The Execution of Lydia Michael (Lethal Injection)
Forum Home > Public : Stories > The Execution of Lydia Michael (Lethal Injection) Lydia had about 8 hours left. She was nervous. Very nervous. Very scared. It was almost too much for her to even contemplate. What would death be like? What would it be like to have no senses or any awareness, and to be in that state forever?
Lydia had been sentenced to death for killing two of her friends in a fit of rage. If only she had taken a couple of seconds to step back, calm herself, and think, she never would've gotten here. Instead she would be looking forward to an otherwise bright future. But those seconds she hadn't taken would ultimately cost her her own life. Her death, she figured, would be as merciful as conceivably possible. She was scheduled to be given a lethal injection in the evening, at 7:00 p.m.
She sat writing a letter that would be published after her death, as well as instructions regarding what to do with her belongings. She was amazingly calm considering the circumstances. She was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts and socks. She had been allowed to have a TV in her cell, and her boyfriend Jake, who'd been cleared by security after a thorough search, was watching the news. "and today a young woman found guilty of murdering her two friends is scheduled to be executed at around 7:00 p.m., stay with us as we continue our coverage of this story, as well as our final interview with Lydia Michaels at 8 pm."
Jake knew she didn't want that to be on, but she understood. He had become so embroiled by what the news media had been saying about Lydia. Moments later, she finished her writing. She sat down on the bed and lay back. Jake switched off the TV and accepted her invitation to lay down with her. They snuggled and he felt her arms and legs wrapped around him for the last time. They both lay their silently snuggling, he listened to her breathing as it became slower and calmer. They began kissing and he rubbed her, letting his love for her flow through his hands and arms and warm her up. After a while, she took off her shorts and he began rubbing her lower abdomen and legs. She let it turn her on and her lungs heaved with pleasure. He moved up and down her body, under her shirt. Her breasts stiffened as he rubbed them, feeling her body rise beneath his. With their hands clasped together, they both pulled her panties down and he took off his jeans and boxers. By now, the guards didn't care what was going on. They knew Jake had no way to break her out of prison or prevent what was gonna happen. Once she was prepared, Jake entered Lydia's body and their pleasure swelled enormously. They held eachother so tightly, it seemed as though they would never let go.
Between heaves of pleasure, Lydia whispered, "Babe, I love you so much, I'm so afraid of what's gonna happen."
"I love you so much too. You are my love forever, I will always love you no matter what. I don't want you to be scared," Jake assured her.
After they were done, she blissfully fell asleep in his arms. It was better for her to sleep in peace than to agonize for the remainder of her time to live. Her execution dress was set out on the table, ready for her to put it on.
At around 4:30 pm, the matrons came to deliver her final meal as well as perform a required physical examination. A matron first applied a stethoscope to her chest, right between her breasts to listen to her heart. Lydia had maintained a regular exercise schedule, so her heart was strong. Next, the matron placed the stethoscope on Lydia's back and had her take several deep breaths. Her lungs seemed fine, and the matron proceeded to check her leg veins to ensure they were healthy enough to use for the injection. She was in good order, and her final meal was dropped off. The prison cooks were able to accomodate all her requests, and she shared some of her meal with Jake. They both used the opportunity to try and push what was about to happen out of their minds. Finally, Lydia finished her meal, and the matrons escorted her to the shower room. One of the matrons carried her dress there as well. Jake was escorted to the waiting room for witnesses. When he got there, he met her other best friends who she'd invited to come witness the execution. Her friends all held eachother and fought back tears. They agreed to keep happy thoughts in their heads as long as they could, and to keep eachothers' spirits up.
Meanwhile, Lydia showered. She indulged herself and enjoyed her final hot shower. She let the experience of water caressing her body wash away her worries for a little while at least. Finally, her shower was completed, and she stepped out, dried off, and was greeted with a white terry-cloth robe. She was required to go to the bathroom so as to clear out her bowels and bladder as much as possible prior to the execution. She then sat down in front of a mirror, and with some assistance from a matron, did her makeup and hair. Once this was done, she put on the mandatory special panties that were required during the execution. She then put on her dress, the final thing she would ever wear, as she had asked to be buried in the same dress. Her dress was a green sundress in the spaghetti strap fashion with a deep v-neck over her chest, cutting all the way down to her sternum, between her breasts. Over this dress, she wore a lighter green zip-up jacket that was fairly light-weight. Every time she took a deep breath, her breasts heaved up and down, her cleavage clearly defined.
Lydia was ready. The matrons then escorted her to the chamber ante-room where she would wait until given the go-ahead to proceed into the execution chamber. She sat down and folded her hands in her lap. She took some deep breaths to keep herself calm and maintain her composure. She just thought about going to sleep. That's all it's gonna be, she told herself, just a nice long sleep. A guard came out. "We're ready for her," he said bluntly.
The matrons put their hands on her back and gently moved her forward into the chamber. The bed was a clean white affair with brown leather straps attached. The upper part of the bed was angled up about 35 degrees. At the foot was a white sheet, cleanly pressed and neatly folded up. She knew what that was for. It would be gently pulled over her body once death had taken hold. The bed faced two one-way mirrors. Behind one were the families of her victims. Behind another were her friends and Jake. She knew all their eyes were on her. With dignity and poise she stood beside the bed and gave gave her final words:
"The only thing I can really say is I'm sorry. I have been sorry since I did what I did. I took away the most precious thing for two families. I did an unspeakable and horrible thing that
no one can atone for. I can only beg you to forgive me, but I know to do so is beyond what anyone could do when they've gone through the grief and agony you've gone through. I ask
that you let my death be at least some little bit of closure. This is the right thing. It's the right thing for me to give up my life as an attempt at atonement. I am sorry, and I cannot tell
you with my voice how sorry I am. I am guilty, there is no other way about it, and I will now proceed with what I must do, with what must happen to me. Jake, Maya, Tanya, Eileen, Shana, Kasey, I
love you all, and you've done everything you can to show me the love I've needed. It's time for me to sleep now and be still. I'm ready to pay the price I must pay. Thank you."
With that, she gently took both hands and put them to her lips and blew a kiss in the direction of her boyfriend. She then lay down on the bed and waited while the matrons strapped her in. She was barefoot, and she adjusted her body so her breasts were full and the v-line across her chest was deep and sexy. She swallowed nervously as she tried to force fearful or angry thoughts out of her head. There was no going back now. This was the last bed she would sleep in, this was the last thing she would ever experience. She enjoyed the last few breaths she had and the feeling of her beating heart. She was alive. The matrons pulled straps snugly over her ankles, shins, thighs, stomach, wrists, forearms, upper arms, and one just below her breasts and sternum. A matron then ran her hand under her skirt and inserted the needle into her leg. The sheet at the foot of the bed was then pulled up to her waist, over her legs and feet and the straps that held them down. The warden read the sentence, and the doctor indicated he was ready. With that, the warden called out:
"We will now proceed with the court-ordered execution of Lydia Penelope Michaels by means of injection of lethal chemicals until such time as the state-appointed physician has
determined that death has occurred. You are cleared to begin the injection."
The method used was a simple overdose on sodium thiopental, rather than the more risky 3-drug method traditionally used. Lydia kept her eyes open and stared straight ahead. She breathed heavily through her nose. Her chest expanded and contracted with each breath. Gradually, a more distant look came over her. She felt herself becoming drowsy, her vision blurry, and her body began to relax. Within a minute she was very relaxed and her breathing was slowing and becoming calmer. Finally, her world went dark, and her thoughts ceased. Her body continued to go limp. Her jaw dropped open loosely and her eyes began to close gently. After about 4 minutes, her eyes were completely closed, her breathing had stopped, and her mouth hung open. After 5 minutes had elapsed, the physician came forward with a stethoscope and pressed it to her chest, gently rubbing her chest as she did so. There was no sound of respiration, and no heart beat. After another minute, the physician called out the time as 7:08 pm, indicating that Lydia had been declared dead. Jake and her friends sat there speechless and unmoving. Just like that, in a matter of minutes she'd been a living breathing person, capable of feeling love and sadness and fear. Now, she was a body, calmly laid out and completely, eternally relaxed and still. The sheet was then pulled up all the way over her body. All the witnesses could see now was a white sheet covering the bed with the shape of Lydia's lifeless form beneath it. The warden then addressed the witnesses, informing them of what they needed to know. After he was done, the curtains were closed.
Inside the execution chamber, Lydia's body was uncovered and unstrapped. The white sheet was then pulled over her again and this time it was tucked underneath her. The upper part of the bed was then reclined fully so it was flat, and the gurney was used to wheel her out to the waiting hearse to take her to the mortuary. Outside the witness room, Jake and her friends hugged eachother and cried for Lydia. At 8:00 pm, CNN aired the interview she'd given a week and a half earlier.
Lydia had been sentenced to death for killing two of her friends in a fit of rage. If only she had taken a couple of seconds to step back, calm herself, and think, she never would've gotten here. Instead she would be looking forward to an otherwise bright future. But those seconds she hadn't taken would ultimately cost her her own life. Her death, she figured, would be as merciful as conceivably possible. She was scheduled to be given a lethal injection in the evening, at 7:00 p.m.
She sat writing a letter that would be published after her death, as well as instructions regarding what to do with her belongings. She was amazingly calm considering the circumstances. She was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts and socks. She had been allowed to have a TV in her cell, and her boyfriend Jake, who'd been cleared by security after a thorough search, was watching the news. "and today a young woman found guilty of murdering her two friends is scheduled to be executed at around 7:00 p.m., stay with us as we continue our coverage of this story, as well as our final interview with Lydia Michaels at 8 pm."
Jake knew she didn't want that to be on, but she understood. He had become so embroiled by what the news media had been saying about Lydia. Moments later, she finished her writing. She sat down on the bed and lay back. Jake switched off the TV and accepted her invitation to lay down with her. They snuggled and he felt her arms and legs wrapped around him for the last time. They both lay their silently snuggling, he listened to her breathing as it became slower and calmer. They began kissing and he rubbed her, letting his love for her flow through his hands and arms and warm her up. After a while, she took off her shorts and he began rubbing her lower abdomen and legs. She let it turn her on and her lungs heaved with pleasure. He moved up and down her body, under her shirt. Her breasts stiffened as he rubbed them, feeling her body rise beneath his. With their hands clasped together, they both pulled her panties down and he took off his jeans and boxers. By now, the guards didn't care what was going on. They knew Jake had no way to break her out of prison or prevent what was gonna happen. Once she was prepared, Jake entered Lydia's body and their pleasure swelled enormously. They held eachother so tightly, it seemed as though they would never let go.
Between heaves of pleasure, Lydia whispered, "Babe, I love you so much, I'm so afraid of what's gonna happen."
"I love you so much too. You are my love forever, I will always love you no matter what. I don't want you to be scared," Jake assured her.
After they were done, she blissfully fell asleep in his arms. It was better for her to sleep in peace than to agonize for the remainder of her time to live. Her execution dress was set out on the table, ready for her to put it on.
At around 4:30 pm, the matrons came to deliver her final meal as well as perform a required physical examination. A matron first applied a stethoscope to her chest, right between her breasts to listen to her heart. Lydia had maintained a regular exercise schedule, so her heart was strong. Next, the matron placed the stethoscope on Lydia's back and had her take several deep breaths. Her lungs seemed fine, and the matron proceeded to check her leg veins to ensure they were healthy enough to use for the injection. She was in good order, and her final meal was dropped off. The prison cooks were able to accomodate all her requests, and she shared some of her meal with Jake. They both used the opportunity to try and push what was about to happen out of their minds. Finally, Lydia finished her meal, and the matrons escorted her to the shower room. One of the matrons carried her dress there as well. Jake was escorted to the waiting room for witnesses. When he got there, he met her other best friends who she'd invited to come witness the execution. Her friends all held eachother and fought back tears. They agreed to keep happy thoughts in their heads as long as they could, and to keep eachothers' spirits up.
Meanwhile, Lydia showered. She indulged herself and enjoyed her final hot shower. She let the experience of water caressing her body wash away her worries for a little while at least. Finally, her shower was completed, and she stepped out, dried off, and was greeted with a white terry-cloth robe. She was required to go to the bathroom so as to clear out her bowels and bladder as much as possible prior to the execution. She then sat down in front of a mirror, and with some assistance from a matron, did her makeup and hair. Once this was done, she put on the mandatory special panties that were required during the execution. She then put on her dress, the final thing she would ever wear, as she had asked to be buried in the same dress. Her dress was a green sundress in the spaghetti strap fashion with a deep v-neck over her chest, cutting all the way down to her sternum, between her breasts. Over this dress, she wore a lighter green zip-up jacket that was fairly light-weight. Every time she took a deep breath, her breasts heaved up and down, her cleavage clearly defined.
Lydia was ready. The matrons then escorted her to the chamber ante-room where she would wait until given the go-ahead to proceed into the execution chamber. She sat down and folded her hands in her lap. She took some deep breaths to keep herself calm and maintain her composure. She just thought about going to sleep. That's all it's gonna be, she told herself, just a nice long sleep. A guard came out. "We're ready for her," he said bluntly.
The matrons put their hands on her back and gently moved her forward into the chamber. The bed was a clean white affair with brown leather straps attached. The upper part of the bed was angled up about 35 degrees. At the foot was a white sheet, cleanly pressed and neatly folded up. She knew what that was for. It would be gently pulled over her body once death had taken hold. The bed faced two one-way mirrors. Behind one were the families of her victims. Behind another were her friends and Jake. She knew all their eyes were on her. With dignity and poise she stood beside the bed and gave gave her final words:
"The only thing I can really say is I'm sorry. I have been sorry since I did what I did. I took away the most precious thing for two families. I did an unspeakable and horrible thing that
no one can atone for. I can only beg you to forgive me, but I know to do so is beyond what anyone could do when they've gone through the grief and agony you've gone through. I ask
that you let my death be at least some little bit of closure. This is the right thing. It's the right thing for me to give up my life as an attempt at atonement. I am sorry, and I cannot tell
you with my voice how sorry I am. I am guilty, there is no other way about it, and I will now proceed with what I must do, with what must happen to me. Jake, Maya, Tanya, Eileen, Shana, Kasey, I
love you all, and you've done everything you can to show me the love I've needed. It's time for me to sleep now and be still. I'm ready to pay the price I must pay. Thank you."
With that, she gently took both hands and put them to her lips and blew a kiss in the direction of her boyfriend. She then lay down on the bed and waited while the matrons strapped her in. She was barefoot, and she adjusted her body so her breasts were full and the v-line across her chest was deep and sexy. She swallowed nervously as she tried to force fearful or angry thoughts out of her head. There was no going back now. This was the last bed she would sleep in, this was the last thing she would ever experience. She enjoyed the last few breaths she had and the feeling of her beating heart. She was alive. The matrons pulled straps snugly over her ankles, shins, thighs, stomach, wrists, forearms, upper arms, and one just below her breasts and sternum. A matron then ran her hand under her skirt and inserted the needle into her leg. The sheet at the foot of the bed was then pulled up to her waist, over her legs and feet and the straps that held them down. The warden read the sentence, and the doctor indicated he was ready. With that, the warden called out:
"We will now proceed with the court-ordered execution of Lydia Penelope Michaels by means of injection of lethal chemicals until such time as the state-appointed physician has
determined that death has occurred. You are cleared to begin the injection."
The method used was a simple overdose on sodium thiopental, rather than the more risky 3-drug method traditionally used. Lydia kept her eyes open and stared straight ahead. She breathed heavily through her nose. Her chest expanded and contracted with each breath. Gradually, a more distant look came over her. She felt herself becoming drowsy, her vision blurry, and her body began to relax. Within a minute she was very relaxed and her breathing was slowing and becoming calmer. Finally, her world went dark, and her thoughts ceased. Her body continued to go limp. Her jaw dropped open loosely and her eyes began to close gently. After about 4 minutes, her eyes were completely closed, her breathing had stopped, and her mouth hung open. After 5 minutes had elapsed, the physician came forward with a stethoscope and pressed it to her chest, gently rubbing her chest as she did so. There was no sound of respiration, and no heart beat. After another minute, the physician called out the time as 7:08 pm, indicating that Lydia had been declared dead. Jake and her friends sat there speechless and unmoving. Just like that, in a matter of minutes she'd been a living breathing person, capable of feeling love and sadness and fear. Now, she was a body, calmly laid out and completely, eternally relaxed and still. The sheet was then pulled up all the way over her body. All the witnesses could see now was a white sheet covering the bed with the shape of Lydia's lifeless form beneath it. The warden then addressed the witnesses, informing them of what they needed to know. After he was done, the curtains were closed.
Inside the execution chamber, Lydia's body was uncovered and unstrapped. The white sheet was then pulled over her again and this time it was tucked underneath her. The upper part of the bed was then reclined fully so it was flat, and the gurney was used to wheel her out to the waiting hearse to take her to the mortuary. Outside the witness room, Jake and her friends hugged eachother and cried for Lydia. At 8:00 pm, CNN aired the interview she'd given a week and a half earlier.

I like it but would that bare foot or soles to be mentioned....

Wow wonderful story, love this character. Wish you resume writing great stories soon.
Forum > Public / Stories > The Execution of Lydia Michael (Lethal Injection)