Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 1 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 1 Revision 276] MG & PT Return to Writing
Over the next few days, knowing that were going to be deprived of their weekly fix of formalized murder MG & PT decided to start again to write short stories & to collaborate on their next literary project.
The tale they wrote when they worked together for the first time was “The Lady Executioners”, the main characters being thinly disguised versions of themselves with the victims inspired by some of their favourite TV personalities
“The Lady Executioners”
I: The Prison Hangings
It had provoked quite a controversy when the State appointed two female executioners at the main women’s prison in the capital. But over several months as the authorities severe anti-crime campaign resulted in more & more death sentences the names of Alessandra Miller & Linda Loo became widely accepted & familiar to the populace as they featured in the news coverage of the almost weekly hangings, all of which were carried out in public & shown live on the State news broadcasts
Alessandra & Linda loved Tuesdays because Tuesdays were when the executions were carried out. On Monday evenings they sat in the CCTV control room watching the young women & girls they were going to execute the following day.
Both female executioners were very attractive, Alessandra’s olive complexion, short dark hair, full breasts & slender figure were reminiscent of a young Sophia Loren, while Linda Loo bore a striking resemblance to the American Asian actress Lucy Lui.
On this particular Monday they were watching five young women in the death cells. They were pleased to note that they were all very easy on the eye even in the standard prison uniforms of white tee-shirts & short denim skirts. Tomorrow they will be permitted to wear their own clothes at their executions.
Alessandra & Linda crossed & uncrossed their nylon clad legs under their black uniform skirts, panties moistening, as they assessed their victims
The first prisoner they appraised who was due to be executed the next day was 28 year old Melanie Symes. Melanie had cold bloodedly shot dead her husband & his lover after discovering their affair.
Alessandra & Linda had closely followed Melanie’s televised trial & they were delighted when the tall beautiful brunette was found guilty & sentenced to death. They had watched the jury return to the courtroom & held their breaths as they had waited for the verdict.
Melanie, wearing a black jacket white blouse, quite short flared black skirt, tan pantyhose & black shoes, stood trembling next to her lawyer as the foreman read out the jury’s unanimous verdict, “Guilty on two counts of first degree capital murder”.
Melanie had almost fainted & her lawyer helped her to sit. She wept softly as the implications of the jury’s decision began to sink in.
There was a storm of voices in the court, everyone was talking at once. The judge rapped his gavel several times “Order, order in court” he commanded. At last there was silence.
Melanie sat sobbing in her chair. “The prisoner will rise. Bailiffs secure her”, instructed the judge.
Two burly bailiffs came forward & put handcuffs & a waist chain on Melanie. The judge looked appraisingly at the lovely terrified weeping young woman standing in front of him & inwardly sighed “What a waste”.
He began “Melanie Symes you have been found guilty on two counts of first degree capital murder. Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence”
Through sobs Melanie pleaded, “Please have mercy on me! Oh God I don’t want to hang! Have mercy! Please! Please!”
The judge continued, “Melanie Symes it is the mandatory sentence of this court that you shall be returned to the State Detention Center. You will be held there until a warrant for your execution has been processed. At that time & on that day specified you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead. The execution will be carried out in public with full access being given to those news organizations who wish it.
He went on, “Due to the fact that you have been convicted of more than one capital crime the executioners will be instructed to employ the “Short Drop” method of hanging to ensure that death is caused by slow strangulation & not by severance of the spinal vertebrae. May God have mercy on your soul”.
Melanie collapsed & was caught by her guards. She had to be carried from the court room in a dead faint
Melanie lay on the bed in her death cell weeping silently trying to blot out from her mind’s eye what awaited her tomorrow
Alessandra & Linda turned their attention from Melanie to the next young woman who will hang tomorrow. She was 32 year old Susanna Redfern. Susanna had been christened “The Stone Cold Black Widow” by the media. She had been convicted of poisoning three husbands in succession for the life insurance
The news media had gone big on her conviction & sentencing. She was a lovely woman, with dark hair & fair skin. As she stood in the courtroom wearing a smart dark blue knee length business suit & heard herself convicted of three counts of capital murder & then sentenced to death by slow hanging she had remained expressionless & shown no reaction whatsoever
Susanna sat at the desk in her cell reading a book
While the general public largely agreed that Melanie Symes & Susanna Redfern fully deserved what was coming to them they were less sure about the case of the three other young women on death row who were due to die.
Their names were Karen Gilroy, Holly Winters & Rachel Reeves. Karen was a 21 year old drug dealer who through the 18 year old students Holly & Rachel had supplied contaminated heroin to many of the younger girls’ classmates at one of the State’s most exclusive Catholic Colleges for young women. As a result six girls from some of the State’s most wealthy families had died
The trial of the three accused drug suppliers/killers was given a large amount of air time by the TV news broadcasters.
On the advice of their lawyers throughout the court proceedings Holly & Rachel had worn their sixth form college uniforms of black blazers with yellow edging, white shirts, black & yellow ties, black & yellow mid-thigh length pleated mini kilts, tan -pantyhose & black shoes.
Holly was relatively tall with long centrally parted blonde hair, beautifully sculpted facial features, deep blue eyes, large firm breasts, womanly hips & unbelievable legs.
Rachel, though smaller & slighter than her friend, was also gorgeous. She too had blonde hair, which in her case was cut short into an almost boyish bob. Her pale blue eyes were set in a fair complexion & her facial features were delightfully delicate. Her breasts were quite small but very pert & firm. She had a very slim waist &, for her height, long slender legs. Her shapely firm young bottom was one of her best features.
In summary Holly & Rachel had looked absolutely delicious & more importantly young & completely innocent
Karen’s lawyers had had a more difficult challenge when trying to present her as a respectable member of society. She was almost six feet in height with a slender willowy figure & legs that seemed to go on forever. Karen’s head was totally bald, she shaved it every morning to keep it free of hair. Her lawyers convinced her to dispense with her numerous facial & body piercings & to wear a brown skirt that was slightly longer than the normal barely buttock skimming garments she preferred.
Despite Holly & Rachel’s obvious charms it was to Karen that most men’s eyes in the courtroom were drawn. In spite of her lawyer’s efforts, to the largely male middle class spectators & jury members, she gave off an air of alien & somewhat exotic menace.
The lawyers’ advice to the accused girls made no difference. The jury deliberated for only 30 minutes before returning their verdict. Holly, Rachel & Karen were each convicted of six counts of capital murder.
The three young women stared at the jury in horror. They knew only too well what the verdict meant, they were going to hang, & slowly strangle to death
The judge looked at the doomed girls, each of whom was sobbing loudly. “Karen Gilroy, Holly Winters & Rachel Reeves you have been guilty on six counts of first degree capital murder. Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence”
Through wracking sobs each of the convicted girls pleaded for mercy to no avail
The judge then passed the mandatory sentence on them, death by slow hanging.
The wailing weeping prisoners had to be half carried from the court by the balliffs
The two executioners had been beside themselves with excited anticipation as they watched the live TV news feed from the court as the foreman of the jury got to his feet to deliver the verdict at the conclusion of Karen, Holly & Rachel’s trial. They had punched the air as the guilty verdicts were read out
As they had done for most of the three weeks they have been on death row Holly & Rachel lay quietly sobbing on the beds in their cells trembling in petrified horror at the prospect of their imminent executions
Karen was also lying on her bed but she wasn’t crying. Instead to the delight of Alessandra & Linda she reached down & pulled her short denim skirt up over thighs & began to rub her pussy through the crotch of her panties with one hand while gently massaging her breasts with the other
Unable to resists the two executioners followed suit. Their black uniform skirts were soon up round their waists, hands inside their panties, fingers rapidly moved in & out of well lubricated pussies
Karen took five minutes to reach her orgasm, as she came she groaned & her body shuddered. Alessandra & Linda climaxed at the same time moaning as waves of pleasure washed through them
After they had carried out the days hangings the executioners loved checking the CCTV recordings in the death cells of those prisoners who were awaiting execution as they listened to the condemned being taken from their cells to the gallows.
The reactions of the five young women currently awaiting execution had varied over the last couple of weeks as they listened to the commotion of doomed young women being dragged to their deaths. There was no escaping the sounds of terrified sobbing, desperate pleading, & futile struggling.
Melanie & Karen sat in their cells their faces wreathed in horror until the door closed behind the execution party as they exited death row. Seemingly unable to help themselves they would to the cell window & watched the condemned prisoners, their hands tied behind their backs, being led across the yard in front of the invited witnesses & the watching TV cameras, & mounting the steps leading to the gallows platform.
Standing waiting for the condemned were Alessandra & Linda. They would place the terrified victims on the collapsible front section of the platform & noose them. In the case of a “Slow Hanging” the knot was placed at the front side of the neck & the face was left uncovered.
When the trap was released the young women would only fall a couple of feet, & then proceed to struggle, convulse & kick, breasts bouncing, faces contorted in agony for several minutes before they finally strangled to death.
Melanie & Karen would then invariably throw themselves onto the cell beds sobbing in helpless terror. That was the bit Alessandra & Linda really liked
Holly & Rachel would lie on their beds their hands covering their ears trying to blot out the sounds from the corridor & the prison yard while Susanna seemed to be able to ignore what was going on outside her cell
The executioners decided on the sequence of the hangings. Melanie would go first, then Susanna, followed by Holly, Rachel & finally Karen. In years gone by in the case of multiple executions what determined the order would be who had the weakest nerves, That was not the case now.
Alessandra & Linda planned the hangings with a view to maximizing the spectacle & the impact. Melanie would get things off to a good start, based on what they had seen so far Susanna would likely show no fear, all they could hope to see from her was an entertaining dance on the gallows.
By the time it came to Holly Rachel & Karen they would be hysterical with terror.
Karen they had decided would be last as they thought that the show her endless legs would put on as she kicked her heels high on the scaffold would make an excellent finale to the morning’s events
Over the next few days, knowing that were going to be deprived of their weekly fix of formalized murder MG & PT decided to start again to write short stories & to collaborate on their next literary project.
The tale they wrote when they worked together for the first time was “The Lady Executioners”, the main characters being thinly disguised versions of themselves with the victims inspired by some of their favourite TV personalities
“The Lady Executioners”
I: The Prison Hangings
It had provoked quite a controversy when the State appointed two female executioners at the main women’s prison in the capital. But over several months as the authorities severe anti-crime campaign resulted in more & more death sentences the names of Alessandra Miller & Linda Loo became widely accepted & familiar to the populace as they featured in the news coverage of the almost weekly hangings, all of which were carried out in public & shown live on the State news broadcasts
Alessandra & Linda loved Tuesdays because Tuesdays were when the executions were carried out. On Monday evenings they sat in the CCTV control room watching the young women & girls they were going to execute the following day.
Both female executioners were very attractive, Alessandra’s olive complexion, short dark hair, full breasts & slender figure were reminiscent of a young Sophia Loren, while Linda Loo bore a striking resemblance to the American Asian actress Lucy Lui.
On this particular Monday they were watching five young women in the death cells. They were pleased to note that they were all very easy on the eye even in the standard prison uniforms of white tee-shirts & short denim skirts. Tomorrow they will be permitted to wear their own clothes at their executions.
Alessandra & Linda crossed & uncrossed their nylon clad legs under their black uniform skirts, panties moistening, as they assessed their victims
The first prisoner they appraised who was due to be executed the next day was 28 year old Melanie Symes. Melanie had cold bloodedly shot dead her husband & his lover after discovering their affair.
Alessandra & Linda had closely followed Melanie’s televised trial & they were delighted when the tall beautiful brunette was found guilty & sentenced to death. They had watched the jury return to the courtroom & held their breaths as they had waited for the verdict.
Melanie, wearing a black jacket white blouse, quite short flared black skirt, tan pantyhose & black shoes, stood trembling next to her lawyer as the foreman read out the jury’s unanimous verdict, “Guilty on two counts of first degree capital murder”.
Melanie had almost fainted & her lawyer helped her to sit. She wept softly as the implications of the jury’s decision began to sink in.
There was a storm of voices in the court, everyone was talking at once. The judge rapped his gavel several times “Order, order in court” he commanded. At last there was silence.
Melanie sat sobbing in her chair. “The prisoner will rise. Bailiffs secure her”, instructed the judge.
Two burly bailiffs came forward & put handcuffs & a waist chain on Melanie. The judge looked appraisingly at the lovely terrified weeping young woman standing in front of him & inwardly sighed “What a waste”.
He began “Melanie Symes you have been found guilty on two counts of first degree capital murder. Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence”
Through sobs Melanie pleaded, “Please have mercy on me! Oh God I don’t want to hang! Have mercy! Please! Please!”
The judge continued, “Melanie Symes it is the mandatory sentence of this court that you shall be returned to the State Detention Center. You will be held there until a warrant for your execution has been processed. At that time & on that day specified you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead. The execution will be carried out in public with full access being given to those news organizations who wish it.
He went on, “Due to the fact that you have been convicted of more than one capital crime the executioners will be instructed to employ the “Short Drop” method of hanging to ensure that death is caused by slow strangulation & not by severance of the spinal vertebrae. May God have mercy on your soul”.
Melanie collapsed & was caught by her guards. She had to be carried from the court room in a dead faint
Melanie lay on the bed in her death cell weeping silently trying to blot out from her mind’s eye what awaited her tomorrow
Alessandra & Linda turned their attention from Melanie to the next young woman who will hang tomorrow. She was 32 year old Susanna Redfern. Susanna had been christened “The Stone Cold Black Widow” by the media. She had been convicted of poisoning three husbands in succession for the life insurance
The news media had gone big on her conviction & sentencing. She was a lovely woman, with dark hair & fair skin. As she stood in the courtroom wearing a smart dark blue knee length business suit & heard herself convicted of three counts of capital murder & then sentenced to death by slow hanging she had remained expressionless & shown no reaction whatsoever
Susanna sat at the desk in her cell reading a book
While the general public largely agreed that Melanie Symes & Susanna Redfern fully deserved what was coming to them they were less sure about the case of the three other young women on death row who were due to die.
Their names were Karen Gilroy, Holly Winters & Rachel Reeves. Karen was a 21 year old drug dealer who through the 18 year old students Holly & Rachel had supplied contaminated heroin to many of the younger girls’ classmates at one of the State’s most exclusive Catholic Colleges for young women. As a result six girls from some of the State’s most wealthy families had died
The trial of the three accused drug suppliers/killers was given a large amount of air time by the TV news broadcasters.
On the advice of their lawyers throughout the court proceedings Holly & Rachel had worn their sixth form college uniforms of black blazers with yellow edging, white shirts, black & yellow ties, black & yellow mid-thigh length pleated mini kilts, tan -pantyhose & black shoes.
Holly was relatively tall with long centrally parted blonde hair, beautifully sculpted facial features, deep blue eyes, large firm breasts, womanly hips & unbelievable legs.
Rachel, though smaller & slighter than her friend, was also gorgeous. She too had blonde hair, which in her case was cut short into an almost boyish bob. Her pale blue eyes were set in a fair complexion & her facial features were delightfully delicate. Her breasts were quite small but very pert & firm. She had a very slim waist &, for her height, long slender legs. Her shapely firm young bottom was one of her best features.
In summary Holly & Rachel had looked absolutely delicious & more importantly young & completely innocent
Karen’s lawyers had had a more difficult challenge when trying to present her as a respectable member of society. She was almost six feet in height with a slender willowy figure & legs that seemed to go on forever. Karen’s head was totally bald, she shaved it every morning to keep it free of hair. Her lawyers convinced her to dispense with her numerous facial & body piercings & to wear a brown skirt that was slightly longer than the normal barely buttock skimming garments she preferred.
Despite Holly & Rachel’s obvious charms it was to Karen that most men’s eyes in the courtroom were drawn. In spite of her lawyer’s efforts, to the largely male middle class spectators & jury members, she gave off an air of alien & somewhat exotic menace.
The lawyers’ advice to the accused girls made no difference. The jury deliberated for only 30 minutes before returning their verdict. Holly, Rachel & Karen were each convicted of six counts of capital murder.
The three young women stared at the jury in horror. They knew only too well what the verdict meant, they were going to hang, & slowly strangle to death
The judge looked at the doomed girls, each of whom was sobbing loudly. “Karen Gilroy, Holly Winters & Rachel Reeves you have been guilty on six counts of first degree capital murder. Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence”
Through wracking sobs each of the convicted girls pleaded for mercy to no avail
The judge then passed the mandatory sentence on them, death by slow hanging.
The wailing weeping prisoners had to be half carried from the court by the balliffs
The two executioners had been beside themselves with excited anticipation as they watched the live TV news feed from the court as the foreman of the jury got to his feet to deliver the verdict at the conclusion of Karen, Holly & Rachel’s trial. They had punched the air as the guilty verdicts were read out
As they had done for most of the three weeks they have been on death row Holly & Rachel lay quietly sobbing on the beds in their cells trembling in petrified horror at the prospect of their imminent executions
Karen was also lying on her bed but she wasn’t crying. Instead to the delight of Alessandra & Linda she reached down & pulled her short denim skirt up over thighs & began to rub her pussy through the crotch of her panties with one hand while gently massaging her breasts with the other
Unable to resists the two executioners followed suit. Their black uniform skirts were soon up round their waists, hands inside their panties, fingers rapidly moved in & out of well lubricated pussies
Karen took five minutes to reach her orgasm, as she came she groaned & her body shuddered. Alessandra & Linda climaxed at the same time moaning as waves of pleasure washed through them
After they had carried out the days hangings the executioners loved checking the CCTV recordings in the death cells of those prisoners who were awaiting execution as they listened to the condemned being taken from their cells to the gallows.
The reactions of the five young women currently awaiting execution had varied over the last couple of weeks as they listened to the commotion of doomed young women being dragged to their deaths. There was no escaping the sounds of terrified sobbing, desperate pleading, & futile struggling.
Melanie & Karen sat in their cells their faces wreathed in horror until the door closed behind the execution party as they exited death row. Seemingly unable to help themselves they would to the cell window & watched the condemned prisoners, their hands tied behind their backs, being led across the yard in front of the invited witnesses & the watching TV cameras, & mounting the steps leading to the gallows platform.
Standing waiting for the condemned were Alessandra & Linda. They would place the terrified victims on the collapsible front section of the platform & noose them. In the case of a “Slow Hanging” the knot was placed at the front side of the neck & the face was left uncovered.
When the trap was released the young women would only fall a couple of feet, & then proceed to struggle, convulse & kick, breasts bouncing, faces contorted in agony for several minutes before they finally strangled to death.
Melanie & Karen would then invariably throw themselves onto the cell beds sobbing in helpless terror. That was the bit Alessandra & Linda really liked
Holly & Rachel would lie on their beds their hands covering their ears trying to blot out the sounds from the corridor & the prison yard while Susanna seemed to be able to ignore what was going on outside her cell
The executioners decided on the sequence of the hangings. Melanie would go first, then Susanna, followed by Holly, Rachel & finally Karen. In years gone by in the case of multiple executions what determined the order would be who had the weakest nerves, That was not the case now.
Alessandra & Linda planned the hangings with a view to maximizing the spectacle & the impact. Melanie would get things off to a good start, based on what they had seen so far Susanna would likely show no fear, all they could hope to see from her was an entertaining dance on the gallows.
By the time it came to Holly Rachel & Karen they would be hysterical with terror.
Karen they had decided would be last as they thought that the show her endless legs would put on as she kicked her heels high on the scaffold would make an excellent finale to the morning’s events
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 1 Revision 2