocket gently rubbing his cock as he watched the wriggling sobbing girl in the gas chamber as she waited for the cyanide tablets in the container on top of the pail to be dropped into the acid which would release the deadly gas.
The other Club member leaned forward on the couches mesmerized by the sight of the desperately struggling girl in the gas chamber & the sounds of her terror which could be clearly heard via the sound system fitted inside the glass box
Sir Reginald waited for five minutes letting the anticipation & tension build & then pulled a lever on the control panel that tipped over the container on top of the metal pail & dropped the cyanide pellets into the waiting acid.
He then moved to his couch, took out his cock, pushed up Grace’s skirt & started to fuck her. The other club members were similarly engaged
“Barbara” wailed as she heard the bubbling noise begin beneath her as the cyanide tablets started to dissolve. She twisted & writhed shaking her head trying to escape from the chair but it was useless.
The doomed girl screamed continuously “Nooooooh! Please no! Oh God No!”.
The blood curdling sound of her wailing excited the spectators even more as they anticipated seeing the girl agonizingly gasp her way into oblivion as the noxious fumes corroded her insides
The gas begins to foam from the pail & slowly rise. Soon the deadly mist reaches “Barbara’s” chest & she takes a deep breath & closes her eyes. As the fumes cover her head she starts to rock backwards & forwards in the chair her face looking up as if seeking salvation.
She manages to hold her breath for just over a minute before she is forced to exhale & then drag the cyanide laden gas into her lungs. She gasps & coughs, her head falls forward & she begins to twist & violently convulse.
Her bottom rises up from the seat, her legs thresh & kick, up & down & side to side, lifting up her skirt exposing her white panties. Her face slowly darkens & starts to turn purple
The spectators are besides themselves with sexual excitement as they frenziedly fuck
Horrible croaking sounds come from the gas chamber. “Barbara” is now leaning backwards, her body arched, head hanging behind the chair’s back rest. Her legs bang rhythmically against the latticed panel below the chair from which the fumes continue to emerge.
Her fists open & close, her head shakes from side to side, her mouth gapes open, tears stream from her bulging eyes & run down her now dark purple cheeks.
“Barbara’s” wracking coughs & gasps & the drumming tattoo of her legs against the chair echo round the cellar. Her excruciating agony continues for a further five minutes.
At last her frenetic movements begin to slow. Her expression desperately begs for release from her suffering. Her protruding eyes begin to glaze over as death comes for her & then she slumps down into the chair. “Barbara Graham” has paid for her crimes for the second time
Once he has composed himself after flooding Grace’s pussy with his seed Sir Reginald got up & went to the control panel. He switched on the extraction unit which began to draw the deadly gas from the chamber through a pipe to finally dissipate outside in the open air via a small emission stack newly fitted to the side of the house
The Club members all congratulated Sir Reginald on the construction of the gas chamber & the show they have just seen. They pleaded for a repeat performance the following week & Sir Reginald told them he would see what he can do
The next weekend the Club members were delighted when they entered the cellar & saw what Sir Reginald had prepared. The gallows were gone, in their place sat an eight foot square glass box with an entry door at the back.
Inside there was a metal chair with leather straps attached to the arms. On the ground under the chair was a metal pail. A plastic pipe led from the side of the chamber to the top of the pail & a small container sat on top of it held in place by two supporting metal struts
MG clapped her hands in delight & said to Sir Reginald, “Is that what I think it is? Am I looking at an actual gas chamber?”
He replied, “You are indeed Sister Morrison. I asked one of the companies I own to manufacture it telling them it was to be used in a film. The chamber is made from bullet proof glass & the extraction system in the roof actually works. A research chemist who is employed at one of my other firms obtained the chemicals & I researched how they should be used. Voila! What you see before you is a fully functioning gas chamber”
To replicate approximately what US prison staff would wear the Club members were again wearing the white shirts & blouses & black trousers & skirts of their SS uniforms
Sir Reginald continued, “Tonight we will restage the execution of Barbara Graham in the San Quentin gas chamber in 1950’s California. Our leading lady is a lovely 20 year old American exchange student called Kelly Burrows who Mala & Josette picked up in West London three days ago”
Grace turned on the film camera while Mala & Josette left the cellar to fetch the victim. To match the appearance of the real Barbara Kelly’s hair had been cut back & dyed chestnut brown & she was dressed in a beige woolen suit.
Over the previous two days Mala & Josette had told Kelly what was to happen to her & described in vivid detail what a horrible death poisoning by cyanide gas was & so when she was dragged pleading & sobbing into the cellar she was truly terrified
Mala turned the handle on the outside of the gas chamber door & she & Josette forced “Barbara” inside. They brought her to the metal chair, made her sit down & bound her wrists & arms to the arm rests using the leather straps affixed to the chair.
The two young women left the gas chamber closing the door behind them. Josette switched on the sound system which allowed the Club members to clearly hear what was going on inside the gas chamber & then she & Mala retired to a couch
The spectators found the sound of “Barbara’s” sobbing & pleading intensely arousing. As ever skirts were raised & cocks hardened
Sir Reginald got up from his couch, lifted up a microphone & began to speak to the doomed girl, “Barbara Graham you have been tried by a jury of your peers & been found guilty of capital murder with special circumstances. The courts have sentenced you to be put to death by means of lethal gas. By the powers vested in me by the state authorities I hereby instruct that this execution commence”
He went to a control panel at the side of the gas chamber & checked a dial that confirmed that the chamber was air tight. He then pressed a button which caused dilute sulphuric acid to flow through the plastic pipe into the chamber & begin to slowly fill the pail under the seated girl
As she heard the acid drop into the pail beneath her “Barbara” screamed & cried, “Why are you doing this to me! I’m not Barbara Graham my name is Kelly Burrows! My family is very wealthy! My father will pay you anything you want if you let me go! I promise not to say anything! Please don’t kill me! Oh God! I don’t want to die!”.
She fruitlessly struggled against the leather bonds securing her wrists & arms to the chair
Sir Reginald turned off the supply of the acid once the control panel told him that the pail was three quarters full. His hand was in his pocket gently rubbing his cock as he watched the wriggling sobbing girl in the gas chamber as she waited for the cyanide tablets in the container on top of the pail to be dropped into the acid which would release the deadly gas.
The other Club member leaned forward on the couches mesmerized by the sight of the desperately struggling girl in the gas chamber & the sounds of her terror which could be clearly heard via the sound system fitted inside the glass box
Sir Reginald waited for five minutes letting the anticipation & tension build & then pulled a lever on the control panel that tipped over the container on top of the metal pail & dropped the cyanide pellets into the waiting acid.
He then moved to his couch, took out his cock, pushed up Grace’s skirt & started to fuck her. The other club members were similarly engaged
“Barbara” wailed as she heard the bubbling noise begin beneath her as the cyanide tablets started to dissolve. She twisted & writhed shaking her head trying to escape from the chair but it was useless.
The doomed girl screamed continuously “Nooooooh! Please no! Oh God No!”.
The blood curdling sound of her wailing excited the spectators even more as they anticipated seeing the girl agonizingly gasp her way into oblivion as the noxious fumes corroded her insides
The gas begins to foam from the pail & slowly rise. Soon the deadly mist reaches “Barbara’s” chest & she takes a deep breath & closes her eyes. As the fumes cover her head she starts to rock backwards & forwards in the chair her face looking up as if seeking salvation.
She manages to hold her breath for just over a minute before she is forced to exhale & then drag the cyanide laden gas into her lungs. She gasps & coughs, her head falls forward & she begins to twist & violently convulse.
Her bottom rises up from the seat, her legs thresh & kick, up & down & side to side, lifting up her skirt exposing her white panties. Her face slowly darkens & starts to turn purple
The spectators are besides themselves with sexual excitement as they frenziedly fuck
Horrible croaking sounds come from the gas chamber. “Barbara” is now leaning backwards, her body arched, head hanging behind the chair’s back rest. Her legs bang rhythmically against the latticed panel below the chair from which the fumes continue to emerge.
Her fists open & close, her head shakes from side to side, her mouth gapes open, tears stream from her bulging eyes & run down her now dark purple cheeks.
“Barbara’s” wracking coughs & gasps & the drumming tattoo of her legs against the chair echo round the cellar. Her excruciating agony continues for a further five minutes.
At last her frenetic movements begin to slow. Her expression desperately begs for release from her suffering. Her protruding eyes begin to glaze over as death comes for her & then she slumps down into the chair. “Barbara Graham” has paid for her crimes for the second time
Once he has composed himself after flooding Grace’s pussy with his seed Sir Reginald got up & went to the control panel. He switched on the extraction unit which began to draw the deadly gas from the chamber through a pipe to finally dissipate outside in the open air via a small emission stack newly fitted to the side of the house
The Club members all congratulated Sir Reginald on the construction of the gas chamber & the show they have just seen. They pleaded for a repeat performance the following week & Sir Reginald told them he would see what he can do
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 73 Revision 2