Dianne goes to the chair
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Dianne goes to the chairThursday 31th January 2018, just another normal day on death row, where normal means that there is going to be at least one execution since minor crimes have been changed to be pay by capital punishment, even if you where driving under the influence and you´ve killed someone in an accident this is what you get!
But here is Dianne, lawyer, 39, one daughter.
Convicted of presenting false evidence as a Prosecutor, which caused an innocent person to be executed five years ago, it seems easy to lie if you want to see your husband’s lover be fried on the electric chair when you have a little bit of power and you represent the State and the defendant can be sentenced by any shit that they could consider as an offence but not in this case. Well… her “rival” was executed 2 years ago. A sexy 28 blonde 5’9 tall called Cindy who went her last mile on a long black mermaid dress, make up for a party and her barefeet on stockings. She walked as a diva and sat as queen on the hot chair, Dianna was there, she almost had an orgasm while watching the blonde fighting against the leather belts and closing her fists as the current was going through her angelical body from head to toes. “justice has been done” she said to herself.
The judge who sent Cindy to the chair was notified some months after her execution that there have been some inconsistencies on Cindy´s case. You can blame someone for molesting and rape a child but the trouble is that the testimony of that kid could be disproved by a medical assessment. That medical assessment that Dianne have altered and never done on her daughter. Also a fake call register, no evidence of sexual harassment on school and a notorious violent behavior on her husband where enough to arrest her and began a short trial which all of us know how it ended.
So all that brings us to this day… The procedure is going to be carried out at 6:00 pm. An old oak chair, in it two thick wires coming out of the ground. In one is a terminal to attach the flexible cooper patch that is placed on the back of the condemned just behind her heart the another one has a traditional electrode which is placed on the calf. Here is no helmet with a sponge, this variant is more effective and uses just 300 volts but with a lethal intensity of 75 amps. Enough to serve justice in one single jolt. Executions here are like a fashion catwalk since the number of condemned has increased and of course, they are allowed to leave this life wearing a decent outfit or the standard prison uniform. Dianne has spent the last two days on the watch cell taking care of the last matters and formalities. Today in the last day she is awaiting for her mom and sister to come with the outfit she asked.
It is 9:00 am and the corridor is full with the sound of the first of six death march for this day. All death row inmates get to the bars to say goodbye to Alexa, a young hooker condemned for stabbing a motherfucker who dind´t pay her, no member of her family ever visited her and would not be present on the execution. Dressed with the medium long denim skirt and the white button blouse she looked like if she was not going to die, her pale white 8 size feet were making a tapping sound on the tiles of the corridor her body with a lot of tattoos was about to receive the lightning. This produced Dianne an anxiety attack but she felt relief when her mother and sister entered on her cell.
“I can´t believe they are going to kill me” Said Dianne. her mother was holding her head and whispering to the ear. Meanwhile her sister was preparing a sort of things in order to give her a last look change. She had the chaplain visit and after that she signed several letters. They had the lunch together, it is time for Dianne to have her medical assessment and her last shower but for now this is interrupted by another inmate walking down to the execution chamber, she was Lucy a former Nurse of a retirement home accused for doing a bad practice during a procedure in an older woman. Relatives of the victim were among the witnesses so Lucy asked for a blindfold in order to not make visual contact with them. The 46 years old woman was wearing her blue nurse uniform made by the pants and a fancy print medical blouse. Red lipstick matching with her nails and toenails. “what a stoic way to go” thought Dianne, no cuffs or shackles were used in this last path, Lucy went with her head up and long steps, decided to face the judicial system.
After checking her vital signs, blood pressure and having an enema Dianne was ready to take a shower, the matrons in charge of Dianne take her to the showers, a hot bath does his job relaxing every muscle on Dianne she takes several minutes while cleaning and indulging herself, her light brown straight hair falling on that back and the foam running on her curves, “I am so beautiful” she whispered, when shower was done the matrons took her again with the physician, there he “sealed her” inserting an rubber anal plug, Dianne realized it wasn´t uncomfortable, then she was leaded to her cell.
She had her hair ironed, a light make up and red wine lipstick, her sister also done her toenails, she asked her a French tip style matching with a v-neck executive white blouse, she choose a black skirt that allowed to see her knees, no nylon stocking but a toe ring complemented her beautiful size 7 ½ feet, a nurse came to adhere the flexible electrode, it allows even to wear a normal bra it has a little extension to plug the thick wire at the moment she is sits down and before she is strapped. She was ready! As If she was at the Court. All the other women executions scheduled for today have been carried out, after a long and emotional hug and farewell her mother and sister left to witness room in one side, at the other are going to be Cindy’s family .
Warden, chaplain, the matrons and a male guard came to her cell, “its time” the Warden said. She stood up quickly and got out of her cell. The floor was cold and it made her curve her feet an toes, she took a deep breath and said “let’s go, but please give me a blindfold, I don’t want to see those bastards” one of the matrons put on her the blindfold and took Dianne by the arm “I’ll take care of you sweetie, this will be over soon” “thank you dear” said Dianne. March started and Dianne was going with quick pace, the chamber was opened, she noticed she was inside because of the warm concrete floor. Matrons sat down and connect the first wire to the flexible electrode. Dianne’s breathing got accelerated, her hands were opened and closed constantly once the electrode was plugged they proceeded to strap al restraints, fist her chest then hips, arms and legs and finally ankles with the electrode soaked on conductive gel. The blindfold also was fastened to a little clip o the chair in order to keep her head still.
Warden entered and stayed beside Dianne to read the sentence. “Do you have any last words?” asked the Warden. “No” replied Dianne. “let’s proceed” ordered the Warden. Unfortunately after several executions on this day the generator had overheated, Dianna was even more anxious moving all her body feeling all straps around her. A technician came and talked to the Warden “the issue will be fixed soon sir” he said. “OH COME ON! I don’t want another surprise like the last one” Warden exclaimed. First four executions have been carried out successfully , Alexa and Lucy were executed without delays, then came Christine a chubby killer mother, an hour later was the turn of Julia, a Colombian drug Traficant, maybe the hottest inmate of this day but I will talk about her later. The trouble began when they have to put to dead to Megan.
She use to be a real estate agent who cheated several clients leaving them on bankruptcy including some influential politics who didn’t doubt to sent her to prison. Hard for her to see her husband and two of her 3 sons in the witnesses also some of the former clients awaiting to see her pay, Megan had chosen a simple cotton blouse but with a nice gray jacket and gray pants, Megan have been allowed to wear high heeled boots on the walk, but she was asked to take them off once she was sit exposing her metallic blue toenails. She had some last words for her family “please forgive me for what I did, baby please take care of the kids and you kids please promise me that you always walk by the right way” after that the blindfold was put and everything went dark. Megan was calm and still waiting for the jolt, when It came her mouth opened and she clenched her hands, the first ten second seemed ok but Megan was burning inside, the system wasn’t sending the 75 amps, her heart, lungs, brain and nerves were still working. She began to scream! Her skin turned red as her feet and toes were spreading and closing once a second “Holy crap she is bleeding!” Screamed Megan’s daughter, in fact blood was coming out from her nose, after a minute they stop the jolt and verified if she was dead. Megan was still alive and suffering an unimaginable pain moaning and cursing. Quickly they cleaned the blood and covered her with a hood then proceeded once again. The second jolt came for about 3 minutes, smoke was released from the electrodes, Megan was jumping on the chair so frantically that she broke her leg trying to escape from the straps. Inside the chamber was a nasty burned flesh smell, finally the nervous system have been destroyed by the serious internal burns, death came by a cardio respiratory arrest, she went from red to purple skin. That was the end of the road for Megan.
Ten minutes passed till the issue was fixed but Dianne dind’t know it, a second generator will provide the current, she could only listen to the buzz coming from the panel of the executioner, she bit her lower lip and took several deep breaths, the Warden nodded to the executioner and he activated the switch. Dianne arched her back while every muscle of her body was tense. The veins on her neck, hands and feet were altered. She could not articulate any words or a scream, her breathing have stopped since the first second, only her hands were doing faint moves. The blindfold have kept her head still, she could only rise up her nose in a defiant way. After 30 seconds her nervous system have been fried so she relaxed her legs and feet, resting them on the steel plate bellow them, sometimes her toe ring produced some sparks when it touched the plate but at this moment her white beautiful soft feet were completing the circuit to ground. 45 seconds her heart stopped, ten more seconds and she was done. Current was disconnected and she got all her body relaxed, she looked like is she was asleep. Her body was released and delivered to her mother. This is how this day ended but tomorrow there will be more ladies; we have some interesting inmates so keep on reading. And after today incidents we’ll considerate other metods to serve justice.
But here is Dianne, lawyer, 39, one daughter.
Convicted of presenting false evidence as a Prosecutor, which caused an innocent person to be executed five years ago, it seems easy to lie if you want to see your husband’s lover be fried on the electric chair when you have a little bit of power and you represent the State and the defendant can be sentenced by any shit that they could consider as an offence but not in this case. Well… her “rival” was executed 2 years ago. A sexy 28 blonde 5’9 tall called Cindy who went her last mile on a long black mermaid dress, make up for a party and her barefeet on stockings. She walked as a diva and sat as queen on the hot chair, Dianna was there, she almost had an orgasm while watching the blonde fighting against the leather belts and closing her fists as the current was going through her angelical body from head to toes. “justice has been done” she said to herself.
The judge who sent Cindy to the chair was notified some months after her execution that there have been some inconsistencies on Cindy´s case. You can blame someone for molesting and rape a child but the trouble is that the testimony of that kid could be disproved by a medical assessment. That medical assessment that Dianne have altered and never done on her daughter. Also a fake call register, no evidence of sexual harassment on school and a notorious violent behavior on her husband where enough to arrest her and began a short trial which all of us know how it ended.
So all that brings us to this day… The procedure is going to be carried out at 6:00 pm. An old oak chair, in it two thick wires coming out of the ground. In one is a terminal to attach the flexible cooper patch that is placed on the back of the condemned just behind her heart the another one has a traditional electrode which is placed on the calf. Here is no helmet with a sponge, this variant is more effective and uses just 300 volts but with a lethal intensity of 75 amps. Enough to serve justice in one single jolt. Executions here are like a fashion catwalk since the number of condemned has increased and of course, they are allowed to leave this life wearing a decent outfit or the standard prison uniform. Dianne has spent the last two days on the watch cell taking care of the last matters and formalities. Today in the last day she is awaiting for her mom and sister to come with the outfit she asked.
It is 9:00 am and the corridor is full with the sound of the first of six death march for this day. All death row inmates get to the bars to say goodbye to Alexa, a young hooker condemned for stabbing a motherfucker who dind´t pay her, no member of her family ever visited her and would not be present on the execution. Dressed with the medium long denim skirt and the white button blouse she looked like if she was not going to die, her pale white 8 size feet were making a tapping sound on the tiles of the corridor her body with a lot of tattoos was about to receive the lightning. This produced Dianne an anxiety attack but she felt relief when her mother and sister entered on her cell.
“I can´t believe they are going to kill me” Said Dianne. her mother was holding her head and whispering to the ear. Meanwhile her sister was preparing a sort of things in order to give her a last look change. She had the chaplain visit and after that she signed several letters. They had the lunch together, it is time for Dianne to have her medical assessment and her last shower but for now this is interrupted by another inmate walking down to the execution chamber, she was Lucy a former Nurse of a retirement home accused for doing a bad practice during a procedure in an older woman. Relatives of the victim were among the witnesses so Lucy asked for a blindfold in order to not make visual contact with them. The 46 years old woman was wearing her blue nurse uniform made by the pants and a fancy print medical blouse. Red lipstick matching with her nails and toenails. “what a stoic way to go” thought Dianne, no cuffs or shackles were used in this last path, Lucy went with her head up and long steps, decided to face the judicial system.
After checking her vital signs, blood pressure and having an enema Dianne was ready to take a shower, the matrons in charge of Dianne take her to the showers, a hot bath does his job relaxing every muscle on Dianne she takes several minutes while cleaning and indulging herself, her light brown straight hair falling on that back and the foam running on her curves, “I am so beautiful” she whispered, when shower was done the matrons took her again with the physician, there he “sealed her” inserting an rubber anal plug, Dianne realized it wasn´t uncomfortable, then she was leaded to her cell.
She had her hair ironed, a light make up and red wine lipstick, her sister also done her toenails, she asked her a French tip style matching with a v-neck executive white blouse, she choose a black skirt that allowed to see her knees, no nylon stocking but a toe ring complemented her beautiful size 7 ½ feet, a nurse came to adhere the flexible electrode, it allows even to wear a normal bra it has a little extension to plug the thick wire at the moment she is sits down and before she is strapped. She was ready! As If she was at the Court. All the other women executions scheduled for today have been carried out, after a long and emotional hug and farewell her mother and sister left to witness room in one side, at the other are going to be Cindy’s family .
Warden, chaplain, the matrons and a male guard came to her cell, “its time” the Warden said. She stood up quickly and got out of her cell. The floor was cold and it made her curve her feet an toes, she took a deep breath and said “let’s go, but please give me a blindfold, I don’t want to see those bastards” one of the matrons put on her the blindfold and took Dianne by the arm “I’ll take care of you sweetie, this will be over soon” “thank you dear” said Dianne. March started and Dianne was going with quick pace, the chamber was opened, she noticed she was inside because of the warm concrete floor. Matrons sat down and connect the first wire to the flexible electrode. Dianne’s breathing got accelerated, her hands were opened and closed constantly once the electrode was plugged they proceeded to strap al restraints, fist her chest then hips, arms and legs and finally ankles with the electrode soaked on conductive gel. The blindfold also was fastened to a little clip o the chair in order to keep her head still.
Warden entered and stayed beside Dianne to read the sentence. “Do you have any last words?” asked the Warden. “No” replied Dianne. “let’s proceed” ordered the Warden. Unfortunately after several executions on this day the generator had overheated, Dianna was even more anxious moving all her body feeling all straps around her. A technician came and talked to the Warden “the issue will be fixed soon sir” he said. “OH COME ON! I don’t want another surprise like the last one” Warden exclaimed. First four executions have been carried out successfully , Alexa and Lucy were executed without delays, then came Christine a chubby killer mother, an hour later was the turn of Julia, a Colombian drug Traficant, maybe the hottest inmate of this day but I will talk about her later. The trouble began when they have to put to dead to Megan.
She use to be a real estate agent who cheated several clients leaving them on bankruptcy including some influential politics who didn’t doubt to sent her to prison. Hard for her to see her husband and two of her 3 sons in the witnesses also some of the former clients awaiting to see her pay, Megan had chosen a simple cotton blouse but with a nice gray jacket and gray pants, Megan have been allowed to wear high heeled boots on the walk, but she was asked to take them off once she was sit exposing her metallic blue toenails. She had some last words for her family “please forgive me for what I did, baby please take care of the kids and you kids please promise me that you always walk by the right way” after that the blindfold was put and everything went dark. Megan was calm and still waiting for the jolt, when It came her mouth opened and she clenched her hands, the first ten second seemed ok but Megan was burning inside, the system wasn’t sending the 75 amps, her heart, lungs, brain and nerves were still working. She began to scream! Her skin turned red as her feet and toes were spreading and closing once a second “Holy crap she is bleeding!” Screamed Megan’s daughter, in fact blood was coming out from her nose, after a minute they stop the jolt and verified if she was dead. Megan was still alive and suffering an unimaginable pain moaning and cursing. Quickly they cleaned the blood and covered her with a hood then proceeded once again. The second jolt came for about 3 minutes, smoke was released from the electrodes, Megan was jumping on the chair so frantically that she broke her leg trying to escape from the straps. Inside the chamber was a nasty burned flesh smell, finally the nervous system have been destroyed by the serious internal burns, death came by a cardio respiratory arrest, she went from red to purple skin. That was the end of the road for Megan.
Ten minutes passed till the issue was fixed but Dianne dind’t know it, a second generator will provide the current, she could only listen to the buzz coming from the panel of the executioner, she bit her lower lip and took several deep breaths, the Warden nodded to the executioner and he activated the switch. Dianne arched her back while every muscle of her body was tense. The veins on her neck, hands and feet were altered. She could not articulate any words or a scream, her breathing have stopped since the first second, only her hands were doing faint moves. The blindfold have kept her head still, she could only rise up her nose in a defiant way. After 30 seconds her nervous system have been fried so she relaxed her legs and feet, resting them on the steel plate bellow them, sometimes her toe ring produced some sparks when it touched the plate but at this moment her white beautiful soft feet were completing the circuit to ground. 45 seconds her heart stopped, ten more seconds and she was done. Current was disconnected and she got all her body relaxed, she looked like is she was asleep. Her body was released and delivered to her mother. This is how this day ended but tomorrow there will be more ladies; we have some interesting inmates so keep on reading. And after today incidents we’ll considerate other metods to serve justice.

excellent story very well written.............the detail is great!!...........keep up the good work.......

wish she would have wore her stockings to the chair instead of a toe ring .......but thats just my pref.....lol

Well there will be more executions and girls going to the chamber in stockings

Excellent and so glad you included the enemas in the preparation and butt plug not sure if they were actually used I have heard of diapers but this sounds very plausible and would explain what the nurse would be doing in the final scenes in some movies lol giving an enema would make more sense for her to be there rather than say its time dear.would please put your diaper on?........lol

Forum > Public / Stories > Dianne goes to the chair