Execution of Anna Lindquist 11
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Here is the latest story describing the fate of the lady who likes getting her hair done
Execution of Anna Lindquist 11


The trial of Anna Lindquist & Shona Mackie had fascinated & scandalised 1735 London. Both young women were accused of the murder of Anna’s husband Manfred.

Manfred, who had been significantly older than his wife, & Anna had moved to London from Copenhagen two years previously so that Manfred could manage the British end of the family import & export business. Shona had been in charge of the running of the Lindquist’s household which was quite large as they were very wealthy.

The Crown’s case was that the two young women had conspired & murdered Manfred by the use of poison for two reasons. They were lovers & they wanted him out of the way so that could continue their affair & get their hands on his money

Today was judgement day & Anna & Shona waited anxiously in the dock at the Old Bailey for the return of the jury & to learn their fate

The jury were only out for half an hour & once they returned the judge said, “Gentlemen of the jury have you arrived at a verdict?”

The foreman stood & said, “We have My Lord. We unanimously find both accused guilty”

Anna & Shona gasped & both began to quietly weep

A hubbub of conversation erupted in the court which the judge silenced with a bang of his gavel. He then picked up the black cloth from his desk & placed it on top of his wig

He looked at the two young women sobbing in the dock & pronounced the dread sentences.

“Anna Lindquist & Sophie Mackie you have been convicted of the murder of Manfred Lindquist by the use of poison. A verdict that I whole heartedly agree with”.

He looked directly at Anna & continued.

“Anna Lindquist three weeks from today you will be taken from Newgate Prison to Tyburn & as you have been convicted of “Petty Treason”, the murder of your lawful husband, you will be tied to a stake & then strangled to death. Your remains will then be burnt”

Anna wailed, “Please have mercy! I don’t want to die! Oh God I don’t want to die!”. She then began to sob uncontrollably

Ignoring her the judge turned his attention to Shona

“Shona Mackie you too have been convicted of the murder of Manfred Lindquist. You will also be taken to Tyburn three weeks from today & there you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead”

He concluded his remarks by saying, “May God have mercy on your souls. Take them down”

Shona swooned & had to be supported by the two female prison matrons as she & Anna were removed from the dock


Life could be made more comfortable in 18th Century Newgate if you had money to bribe the “Ordinaries”, the guards, & so on the day of their arrival after pulling herself together Anna arranged for bedlinen, clothes & toiletries to be brought from the house.

She also bribed the Ordinaries to allow herself & Shona to visit each other in their cells when they wished in addition to being able to socialise with the other prisoners in the death row common room. The guards agreed so long as it was understood that they would be under observation at all times to ensure that they didn’t kill themselves & cheat the executioner

On their first night in Newgate Anna & Shona sobbed & hugged each other in Andrea’s cell trying to comfort each other.

Shona said through her tears, “Are they really going to execute us. Oh God! I can’t bear the thought of it”.

Anna held her lover closer & replied, “Try not to think of it my love & remember where there is life there is hope. Perhaps our appeals for mercy will be accepted”

She then kissed Shona fully & passionately on the lips. Shona responded desperately & began to rub the nape of Anna’s neck as she knew it was very sensitive

The Danish girl moaned as she felt the onset of the familiar tingling in her groin

They lay down on the bed & still kissing began to massage each other’s breasts through the bodices of their dresses

Their hands then drifted down to their skirts & they began to pull them & the petticoats beneath up their stockinged legs

Very quickly the material of their dresses & petticoats was bunched up around their waists giving them unrestricted access to each other’s pussies. Women of this era did not wear underwear. They began to rub one another’s labia lips.

By now their vaginas were very moist & their fingers slipped easily into each other’s pussies. They both groaned in pleasure as they felt the rubbing on their clitorises

The two prisoners were oblivious to the fact that one of the female Ordinaries was watching them through the observation flap in the cell door. As she looked on the guard put her hand up her skirt & began to slowly finger fuck herself. She had to bite her lip to stop herself making a sound & alerting the prisoners to her presence

After five minutes Anna & Shona both climaxed, they gasped & closed their legs trapping one another’s fingers in their pussies
The sights & sounds in the cell pushed the guard over the edge & she to orgasmed. Her juices flooded past her fingers soaking the front of her skirt.

Once they had composed themselves Shona got up & lay down on the bed with her feet next to Anna’s head

They slowly & languidly went to work on each other’s vaginas with their skilled tongues

Their first climaxes had been quite quick & intense as they relieved their desperate desires.

Their second orgasms came along after almost half an hour of licking & sucking. As they came they both cried out & arched their backs as the waves of pleasure pulsed through them

The watching Ordinary fell to her knees as her second climax swept through her. She had to bite her blouse to avoid groaning.


The next morning Anna & Shona were awakened by a commotion outside the cell.

Terrified screams echoed through death row & the sounds of desperate struggling could clearly be heard. Then all of a sudden a door slammed shut & silence returned

Ten minutes later the cell door was opened & the female Ordinary who had watched them make love said, “You can come out now”.

Anna asked, “What was all that noise?”

The guard smiled grimly & said “That was two 16 year old housebreakers being taken to the cart for their journey to Tyburn. In about an hour the nooses will be placed round their necks, the cart will disappear from beneath their feet & they will do “The Tyburn Jig. The crowd will love it as they are both pretty little things. They don’t weigh very much so their slim legs will probably dance under their skirts for some time before death claims them. By that time they won’t be pretty anymore”.

Shona started to sob & Anna hugged her & said, “Don’t give up hope yet my love. We might still be spared”


Time passed all too quickly on death row in Newgate. As they waited to hear the outcome of their appeals Anna & Shona had to endure listening to four more young women being taken from death row to start their journey to the “Triple Tree” at Tyburn

Two days before their scheduled execution their hands & ankles were shackled & they were taken to the office of the Prison Governor

They weren’t allowed to sit & as they entered the room the Governor stood up & lifted a piece of paper from his desk. He then read from it in sonorous voice, “Anna Lindquist & Shona Mackie it is my duty to tell you that your appeals for mercy have been rejected. You will be executed as ordered by the court the day after tomorrow”

He looked at the four escorting female guards & said, “Return them to their cells & ensure that they are made ready for their trip to Tyburn”.

The two prisoners were two stunned to speak & they were in a state of shock as they were taken back to death row


That night Anna & Shona’s love making was the most frantic & feverish since their arrival at Newgate. Again the female Ordinary looked on relishing the spectacle & she too climaxed, marvellously


The next morning Anna & Shona were taken to quite a large cell with five chairs, a table & two beds in it by two female Ordinaries

They sat down as directed & the two prison wardens left closing the door behind them

One minute later two women entered the room. They were both dressed in tight black blouses & full skirts. Heavy veils covered their faces

They both licked their lips as they looked at the frightened young women before them. Anna was a buxom slightly greying blonde in her in early thirties while Shona was a slim brunette in her mid-twenties. They both looked very attractive in their tight fitting dresses, light blue in Anna’s case while Shona’s was red

The taller of the newcomers said, “Good morning ladies. We are here to help prepare you for tomorrow”.

Anna whimpered & said, “What do you mean prepare us?”

The black clad woman replied “The authorities are very concerned about the rise in criminality amongst the female population & so they have decided that from now on it would send a stronger message if condemned women were executed by female executioners. Tomorrow my colleague & I are the two who will take your lives”.

The two prisoners gasped in horror

The executrix continued, “The first thing is that you need to drink what is in the glasses my colleague is about to give you”.

The second black clad woman took out a bottle containing a clear liquid & two small glasses from the bag she was carrying

Shona, her voice trembling asked, “What is it?”

The second executrix replied, “It just a potion to calm you”

She set down the glasses on the table & filled them from the bottle. She then handed them to the two prisoners who after glancing at each other drained the glasses

The first executrix said, “We will now leave you for half an hour to let the potion take effect & then return for the second stage in your preparation”.

With that the two women dressed in black left the cell closing the door behind them


The two executrices entered the room just off death row that had been prepared for them, closed the door, sat down & took off their veils. They looked at each other & smiled in delight. The taller woman was Lady Arabella Weir & the younger woman was her lover Sophia Montez. Both were in their late twenties, had dark hair & were stunningly beautiful

Lady Arabella said, “Isn’t this marvellous Sophia. It is certainly worth the bribe I paid to the Prison Governor to secure the positions of official female executioner & her assistant.”

She went on, “All those times we sat in my carriage watching executions at Tyburn pleasuring ourselves as prisoners writhed & slowly strangled to death on their ropes, eyes bulging & tongues protruding from slowly darkening faces. How we loved it when the men’s erect cocks pressed against their breeches & dark stains appeared at their crotches as they ejaculated as they died”

Her voice became dreamy as she continued, “Think of our pleasure as young women & girls skirts were lifted up almost to their waists by their desperately threshing legs as they hung by their necks from the scaffold. Remember how we relished watching the terror of the young wives condemned for Petty Treason waiting to be strangled to death as the other prisoners were hanged. This is going to be ten times better than any of that”.

Sophia nodded eagerly & replied, “I don’t know about you Arabella but my pussy has been wet since we arrived at Newgate”.

Lady Arabella said, “God yes. Just being in the same room as those two condemned young women I found very arousing. Have you got the rest of what we need?”

Her lover reached into her bag & placed on the table, the bottle of liquid, the two glasses, a pair of hairdresser’s scissors, two hand mirrors & then two phallus like pieces of compressed leather with leather straps attached. Each was about nine inches in length & wide enough to fit tightly & snugly into a vagina which Lady Arabella & Sophia knew very well from experience

Lady Arabella smiled in approval & said. “Please pour our glasses of the “Calming potion”.

As Sophia did this both women giggled. Far from having a soothing effect the potion was in fact a powerful aphrodisiac which Lady Arabella & her lover took before making love. It heightened the senses considerably & intensified sexual pleasure.

The two executrices drank the aphrodisiac & sat back to wait for it to begin to take effect


Half an hour after they had left the two executrices, again wearing their heavy veils, returned to Anna & Shona’s cell

All four young women were feeling “Stimulated”. The prisoners had no idea why, especially given their situation

Anna & Shona regarded the two black clad visitors nervously

Lady Arabella said, “Well ladies the first thing we need to do is to cut your hair so that it doesn’t interfere with the ropes”

The two prisoners whimpered & each of them instinctively raised a hand to their necks

Lady Arabella took the hairdresser’s scissors from Sophia & gestured to Shona to sit in the chair in the middle of the room

The young woman did as requested & the senior female executioner went to work on the back of her neck & head with the scissors

As Shona’s dark locks fell to the floor Lady Arabella said, “Have you ever seen a hanging my dear?”

The terrified girl shook her head

The executrix continued, “Probably just as well given your predicament. However it really is something to see. The rising terror & pleas for mercy from the prisoners as the cart approaches the three sided “Triple Tree” at Tyburn. Their screams & struggles as they are noosed & then the horses pull the cart away from under their feet”.

Lady Arabella paused & then went on, “That is when the fun really starts. The desperate kicking, the writhing & convulsing. Your threshing legs will lift up your skirt past your waist however you will forget all concerns of modesty as you slowly strangle to death in agony. Your pretty face will darken, your eyes will go red & bulge from their sockets, your tongue will loll from you gaping mouth & drool will run down your chin. When it is over you will no longer be pretty”.

As the executrix spoke both Shona & Anna began to sob in terror

By now Lady Arabella & Sophia’s pussies were dripping with their juices

Anna took her place in the chair once the executrix was finished with Shona

Again as she began to remove Anna’s blonde, slightly greying hair, Lady Arabella began to speak, “Of course in your case Anna there will be no dancing on the gibbet. However you will be forced to wait & watch as Shona & the two other girls who are to hang tomorrow kick their last on the gallows. Then it will be your turn”

She went on, “You will be forced up onto a small platform & chained to the wooden post in the middle of it. Then I will thread a rope through a hole at neck height in post which has been drilled there for exactly that purpose. I will then wind it round your no doubt shivering slender neck & pull it back through the hole in the post. I will then take firm hold of either ends of the rope & begin to pull it tight. As you feel the rough twine begin to bite into your soft throat you will probably gasp & try to take a last breath. You will then slowly & agonisingly be strangled to death”

As Lady Arabella finished cutting Anna’s hair she said, “Once life is extinct faggots will be piled up around your corpse & your remains along with the strangling post & platform will be burned to ashes. You should be thankful that it isn’t fifty years ago. In those days you wouldn’t have been afforded the “Privilege” of being strangled. You would have been burned alive”.

Anna wailed, “Isn’t it enough that you are going to kill us! Why do you torture us so?”

Lady Arabella’s voice was noticeably huskier as she replied, “My dear Anna I do not tell you what will happen to torture you. I thought it only fair to describe in detail your fates if you don’t agree to the proposition I have for you”

Her voice quivering Shona asked, “What proposition?”

The female executioner replied, “Well ladies, my proposal is simple. If you allow me & my friend to make love to you here & now using these to, so to speak, “Finish the job” then I promise you both a quick & relatively painless death”

As she spoke Lady Arabella gestured towards Sophia who had removed the leather phalluses from her bag & held them up. The prisoners gasped. They had never seen the like of them before.

Sophia said, “Before you reply why don’t you look at the backs of your heads & imagine those slender necks having the life squeezed out of them by the executioner’s rough hemp rope”

She handed Anna the two mirrors & the Danish woman looked at the nape of her bare alabaster neck. The hair had been taken away a third of the way up the back of her head

Anna handed the mirrors to Shona who took in her similarly shorn head & neck

Sophia continued, “Despite your situation we know that you are both a bit aroused. I’m afraid I have to admit that we misled you. The draught we gave you was not to calm you instead it was to excite you. It is in fact quite a powerful aphrodisiac”.

Anna & Shona looked at each other & they both nodded, “I am indeed somewhat tingly & I think Shona is as well”

Shona said “Yes I am & couldn’t for the life of me understand why”

Anna sighed & said, “I can’t say that we really have much choice. All we can now hope for is a quick death so do with us what you will”.
Through their veils Lady Arabella & Sophia exchanged delighted smiles

Lady Arabella said, her voice now even huskier, “A wise choice my dear. Now all you have to do is go to the beds & bend over them. Don’t worry we have no intention of hurting you, we’re not monsters you know. In fact I’m pretty sure that you will enjoy the experience”

The prisoners did as they were asked.

Lady Arabella & Sophia took of their veils, dropped their skirts & removed their blouses leaving themselves naked apart from their bodices, hose & shoes.

The two executrices then strapped on the leather penises so that they stuck out from their crotches firmly secured by the leather straps attached to them pulled tight around their waists.

The two executrices went & stood behind the two bent over prisoners. Lady Arabella looked down at Anna’s bottom which was visibly trembling beneath her dress. Sophia placed herself similarly placed next to Shona

The noble woman pulled Anna’s dress & petticoats above her waist. She then massaged the prisoner’s full buttocks before gently starting to rub her pussy with three fingers

She placed her other hand on one of the Danish woman’s breasts & started to tweak her nipple through her dress & bodice

Anna groaned as the lady executioner’s attentions aroused her even further

Sophia was doing the same to Shona & Anna heard familiar moans of excitement coming from her lover

Lady Arabella began to move her fingers in & out of Anna’s by now very slippery pussy, slowly at first & then more rapidly.

At the same time she put her other hand inside the top of Anna’s dress & bodice & began to caress her breast at the same tempo she was finger fucking her

Lady Arabella & Sophia breathed deeply & clenched their teeth as they tried to keep their climaxes at bay for now

The senior executrix withdrew her hand from Anna’s pussy & took hold of the leather phallus protruding from her crotch. She gently pushed the prisoner’s legs further apart & then slowly inserted the monstrous dildo into Anna

Anna had never been penetrated by something as large & firm & she gasped as her pussy expanded to accommodate the big leather cock

The Danish woman let out a loud groan as Lady Arabella began to move the tight-fitting leather phallus in & out of her pussy

Shona yelped as Sophia began to fuck her with her huge leather cock

Anna pushed her bottom backwards to allow all of the giant leather penis into her

Lady Arabella’s movements were now growing more frenzied

Two minutes later all four women experienced the most intense orgasms of their lives, the room filling with the sounds of their debauchery

After they had recovered Lady Arabella & Sophia spent the rest of the afternoon fucking Anna & Shona with their huge leather cocks. They all came several times & by the time the executrices dressed & left all four women were fully satiated & quite exhausted


The next morning Anna & Shona sit trembling & quietly crying in their cells

Female guards open the doors & drag them to their feet

The prisoners’ ankles & wrists are shackled & they are led from their cells, down the corridor & out into the prison yard where the cart that will take them to Tyburn waits.

Already sitting in the cart black clad & veiled are Lady Arabella & Sophia.

Hindered by their chains Anna & Shona have to be helped up into the cart & they sit down facing the two female executioners

All four women look up as they hear the wailing & pleading of the other two prisoners who are to be executed as they are taken from their cells & dragged protesting to the cart

As they are forced to join those already in the cart Lady Arabella & Sophia smile in delight.

They hadn’t made their proposition to these two condemned girls as they had wanted to carry out an initial trial with Anna & Shona & so this is the first time they have laid eyes on them

The two pickpockets are 18 but look younger & their slim bodies fill their tight white dresses very well. Both are very pretty

Sophia gets up & places noosed ropes around the pickpockets & Shona’s trembling necks

The cart sets off & as it leaves the prison the crowd who had been waiting for it to appear roar in delight. The four condemned prisoners, the pickpockets in their white dresses, Anna in light blue & Shona in red look as if they are going on a picnic rather than being taken to their deaths

The spectators regard the two black clad lady executioners with morbid fascination

Lady Arabella & Sophia had both taken large doses of the aphrodisiac stimulant just before mounting the cart & they can feel it already beginning to take effect helped by the obvious terror of the four prisoners

It takes forty-five minutes for the cart & its passengers to reach Tyburn & by the time it arrives all four prisoners are truly terrified. The two young pickpockets especially so. They have wept & wailed & pleaded for mercy for most of the journey

Tears run down Anna & Shona’s cheeks & they tremble in terror however they are silent

The cart pulls up under the gallows.

Lady Arabella helps Anna down & they stand off to one side

Three soldiers mount the cart & drag the two pickpockets & Shona to their feet

One at a time Sophia takes hold of the other end of each of the ropes & throws them up to the man sitting astride the crossbeam above who ties them tight to the gallows crosspiece

Sophia then checks the nooses round the prisoners’ necks & pulls on the ropes to ensure that there is no give in them.

Lady Arabella had stressed the importance of this as it was imperative that there should be no accidental breaking of necks

The large crowd want to see the three pretty ladies dance & will voice their displeasure in no uncertain terms if they are denied this spectacle

Lady Arabella & Sophia are by now very aroused. Beneath their black skirts their pussies glisten with their juices

Anna continues to silently weep as she watches her lover resplendent in her red dress & the two white clad young girls undergo the final preparations for their executions

She cannot bear to look at the strangling post on its platform which sits next to the gallows waiting for her

All is now ready

The crowd falls silent as the cart driver whips the horses & they begin to walk forward

The two pickpockets are nearest to the rear edge of the cart & as they feel it begin to move from under their feet they both let out blood curdling screams

Shona doesn’t cry out but her sobs grow louder

Thirty seconds later & both young pickpockets swing free from the cart

Sophia stands at the edge of the cart preventing them from gaining any further purchase on it with their desperately flailing feet

The cart stops

The two young girls writhe, wriggle & struggle. Their desperately kicking legs push their white dresses & petticoats up past their pumping thighs revealing their hairless pussies.

Their backs arch pushing their firm pert breasts against their tight bodices as they futilely try to breathe

Their darkening faces contort in agony, red flecked eyes bulge & tongues protrude from gaping mouths

The spectators roar in delight

Shona & Anna close their eyes & try to shut out the dreadful sounds coming from the gallows

Lady Arabella & Sophia moan quietly & clench their fists as sweet sensations pulse through their bodies from their groins

The two young girls dance & struggle for a full five minutes before they swing dead, the gentle breeze ruffling their white skirts & petticoats

The agonised expressions on their now almost purple faces bear testament to their sufferings

It is now Shona’s turn

She wails as the cart starts to move but as she swings free she is silenced by the rope ruthlessly tightening round her neck

Andrea looks on in horror as her lover starts to kick & struggle

However to her relief, & to the disappointment of the crowd, Sophia gets down from the cart goes to the slowly strangling girl, reaches up & takes hold of the writhing body around the waist & pulls down hard.

There is an audible crack as Shona’s neck breaks & she dies.

The feel of the hanging girls struggling body & her death reflexes push Sophia over the edge & she orgasms. Thankfully the spectators are making such a noise that no-one hears her groans of pleasure as her juices spill from her pussy

Lady Arabella whispers in Anna’s ear. “See I told you we would do what we could to give you a quick relatively painless death”.

Anna, rendered speechless by the shock of her lover’s death, makes no reply

Two soldiers come forward & take hold of Anna’s arms

They follow Lady Arabella up the steps to the platform where the strangling post stands

Anna is quickly chained to the post

Standing behind the post Lady Arabella takes out a piece of rope from her skirt pocket & begins to feed it through the hole which is at neck height in the post

Anna closes her eyes as she feels the rough hemp of the rope against her skin

The lady executioner competes the placing of the rope around the Danish woman’s neck & takes firm hold of either end of the rope

At the same time Lady Arabella presses her herself, legs slightly apart, against the back of the strangling post. She rubs her skirt covered crotch gently against the wood. She is very, very close to coming

Anna begins to lose control of herself & starts to plead, “Oh God! Please have mercy! I don’t want to die”.

Relishing the prisoner’s final desperate pleas for mercy the executrix closes her eyes pulls both ends of the rope as tight as she can

Anna lets out a final gasp as her windpipe is closed

Her eyes bulge

Her mouth gapes

Her tongue lolls

Her face darkens

Her body pushes against the chains securing her to the post

Lady Arabella’s orgasm rushes through her as she strangles the Danish woman

Anna, her body starved of air, takes about a minute to expire. She slumps forward held upright by the chains around her

Her blank sightless eyes stare out at the cheering crowd

The Lady Arabella stands back & rocks on her heels as she climaxes again

The executrix then got down from the platform & walked over to Sophia

Behind her soldiers quickly covered the platform with dry wood & set it alight

Lady Arabella & Sophia along with the rest of the crowd stood & watched Anna’s remains & the strangling apparatus reduced to ashes

As they were about to leave Tyburn the two lady executioners looked up at the bodies of the two pickpockets & Shona as they slowly swung back in forth in the slight wind

Lady Arabella smiled at her lover & said, “I think being a lady executioner is the best job in the world. Don’t you?”

Sophia smiled back, “There are none better”

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I've always loved tyburn as a setting for public hangings. thanks and an awesome story
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