Execution of Laura Shea (electric chair)
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"Before we begin the execution, Laura, is there anything you would like to say as a final statement?" asked the warden. Laura's eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and anger. Her mouth trembled in a horrified gape. She could barely catch her breath to make any vocalizations.

"I.......oh...god........I.........I'm so...... scared! Please....." she sobbed, "please....I'm sorry......... please stop this! Please don't do this." Laura pleaded as tears streamed down her face. "Oh god.....no please! You fucking bastards....... please! Don't do this to me!" It was clear she couldn't say anything more. It was now or never. The two attending guards came forward and methodically pulled the leather face mask over Laura's face, shutting out the light of the world as she knew it. Laura continued to writhe in deep agony. Her hands, arms, legs, and feet seemed to be moving in any direction the straps would let them. She began breathing even more rapidly than before. Once the mask was secured, a black hood was pulled over her head, over the electrode attached to her scalp.

"Shhhh, calm down," whispered one of the guards. "You'll be alright. It'll be over soon, Laura." Assuring her of anything was useless at this point, but emotions always ran high at an execution, even for experienced guards. The physician's face betrayed an inner sympathetic agony for Laura and her predicament. All straps were in place finally, and the guards stepped away.

"Laura Shea, prisoner number 22819, you have been sentenced to die by means of electrocution by the Legal Court of the West State. Your execution will now be carried out in accordance with federal law," declared the warden into the microphone. With that, the warden turned and nodded to the anonymous executioner behind the one-way mirror. Laura was now hyperventilating and clenching her hands and toes wildly. The executioner engaged the switch which completed the circuit, and the execution of Laura Shea commenced.

Laura's body instantly jerked against the straps, causing them to creak as every muscle in her body tensed. Her heavy breathing stopped instantly. She remained completely still, her body straining against the straps in a vain attempt at self-preservation. Once in awhile, she would shake involuntarily. After 45 seconds, her body noticeably relaxed, but only slightly. Her skin turned red. Despite the dramatic scene, the execution chamber was completely silent, save for the hum of electricity. The v-line of her dress curved beautifully around her breasts, a final expose of a gorgeous body. If the body couldn't save itself, then it would at least go out on a high note. The electric current continued for another 45 seconds before the switch was disengaged.

Laura's body relaxed back into the chair, the v-line of her dress curving in harmony with her collapsing breasts. Her fingers slowly uncurled their vice grip until her hands seemed to calmly grasp the ends of the armrests, as they would have had Laura merely been relaxing on a Saturday morning. Her lower torso settled into the chair, the large strap around her tummy creaking slightly as the incredible tension subsided. Wisps of smoke continued to rise from her head and the electrode on her leg. The strap around her neck had been fastened so as to afford Laura some degree of flexibility. As the relaxation of her body continued, the black concealed sphere of her head gently slumped forward. Within a minute, a small trickle of blood began to to empty from beneath the hood, below the strap securing it to her head. It formed a constant stream down her neck and curved slightly onto her cleavage as it descended her left breast. As soon as her body had cooled to an acceptable temperature, the physician would first wipe the blood from her chest with a damp cloth before checking her heart and eyes for life. After two minutes had elapsed, Laura's body was, for all practical purposes, still. The near entire stillness was only occasionally interrupted by a gentle agonal spasm of Laura's chest, and once or twice her left calf muscle involuntarily tensed.

Finally, the five minute cooling period ended and the physician approached Laura's body. Other than the now-drying stream of blood down her chest and the general slight discoloration of Laura's skin, there remained now other clues to suggest that behind the hood and mask was anything other than the face of a living woman in the midst of meditation. to all spectators present, she just as easily could have still been alive, free to stand up, smile, and bow once unstrapped. The physician gingerly rubbed her chest with the damp washcloth, easily removing the small trickle of blood. She figured it probably came from Laura's nose, as it was common for the capillaries to rupture during the electrocution. Once the blood had been wiped clean, the physician gently pressed the stethoscope to Laura's chest, about midway down her left breast. The physician, listening for a good 30 seconds, heard no sounds of heart rhythm, nor any sounds of residual respiration from Laura's chest. Gently, the physician then pressed the stethoscope to a point lower on Laura's chest, closer to the point of the v-neck. Another 20 seconds and still no sound of her heart beat. Finally, the physician pressed the stethoscope to the center point of Laura's chest, between her breasts. Satisfied that Laura's heart had stopped, the physician then carefully unfastened the strap that held the hood in place. One of the attending guards came forward and assisted the physician in holding up the hood while the physician unfastened the flap over Laura's left eye. This was always a bit of a moment of truth, since the eyes of executed inmates could be closed, open, or anywhere in between. Laura's left eye, however, was about 3/4 of the way closed. With her thumb and her index finger, the physician gently opened Laura's left eye fully and shined a small flashlight into the pupil. The iris was fully dilated and it did not respond to the light, nor the eye move in response. The physician then opened the flap over Laura's right eye and examined it as well. There was no response. There was heart death. There was respiratory death. There was brain death. Laura was dead. The guard released the hood, letting it drop down over Laura's already concealed face. The physician quietly stood up and smiled warmly to the guard. "Yeah, she's gone," intoned the physician in a soft muted voice, barely above a whisper, nodding as she did so. The physician returned to her original position on the left side of the execution chamber. The guard convened with the warden, and the warden tapped the microphone which fed into the witness room sound system. "Laura Shea, prisoner number 22819, was executed and pronounced dead at 11:07 am, October 17th, 2008. The execution has been carried out. The witnesses are now excused."

As the witnesses began filing out, the physician walked back over to the chair. She looked on sympathetically as Laura sat dead, defeated, and relaxed. The physician recalled the agony that seemed to pervade throughout Laura's entire body as Laura was strapped in minutes earlier. With visible sympathy, the physician gently stroked Laura's shoulder, still very warm from the electrocution. The dress was marvelously soft. She recalled the visible struggle Laura made, and how it seemed so sudden that now Laura was calm and perfectly symmetrical. She wondered if the soft v-neck dress Laura was wearing had helped to provide any last bit of comfort for Laura in her final moments. Somehow, the physician was sure it had. Once most of the witnesses had departed their chamber, the guards began unstrapping Laura. First the electrodes were completely detached, followed by the straps around her wrists, arms, ankles, and legs. The gurney was wheeled over to a position immediately in front of the chair, the burgundy blanket neatly folded at one end, ready to wrap Laura's body in a soft embrace. The straps around Laura's torso and neck were removed finally, leaving only the hood and the mask, which kept Laura sitting upright. The hood was removed and folded neatly, then the face mask was unfastened. The two attending guards took hold of Laura's body as this final piece was removed. Her eyes were both 3/4 of the way closed, and her mouth hung open in a relaxed gape. The physician smiled as she realized that Laura was truly at peace. The body was then quickly hoisted onto the gurney and then wrapped in the burgundy blanket.

"I can take her from here," assured the physician. She usually was the one to escort the body to the mortuary in any case. Laura's family had not requested an autopsy, and there had been no discernable irregularities or problems with the execution, so the government would not request one either.

Laura was buried in a black swimsuit, as she had requested, with various mementos surrounding her. Her family and friends admired the work the morticians had done in preparing her appearance. There were no signs of the execution visible anymore. A peaceful relaxed expression graced Laura's face. After the funeral, her body was lovingly covered with a soft white sheet, and the casket was symbolically closed. But that was not the end of the story.

The guests departed, and after a tearful goodbye, her close family members left. The casket was then taken to the West Bay Medical Research Center where it was respectfully removed and placed in a container filled with a very cold composition of formaldehyde and freezing agents. Unknown to her, Laura's family had requested that her body be used to advance medical research. Laura would be the latest addition to the multi-national Visible Human Project. Her swimsuit would remain on her body. Laura's body was flash frozen for two days, and then removed from its deep freeze. Even the researchers couldn't help but comment on the still gorgeous face, now frozen into its calm relaxed expression. Thin cross-sectional slabs were then meticulously cut from the top of her head down to her toes, ultimately resulting in a beautiful digitized 3D atlas of Laura Shea. In a way, she had achieved genuine immortality, beyond anything her attempt to cheat death would have afforded her.

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