The Execution of Christine Hill (electric chair)
Forum Home > Public : Stories > The Execution of Christine Hill (electric chair) Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Christine Hill was only 21. She had been sentenced to death for a shooting rampage she'd gone on during her first year in college. She'd never proven to be unstable or mentally or emotionally distraught before that. Nothing would convince anybody that she should be treated as insane. It was pure malice, and it would cost her her own life in the end. As the months wore on after she'd exhausted her appeals, Christine had come to accept her defeat and the inevitable. She was going to be executed, and her job now was to prepare herself for death accordingly. She'd taken care of all the formalities. She'd said goodbye to all the people she knew and loved. Her boyfriend Mike had been allowed his last visit before the execution itself. There was nothing left but to finish her final letter and get her execution clothing ready. She'd ordered a brand new green sundress as well as a very soft white bathrobe. Both of these items had been approved by the prison staff for her execution. Her final meal was a simple steak and potatoes affair, a good comfort food arrangement before death. After her meal, Christine took a long hot soothing shower, and then put on the required diaper as an added assurance that her body would stay clean once she was deceased. It was then time for her to get dressed. The dress fit over her perfectly and went well with her eye color. The V-line over her chest accentuated her breasts and drew the eye down the length of her body. She then put on the robe. She left it open, choosing not to tie it, savoring the loose and free feeling this ensemble gave her. After she'd applied her make-up, she looked herself over in the mirror. "I'm ready," she said to herself, smiling.
The matrons came in to shave Christine's head, one of the necessary procedural tasks before an execution in the electric chair. Her long wavy red hair was cut then shaved. Finally, her scalp was shaved clean completely with a razor and shaving cream. Christine cried as she said goodbye to her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, dried her eyes, and straightened her posture. She wouldn't go to her death crying and whimpering. She would go with dignity and poise. Once that was completed, the matrons wiped all the exposed parts of her body with a salt water sponge. The water was warm and helped to ease some of her tension. Finally, it was time to go. The matrons escorted her out of her cell for the last time ever, and she didn't look back. Christine walked forward. The whole scene seemed to mold itself in her mind. Each pillar, each wall she passed was like a mile marker, telling her she was getting closer and closer to the final scene. The guards seemed different toward her. They weren't the gruff, cold hulks they had usually been. They seemed almost sympathetic toward her. The whole entourage took their time walking to the waiting room outside the execution chamber. They turned a corner, and Christine could see through an opened door into the waiting room. Beyond that, directly in front of her, squarely in the center of her vision, was the door to the execution chamber. She'd remembered stepping through that door before during the mandatory rehearsal for her execution. It looked different now that the execution was for real. Her brand new white robe flowed behind her. She kept her head high and her chest out, showing off her well formed breasts for all to see, her last expose of the glory of her living body. She took a deep breath as she stepped through the door into the waiting room. The counselor took her hand and had her sit down at a table. The counselor put her arms around Christine as they sat. "Are you doing ok," asked the counselor.
"Yeah, I'm doing fine. I just hope I don't lose it in these last few minutes," Christine responded nervously, smiling a little to try and reassure the counselor.
"Oh, you're doing fine,'re doing fine," the counselor reassured Christine, massaging her upper back and shoulders slightly as she said this. The counselor watched Christine's beautiful chest out of the corner of her eye to gauge her nervousness by her breathing. 'Damn, this girl is hot. I hope those breasts stay full and beautiful during and after the electrocution.' The counselor would never admit it to anyone, but she wanted more than ever to have some time alone with Christine after the execution. Christine sat with her hands folded in her lap, silently concentrating on her breathing and her heart beat. Her mind started to wander away from the moment, and she'd practically forgotten where she was when the door to the execution chamber opened.
"Tom, we're ready for her," said the guard to the warden as he stepped through the door.
"Ok honey, it's time to go," whispered the counselor softly. Christine slowly stood up, and keeping one arm around the counselor's back and the other across her front, holding the counselor's jacket, Christine slowly walked through the door. The looked polished and ready for work. The last place she would ever sit.
She sat down very calmly in the chair and scooted her body back against the back rest. It was well designed and she felt perfectly comfortable in the chair.
Her legs rested against two padded boards, the left one had a metal electrode. She firmly clasped her hands around the ends of the armrests. Through the witness room windows, Christine could see on one side her friends and family. The people she knew and loved so much were looking right back at her, many of them fighting back tears. On the other side were the families of her victims. They all had angry yet approving faces. 'Now this bitch was getting what she deserves, and hopefully there's more fire where she's going', she imagined them thinking. The matrons first placed straps over her wrists and ankles. The straps were tight but not uncomfortable. She breathed deeply to keep herself calm. She tried to push all thoughts of anger and fear out of her brain. She could hear the counselor's voice, "Just relax and breathe Christine, just keep your muscles as loose as possible. Remember the breathing exercises we worked on." She watched the matrons with her eyes. Her face was without tension, a neutral, almost pleasant appearance on her face. Two straps were placed over her torso, under the V of her dress. Her breasts moved up and down as she breathed deeply. The white bathrobe she was wearing was providing a nice degree of padding against the straps. Once Christine was strapped in, and her legs and arms were secure, the matrons wiped her clean-shaven scalp with salt water. A new and wet sponge was placed on her scalp. The helmet shaped electrode for her head was gently fastened to her scalp with a chin strap. A matron wiped persperation and salt water from her face. Christine still kept her eyes open, her face muscles loose and expressionless. A face mask was pulled over her face and fastened around her head, her nose poking through a slit in the mask. They had made sure, in preparing Christine for the execution, that it would be dark. Everything went dark. She began breathing much harder. A black hood was then gently draped over her head, covering her nose, and was fastened with another chin strap. The only movement from Christine was the even movement of her breathing. Her chest gently expanded and contracted, a pleasurable sight as her breasts moved up and down, up and down. She was still otherwise, in her final moments. A matron then wiped perspiration from her chest and gently patted her shoulder, whispering, "I love you sweetie, just relax and breathe. The warden is gonna read the sentence."
"Christine Ariana Hill, you have been sentenced to die by means of electricution. The electricity shall now be conducted through your body until such time as you are pronounced dead by the appointed physician. If the minister would please begin the prayer."
"Lord, this woman is about to be taken from us for the cause of justice. We ask you in your infinite glory to be with her on her journey. We pray that you forgive her wrongs and
accept her desire for forgiveness, and may she be judged favorably for the price she must now pay. Your love is infinite Lord, and we pray that for her in this final moment, and for those of us who will not be leaving with her at this time, that our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever Lord, Amen." Christine had quietly recited the Lord's Prayer herself. Everything was dark. She was in her own little space now. She could feel the straps pulled tightly against her legs and arms and torso. She could hear her own deep breathing more than ever.
At exactly 12:00 noon, the switch was thrown and the electricity was conducted through Christine. She jumped against the straps and gripped the ends of the armrests. Thousands of volts were sent through her and she went as tense as she possibly could. She lost all control of her muscles. She was absolutely still although completely rigid. Steam and smoke came from the electrodes. Her skin began to turn red. A slight gurgling sound seemed to be coming from her. After 2 minutes, exactly 120 seconds, the electricity as shut off. Christine relaxed back into the chair and slumped against the straps. Her body continued to steam and smoke. Her hands and legs relaxed. After 3 minutes, the nurse approached her cooling body. Gently, the nurse applied the stethoscope to Christine's chest. There was no heartbeat, nor any sound of breathing from the very warm and very still body.
Christine was dead.
The witness windows were shut and the witnesses left. The matrons then began unstrapping Christine once the electrodes had been disconnected. Her limbs were unstrapped. The matrons then pulled off the hood over Christine's head, leaving only the mask. There was a clear burn mark on the top of her scalp, as well as her ankle at the contact points of the electrodes. The mask was then unwrapped from Christine's face. Her eyes were closed calmly and her mouth hung open, jaw relaxed. There was discoloration on her skin, but nothing too severe. Likely, she had gone unconscious within the first second of the electricity being conducted through her. The nurse opened one of her eyelids and shined a flashlight into it. Her eye stared straight ahead and her pupil remained utterly unresponsive. The death certificate was signed and the remaining straps were removed. Christine's body was then lifted onto a gurney and was laid out symmetrically. The white sheet at the foot of the gurney was then pulled over her body respectfully and gently, and tucked underneath her, wrapping her in a cocoon of soft fabric. The nurse then wheeled Christine's body out of the chamber through a door opposite the one she had entered by. The matron waited alone with Christine's body by the door while the hearse was on its way. They were completely alone. The matron knew it would be about half an hour before the hearse arrived. Quietly and efficiently, the matron removed the sheet, unwrapping Christine's still very warm body like a Christmas present. The matron started with her head and face, rubbing the bare scalp which only hours before had borne long gorgeous red hair. From the face, the matron massaged and ran her fingers along Christine's neck and down onto her chest. She ran her hands along the v-line of Christine's breasts, feeling the contours of her chest and the softness of her body. 'For this half-hour, you're mine,' thought the matron. She then reached under the deep v-line of Christine's green sun dress and rubbed her stomach. The feeling of Christine's warm body, dressed in a green deep v-neck spaghetti strap dress with a brand new soft white robe, untied, over it, was more than the matron could bear. She smiled uncontrollably in the shear pleasure of having this unbelievable beauty all to herself. The matron moved down to her legs and massaged them with long flowing strokes of her arms. Finally, the grand finale. Christine's feet got the greatest massage they had ever been given. Once she was done, the matron kissed Christine's feet and wrapped her up again in the cocoon. The hearse arrived, and no one ever knew what had happened in the minutes after Christine's death. Except for one very satisfied prison matron.
Christine Hill was only 21. She had been sentenced to death for a shooting rampage she'd gone on during her first year in college. She'd never proven to be unstable or mentally or emotionally distraught before that. Nothing would convince anybody that she should be treated as insane. It was pure malice, and it would cost her her own life in the end. As the months wore on after she'd exhausted her appeals, Christine had come to accept her defeat and the inevitable. She was going to be executed, and her job now was to prepare herself for death accordingly. She'd taken care of all the formalities. She'd said goodbye to all the people she knew and loved. Her boyfriend Mike had been allowed his last visit before the execution itself. There was nothing left but to finish her final letter and get her execution clothing ready. She'd ordered a brand new green sundress as well as a very soft white bathrobe. Both of these items had been approved by the prison staff for her execution. Her final meal was a simple steak and potatoes affair, a good comfort food arrangement before death. After her meal, Christine took a long hot soothing shower, and then put on the required diaper as an added assurance that her body would stay clean once she was deceased. It was then time for her to get dressed. The dress fit over her perfectly and went well with her eye color. The V-line over her chest accentuated her breasts and drew the eye down the length of her body. She then put on the robe. She left it open, choosing not to tie it, savoring the loose and free feeling this ensemble gave her. After she'd applied her make-up, she looked herself over in the mirror. "I'm ready," she said to herself, smiling.
The matrons came in to shave Christine's head, one of the necessary procedural tasks before an execution in the electric chair. Her long wavy red hair was cut then shaved. Finally, her scalp was shaved clean completely with a razor and shaving cream. Christine cried as she said goodbye to her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, dried her eyes, and straightened her posture. She wouldn't go to her death crying and whimpering. She would go with dignity and poise. Once that was completed, the matrons wiped all the exposed parts of her body with a salt water sponge. The water was warm and helped to ease some of her tension. Finally, it was time to go. The matrons escorted her out of her cell for the last time ever, and she didn't look back. Christine walked forward. The whole scene seemed to mold itself in her mind. Each pillar, each wall she passed was like a mile marker, telling her she was getting closer and closer to the final scene. The guards seemed different toward her. They weren't the gruff, cold hulks they had usually been. They seemed almost sympathetic toward her. The whole entourage took their time walking to the waiting room outside the execution chamber. They turned a corner, and Christine could see through an opened door into the waiting room. Beyond that, directly in front of her, squarely in the center of her vision, was the door to the execution chamber. She'd remembered stepping through that door before during the mandatory rehearsal for her execution. It looked different now that the execution was for real. Her brand new white robe flowed behind her. She kept her head high and her chest out, showing off her well formed breasts for all to see, her last expose of the glory of her living body. She took a deep breath as she stepped through the door into the waiting room. The counselor took her hand and had her sit down at a table. The counselor put her arms around Christine as they sat. "Are you doing ok," asked the counselor.
"Yeah, I'm doing fine. I just hope I don't lose it in these last few minutes," Christine responded nervously, smiling a little to try and reassure the counselor.
"Oh, you're doing fine,'re doing fine," the counselor reassured Christine, massaging her upper back and shoulders slightly as she said this. The counselor watched Christine's beautiful chest out of the corner of her eye to gauge her nervousness by her breathing. 'Damn, this girl is hot. I hope those breasts stay full and beautiful during and after the electrocution.' The counselor would never admit it to anyone, but she wanted more than ever to have some time alone with Christine after the execution. Christine sat with her hands folded in her lap, silently concentrating on her breathing and her heart beat. Her mind started to wander away from the moment, and she'd practically forgotten where she was when the door to the execution chamber opened.
"Tom, we're ready for her," said the guard to the warden as he stepped through the door.
"Ok honey, it's time to go," whispered the counselor softly. Christine slowly stood up, and keeping one arm around the counselor's back and the other across her front, holding the counselor's jacket, Christine slowly walked through the door. The looked polished and ready for work. The last place she would ever sit.
She sat down very calmly in the chair and scooted her body back against the back rest. It was well designed and she felt perfectly comfortable in the chair.
Her legs rested against two padded boards, the left one had a metal electrode. She firmly clasped her hands around the ends of the armrests. Through the witness room windows, Christine could see on one side her friends and family. The people she knew and loved so much were looking right back at her, many of them fighting back tears. On the other side were the families of her victims. They all had angry yet approving faces. 'Now this bitch was getting what she deserves, and hopefully there's more fire where she's going', she imagined them thinking. The matrons first placed straps over her wrists and ankles. The straps were tight but not uncomfortable. She breathed deeply to keep herself calm. She tried to push all thoughts of anger and fear out of her brain. She could hear the counselor's voice, "Just relax and breathe Christine, just keep your muscles as loose as possible. Remember the breathing exercises we worked on." She watched the matrons with her eyes. Her face was without tension, a neutral, almost pleasant appearance on her face. Two straps were placed over her torso, under the V of her dress. Her breasts moved up and down as she breathed deeply. The white bathrobe she was wearing was providing a nice degree of padding against the straps. Once Christine was strapped in, and her legs and arms were secure, the matrons wiped her clean-shaven scalp with salt water. A new and wet sponge was placed on her scalp. The helmet shaped electrode for her head was gently fastened to her scalp with a chin strap. A matron wiped persperation and salt water from her face. Christine still kept her eyes open, her face muscles loose and expressionless. A face mask was pulled over her face and fastened around her head, her nose poking through a slit in the mask. They had made sure, in preparing Christine for the execution, that it would be dark. Everything went dark. She began breathing much harder. A black hood was then gently draped over her head, covering her nose, and was fastened with another chin strap. The only movement from Christine was the even movement of her breathing. Her chest gently expanded and contracted, a pleasurable sight as her breasts moved up and down, up and down. She was still otherwise, in her final moments. A matron then wiped perspiration from her chest and gently patted her shoulder, whispering, "I love you sweetie, just relax and breathe. The warden is gonna read the sentence."
"Christine Ariana Hill, you have been sentenced to die by means of electricution. The electricity shall now be conducted through your body until such time as you are pronounced dead by the appointed physician. If the minister would please begin the prayer."
"Lord, this woman is about to be taken from us for the cause of justice. We ask you in your infinite glory to be with her on her journey. We pray that you forgive her wrongs and
accept her desire for forgiveness, and may she be judged favorably for the price she must now pay. Your love is infinite Lord, and we pray that for her in this final moment, and for those of us who will not be leaving with her at this time, that our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever Lord, Amen." Christine had quietly recited the Lord's Prayer herself. Everything was dark. She was in her own little space now. She could feel the straps pulled tightly against her legs and arms and torso. She could hear her own deep breathing more than ever.
At exactly 12:00 noon, the switch was thrown and the electricity was conducted through Christine. She jumped against the straps and gripped the ends of the armrests. Thousands of volts were sent through her and she went as tense as she possibly could. She lost all control of her muscles. She was absolutely still although completely rigid. Steam and smoke came from the electrodes. Her skin began to turn red. A slight gurgling sound seemed to be coming from her. After 2 minutes, exactly 120 seconds, the electricity as shut off. Christine relaxed back into the chair and slumped against the straps. Her body continued to steam and smoke. Her hands and legs relaxed. After 3 minutes, the nurse approached her cooling body. Gently, the nurse applied the stethoscope to Christine's chest. There was no heartbeat, nor any sound of breathing from the very warm and very still body.
Christine was dead.
The witness windows were shut and the witnesses left. The matrons then began unstrapping Christine once the electrodes had been disconnected. Her limbs were unstrapped. The matrons then pulled off the hood over Christine's head, leaving only the mask. There was a clear burn mark on the top of her scalp, as well as her ankle at the contact points of the electrodes. The mask was then unwrapped from Christine's face. Her eyes were closed calmly and her mouth hung open, jaw relaxed. There was discoloration on her skin, but nothing too severe. Likely, she had gone unconscious within the first second of the electricity being conducted through her. The nurse opened one of her eyelids and shined a flashlight into it. Her eye stared straight ahead and her pupil remained utterly unresponsive. The death certificate was signed and the remaining straps were removed. Christine's body was then lifted onto a gurney and was laid out symmetrically. The white sheet at the foot of the gurney was then pulled over her body respectfully and gently, and tucked underneath her, wrapping her in a cocoon of soft fabric. The nurse then wheeled Christine's body out of the chamber through a door opposite the one she had entered by. The matron waited alone with Christine's body by the door while the hearse was on its way. They were completely alone. The matron knew it would be about half an hour before the hearse arrived. Quietly and efficiently, the matron removed the sheet, unwrapping Christine's still very warm body like a Christmas present. The matron started with her head and face, rubbing the bare scalp which only hours before had borne long gorgeous red hair. From the face, the matron massaged and ran her fingers along Christine's neck and down onto her chest. She ran her hands along the v-line of Christine's breasts, feeling the contours of her chest and the softness of her body. 'For this half-hour, you're mine,' thought the matron. She then reached under the deep v-line of Christine's green sun dress and rubbed her stomach. The feeling of Christine's warm body, dressed in a green deep v-neck spaghetti strap dress with a brand new soft white robe, untied, over it, was more than the matron could bear. She smiled uncontrollably in the shear pleasure of having this unbelievable beauty all to herself. The matron moved down to her legs and massaged them with long flowing strokes of her arms. Finally, the grand finale. Christine's feet got the greatest massage they had ever been given. Once she was done, the matron kissed Christine's feet and wrapped her up again in the cocoon. The hearse arrived, and no one ever knew what had happened in the minutes after Christine's death. Except for one very satisfied prison matron.

What a great story. Imagine how erotic it is to see a girl taking a mandatory rehearsal for her execution in the electric chair. The part that "At exactly 12:00 noon, the switch was thrown and the electricity was conducted through Christine. She jumped against the straps and gripped the ends of the armrests" is somehow especially erotic to me.
And you have your own style I still remember Mara's story - also touchy.
Forum > Public / Stories > The Execution of Christine Hill (electric chair)