Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 5 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 5 Revision 2The next day the main football stadium was packed to capacity. The crowd was excited & expectant.
A sudden silence filled the large ground as the six condemned female criminals emerged from beneath the stands. Each was led by a guard with a further guard on either side of the prisoner, to be paraded around the track surrounding the pitch. They were all dressed in the clothes they had been wearing when they were sentenced.
All had had their professionally done into French braids. These hair styles would not interfere with the graceful lines of their necks where the stout rope loops would close.
It was critical that that the watching TV camera & the views of the 50,000 spectators, most of whom who had brought binoculars, were not obstructed in any way as the condemned prisoners’ necks began to stretch
Each of the women had been fitted with tight leather collars & they walked in line, one behind each other at six foot intervals, their collars joined by a slender but strong metal chain
Gabrielle walked in the lead with Lili behind her, followed by Sashi. Next in line was Caroline followed by Renee with Lucy bringing up the rear of the procession. Their hands were behind their backs, with their thumbs tied tightly together. This caused their breasts to bulge out in front of them, especially Lili’s.
The crowd quickly came back to life as the six remarkable female criminals circled the stadium. The spectators relished the obvious terror of the shivering crying women.
Most of those attending had programmed their TVs to record the spectacle & people around the world gathered round their TVs, no matter what the time to witness this incredible broadcast.
Following the line of prisoners was the Mayor the Warden of the prison & a priest
Once they procession had completely circled the stadium the leading guard turned & headed towards the center of the pitch & the waiting gallows.
There were thirteen steps leading up to the platform, & then another eight steps for each of the female convicts to climb onto a special stand beneath her noose.
To improve visibility as much as possible, the engineers had come up with a replacement for the traditional trap door. Each of the convicts would be placed on a five foot stand, which would totally collapse when the release lever was pulled. The spring-loaded stands would drop to the gallows platform leaving an unobstructed view of each woman swinging on the end of her rope
The ropes were tied at different lengths, so that each prisoner would fall only two feet so when they were all hanging their heads would be at the same level, even though some were much taller than others.
It was planned that only one stand would be collapsed at a time so that the crowd would experience the repeated thrills of the moment of the drop.
With only a two foot fall it was the intention of the engineers that the women die of strangulation rather than a broken neck. Because of the heinous nature of the crimes they had perpetrated, it was important that they die slowly, with sufficient time to experience appropriate suffering & agony as they died.
It was calculated that the women would take about fifteen to strangle to death, & for most of that time they would be conscious. Of course if the rope caught a certain angle against a major artery or totally blocked the air passage, death would come much quicker, so a special soft & thick hemp was selected to minimize that possibility.
After consulting with the TV executives the Lady Executioners decided to drop the women at six minute intervals so that the last one would start to hang half an hour after the first
All of the parties in the procession reached the long gallows platform.
One by one Alessandra & Linda, wearing their black hoods & uniforms, unhooked the chain, remove the leather collars & led each woman up the eight steps to her waiting rope. Without exception the condemned prisoners trembled & sobbed as they climbed the final steps.
The crowd grew tense as the moment they were waiting for drew near. As each woman was placed under her rope, Alessandra lifted her braided hair while Linda settled the noose around her neck, snugging it tight & placing the knot at the front side of the neck.
When all of doomed prisoners stood ready, the Hangwomen took up their position in the middle of the main gallows platform at the control panel prepared by the engineers. From here they could look up & see all of the prisoners
The Mayor went to a microphone & addressed the prisoners, “Do you have any last words before sentence is carried out?” Special microphones had been strategically placed to pick up all of the sounds on the gallows
The only noises the women made in reply were sobs of terror & pleas for mercy
The official party left the gallows & assumed their seats at the front of the special seating area that had been provided on the field for nearly five hundred invited VIPs.
The moment everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived
Alessandra pulls the first lever & the stand beneath Lucy gives way. Her short black flared skirt flies up revealing the white panties under her tan pantyhose. She swings wide, her legs spread & then she starts to violently kick as if this would somehow jerk her neck out of the tight noose or perhaps she thinks that these severe leg movements would end her agony sooner.
Whatever the reason the aggressive high kicking makes her hanging much more entertaining for the crowd, not least because it means she repeatedly exposes her underwear..
Lucy develops a rhythm with her kicking heels & even as she loses energy the pattern remains the same. Her bulging eyes & contorted facial expression show that she is experiencing all of the horror & agony the merciless judge had intended. Her face is turning purple when the small platform supporting Renee collapses
Like Lucy Renee’s brown mini skirt rises up as she drops displaying tight pink panties. Renee attempts to do the exact opposite to what Lucy is doing. She tries to remain stock still with her legs pressed tightly together & even with the bouncing of the rope from the drop she manages to do this.
The bouncing stops & then she slowly begins to spin. The rate of the spinning increases, her legs, elbows & breasts are thrown outward as she turns. Her whole body begins to buck & convulse & her thighs begin to pump up down lifting her skirt again & again to the delight of the spectators
Caroline is so shocked by the kicking spinning & bucking that is taking place next to her that she is totally unprepared when she drops. Because she isn’t ready she lets her legs rise as she falls. Like Lucy & Renee this ensures that the crowd are treated to an unobstructed view of her white panties.
She begins to violently buck & kick. Through the close ups captured by the cameras the TV audience watch her lips swell & her eyes bulge from their sockets. Her large breasts bounce beautifully as her chest heaves as she desperately tries to breathe
Lucy is weakening & when she stops the desperate kicking she improves her chances of lasting longer as she swings from the gallows.
Renee’s spinning begins to slow down & then stops & then starts in the other direction
Lili’s shrill scream aided by the microphones fills the stadium as she drops. The gorgeous Latin American had prepared herself & as she falls, she leans as far forward as she can, so that she would use up energy from the drop in the swinging action, reducing the jerk when she hit the end of the rope.
It worked, the rope was tight but not tight enough to prevent her from breathing. She lifts her long slender legs to adjust the way she faces & sees Caroline’s beautiful body go limp as she strangles to death
Seeing the unexpectedly early demise of Caroline, the Lady Executioners, recovering from their first orgasms, shrug their shoulders. Hanging prisoners in this manner isn’t an exact science after all
Lili hangs as motionless as she can but inevitably the rope tightens making it virtually impossible for her to breathe & she too starts to convulse & kick showing off the pink panties under her short black skirt. Her marvelous breasts jiggle up & down as she struggles on the rope
Television viewers across India, & their expatriates around the world experience a sudden kick in the stomach as their compatriot Sashi drops.
The beautiful slender maiden throws her long legs out providing the audience with an exceptional view of the white panties under her short pink “Boob tube” dress. Her firm breasts bob wildly as she hits the end of the rope & she starts to writhe, legs thrashing & flailing as she hangs
Lucy’s eyes begin to glaze & at last her head sags & her body goes limp as she dies
Gabrielle is the last to be dropped & she is ready for it. She tries to remain still as she falls & to keep from moving once the rope arrests her fall. She succeeds in remaining virtually motionless for a minute before her increasing inability to breathe causes her incredible legs to begin to flail about
The audience cheer as Gabrielle starts to dance. She convulses & her legs kick high raising her short navy blue skirt high enough to let the gratified spectators see her brief pink underwear. Her full breasts bounce & jiggle with her every move
Renee’s body quivers for the last time & the microphones transmit her death rattle. She is now just another pretty corpse
Sashi’s young athletic body moves almost acrobatically as she hangs. At times her knees almost reach as high as her chin as she dances on the gallows. Her face is no longer lovely, blood flecked eyes bulge from a slowly darkening face, her swollen tongue protrudes from her gaping mouth
Lili enters her death throes. Her body convulses & jerks for the final time & she dangles limply from the rope, her neck significantly longer than it once had been
Three minutes later Sashi expires, her lovely body sways beneath her beautiful now stretched brown slender neck
Gabrielle is now the last living convict & her agonized struggles go on for a further five minutes to the delight of the spectators. At last her convulsions & kicking slow & gradually cease. Her bulging eyes roll up into her skull, she gives a final groan & then dies
Alessandra & Linda climax for the second time & in the press box Hailey closes her eyes & grips the arms of her chair as her panties are soaked with her juices as she comes
The crowd roar in appreciation & burst into applause. They have never seen anything like this
The row of six now motionless female corpses swayed gently suspended by their necks on the large gallows in the centre of the stadium
The world-wide TV audience were treated to close up slow motion spectacular replays of the highlights of the executions
The authorities deem the event to have been a great success, not least because of the millions of dollars made by the sale of the TV rights throughout the world
A sudden silence filled the large ground as the six condemned female criminals emerged from beneath the stands. Each was led by a guard with a further guard on either side of the prisoner, to be paraded around the track surrounding the pitch. They were all dressed in the clothes they had been wearing when they were sentenced.
All had had their professionally done into French braids. These hair styles would not interfere with the graceful lines of their necks where the stout rope loops would close.
It was critical that that the watching TV camera & the views of the 50,000 spectators, most of whom who had brought binoculars, were not obstructed in any way as the condemned prisoners’ necks began to stretch
Each of the women had been fitted with tight leather collars & they walked in line, one behind each other at six foot intervals, their collars joined by a slender but strong metal chain
Gabrielle walked in the lead with Lili behind her, followed by Sashi. Next in line was Caroline followed by Renee with Lucy bringing up the rear of the procession. Their hands were behind their backs, with their thumbs tied tightly together. This caused their breasts to bulge out in front of them, especially Lili’s.
The crowd quickly came back to life as the six remarkable female criminals circled the stadium. The spectators relished the obvious terror of the shivering crying women.
Most of those attending had programmed their TVs to record the spectacle & people around the world gathered round their TVs, no matter what the time to witness this incredible broadcast.
Following the line of prisoners was the Mayor the Warden of the prison & a priest
Once they procession had completely circled the stadium the leading guard turned & headed towards the center of the pitch & the waiting gallows.
There were thirteen steps leading up to the platform, & then another eight steps for each of the female convicts to climb onto a special stand beneath her noose.
To improve visibility as much as possible, the engineers had come up with a replacement for the traditional trap door. Each of the convicts would be placed on a five foot stand, which would totally collapse when the release lever was pulled. The spring-loaded stands would drop to the gallows platform leaving an unobstructed view of each woman swinging on the end of her rope
The ropes were tied at different lengths, so that each prisoner would fall only two feet so when they were all hanging their heads would be at the same level, even though some were much taller than others.
It was planned that only one stand would be collapsed at a time so that the crowd would experience the repeated thrills of the moment of the drop.
With only a two foot fall it was the intention of the engineers that the women die of strangulation rather than a broken neck. Because of the heinous nature of the crimes they had perpetrated, it was important that they die slowly, with sufficient time to experience appropriate suffering & agony as they died.
It was calculated that the women would take about fifteen to strangle to death, & for most of that time they would be conscious. Of course if the rope caught a certain angle against a major artery or totally blocked the air passage, death would come much quicker, so a special soft & thick hemp was selected to minimize that possibility.
After consulting with the TV executives the Lady Executioners decided to drop the women at six minute intervals so that the last one would start to hang half an hour after the first
All of the parties in the procession reached the long gallows platform.
One by one Alessandra & Linda, wearing their black hoods & uniforms, unhooked the chain, remove the leather collars & led each woman up the eight steps to her waiting rope. Without exception the condemned prisoners trembled & sobbed as they climbed the final steps.
The crowd grew tense as the moment they were waiting for drew near. As each woman was placed under her rope, Alessandra lifted her braided hair while Linda settled the noose around her neck, snugging it tight & placing the knot at the front side of the neck.
When all of doomed prisoners stood ready, the Hangwomen took up their position in the middle of the main gallows platform at the control panel prepared by the engineers. From here they could look up & see all of the prisoners
The Mayor went to a microphone & addressed the prisoners, “Do you have any last words before sentence is carried out?” Special microphones had been strategically placed to pick up all of the sounds on the gallows
The only noises the women made in reply were sobs of terror & pleas for mercy
The official party left the gallows & assumed their seats at the front of the special seating area that had been provided on the field for nearly five hundred invited VIPs.
The moment everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived
Alessandra pulls the first lever & the stand beneath Lucy gives way. Her short black flared skirt flies up revealing the white panties under her tan pantyhose. She swings wide, her legs spread & then she starts to violently kick as if this would somehow jerk her neck out of the tight noose or perhaps she thinks that these severe leg movements would end her agony sooner.
Whatever the reason the aggressive high kicking makes her hanging much more entertaining for the crowd, not least because it means she repeatedly exposes her underwear..
Lucy develops a rhythm with her kicking heels & even as she loses energy the pattern remains the same. Her bulging eyes & contorted facial expression show that she is experiencing all of the horror & agony the merciless judge had intended. Her face is turning purple when the small platform supporting Renee collapses
Like Lucy Renee’s brown mini skirt rises up as she drops displaying tight pink panties. Renee attempts to do the exact opposite to what Lucy is doing. She tries to remain stock still with her legs pressed tightly together & even with the bouncing of the rope from the drop she manages to do this.
The bouncing stops & then she slowly begins to spin. The rate of the spinning increases, her legs, elbows & breasts are thrown outward as she turns. Her whole body begins to buck & convulse & her thighs begin to pump up down lifting her skirt again & again to the delight of the spectators
Caroline is so shocked by the kicking spinning & bucking that is taking place next to her that she is totally unprepared when she drops. Because she isn’t ready she lets her legs rise as she falls. Like Lucy & Renee this ensures that the crowd are treated to an unobstructed view of her white panties.
She begins to violently buck & kick. Through the close ups captured by the cameras the TV audience watch her lips swell & her eyes bulge from their sockets. Her large breasts bounce beautifully as her chest heaves as she desperately tries to breathe
Lucy is weakening & when she stops the desperate kicking she improves her chances of lasting longer as she swings from the gallows.
Renee’s spinning begins to slow down & then stops & then starts in the other direction
Lili’s shrill scream aided by the microphones fills the stadium as she drops. The gorgeous Latin American had prepared herself & as she falls, she leans as far forward as she can, so that she would use up energy from the drop in the swinging action, reducing the jerk when she hit the end of the rope.
It worked, the rope was tight but not tight enough to prevent her from breathing. She lifts her long slender legs to adjust the way she faces & sees Caroline’s beautiful body go limp as she strangles to death
Seeing the unexpectedly early demise of Caroline, the Lady Executioners, recovering from their first orgasms, shrug their shoulders. Hanging prisoners in this manner isn’t an exact science after all
Lili hangs as motionless as she can but inevitably the rope tightens making it virtually impossible for her to breathe & she too starts to convulse & kick showing off the pink panties under her short black skirt. Her marvelous breasts jiggle up & down as she struggles on the rope
Television viewers across India, & their expatriates around the world experience a sudden kick in the stomach as their compatriot Sashi drops.
The beautiful slender maiden throws her long legs out providing the audience with an exceptional view of the white panties under her short pink “Boob tube” dress. Her firm breasts bob wildly as she hits the end of the rope & she starts to writhe, legs thrashing & flailing as she hangs
Lucy’s eyes begin to glaze & at last her head sags & her body goes limp as she dies
Gabrielle is the last to be dropped & she is ready for it. She tries to remain still as she falls & to keep from moving once the rope arrests her fall. She succeeds in remaining virtually motionless for a minute before her increasing inability to breathe causes her incredible legs to begin to flail about
The audience cheer as Gabrielle starts to dance. She convulses & her legs kick high raising her short navy blue skirt high enough to let the gratified spectators see her brief pink underwear. Her full breasts bounce & jiggle with her every move
Renee’s body quivers for the last time & the microphones transmit her death rattle. She is now just another pretty corpse
Sashi’s young athletic body moves almost acrobatically as she hangs. At times her knees almost reach as high as her chin as she dances on the gallows. Her face is no longer lovely, blood flecked eyes bulge from a slowly darkening face, her swollen tongue protrudes from her gaping mouth
Lili enters her death throes. Her body convulses & jerks for the final time & she dangles limply from the rope, her neck significantly longer than it once had been
Three minutes later Sashi expires, her lovely body sways beneath her beautiful now stretched brown slender neck
Gabrielle is now the last living convict & her agonized struggles go on for a further five minutes to the delight of the spectators. At last her convulsions & kicking slow & gradually cease. Her bulging eyes roll up into her skull, she gives a final groan & then dies
Alessandra & Linda climax for the second time & in the press box Hailey closes her eyes & grips the arms of her chair as her panties are soaked with her juices as she comes
The crowd roar in appreciation & burst into applause. They have never seen anything like this
The row of six now motionless female corpses swayed gently suspended by their necks on the large gallows in the centre of the stadium
The world-wide TV audience were treated to close up slow motion spectacular replays of the highlights of the executions
The authorities deem the event to have been a great success, not least because of the millions of dollars made by the sale of the TV rights throughout the world
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 76 Part 5 Revision 2