Execution Tales Chapter 85 Part VI
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VI: Britain: 19th Century: 1850 – 1899

To calm herself Maddy had a cup of coffee & a cigarette & then returned to her reading

Sarah Ann French: Aged 27 Sarah was executed at Newgate on the 10th of April 1852 for the killing of her husband by the use of poison. She apparently struggled “Horribly” on the gallows for several minutes.

Ann Lawrence: Ann was 29 years old when she paid with her life on the scaffold outside Maidstone prison on the 10th of January 1867 for the murder of a child. Her agony on the rope was apparently “Vile to witness”.

Frances Kidder: Frances murdered her step daughter. She too was sentenced to die on the gallows just outside Maidstone jail. On the 2nd of April 1868 the 25 year old woman felt the hangman’s noose tighten around her quivering neck & then she was “Launched into eternity”. The contemporary accounts said that the condemned prisoner “Suffered & writhed terribly beneath the gallows crossbeam before death claimed her”. Partly because of the general debauchery & mayhem that often occurred at public executions, including that of Frances Kidder, this was to be the last public execution of a woman in Britain

Selina Wadge: 25 year old Selina was convicted of the murder of her children. On the 15th of August “Close to collapse” she was taken to the gallows in Bodmin jail in Cornwall & hanged.

Louisa Jane Taylor: Louisa was another Victorian poisoner who paid with her life for her crimes. The 26 year old young woman was led out into the yard in Maidstone prison on the 2nd of January 1883 where the gallows awaited her. When she saw the looming structure she wailed & started to weep in terror. Louisa had to be helped up the wooden steps & then supported on the trap as she was hooded & noosed. She appears to have been more fortunate than many other victims of Victorian hangmen in that she appeared to die instantly when dropped through the trap.

Elizabeth Berry: The terrified 31year old murderess kept repeating “Oh God forbid!” as she walked the 60 yards from the door leading from the prison to the gallows in the yard in Walton prison Liverpool on the 14th of March 1887. She struggled for about two minutes after the trap fell.

Mary Pearcey: The 24 year old Mary was 5 foot 6 inches tall & was described as having “Lovely russet hair, blue eyes & a shapely figure”. Mary was condemned to death for murder & on the 23rd of December 1890 wearing a black satin dress she was taken to the execution shed in Newgate prison where she was hanged.

Jessie King: Jessie was 24 years old when she was executed in Edinburgh for the murder of a toddler on the 11th of March 1889

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