Two Heads on the Block
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I waited. Today was probably going to be the last day of my life and I waited. Waited and cursed Brittany Smith, the brunette bombshell who’d always had to be better than me since first grade. Now, I knew, she might have won for good. My 21st birthday was two days ago, and I knew as well as any of the students here at just what that meant. After the lunch riot last year the state had been quick to pass legislation requiring universities to put to death any student over the age of 21 whose conduct was “prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the school.” To ensure the law had teeth, proof of such conduct was not required. If a staff member could corroborate the accusation then that was that. You went to the nurse and you danced. Thirteen people had died this year, each dancing at the end of a rope in the nurse’s office.

The summons to the nurse’s office came during my second period class. I tried not to tremble as I made my way there, but I stopped short outside the door when I saw her standing there. Brittany Smith.

“I cannot wait to see you hang,” she said with a grin.

It took all the courage I had to grin right back at her. “We’ll see who hangs today.”

We entered the office and stood before the desk. The nurse, the principal, and a woman I’d never seen before sat behind it. The principal spoke first.

“Good morning ladies,” she said quietly. “I’m sure this is awkward for all of us so I’ll turn things over to Samantha Thorne, from the State Enforcement Division. As this case is unusual she’s been dispatched to deal with it herself.”

I saw the confused look on Brittany’s face and I smiled inwardly. Evidently she hadn’t expected that.

“As the State’s representative in this matter, I was presented with the following information. My decision has been based on this information and this information alone.” She looked down at her notes. “Miss Brittany Smith made the accusation that on the thirteenth of this month Miss Hale was guilty of conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of this institution, namely that she was late to class. Ms. Horne, the TA, corroborated the accusation and it proceeded to the State’s representative for judgement.” At that announcement, Brittany had a look of triumph on her face. She had me right where she wanted me. All that was left was for Samantha to read out the sentence. “However, at the same time Miss Hale filed a counterclaim citing the history that exists between the two of you. This claim has subsequently been corroborated by two professors.

“Miss Smith,” she went on in a commanding tone, “as I’m sure you are aware, it is a capital offence to file an accusation with malicious intent.” As much satisfaction as I took in the confusion on Brittany’s face I couldn’t shake the ball of lead in my stomach. Samantha turned to me next and I knew, I just knew.

“Miss Hale, while your counterclaim shows sufficient reason to question the intent of the claim against you, it is not that simple and that’s why I am here.” She paused. “It is not the state’s policy to grant clemency when the guilt of the accused has been corroborated. I am sorry.” She looked down at her notes one last time. “As a valid, corroborated claim exists against both of you, you are both hereby condemned to death. Sentences to be carried out immediately. The state’s one concession in this case is in the manner of execution. Short-drop hanging is the norm as it is efficient for the state. Given the uniqueness of this situation an alternative method has been permitted.”

Samantha quickly handcuffed both of us with our hands behind our backs and led us out into the walled courtyard the school used for these occasions. Brittany feinted and had to be half-carried by the principal and the nurse. I fought to keep it together. I wouldn’t give Brittany the satisfaction.

We rounded the gallows and I saw it. The tall block, the axe, and the basket. We were to lose our heads. This was the “alternative.”

Samantha stopped me beside the block. My legs shook and I fought the urge to throw up.

Nurse Emma spoke next, the words born of long practice. “As you are both aware, this is an open-air courtyard. There are students in classes all around us. You are to keep your composure and behave in a way that reflects the qualities of this institution.”

As the nurse and principal signed as witnesses on the death warrants, Brittany came round again. Her scream when she saw the block chilled me to the bone.

“Well now, that just won’t do,” Samantha said. She took Brittany by the arm and gently but firmly pulled her in front of the block. When Brittany refused to kneel Samantha expertly kicked out her knees. She then lowered Brittany’s neck to the block. Brittany sobbed uncontrollably. Her entire body shook as she lay on the block. For a moment, just a moment, I almost felt sorry for her.

The axe ground across the platform as Samantha lifted it up. With her free hand she quickly moved Brittany’s ponytail out of the way.

“NOOOOO!!!!!” Brittany screamed as Samantha rested the axe on her neck.

“Hold still now, my dear. And don’t worry, I hardly ever miss.” With both hands she raised the axe high and then brought it down with astonishing force.

At that last second Brittany tried to raise her head out of the way and with a sickening squishy thud the axe came down just below the base of her skull. It did not go all the way through.

“Well, that’s what you get when you don’t do as you’re told.” She beckoned to Nurse Emma, who came to hold Brittany’s head firmly in place by the ponytail. One more stroke and her head dropped neatly into the waiting basket.

Nurse Emma threw a bucket of water over the block to clean it up as Samantha walked over to me. “Now then, I hope you’ll be more cooperative?” My heart pounded in my ears and I fought the urge to urinate as I nodded. “Good!”

A thought came to me as I was lead to the block. This was my final moment but it was my moment. I knelt willingly before the block and blew Samantha a kiss. I then lay my head on the block and, with a slow shake of my head, made sure my long blonde hair was out of the way.

“Oooo,” Samantha said as she placed the axe on the back of my neck. “I like it when you make it easy.” She raised the axe up high and, while it lingered there, I smiled down at Brittany’s face. I only hoped she knew I’d beaten her in the end. I was still smiling as the axe sliced through my slender neck and my head landed beside Brittany’s.
Wow! that was a really hot story!!! thank you for sharing it... All I have to add is that i would love to know the fate of the lovely heads... I think displayed in pikes as a warning for the rest of the students would be great!
Thank you! And unfortunately the heads we're cremated along with the bodies. That the students can be executed for even the smallest infraction is all the warning they get!

And for what it's worth the nurse prefers it that way. She takes great pleasure in her work!
Well written!
Damn, that was quite the nice read.

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