Execution Tales Chapter 81 Part 2 Revision 2
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 81 Part 2 Revision 2ii] Justice for Kelly
No one at Evin prison recognized MG & PT as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan from their previous visit. Like the other Club members they had been tried & convicted under their real names of Alyssia Mills & Lucy Lai
The events following their abduction & arrest at the airport had seemed to MG & PT like a surreal nightmare which they were unable to wake up from. Now as they waited on death row at Evin for their date with the hangman they were absolutely terrified, knowing only too well what lay before them.
Jane Smithson, Ann Brownlow & Sarah Jones occupied cells next to MG & PT on death row in the women’s section of the prison & like the other two girls they were petrified by the situation they found themselves in
Sir Reginald & the three other male Club members languished in the condemned cells in the men’s part of the jail
The British government made a routine protest to the Iranian’s but after the discoveries at Sir Reginald’s property & MG’s house their outrage became noticeably muted
Mondays were still the day when executions were carried out at Evin.
MG, PT & the other three women Club members covered their ears each hanging day trying unsuccessfully to shut out the screams & wails of condemned women being dragged from the cells & force marched down the corridor to the gallows.
These sounds now no longer provoked sexual excitement in the prisoners, instead they filled the condemned young women with terror & dread
As relations with the UK were particularly frosty at the time the Iranian authorities decided to make an example of the nine condemned Club members.
On the morning of their executions they were taken from their cells & led out into the prison yard where they were forced up on to the back of a 40 foot long flatbed lorry. They were made to sit on the seats that have been placed on the vehicle. Each prisoner was guarded by two armed Revolutionary Guards.
The truck then left the prison & began to make its way to a nearby football stadium. As they travelled through Tehran’s streets hundreds of Iranians stood at the side of the road & screamed hate filled insults at the condemned prisoners
As the vehicle entered the stadium a huge roar went up from the packed stands. It slowly approached a large gallows that has been erected in the center circle. From the wooden crossbeam 12 feet above the pitch dangled nine noosed ropes
Close up pictures of the prisoners appeared on the two huge TV screens at either end of the stadium. To drive home the message that these were western infidels the Club members were dressed in the clothes they had been arrested in.
Sir Reginald & the other three men were wearing dark suits & white shirts without ties. MG, PT & the three other young women had on blouses & knee length skirts. The four men were silent but very pale while the young female prisoners all sobbed helplessly.
The lorry parked beneath the gallows. The nooses dangled down above the heads of the terrified prisoners
The spectators fell silent as a Mullah addressed them over the stadium tannoy. He ranted against the West & Britain in particular. He said that the Iranian authorities had discovered that Sir John Smithson was a British Intelligence officer, which was true, & that this was damning evidence of a plot by the UK Government as part of their efforts to undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran by increasing the amount of illegal drugs circulating in the country, which of course wasn’t.
He concluded his remarks by saying that they were all about to witness the merciless justice that would be meted out to anyone who tried to smuggle drugs into the country
To maximize the impact of the executions the authorities had decreed that the hangings be carried out one at a time with the men being the first to feel the strangling ropes around their necks.
Their hope was that horror of watching the male prisoners hang before them would evoke gratifying images of pure terror amongst the five doomed young women as they waited their turn to die on the scaffold
Sir Reginald was to be the first. He was forced to his feet & his hands were tied behind his back. He was un-protesting but obviously very frightened & now looked much older than his years. He was led to the rear of the flatbed vehicle where the masked executioner reached up & hauled down the first of the nine nooses & pulled it over Sir Reginald’s head & tightened the rope round the prisoner’s neck.
The rope was taut. As was customary in Iran there was to be no drop & merciful neck breaking during these hangings. The condemned man was left bareheaded so that all could see the full agony of slow strangulation on his face. Two guards held the prisoner firmly in place.
The executioner signaled to the truck driver who was watching in his mirror & the vehicle drew slowly forward until Sir Reginald swung free from the back of the lorry
The prisoner swayed backwards & forwards supported only by the rope around his neck. He grimaced in pain as the noose bit deep into his throat & then he started to convulse, struggle & kick
The other Club members watched in horror as the Club leader threshed & writhed on the gallows. Jane Smithson fainted & the other four young women screamed & wailed in terror pleading for mercy
Sir Reginald death agonies lasted for five minutes before the millionaire Knight hung dead on the gallows
Sir John Smithson, the Honourable William Brownlow & the Honourable Andrew Jamieson were then executed one after the other.
Being younger & stronger than Sir Reginald their struggles on the ropes lasted longer than Sir Reginald’s before they too dangled limp & lifeless on the scaffold
Now it was the turn of the female prisoners
Jane Smithson was revived by smelling salts, her hands tied behind her & she was half carried whimpering to her noose. She was pure white & her lovely delicate features were distorted into a rictus of absolute terror. Jane had to be supported by her two guards as she was noosed.
As the vehicle pulled slowly forward & she felt herself on the back edge of the flatbed truck she let out a final despairing scream which was quickly reduced to a choking gasp as the lorry disappeared from beneath her feet & the rope around her neck started to throttle her.
As soon as she swung free of the vehicle Jane began to fight the rope. Her back arched & pushed her firm young breasts out, her bound hands clenched & unclenched as she tried to free them to reach the rope around her neck which was slowly choking the life from her.
Her legs threshed & flailed, initially from side to side & then her thighs started to pump frantically up & down as if she was running as fast as she can. The violent movement of her legs repeatedly pushed her brown skirt up her legs, at times almost to her waist, exposing her pink panties to the mesmerized crowd
The picture on the two large TV screens initially focused on Jane’s slowly reddening face, bulging eyes, gaping mouth & slowly extending tongue. The camera then pannned down her shuddering convulsing body & paused giving the enraptured spectators a close up view of her lacy brief pink underwear on display beneath her swirling skirt
The other four women prisoners howled in petrified horror as they looked on
Jane took seven seemingly endless minutes to die. Finally her body twitched one last time & her blood flecked sightless eyes stared out from her once beautiful face that was now a horrible contorted travesty of what it had been. She no longer bore any resemblance to Nicole Kidman
Ann Brownlow & Sarah Jamieson were next. Both young women struggled, wailed & pleaded as they were dragged to their nooses one after the other.. Again the delighted crowd feasted their eyes on the pictures of the two young & lovely British women writhing, violently struggling & frantically kicking on the gallows.
Like Jane before them Ann’s threshing legs rucked up her black skirt showing off her white panties & Sarah’s desperately thrashing thighs raised her blue skirt high enough to reveal her thong style cream underwear.
After about six minutes of agony their struggles subsided & their bodies swayed gently on their ropes. Like Jane their faces now look nothing like those of beautiful film stars
Only MG & PT are left & they are now hysterical with terror.
The Guards come for the pretty young Asian-American first. PT looks at her terrified despairing lover & screams, “Help me MG! For God’s sake help me!”.
MG can only look on in horror as PT’s hands are tied & she is noosed.
The truck starts to move & PT’s feet scrabble as she tries to remain in contact with the flatbed platform for as long as possible. Her efforts are of course futile & she soon swings free in the air held up only by the rope connected to the gallows beam round her neck
PT maybe petite but she is also strong & athletic. She had been a gymnast in her teenage years & had been a regular visitor to the gym since then. Her body gyrates on the rope, her head is pushed to the side & back by the knot at the front side of her neck.
She gasps & groans, fighting for breathe as the strangling noose mercilessly begins to close her windpipe. Violent shudders pass through her body & she starts to kick, athletically & to the spectators marvelously.
Several times her knees almost touch her breasts giving the crowd wondrous views of the tight white panties beneath the flared red skirt
The Asian-American girl dances for a full ten minutes before she expires
Now it is MG’s turn. As the Guards pull her from her seat & tie her hands behind her back & begin to guide her to the one remaining noose the events that have led Alyssia to this situation flash through her mind.
Her terrified brain races through the initial discovery of the article on Edith Thompson’s execution, the further reading about other 20th Century hangings of women, the research on the executions of women related to WWII, the first stories about war-time hangings & executions, the tales of further executions set arounds the world, getting together with PT, visiting Gaborone, Singapore & Tehran, the killings she & PT had carried out as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan & finally the murders they had participated in as members of the Club.
Alyssia winces as the rope is placed around her neck & pulled tight by the executioner. Tears run down her cheeks & she is trembling uncontrollably. While she has seen & participated in many hangings it is only now that she fully understands the absolute pure terror of the condemned.
The truck slowly draws forward & the rope round her neck holds Alyssia in position along with the executioner who is preventing her from trying to move away from the approaching edge of the rear of the lorry flatbed. She tries to keep her feet in contact with vehicle for as long as possible but it is hopeless.
Her final somewhat inconsequential thought before she is pushed off the back of the vehicle is that at least she is wearing nice light lacy blue panties under her A-line knee length white skirt which she knows having watched the executions of the other female Club members are about to be fully exposed to the baying crowd
Alyssia swings in the air as the truck finally disappears from beneath her. She gasps as the noose tightens around her neck, the pain is indescribable. She finds that she has no control over her body’s reaction to being hanged.
Her chest heaves pushing her pert firm breasts against her breasts, her legs thresh & flail wildly lifting her white skirt & showing off her lacy underwear to the baying crowd who are in the grip of a collective bloodlust.
She convulses & shudders. Now to add to the agony of the strangling noose she can feel her head begin to pound as the trapped blood starts to congest. Her mouth gapes open & her tongue protrudes as she hopelessly tries in vain to breathe
After about five seemingly endless minutes of agony Alyssia’s vision darkens. Her eyes feel to her as if they are popping out of their sockets. She mercifully loses consciousness & a minute later all movement ceases as life leaves her body & she joins the other Club members in death
The nine bodies sway gently in the breeze & the crowd give a final huge roar. Islamic justice has been served
In James Burrows rented office in London all of the members of the team who had made Operation Kelly a success watched the live feed of the hangings from Tehran. The executions had been shown throughout the country by the Iranian Government news agency & so were easy to access.
Once Alyssia Mills white skirt had fallen back down to her knees & the last Club Member hung dead on the scaffold in the Tehran stadium there was silence in the room for a few seconds & then everyone erupted in spontaneous applause
Tears were running down James’s face as he got to his feet.
He said, “Thanks to you all we have achieved justice for Kelly. Edith & I can’t tell you how grateful we are for your efforts in bringing these tragic events to a satisfactory conclusion. All I can say is thank you”.
The room resounded to another round of applause. Gary was somewhat disconcerted by the throbbing erection he had had since the first female Club member had started to hang. Similarly Maddy was very aware that the crotch of her panties under her skirt was soaking wet for reasons she couldn’t begin to fathom
After watching the executions the team celebrated in the office with the champagne provided by James
Gary & Maddy got chatting & before very long they were vigorously fucking in a stationery cupboard.
Maddy legs were rapped round her boss’s waist, her skirt pushed above her waist, her panties & tights lying discarded on the floor as Gary pounded his rock hard cock in & out of her sopping pussy. They both came like they had never come before
All we can say is that perhaps this isn’t the last installment of “Execution Tales”
No one at Evin prison recognized MG & PT as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan from their previous visit. Like the other Club members they had been tried & convicted under their real names of Alyssia Mills & Lucy Lai
The events following their abduction & arrest at the airport had seemed to MG & PT like a surreal nightmare which they were unable to wake up from. Now as they waited on death row at Evin for their date with the hangman they were absolutely terrified, knowing only too well what lay before them.
Jane Smithson, Ann Brownlow & Sarah Jones occupied cells next to MG & PT on death row in the women’s section of the prison & like the other two girls they were petrified by the situation they found themselves in
Sir Reginald & the three other male Club members languished in the condemned cells in the men’s part of the jail
The British government made a routine protest to the Iranian’s but after the discoveries at Sir Reginald’s property & MG’s house their outrage became noticeably muted
Mondays were still the day when executions were carried out at Evin.
MG, PT & the other three women Club members covered their ears each hanging day trying unsuccessfully to shut out the screams & wails of condemned women being dragged from the cells & force marched down the corridor to the gallows.
These sounds now no longer provoked sexual excitement in the prisoners, instead they filled the condemned young women with terror & dread
As relations with the UK were particularly frosty at the time the Iranian authorities decided to make an example of the nine condemned Club members.
On the morning of their executions they were taken from their cells & led out into the prison yard where they were forced up on to the back of a 40 foot long flatbed lorry. They were made to sit on the seats that have been placed on the vehicle. Each prisoner was guarded by two armed Revolutionary Guards.
The truck then left the prison & began to make its way to a nearby football stadium. As they travelled through Tehran’s streets hundreds of Iranians stood at the side of the road & screamed hate filled insults at the condemned prisoners
As the vehicle entered the stadium a huge roar went up from the packed stands. It slowly approached a large gallows that has been erected in the center circle. From the wooden crossbeam 12 feet above the pitch dangled nine noosed ropes
Close up pictures of the prisoners appeared on the two huge TV screens at either end of the stadium. To drive home the message that these were western infidels the Club members were dressed in the clothes they had been arrested in.
Sir Reginald & the other three men were wearing dark suits & white shirts without ties. MG, PT & the three other young women had on blouses & knee length skirts. The four men were silent but very pale while the young female prisoners all sobbed helplessly.
The lorry parked beneath the gallows. The nooses dangled down above the heads of the terrified prisoners
The spectators fell silent as a Mullah addressed them over the stadium tannoy. He ranted against the West & Britain in particular. He said that the Iranian authorities had discovered that Sir John Smithson was a British Intelligence officer, which was true, & that this was damning evidence of a plot by the UK Government as part of their efforts to undermine the Islamic Republic of Iran by increasing the amount of illegal drugs circulating in the country, which of course wasn’t.
He concluded his remarks by saying that they were all about to witness the merciless justice that would be meted out to anyone who tried to smuggle drugs into the country
To maximize the impact of the executions the authorities had decreed that the hangings be carried out one at a time with the men being the first to feel the strangling ropes around their necks.
Their hope was that horror of watching the male prisoners hang before them would evoke gratifying images of pure terror amongst the five doomed young women as they waited their turn to die on the scaffold
Sir Reginald was to be the first. He was forced to his feet & his hands were tied behind his back. He was un-protesting but obviously very frightened & now looked much older than his years. He was led to the rear of the flatbed vehicle where the masked executioner reached up & hauled down the first of the nine nooses & pulled it over Sir Reginald’s head & tightened the rope round the prisoner’s neck.
The rope was taut. As was customary in Iran there was to be no drop & merciful neck breaking during these hangings. The condemned man was left bareheaded so that all could see the full agony of slow strangulation on his face. Two guards held the prisoner firmly in place.
The executioner signaled to the truck driver who was watching in his mirror & the vehicle drew slowly forward until Sir Reginald swung free from the back of the lorry
The prisoner swayed backwards & forwards supported only by the rope around his neck. He grimaced in pain as the noose bit deep into his throat & then he started to convulse, struggle & kick
The other Club members watched in horror as the Club leader threshed & writhed on the gallows. Jane Smithson fainted & the other four young women screamed & wailed in terror pleading for mercy
Sir Reginald death agonies lasted for five minutes before the millionaire Knight hung dead on the gallows
Sir John Smithson, the Honourable William Brownlow & the Honourable Andrew Jamieson were then executed one after the other.
Being younger & stronger than Sir Reginald their struggles on the ropes lasted longer than Sir Reginald’s before they too dangled limp & lifeless on the scaffold
Now it was the turn of the female prisoners
Jane Smithson was revived by smelling salts, her hands tied behind her & she was half carried whimpering to her noose. She was pure white & her lovely delicate features were distorted into a rictus of absolute terror. Jane had to be supported by her two guards as she was noosed.
As the vehicle pulled slowly forward & she felt herself on the back edge of the flatbed truck she let out a final despairing scream which was quickly reduced to a choking gasp as the lorry disappeared from beneath her feet & the rope around her neck started to throttle her.
As soon as she swung free of the vehicle Jane began to fight the rope. Her back arched & pushed her firm young breasts out, her bound hands clenched & unclenched as she tried to free them to reach the rope around her neck which was slowly choking the life from her.
Her legs threshed & flailed, initially from side to side & then her thighs started to pump frantically up & down as if she was running as fast as she can. The violent movement of her legs repeatedly pushed her brown skirt up her legs, at times almost to her waist, exposing her pink panties to the mesmerized crowd
The picture on the two large TV screens initially focused on Jane’s slowly reddening face, bulging eyes, gaping mouth & slowly extending tongue. The camera then pannned down her shuddering convulsing body & paused giving the enraptured spectators a close up view of her lacy brief pink underwear on display beneath her swirling skirt
The other four women prisoners howled in petrified horror as they looked on
Jane took seven seemingly endless minutes to die. Finally her body twitched one last time & her blood flecked sightless eyes stared out from her once beautiful face that was now a horrible contorted travesty of what it had been. She no longer bore any resemblance to Nicole Kidman
Ann Brownlow & Sarah Jamieson were next. Both young women struggled, wailed & pleaded as they were dragged to their nooses one after the other.. Again the delighted crowd feasted their eyes on the pictures of the two young & lovely British women writhing, violently struggling & frantically kicking on the gallows.
Like Jane before them Ann’s threshing legs rucked up her black skirt showing off her white panties & Sarah’s desperately thrashing thighs raised her blue skirt high enough to reveal her thong style cream underwear.
After about six minutes of agony their struggles subsided & their bodies swayed gently on their ropes. Like Jane their faces now look nothing like those of beautiful film stars
Only MG & PT are left & they are now hysterical with terror.
The Guards come for the pretty young Asian-American first. PT looks at her terrified despairing lover & screams, “Help me MG! For God’s sake help me!”.
MG can only look on in horror as PT’s hands are tied & she is noosed.
The truck starts to move & PT’s feet scrabble as she tries to remain in contact with the flatbed platform for as long as possible. Her efforts are of course futile & she soon swings free in the air held up only by the rope connected to the gallows beam round her neck
PT maybe petite but she is also strong & athletic. She had been a gymnast in her teenage years & had been a regular visitor to the gym since then. Her body gyrates on the rope, her head is pushed to the side & back by the knot at the front side of her neck.
She gasps & groans, fighting for breathe as the strangling noose mercilessly begins to close her windpipe. Violent shudders pass through her body & she starts to kick, athletically & to the spectators marvelously.
Several times her knees almost touch her breasts giving the crowd wondrous views of the tight white panties beneath the flared red skirt
The Asian-American girl dances for a full ten minutes before she expires
Now it is MG’s turn. As the Guards pull her from her seat & tie her hands behind her back & begin to guide her to the one remaining noose the events that have led Alyssia to this situation flash through her mind.
Her terrified brain races through the initial discovery of the article on Edith Thompson’s execution, the further reading about other 20th Century hangings of women, the research on the executions of women related to WWII, the first stories about war-time hangings & executions, the tales of further executions set arounds the world, getting together with PT, visiting Gaborone, Singapore & Tehran, the killings she & PT had carried out as Sister Morrison & Sister Chan & finally the murders they had participated in as members of the Club.
Alyssia winces as the rope is placed around her neck & pulled tight by the executioner. Tears run down her cheeks & she is trembling uncontrollably. While she has seen & participated in many hangings it is only now that she fully understands the absolute pure terror of the condemned.
The truck slowly draws forward & the rope round her neck holds Alyssia in position along with the executioner who is preventing her from trying to move away from the approaching edge of the rear of the lorry flatbed. She tries to keep her feet in contact with vehicle for as long as possible but it is hopeless.
Her final somewhat inconsequential thought before she is pushed off the back of the vehicle is that at least she is wearing nice light lacy blue panties under her A-line knee length white skirt which she knows having watched the executions of the other female Club members are about to be fully exposed to the baying crowd
Alyssia swings in the air as the truck finally disappears from beneath her. She gasps as the noose tightens around her neck, the pain is indescribable. She finds that she has no control over her body’s reaction to being hanged.
Her chest heaves pushing her pert firm breasts against her breasts, her legs thresh & flail wildly lifting her white skirt & showing off her lacy underwear to the baying crowd who are in the grip of a collective bloodlust.
She convulses & shudders. Now to add to the agony of the strangling noose she can feel her head begin to pound as the trapped blood starts to congest. Her mouth gapes open & her tongue protrudes as she hopelessly tries in vain to breathe
After about five seemingly endless minutes of agony Alyssia’s vision darkens. Her eyes feel to her as if they are popping out of their sockets. She mercifully loses consciousness & a minute later all movement ceases as life leaves her body & she joins the other Club members in death
The nine bodies sway gently in the breeze & the crowd give a final huge roar. Islamic justice has been served
In James Burrows rented office in London all of the members of the team who had made Operation Kelly a success watched the live feed of the hangings from Tehran. The executions had been shown throughout the country by the Iranian Government news agency & so were easy to access.
Once Alyssia Mills white skirt had fallen back down to her knees & the last Club Member hung dead on the scaffold in the Tehran stadium there was silence in the room for a few seconds & then everyone erupted in spontaneous applause
Tears were running down James’s face as he got to his feet.
He said, “Thanks to you all we have achieved justice for Kelly. Edith & I can’t tell you how grateful we are for your efforts in bringing these tragic events to a satisfactory conclusion. All I can say is thank you”.
The room resounded to another round of applause. Gary was somewhat disconcerted by the throbbing erection he had had since the first female Club member had started to hang. Similarly Maddy was very aware that the crotch of her panties under her skirt was soaking wet for reasons she couldn’t begin to fathom
After watching the executions the team celebrated in the office with the champagne provided by James
Gary & Maddy got chatting & before very long they were vigorously fucking in a stationery cupboard.
Maddy legs were rapped round her boss’s waist, her skirt pushed above her waist, her panties & tights lying discarded on the floor as Gary pounded his rock hard cock in & out of her sopping pussy. They both came like they had never come before
All we can say is that perhaps this isn’t the last installment of “Execution Tales”
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Forum > Public / Stories > Execution Tales Chapter 81 Part 2 Revision 2