Execution Tales Chapter 79 Revision 2
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79] The Search For Kelly Burrows Narrows

Three months after the disappearance of their daughter the Burrows, along with their Head of Security Gary Pierce, met with Superintendent Mason in the police officer’s office at Scotland Yard.

Mason summarized where they were, “With the help of Gary & his team via the DVLA we have traced every single privately owned one of the approximately two hundred & fifty black Rolls Royce in the Greater London area & we appear to be no further forward. What we really need is some means of narrowing down the search”

Pierce said, “I agree Superintendent & I have been giving that some thought. Given the publicity whoever took Kelly knows that we are looking for a privately owned black Rolls Royce, so wouldn’t the sensible thing to do is after the initial media frenzy has abated to get rid of such a distinctive vehicle?”

He continued, “Why don’t we go back to the DVLA & ask them for details of all privately owned Rolls Royce’s that have been sold since Kelly was taken. I suggest we work backwards from today & check out not those who currently own such a vehicle but those who have sold one in the last three months”.

Pierce went on, “There surely can’t be large number of those. Of course if the car we are looking for has been destroyed we would be no further forward, however a vehicle like that is worth a lot of money so hopefully the owner has sold it rather than had it physically disposed of ”

Superintendent Mason said, “Sounds like a plan to me. I will get onto the DVLA straight away”

Two days later Gary Pierce & a member of his team, Maddy Simpson, pulled up in their car outside Sir Reginald’s house.

The information supplied by the DVLA showed that since Kelly had been abducted six privately owned black Rolls Royce’s had been sold. The most recent one had been purchased by a rich Saudi Arabian from a Sir Reginald Dewitt

The door was opened by a very striking looking tall young blonde woman dressed in a uniform like black skirt & white blouse.

As soon as he saw this girl Gary Pierce got the familiar feeling in his gut based on his many years of experience with the Los Angeles PD & the Pinkerton’s. His instincts were telling him there may well be something here.

They showed the credentials supplied to them by Superintendent Mason & asked to see Sir Reginald. They were shown into the sitting room where the Knight of the Ream soon joined them.

Gracious as ever Sir Reginald welcomed them, introduced himself & asked, “How may I help the Metropolitan Police?”.
Gary introduced himself & Maddy & said, “We are investigating the disappearance of the young American student Kelly Burrows Sir Reginald. Have you heard about the case?”

Sir Reginald nodded, “Yes dreadful business. It happened a few weeks ago & seems to have slipped off the news agenda. I presume the young lady is still missing. But what has it got to do with me?”

Gary continued, “We know that Kelly was last seen getting into a black Rolls Royce with two quite tall black women in Kensington wearing some kind of uniform so we are in the process of tracing everyone who owns such a vehicle, or has owned one in the last three months. According to the DVLA you sold such a car three weeks ago”

Sir Reginald replied “Yes I did. Lovely vehicle, but horrendously expensive to run. Replaced it with a BMW 7 Series”

Maddy looked Sir Reginald in the eye & asked, “Do you employ any tall black women Sir Reginald?”

He replied “No I don’t, I do employ three quite tall young women, you have already met one, Bridgette, but none of them are black”

Gary asked, “Would you mind if we met these other two young ladies?”

Sir Reginald responded, “Not at all”. He went over to his desk & picked up a phone, “Bridgette would you ask Angelica & Gretel to join us in the living room”

Two minutes later another two tall striking blonde young women, dressed in a similar manner to Bridgette entered the room

Gary nodded & said. “Many thanks Sir Reginald. Our apologies for taking up your time”.

Sir Reginal stood up & said, “Not a problem officer always happy to help the police. I certainly hope you find out what happened to the American girl & that she turns up safe”

As they drove to the address of the second person who has sold a black Rolls Royce recently Gary said, “As soon as we get back to Scotland Yard I want to find out everything that there is to know about Sir Reginald Dewitt”

Maddy asked, “What has tweaked your interest Boss?”.

Gary replied, “Two things, he has recently sold a black Rolls Royce as we knew plus the nature of the girls he employees. All three are tall, athletic & striking looking & wear uniform type clothing”

Maddy said, “But as we saw for ourselves the girls aren’t black”

Gary continued . “Yes I know Maddy. But what if Sir Reginald did employ black girls & got rid of them after the hue & cry over Kelly’s disappearance hit the news in the same way he disposed of the car? I would really like to know how long Bridgette, Angelica & Gretel have been employed by Sir Reginald”.

Over the next two days Gary & Maddy visited the other five former owners of black Rolls Royce’s but none of them gave Gary the same feeling he had experienced at the house of Sir Reginald Dewitt.

By the time they had finished interviewing all of those who had recently sold a black Rolls Gary’s team had pulled together everything they could find on Sir Reginald Dewitt

Maddy summarized what they knew about him for Superintendent Mason & Gary, “Sir Reginald is a somewhat reclusive 50 year old unmarried English millionaire with fingers in many pies. He has no criminal record & has never come to the attention of the authorities”.

She went on, “However via HMRC tax records we have confirmed that Bridgette, Angelica & Gretel have only been employed by him for 6-8 weeks. They apparently replaced a Josette Umuna, Mala Ojuku & Grace Jacobs who seem to have left his employment just before these three girls joined”.

Gary leaned forward his eyes gleaming in triumph, “So the three current white female employees have only been with him since shortly after Kelly disappeared & the names of two of the previous girls suggest that they may well have been black”

Superintendent Mason said, “I agree Gary that this looks the most promising lead we have uncovered so far but it is still very circumstantial & highly speculative. No judge will authorize a search warrant of his premises on the basis of what we have. We need something far more substantial before we can take any action against Sir Reginald”.

Gary thought for a moment & said, “Can you please leave this with us Superintendent for a couple of days while we work out the best way to progress the investigation”

The police officer replied, “Very well, after all we have only made this degree of progress thanks to your idea of looking for former owners of black Rolls Royce’s”

Later that day Gary & Maddy sat down with James Burrows & updated him.

Gary then said, “I asked Superintendent Mason to leave things with us for a couple of days because what I am about to suggest is totally illegal under UK law without a senior judge’s warrant & according to Mason we have nowhere near enough evidence to get one. I suggest James that we bring in the best IT specialist, in other words “Hacker”, that we can lay our hands on & get them to access Sir Reginald’s personal e-mails, phone records etc”.

James reached for his mobile & said, “I will ensure that such an individual is on the case by tomorrow morning”.

The following evening James Burrows, Gary & Maddy sat with copies of the “Hackers” report in front of them.

The IT expert they had used was a brilliant software developer employed by one of James’s companies in San Diego California. She had relished the challenge & thoroughly enjoyed her visit to the “Dark side” as she referred to it.

Sir Reginald had three e-mail accounts. One for general business, one for routine personal matters & a third very well concealed one. It was the information revealed by the hacking of this third account that most interested James & his security team. The concise precis at the start of the report stated

“Internet browsing history: Almost daily visits to Darksites.net which is a comprehensive list of websites devoted to videos, pictures & stories about the killing of young attractive women. Those sites most visited are those concerned with all aspects, historical factual & fictional of female judicial executions. The sites most regularly looked at show that the owner of the e-mail address has an especial interest in the hanging of young women & girls

Regular correspondents: In the last six months the most regular recipients & receivers of messages from this e-mail address have been:

Mrmrshangman.co.uk: Real name Sir John Smithson. British resident

Executioners.co.uk: Real name: The Honourable William Brownlow. British resident

Lovehangingskirts.co.uk: Real name: The Honourable Andrew Jamieson. British resident

Moistgusset.co.uk: Real name: Alyssia Mills. British resident

Pussythrobs.co.uk: Real name: Lucy Lai. American citizen currently resident in the UK

The most recent additions to the list of correspondents are the last two. Since they joined the group they have been circulating many short stories concerning the executions of young women & girls, mainly by hanging but not exclusively so. Garotting, beheading, the use of the gas chamber & impaling also feature”

Gary looked up & said somberly, “I think James that if what this report suggests is true then you & your wife need to prepare yourselves for the fact that Kelly is never coming home”.

Tears welled up in James’s eyes & he said, “ Unfortunately Gary I think you may be right. It looks as if these bastards may have murdered our girl in some disgusting macabre execution type ritual. I will talk to Edith. But how do we prove any of this?”

Maddy said, “ Mr Burrows I think that Gary would agree that the next thing we do is find out all we can about Sir John Smithson, the Honourable William Brownlow, the Honourable Andrew Jamieson, Alyssia Mills & Lucy Lai”.
Gary said, “Maddy’s right James. We need to investigate Sir Reginald’s closest contacts relevant to the matter at hand”.

James, tears rolling down his cheeks, replied, “Do it. I want these bastards punished”

The next day Gary met with Superintendent Mason & told him that they were still deciding what to do next

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