Gas Chamber Story 6: Teresa's scrared to die.
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Teresa stood up from the edge of the cot and paced back and forth in the cell. She looked out between the bars and asked the female guard on the other side, “What time is it?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“No, I want the clock to stop!” She stepped back over to her cot and sat back down. “How much longer do I have left?” She asked as the buxom brunette rung her hands together.
“A little over an hour.”
“I’m going to need at least a half hour to get my makeup on. I have to have my glitter on so I will look like myself. That’s what everyone used to call me, Glitter because my makeup always glittered. Now look at me, according to the papers I’m just a barfly getting what she deserves.” She looked at the guard, “I need a cigarette.”
The guard passed a cigarette through the bars to Teresa and then offered her a light.
Teresa took one big puff and then another as the cigarette lite. “Thanks, I needed that,” she said as she leaned her back against the wall. “I’m as nervous as hell, all I can think of is going to the gas chamber. The state will have their pound of flesh, I hope everyone will be satisfied.” She stood up and crushed the cigarette out with her right foot. “How much longer do I have now?”
“Just a little under fifty minutes. Are you sure you don’t want to see a priest?”
“NO! I don’t need a priest; besides it wouldn’t do me any good. I killed three people, I’m not going through the pearly gates.”
“You had better get your makeup on, time will go by fast. The preparation team will be here soon.”
“At least they let me curled my hair and do my nails,” Teresa said as she opened the clear pouch that held her makeup. “But, they wouldn’t let me tan. I look good when I have a tan.” She applied her makeup and then passed her pouch through the bars to the guard. “I guess you can out this with my things. My sister will get everything anyway.” She looked down at the floor, “I shouldn’t have split that old man’s skull with a 2X4, but he had the money I wanted. They I knifed the other two when they tried to stop me. I know I deserve what I get but I’m still scared.” She looked back up at the guard, “What am I down to know?”
“Just a little more than ten minutes,” the guard answered as a door opened and two female guard and a nurse entered the cell block. “Step back from the door,” the guard ordered Teresa and then she opened the door to allow the preparation team to enter the cell.
The two guards and the nurse entered the cell. The nurse held a stethoscope harness and one of the guards held a short, sleeveless, blue prison dress. “Take off your shoes, and then undress,” one guard ordered.
Teresa back up and started to tremble, “NO! I’m not doing it!”
“Get undressed!”
“No! You’re not going to kill me!”
“Get your shoes of and get undressed!”
“NO! I’m not taking anything off!” Teresa screamed as she placed her back against the wall.
The guard standing out the cell entered and shut the door behind her as one of the other guards said, “Grab her!”
They grabbed Teresa’s arms as she tried to pull away and soon she was on her knees as one guard removed her shoes and the nurse began to unbutton her dress. They pulled her dress off her arms and then removed her bra and panties.
“Hold her still,” the nurse said as she tried to center the stethoscope on Teresa’s heart and secure it with the harness. After several minutes of struggling the nurse stepped back, “I got it on her.”
The guards then fought to put the short, sleeveless dress over Teresa’s arms and then button it.
“What’s happening?” The warden asked as he arrived, and another guard placed a runner rug on the floor.
“She’s fighting us,” one of the guards answered.
Two muscular male guards entered the tiny cell. They grabbed Teresa by her arms and pulled her to her feet. They started walking her toward the chamber as she drug her feet along the carpet.
“No, no, no,” Teresa moaned again and again as she was shuffled along by the help of the guards. “I don’t want to die, please don’t kill me.” The rug beneath her feet was no longer even as she dragged her feet behind her. “Please don’t do this, I’m afraid to die.”
As they approached the chamber another guard opened the door, exposing the two steel chairs with the small sacks of cyanide suspended underneath each of them.
“No, don’t put me in there, please, please don’t put me in there,” Teresa protested in a weakened voice as the guards carried her through the door with one guard picking up her feet and placing them inside the chamber. “They’re all looking at me,” she cried as she saw the witnesses on the other side of the glass.
As they turned her around and seated her into the chair she tried to get back up only to be held down by the strong arm of a big guard. They quickly went to work strapping her into the chair and then hooking the stethoscope tubes together. They guards quickly left the chamber and the door was sealed and shut as Teresa cheeks were now soaked with tears.
“We are already behind,” the warden said. “Proceed without my signal.”
One guard turned two valves, allowing the acid solution to drain into the vats beneath the chairs. Another pulled a lever, dropping the cyanide into the vats.
Teresa took a deep breath of the last breathable air in the chamber and held it. She moved her head rapidly from side to side with her cheeks puffed out in an effort to not breath in the gas. Ten seconds went by, then twenty seconds, and then thirty. She could hold her breath no longer and she had to exhale, but she tried not to inhale.
Suddenly, Teresa’s head jerked back as she made a heavy gasp. Her mouth and eyes were opened wide as her head shook back and forth. Her complexion started to turn a reddish/purplish hue as her fingers and toes extended and spread and the veins in her neck began to bulge.
Teresa was locked into the convulsions for over a minute and a half and then slowly her body started to relax. Her hands and her feet became still and then her head fell forward causing a violent jerking against the straps that held her body in place. Her body still quivered from the muscle spasms that caused her head to bob and her toes to curled for nearly a minute and then she was still.
The doctor had already removed her stethoscope and handed the warden her death certificate, “She’s been dead for almost two minutes. She died eight minutes after you dropped the pellets. We’ve just been seeing muscle spasms caused by the cyanide now.”
“Ver well, I will dismiss the witnesses.”
The reporters ran to the phones to be the first ones to get the headlines which read, “TRIPPLE MURDEESS DIES HARD RESISTING THE GAS, BEGGING FOR HER LIFE AFTER SHE SHOW VICTIMS NO MERCY!”
A wonderful story! I couldn't help but imagine that it was me.
Oh, I like your story, I would like to adapt it into a custom movie even partially.
That would be great, I would like to see it in film. Hopefully, you can use a more realistic chamber than the ones most places use. It really wouldn't take much to build one. I was planning a small film to advertise my books and I had planned out how to build a chamber prop.
another masterpiece lol one day you might want to send me to the gas chamber lol in stocking feet and blindfolded with a full prep your work keep it up
I will have more to come shortly. Right now, I am wrapping up the third book in my series, which will be ready very soon. I will post a like it as soon as it is ready.
cant wait hope they will be in stockinged feet giggle...thats how I would go and you could write me in one if you like lol....

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