Execution of Anna Lindquist 13
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Execution of Anna Lindquist 13Here is my latest tale of the demise of poor Anna [FAO "Anna" - sent you a private message as your e-mail won't accept any messages]
Execution of Anna Lindquist 13
The two Military Policemen guarding the SS deserters in the back of the van going to Spandau smiled evilly at the two frightened women prisoners & one said, “I wonder what will happen to you ladies? Chances are you will be hanged, shot or beheaded. What do you think Hans”
On hearing this the two deserters gasped in horror
The other soldier replied. “I don’t know Otto. I’ve never had to deal with SS deserters before & certainly not female ones. However I am sure their organisation will have something in special lined up for them”
He continued, “I’ve seen plenty of people being shot but never a hanging or beheading. What about you Hans?”
The first soldier replied, “Of course like you I’ve witnessed & participated in many shootings & while I have never been present at a beheading I have watched young women being hanged”
Hans said, “Do tell. I’m sure the ladies would like to hear about it”
Otto replied “It was in Poland. Two 18 year old female partisans. We strung them up from a tree. God how they struggled & pleaded for mercy. When the stools we made them stand on with the ropes around their necks were taken away they danced for about five minutes before dying. What a sight. I tell you my cock was rock hard by the time it was over”
His colleague in a tone of mock reproof said, “Now now Otto. There is no need to be vulgar. After all there are ladies present”
The two soldiers laughed while the prisoners moaned in terror
SS Privates Anna Lindquist & Erica Hoeness sat waiting in dread in the holding cell beneath the courtroom where their trial had taken place. They had been placed there after the SS Officer presiding over the proceedings had left the court to consider her verdict
Thirty one year old Anna, who was originally from Denmark, was full figured & quite buxom with slightly greying blonde hair. She had joined the SS after the invasion of her country as a way of seeing the world & having an adventure.
Erica was a quite petite dark haired girl. She was 27 & had been born & brought up in Berlin. Erica had been delighted when the SS had accepted her application to join. At the time it seemed that the Germans were invincible & Erica also that that she would look very fetching in a black & silver SS uniform
Now their hopes for excitement & glamour had turned to near terror & they hugged each other to try & get some comfort in the situation they found themselves in. In addition to being close friends they were also lovers
The door to their cell opened & one of the guards said, “Time to return to court ladies & learn your fate”
As they were led up the stairs on wobbly legs Anna & Erica whimpered quietly
Major Heidi Heydrich appraised herself in the full-length mirror in her office. The woman looking back at her was immaculate in her SS uniform which consisted of a black jacket trimmed with silver, knee length black skirt, white shirt & black tie & pristine knee-high black leather boots.
The now 28 year old Heydrich had represented Germany at the 1936 Olympics in the javelin & at the fencing & her tall athletic but still unmistakeably female figure filled her tight uniform in all the right places. A swastika armband was around her left bicep her jacket was adorned by several medals one of which had been pinned on by the Fuhrer himself.
The Major had very closely cropped hair, cold grey eyes & an almost archetypical Aryan face, fair & handsome which just missed being beautiful because of a certain indefinable hardness that slightly marred her features.
There was a respectful knock at the door to which Heydrich replied “Come in Helena”
Leutnant Helena Seeler opened the door & came in. Heydrich smiled at her & said. “Are you looking forward to the sentencing of the two deserters as much as I am?”
Seeler nodded eagerly. Like Heydrich she was a former athlete, in her case a 400m runner & she too had been in the German team at the Berlin Olympics. The 27 year old was quite petite & she was also very attractive with short cropped blonde hair
Heydrich & Seeler had been lovers for six months but at work they were always careful to observe correct military protocol.
Heydrich said “Well Leutnant are your “Little Japanese friends” in position. Mine certainly are”
Seeler replied, “Yes Major”. The two women smiled at each other.
What Heydrich was referring to were the sets of Geisha balls that nestled in their respective pussies under their tight white panties & black uniform skirts.
In addition to being lesbians the two SS women were sexual sadists & they were both eagerly anticipating to the upcoming sentencing of two female SS deserters that Heydrich was about to deliver in her capacity as chair of their court martial
The Major had been introduced to the “Little Japanese friends” a couple of years previously by a woman who worked at the Japanese embassy with whom she had had a short affair. She in her turn had given a set to Leutnant Seeler when they had started their relationship
Heydrich said, “God Helena I’m quite wet already”.
Her lover replied “So am I Major. So am I”
Anna & Erica got nervously to their feet along with everyone else in the court as Major Heydrich & her aide Leutnant Seeler entered & went & sat down behind the raised dias directly in front of the desk
Seeler spoke loudly “All may sit apart from the accused who will remain standing”
Heydrich cleared her throat & began to speak “Privates Lindquist & Hoeness I find you guilty of the crime of desertion in time of war. The evidence is clear & damming. As soon as you received your orders to go to support the Russian front in your role as telephone operators from your postings in Berlin you disappeared. You have offered no defence to the charges & so it is my duty to pass sentence”.
She paused & continued. “One week from today on the 20th of March 1943 you will be taken from your cells in Spandau to the prison yard & there in front of all the other members of your SS section you will be put to death. You will be informed of the method of your execution the day before”
As she spoke the Major pressed her thighs together as she felt her arousal growing
In the dock Anna & Erica sobbed in fear as they learned of their fate
The obvious terror & distress of the condemned increased Heydrich’s level of stimulation & her voice was noticeably huskier when she concluded her remarks by saying. “Remove the prisoners”.
The two prisoners continued to weep as they were led from the court to the van waiting to return them to Spandau prison
As soon as Heydrich & Seeler returned to the Major’s office they locked the door, embraced passionately, pushed each other’s skirts up to their waists & then licked, sucked & finger fucked each other to intense orgasms
On arrival at Spandau Anna & Erica were told to strip off their uniforms & they were supplied with the standard prison garb for females of black & white striped blouses & skirts.
They were then taken to death row & locked in their cells. That night the two condemned women wept themselves to sleep
After breakfast the next morning which they ate in their cells the two newest arrivals on death row along with six of the other eight women awaiting execution were taken to the prison yard & made to stand in line. The prisoners gazed fearfully at the gallows used for hangings, the headsman’s block & the post which those who were to face a firing squad were tied
The female guards & the prisoners stood waiting in silence
Two minutes later the deathly hush in the yard was broken by the arrival of that day’s execution party
It was led by Major Heydrich followed by two young girls each being forced forwards by two guards. The doomed prisoners were pretty & looked to be no more than twenty however that would not spare them from the standard form of punishment for those caught looting after an air raid – death by slow hanging
The two looters screamed & struggled as they were forced up the gallows steps to the waiting nooses & made to stand on stools by the guards & the ropes placed round their necks
The tall Major Heydrich reached up & pulled the nooses tight around the condemned girls’ shivering slender necks. She located the knots where she knew from experience they should ensure a slow protracted death struggle
Heydrich stepped back & smiled in satisfaction. She was now highly aroused by the familiar sensations caused by the Geisha balls nestling in her vagina & the sights & sounds leading up to this moment
To free up manpower for the war all occupations had been reviewed by the Nazi government to see which jobs could be done women. This had included the role of chief executioner at the women’s section of Spandau. Heydrich was delighted when her offer to add this to her other duties had been accepted & Leutnant Seeler had jumped at the chance of being her lover’s assistant
The Major looked up at the two doomed girls savouring the sounds of their terrified sobs & the sight of their bodies quivering in terror. She nodded to the Leutnant who was standing next to her & Seeler her eyes gleaming with anticipation leaned down & slowly & deliberately remove the stools the two young looters were standing on
The two SS hangwomen then stepped down from the low gallows platform & turned round quickly so that they missed nothing of the show
As they felt the nooses tighten round their necks both girls’ mouths gaped open as they tried in vain to breathe. Their eyes bulged in their sockets
Their legs began to kick wildly up & down & from side to side lifting their striped skirts to the top of their thighs giving Heydrich & Seeler tantalising glimpses of their prison issue white panties
Their pert firm young breasts pressed against their thin blouses as their backs arched as they tried desperately to get some air into their now burning lungs
The prisoners’ agonies continued for about five minutes before they swung dead on the ropes. Sightless red flecked eyes stared bulging from almost purple faces, tongues protruded dripping saliva from gaping mouths which dripped onto their chins. They were pretty no longer
Their bodies swayed slightly in the breeze which also ruffled their skirts
The two SS executioners closed their eyes, clenched their teeth & fists & pressed their shuddering thighs together as their climaxes pulsed through them flooding the crotches of their panties beneath their skirts with their juices
The other condemned women looked on in horrified terror, most of them weeping silently
For a few hours each afternoon under the watchful eyes of the guards the prisoners were allowed to socialise in a communal area & in the exercise yard
As soon as Anna & Erica met they hugged each other fiercely.
Erica, her voice trembling, whispered in her lover’s ear, “Oh God Anna I can’t bear this! This morning’s hangings were the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Those poor young girls must have suffered terribly before they died. The thought of being executed in that way I find truly terrifying”.
Anna tried to comfort her lover by saying, “Try & put it out of your mind my love. Who knows we might be reprieved. After all we have appealed against our sentences”.
To try & distract themselves they then began to chat to the other prisoners
The next morning Anna & Erica & two of the other death row prisoners were led to the execution yard & again made to stand in line by the guards
Standing in the yard were six SS women armed with rifles facing the two wooden posts. The prisoners realised that this morning’s executions were to be by firing squad.
The two young women who were to die were marched out into the yard behind Heydrich & Seeler, taken to the posts & tied to them. Both appeared to be resigned to their fates. Anna & Erica had learned the previous day that they were captured British SOE agents.
The Major sighed inwardly. Death by firing squad was her least favourite method of execution however it was the mandatory penalty for espionage by foreign spies. She viewed it as too quick & clinical however it was quite entertaining when the condemned struggled & pleaded for their lives. Unfortunately it looked as if this morning’s proceedings wouldn’t even provide that consolation
The two British women retained their composure up until they heard Heydrich say to the female firing squad, “Aim your weapons”
The SS women raised their rifles & trained them on the breasts of both prisoners
The Major waited letting the tension build & to her delight both doomed women began to cry & one started to mumble “No! No! Oh God No! I don’t want to die!”
Heydrich smiled grimly as she felt the arousal in her pussy due to the presence of the Geisha balls began to rise
The Major barked her final order “Fire!”
The sound of the six rifles firing together echoed round the yard & the two British agents slumped against the ropes securing them to the posts
Even though it was not necessary as both prisoners were obviously dead Leutnant Seeler went forward unholstered her pistol & shot them both behind the ear as regulations demanded to ensure death
For the second day in a row the prisoners watched these events in horror
Afterwards when they were back in the Major’s office Heydrich & Seeler’s love making was languid but they still managed to achieve thoroughly satisfying climaxes
To the relief of Anna, Erica & the other two remaining women on death row the next two days passed without any further executions. The following afternoon Anna & Erica were alone in the communal area when they heard terrified sobbing & pleading coming from the cells of the other two remaining prisoners.
They looked questioningly at one of the guards who smiled grimly & said, “Sounds as if your fellow inmates have just been informed that their appeals have been rejected & they will be put to death tomorrow.”
After a while the noises from the death cells subsided & then the now definitely doomed young women joined Anna & Erica in the communal area
These two prisoners were French civilians who had been condemned for assisting the two shot SOE agents
The two deserters gasped when they saw that their hair at the napes of their necks & almost half way up the back of their heads had been cut away
Anna asked, “Why have they cut your hair in such a way”
One of the French women replied her voice trembling. “We are to be beheaded tomorrow. They have removed the hair at the neck & the back of our heads to give the executioner a clear view of where to strike”
Anna & Erica started in horror on hearing this & their hands involuntarily went to their own necks
At 9 am the next day Anna & Erica were taken to the execution yard & made to stand in their now familiar places
Waiting next to the block which now had a thick rubber mat on it was Major Heydrich. The SS officer was wearing what she called her executrix clothes which were entirely in black & consisted of a tight leather top, knee length leather skirt with slits half-way up her thighs at either side to allow her legs greater freedom of movement, leather gloves & boots. The Major had learned from experience that it was much easier to clean blood of leather fabric than her normal uniform
In her hands she held a three-foot long razor sharp Samuari sword. Heydrich had been presented with this following a visit to Japan the previous year. The Japanese officers & officials she had met were awestruck by the Amazon like SS woman & when they learned of her prowess as an Olympic fencer they thought it a very appropriate parting gift
Heydrich’s eyes gleamed with anticipation & helped by the Geisha balls the crotch of her panties under the leather skirt was already very damp. This was her favourite method of execution
Two minutes later the two doomed young French women, their hands tied behind them, were frog marched screaming & struggling into the yard by their guards
One was taken to one side while the first victim was dragged to the block & forced to kneel with her neck & head resting on it. She continued to sob & plead for mercy & wouldn’t hold still so Leutnant Seeler came forward knelt down in front of the writhing prisoner & took a firm hold of the hair on the top of her head & pulled stretching her bare neck out
At the same time one of the guards knelt behind the doomed woman & took a firm hold of her arms
The Major walked slowly forward relishing every moment & stood next to the prostrate wailing shaking prisoner. She slowly & gently touched the back of the French woman’s neck with the blade of her sword & then with two hands raised the deadly weapon above her head
The prisoner could see the Major’s shadow on the ground in front of & she let out a blood curdling scream of terror which echoed round the yard
Heydrich brought the sword crashing down & the French woman’s cries were silenced forever.
Seeler dropped the severed head into the basket placed there for this purpose & moved quickly to the side to avoid the blood gushing from the now truncated neck
Heydrich took a deep breath to help hold off her rapidly approaching climax & worked the sword free from the rubber mat covering the block. This hadn’t been placed there to make the prisoner more comfortable but to prevent the precious blade of the Sumari sword from making an impact with the solid wooden block
Seeler also breathed deeply to try & compose herself
The second French prisoner fainted & was only kept standing by the grip of the guards on her arms
Anna & Erica wept silently
The guards removed the first prisoner’s remains & one of them poured a bucket of water over the rubber covered block to remove most of the blood while Heydrich wiped the sword blade clean with a rag
The second victim was revived by smelling salts but was still catatonic with fear as she was led to the bock & forced down on to it. There was no need to hold her in place
Again the Major touched the back of the prisoner’s neck with her sword, hoping this time to provoke some reaction from the condemned woman. Heydrich sighed when the prisoner showed no response
The executrix slowly raised the Japanese weapon above her head & then again brought it down with deadly force cleanly severing the French woman’s neck & her head dropped neatly into the bucket
Both Heydrich & the watching Seeler bit their lips & closed their eyes as their bodies shuddered as they orgasmed
Anna & Erica continued to sob as they were led back to the death row
The next morning after breakfast guards entered Anna & Erica’s cells carrying black SS uniform skirts, white blouses, tan stockings & black shoes & instructed them to change into them.
Half an hour later they returned & led the two frightened prisoners to a room where Major Heydrich & Leutnant Seeler in full SS uniform were waiting for them
After the guards left closing the door behind them Heydrich smiled, not unkindly, & said, “Well ladies I imagine your anxious to know why you have been brought here”
She paused & then continued, “I have yet to make a decision on your appeals against your death sentences & what happens in the next hour or so will have a significant impact on what I decide”
Anna & Erica looked at each other flickers of hope beginning to rise
Anna asked fearfully “What are you going to do to us?”
The Major replied, “Well the first thing we need to do is to cut your hair just in case I turn down your appeals. By the way if that is the outcome tomorrow morning I will behead you with my Samuari sword in the same manner I despatched the two French prisoners”.
The two prisoners whimpered in fear, their hands instinctively touching their necks
Heydrich went on, “Then the Leutnant & I are going to fuck you with these”
She pointed at two strapon rubber dildos lying on a desk next to the wall
The Major continued, “If we like how you participate in this I might spare your lives, or at the very least grant you a reprieve. You see the Leutnant & I share your sexual interests & we think it would be a shame to deprive ourselves of some pleasure by just killing you. To help you in your task we laced your breakfast drinks with a quite powerful aphrodisiac which you should now be taking effect. Is it?”
Anna replied, “Yes I am feeling quite tingly”
Erica said, “So am I”
Heydrich smiled again & said “Excellent. Now I want you both to go & bend over those two padded tables & we will get started. Don’t worry we won’t hurt you. Our intention is to pleasure you & so enhance our own experience”
Knowing they had no choice the two prisoners went & bent down over the two tables padded with rubber in the centre of the room
The Major & the Leutnant gazed appreciatively at the prisoners’ firm bottoms quivering beneath their tight black skirts. They too had taken some of the aphrodisiac & they could feel the crotches of their panties beginning to moisten under their skirts
Heydrich picked up a pair of scissors that were sitting next to the two dildos. Seeler took off her skirt & tied one of the strapons round her waist so that it protruded from her crotch. She pushed her panties to one side & placed the egg shaped part of the dildo under the main column in her own pussy. She then pushed a button & the whole thing began to vibrate
These were the very latest battery operated sex toys & Heydrich had bought them when she was in leave in Hamburg some months previously
The Major went & stood next to the top of Erica’s table & lifted up the hair at the back of her head in preparation for cutting
The Leutnant placed herself behind Erica & pulled up the prisoner’s black skirt exposing her stocking tops & white panties. She then began to gently rub the crotch of the prisoner’s underwear with the tip of the gently throbbing dildo
Heydrich went to work with the scissors & the prisoner’s dark hair began to fall to the floor
Erica moaned quietly due to the combined effect of the aphrodisiac & the vibrating dildo
Anna watched on mesmerised despite her fear at what was going on on the table next to her. She could feel herself becoming more aroused
Once Erica’s neck & the back of her head was free of hair the two SS officers moved across to the Danish woman on her table & began to repeat what they had done with Erica
Anna groaned slightly as she felt her skirt lifted & the vibrating dildo rubbing against the outside of the crotch of her panties
As she cut away at the prisoner’s slightly greying blonde hair revealing her slender alabaster neck the Major said, “You do have a lovely neck my dear. It would be such a shame to have to sever it with my sword”.
As she spoke she gently rubbed the nape of Anna’s neck
The prisoner was torn between two competing feelings, dread in response to Heydrich’s comments & increasing arousal as Seeler pushed her hips forward which in turn meant that the vibrator forced Anna’s panties into the opening of her increasingly slippery vagina
Heydrich continued, “Just imagine Anna what it would be like to be kneeling at the block your bare slim neck quivering waiting for the blow. Wondering will it hurt. What will I feel?”
By the time the Major was finished, like Erica, Anna’s neck & half way up the back of her head were bare to the skin
Heydich stepped back, took of her skirt & tied the twine attached to the second dildo around her & slipped the egg shaped part past her panties & into her vagina
Seeler moved away from Anna & went back to Erica where she continued where she had let off
The Major placed herself behind the slightly squirming Danish woman & began to move the vibrator gently backwards & forwards, the tip pressing against Anna’s pantie covered crotch
Knowing that they were literally fucking for their lives the prisoner’s responded enthusiastically to the attentions of the SS officers as Heydrich & Seeler had intended
Heydrich reached down & pulled Anna’s panties to the side allowing her vibrator to penetrate the prisoner’s pussy & then started to rub the Danish woman’s breasts through her white blouse
Anna pushed her bottom backwards against Heydrich so that the vibrator could fill her vagina
The Danish prisoner groaned as the vibrating dildo throbbed away inside her & Heydrich moaned as the egg-shaped part of the sex toy vibrated against the walls of her pussy
The room was now filled with the sounds of all four women’s increasing sexual excitement
After five minute of increasingly frantic fucking Heydrich’s orgasm exploded within her. As it did so she cried out in pleasure & pressed another button on her vibrator. This resulted in a stream of salty warm water which had been stored in the egg- shaped part of the dildo spurting out of the tip & flooding Anna’s pussy.
This pushed the Danish woman over the edge & she groaned loudly & her entire body shuddered as her climax pulsed through her
The sights & sounds coming from the other table brought on Seeler & Erica’s orgasms & they both came, loud & hard, as the liquid from the Leutnant’s vibrator jetted into the prisoner’s pussy
After five minutes, when they had composed themselves, without a word Heydrich & Seeler took off their dildos & put their skirts back on & left the room
The two SS women went to the room next door sat down & smiled at each other in delight. They both lit cigarettes & Seeler said, “God Major that was superb. That was one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced. Your idea of tricking them into thinking they might be spared if they co-operated fully was a spark of genius. It also helped that they were wearing SS uniforms which are so much more sexy than those shapeless prison clothes”.
Heydrich replied, “It was clever of me wasn’t it. We will let them stew for half an hour, return, fuck them again & then tell them the bad news”.
And that was exactly what they did.
When they realised that there never had been any hope of a reprieve Anna & Erica sobbed in terror & pleaded for mercy in a way that the two SS officers found most gratifying.
As soon as they had left the prisoners Heydrich & Seeler returned to the room with the padded tables & proceeded to finger, lick & suck each other to their third orgasms of the day
It is 10 am the next day
Two guards enter the cells of the last prisoners currently on death row
Anna & Erica wearing their white blouses, black skirts, tan stockings are dragged to their feet & their hands are tied behind their backs
Weeping & whimpering they are taken from the cells, marched down the corridor & out into the prison yard
Waiting for them next to the block is Major Heydrich in her leather executrix uniform.
In her hands is the deadly samurai weapon
Leutnant Seeler stands next to her
Both the executrix & her assistant have their “Little Japanese Friends” tucked away inside their pussies held in place by the tight white panties beneath their black skirts
Standing to attention & watching on in full SS dress uniform are the other ten women from Anna & Erica’s section. They are present to witness at first hand the fate of deserters
Anna is pulled to one side while her lover continues her journey to the block
Erica wails “Please have mercy! Oh God! Please have Mercy! I don’t want to die! Oh God I don’t want to die!”
The guards ignore her pleas & force her to kneel her head & neck resting on the block. The doomed woman is sobbing uncontrollably
Heydrich walks round the terrified kneeling woman & as she had the previous day looks approvingly at Erica’s quivering buttocks outlined against her tight black skirt
The SS woman stops & slowly lowers the blade of her sword until it rests gently on the bare nape of the prisoner’s neck
Heydrich raises the sword above her head with both hands
All the spectators hold their breath
Anna closes her eyes & cries quietly
The Major brings the sword down with as much force as she can
Erica’s mewling is silenced & her severed head falls into the basket
Heydrich & Seeler breathe deeply to help control their arousal
Erica’s severed head & truncated body are swiftly removed & dumped in one of the two plain wooden coffins lying at the side of the yard
As usual one of the guards douses the block with a bucket of water & the Major wipes the blade of her sword with a rag
It is now Anna’s turn
It feels to the Danish woman that her legs have turned to jelly as she is led to the block
She is sobbing shivering in terror
Anna is forced to kneel & place her head & neck on the rubber covered piece of wood
She feels the initial gentle touch of the cold steel of the razor-sharp sword on the back of her hairless neck
The Danish woman closes her eyes & her body tenses up in anticipation of the blow that will remove her head
For the second time all those looking on in the yard hold their breath
Again the Major brings the sword crashing down severing her victim’s neck in one clean blow
Heydrich & Seeler close their eyes & grind their teeth as they climax, as do several of the other SS women, in the yard
After taking a minute to compose herself the Major addresses the rest of the SS women, “Take note ladies. This is what happens to cowards who desert our beloved organisation”
She then throws out her right arm & cries “Heil Hitler!”
All present then do the same & their voices echo round the yard
Execution of Anna Lindquist 13
The two Military Policemen guarding the SS deserters in the back of the van going to Spandau smiled evilly at the two frightened women prisoners & one said, “I wonder what will happen to you ladies? Chances are you will be hanged, shot or beheaded. What do you think Hans”
On hearing this the two deserters gasped in horror
The other soldier replied. “I don’t know Otto. I’ve never had to deal with SS deserters before & certainly not female ones. However I am sure their organisation will have something in special lined up for them”
He continued, “I’ve seen plenty of people being shot but never a hanging or beheading. What about you Hans?”
The first soldier replied, “Of course like you I’ve witnessed & participated in many shootings & while I have never been present at a beheading I have watched young women being hanged”
Hans said, “Do tell. I’m sure the ladies would like to hear about it”
Otto replied “It was in Poland. Two 18 year old female partisans. We strung them up from a tree. God how they struggled & pleaded for mercy. When the stools we made them stand on with the ropes around their necks were taken away they danced for about five minutes before dying. What a sight. I tell you my cock was rock hard by the time it was over”
His colleague in a tone of mock reproof said, “Now now Otto. There is no need to be vulgar. After all there are ladies present”
The two soldiers laughed while the prisoners moaned in terror
SS Privates Anna Lindquist & Erica Hoeness sat waiting in dread in the holding cell beneath the courtroom where their trial had taken place. They had been placed there after the SS Officer presiding over the proceedings had left the court to consider her verdict
Thirty one year old Anna, who was originally from Denmark, was full figured & quite buxom with slightly greying blonde hair. She had joined the SS after the invasion of her country as a way of seeing the world & having an adventure.
Erica was a quite petite dark haired girl. She was 27 & had been born & brought up in Berlin. Erica had been delighted when the SS had accepted her application to join. At the time it seemed that the Germans were invincible & Erica also that that she would look very fetching in a black & silver SS uniform
Now their hopes for excitement & glamour had turned to near terror & they hugged each other to try & get some comfort in the situation they found themselves in. In addition to being close friends they were also lovers
The door to their cell opened & one of the guards said, “Time to return to court ladies & learn your fate”
As they were led up the stairs on wobbly legs Anna & Erica whimpered quietly
Major Heidi Heydrich appraised herself in the full-length mirror in her office. The woman looking back at her was immaculate in her SS uniform which consisted of a black jacket trimmed with silver, knee length black skirt, white shirt & black tie & pristine knee-high black leather boots.
The now 28 year old Heydrich had represented Germany at the 1936 Olympics in the javelin & at the fencing & her tall athletic but still unmistakeably female figure filled her tight uniform in all the right places. A swastika armband was around her left bicep her jacket was adorned by several medals one of which had been pinned on by the Fuhrer himself.
The Major had very closely cropped hair, cold grey eyes & an almost archetypical Aryan face, fair & handsome which just missed being beautiful because of a certain indefinable hardness that slightly marred her features.
There was a respectful knock at the door to which Heydrich replied “Come in Helena”
Leutnant Helena Seeler opened the door & came in. Heydrich smiled at her & said. “Are you looking forward to the sentencing of the two deserters as much as I am?”
Seeler nodded eagerly. Like Heydrich she was a former athlete, in her case a 400m runner & she too had been in the German team at the Berlin Olympics. The 27 year old was quite petite & she was also very attractive with short cropped blonde hair
Heydrich & Seeler had been lovers for six months but at work they were always careful to observe correct military protocol.
Heydrich said “Well Leutnant are your “Little Japanese friends” in position. Mine certainly are”
Seeler replied, “Yes Major”. The two women smiled at each other.
What Heydrich was referring to were the sets of Geisha balls that nestled in their respective pussies under their tight white panties & black uniform skirts.
In addition to being lesbians the two SS women were sexual sadists & they were both eagerly anticipating to the upcoming sentencing of two female SS deserters that Heydrich was about to deliver in her capacity as chair of their court martial
The Major had been introduced to the “Little Japanese friends” a couple of years previously by a woman who worked at the Japanese embassy with whom she had had a short affair. She in her turn had given a set to Leutnant Seeler when they had started their relationship
Heydrich said, “God Helena I’m quite wet already”.
Her lover replied “So am I Major. So am I”
Anna & Erica got nervously to their feet along with everyone else in the court as Major Heydrich & her aide Leutnant Seeler entered & went & sat down behind the raised dias directly in front of the desk
Seeler spoke loudly “All may sit apart from the accused who will remain standing”
Heydrich cleared her throat & began to speak “Privates Lindquist & Hoeness I find you guilty of the crime of desertion in time of war. The evidence is clear & damming. As soon as you received your orders to go to support the Russian front in your role as telephone operators from your postings in Berlin you disappeared. You have offered no defence to the charges & so it is my duty to pass sentence”.
She paused & continued. “One week from today on the 20th of March 1943 you will be taken from your cells in Spandau to the prison yard & there in front of all the other members of your SS section you will be put to death. You will be informed of the method of your execution the day before”
As she spoke the Major pressed her thighs together as she felt her arousal growing
In the dock Anna & Erica sobbed in fear as they learned of their fate
The obvious terror & distress of the condemned increased Heydrich’s level of stimulation & her voice was noticeably huskier when she concluded her remarks by saying. “Remove the prisoners”.
The two prisoners continued to weep as they were led from the court to the van waiting to return them to Spandau prison
As soon as Heydrich & Seeler returned to the Major’s office they locked the door, embraced passionately, pushed each other’s skirts up to their waists & then licked, sucked & finger fucked each other to intense orgasms
On arrival at Spandau Anna & Erica were told to strip off their uniforms & they were supplied with the standard prison garb for females of black & white striped blouses & skirts.
They were then taken to death row & locked in their cells. That night the two condemned women wept themselves to sleep
After breakfast the next morning which they ate in their cells the two newest arrivals on death row along with six of the other eight women awaiting execution were taken to the prison yard & made to stand in line. The prisoners gazed fearfully at the gallows used for hangings, the headsman’s block & the post which those who were to face a firing squad were tied
The female guards & the prisoners stood waiting in silence
Two minutes later the deathly hush in the yard was broken by the arrival of that day’s execution party
It was led by Major Heydrich followed by two young girls each being forced forwards by two guards. The doomed prisoners were pretty & looked to be no more than twenty however that would not spare them from the standard form of punishment for those caught looting after an air raid – death by slow hanging
The two looters screamed & struggled as they were forced up the gallows steps to the waiting nooses & made to stand on stools by the guards & the ropes placed round their necks
The tall Major Heydrich reached up & pulled the nooses tight around the condemned girls’ shivering slender necks. She located the knots where she knew from experience they should ensure a slow protracted death struggle
Heydrich stepped back & smiled in satisfaction. She was now highly aroused by the familiar sensations caused by the Geisha balls nestling in her vagina & the sights & sounds leading up to this moment
To free up manpower for the war all occupations had been reviewed by the Nazi government to see which jobs could be done women. This had included the role of chief executioner at the women’s section of Spandau. Heydrich was delighted when her offer to add this to her other duties had been accepted & Leutnant Seeler had jumped at the chance of being her lover’s assistant
The Major looked up at the two doomed girls savouring the sounds of their terrified sobs & the sight of their bodies quivering in terror. She nodded to the Leutnant who was standing next to her & Seeler her eyes gleaming with anticipation leaned down & slowly & deliberately remove the stools the two young looters were standing on
The two SS hangwomen then stepped down from the low gallows platform & turned round quickly so that they missed nothing of the show
As they felt the nooses tighten round their necks both girls’ mouths gaped open as they tried in vain to breathe. Their eyes bulged in their sockets
Their legs began to kick wildly up & down & from side to side lifting their striped skirts to the top of their thighs giving Heydrich & Seeler tantalising glimpses of their prison issue white panties
Their pert firm young breasts pressed against their thin blouses as their backs arched as they tried desperately to get some air into their now burning lungs
The prisoners’ agonies continued for about five minutes before they swung dead on the ropes. Sightless red flecked eyes stared bulging from almost purple faces, tongues protruded dripping saliva from gaping mouths which dripped onto their chins. They were pretty no longer
Their bodies swayed slightly in the breeze which also ruffled their skirts
The two SS executioners closed their eyes, clenched their teeth & fists & pressed their shuddering thighs together as their climaxes pulsed through them flooding the crotches of their panties beneath their skirts with their juices
The other condemned women looked on in horrified terror, most of them weeping silently
For a few hours each afternoon under the watchful eyes of the guards the prisoners were allowed to socialise in a communal area & in the exercise yard
As soon as Anna & Erica met they hugged each other fiercely.
Erica, her voice trembling, whispered in her lover’s ear, “Oh God Anna I can’t bear this! This morning’s hangings were the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Those poor young girls must have suffered terribly before they died. The thought of being executed in that way I find truly terrifying”.
Anna tried to comfort her lover by saying, “Try & put it out of your mind my love. Who knows we might be reprieved. After all we have appealed against our sentences”.
To try & distract themselves they then began to chat to the other prisoners
The next morning Anna & Erica & two of the other death row prisoners were led to the execution yard & again made to stand in line by the guards
Standing in the yard were six SS women armed with rifles facing the two wooden posts. The prisoners realised that this morning’s executions were to be by firing squad.
The two young women who were to die were marched out into the yard behind Heydrich & Seeler, taken to the posts & tied to them. Both appeared to be resigned to their fates. Anna & Erica had learned the previous day that they were captured British SOE agents.
The Major sighed inwardly. Death by firing squad was her least favourite method of execution however it was the mandatory penalty for espionage by foreign spies. She viewed it as too quick & clinical however it was quite entertaining when the condemned struggled & pleaded for their lives. Unfortunately it looked as if this morning’s proceedings wouldn’t even provide that consolation
The two British women retained their composure up until they heard Heydrich say to the female firing squad, “Aim your weapons”
The SS women raised their rifles & trained them on the breasts of both prisoners
The Major waited letting the tension build & to her delight both doomed women began to cry & one started to mumble “No! No! Oh God No! I don’t want to die!”
Heydrich smiled grimly as she felt the arousal in her pussy due to the presence of the Geisha balls began to rise
The Major barked her final order “Fire!”
The sound of the six rifles firing together echoed round the yard & the two British agents slumped against the ropes securing them to the posts
Even though it was not necessary as both prisoners were obviously dead Leutnant Seeler went forward unholstered her pistol & shot them both behind the ear as regulations demanded to ensure death
For the second day in a row the prisoners watched these events in horror
Afterwards when they were back in the Major’s office Heydrich & Seeler’s love making was languid but they still managed to achieve thoroughly satisfying climaxes
To the relief of Anna, Erica & the other two remaining women on death row the next two days passed without any further executions. The following afternoon Anna & Erica were alone in the communal area when they heard terrified sobbing & pleading coming from the cells of the other two remaining prisoners.
They looked questioningly at one of the guards who smiled grimly & said, “Sounds as if your fellow inmates have just been informed that their appeals have been rejected & they will be put to death tomorrow.”
After a while the noises from the death cells subsided & then the now definitely doomed young women joined Anna & Erica in the communal area
These two prisoners were French civilians who had been condemned for assisting the two shot SOE agents
The two deserters gasped when they saw that their hair at the napes of their necks & almost half way up the back of their heads had been cut away
Anna asked, “Why have they cut your hair in such a way”
One of the French women replied her voice trembling. “We are to be beheaded tomorrow. They have removed the hair at the neck & the back of our heads to give the executioner a clear view of where to strike”
Anna & Erica started in horror on hearing this & their hands involuntarily went to their own necks
At 9 am the next day Anna & Erica were taken to the execution yard & made to stand in their now familiar places
Waiting next to the block which now had a thick rubber mat on it was Major Heydrich. The SS officer was wearing what she called her executrix clothes which were entirely in black & consisted of a tight leather top, knee length leather skirt with slits half-way up her thighs at either side to allow her legs greater freedom of movement, leather gloves & boots. The Major had learned from experience that it was much easier to clean blood of leather fabric than her normal uniform
In her hands she held a three-foot long razor sharp Samuari sword. Heydrich had been presented with this following a visit to Japan the previous year. The Japanese officers & officials she had met were awestruck by the Amazon like SS woman & when they learned of her prowess as an Olympic fencer they thought it a very appropriate parting gift
Heydrich’s eyes gleamed with anticipation & helped by the Geisha balls the crotch of her panties under the leather skirt was already very damp. This was her favourite method of execution
Two minutes later the two doomed young French women, their hands tied behind them, were frog marched screaming & struggling into the yard by their guards
One was taken to one side while the first victim was dragged to the block & forced to kneel with her neck & head resting on it. She continued to sob & plead for mercy & wouldn’t hold still so Leutnant Seeler came forward knelt down in front of the writhing prisoner & took a firm hold of the hair on the top of her head & pulled stretching her bare neck out
At the same time one of the guards knelt behind the doomed woman & took a firm hold of her arms
The Major walked slowly forward relishing every moment & stood next to the prostrate wailing shaking prisoner. She slowly & gently touched the back of the French woman’s neck with the blade of her sword & then with two hands raised the deadly weapon above her head
The prisoner could see the Major’s shadow on the ground in front of & she let out a blood curdling scream of terror which echoed round the yard
Heydrich brought the sword crashing down & the French woman’s cries were silenced forever.
Seeler dropped the severed head into the basket placed there for this purpose & moved quickly to the side to avoid the blood gushing from the now truncated neck
Heydrich took a deep breath to help hold off her rapidly approaching climax & worked the sword free from the rubber mat covering the block. This hadn’t been placed there to make the prisoner more comfortable but to prevent the precious blade of the Sumari sword from making an impact with the solid wooden block
Seeler also breathed deeply to try & compose herself
The second French prisoner fainted & was only kept standing by the grip of the guards on her arms
Anna & Erica wept silently
The guards removed the first prisoner’s remains & one of them poured a bucket of water over the rubber covered block to remove most of the blood while Heydrich wiped the sword blade clean with a rag
The second victim was revived by smelling salts but was still catatonic with fear as she was led to the bock & forced down on to it. There was no need to hold her in place
Again the Major touched the back of the prisoner’s neck with her sword, hoping this time to provoke some reaction from the condemned woman. Heydrich sighed when the prisoner showed no response
The executrix slowly raised the Japanese weapon above her head & then again brought it down with deadly force cleanly severing the French woman’s neck & her head dropped neatly into the bucket
Both Heydrich & the watching Seeler bit their lips & closed their eyes as their bodies shuddered as they orgasmed
Anna & Erica continued to sob as they were led back to the death row
The next morning after breakfast guards entered Anna & Erica’s cells carrying black SS uniform skirts, white blouses, tan stockings & black shoes & instructed them to change into them.
Half an hour later they returned & led the two frightened prisoners to a room where Major Heydrich & Leutnant Seeler in full SS uniform were waiting for them
After the guards left closing the door behind them Heydrich smiled, not unkindly, & said, “Well ladies I imagine your anxious to know why you have been brought here”
She paused & then continued, “I have yet to make a decision on your appeals against your death sentences & what happens in the next hour or so will have a significant impact on what I decide”
Anna & Erica looked at each other flickers of hope beginning to rise
Anna asked fearfully “What are you going to do to us?”
The Major replied, “Well the first thing we need to do is to cut your hair just in case I turn down your appeals. By the way if that is the outcome tomorrow morning I will behead you with my Samuari sword in the same manner I despatched the two French prisoners”.
The two prisoners whimpered in fear, their hands instinctively touching their necks
Heydrich went on, “Then the Leutnant & I are going to fuck you with these”
She pointed at two strapon rubber dildos lying on a desk next to the wall
The Major continued, “If we like how you participate in this I might spare your lives, or at the very least grant you a reprieve. You see the Leutnant & I share your sexual interests & we think it would be a shame to deprive ourselves of some pleasure by just killing you. To help you in your task we laced your breakfast drinks with a quite powerful aphrodisiac which you should now be taking effect. Is it?”
Anna replied, “Yes I am feeling quite tingly”
Erica said, “So am I”
Heydrich smiled again & said “Excellent. Now I want you both to go & bend over those two padded tables & we will get started. Don’t worry we won’t hurt you. Our intention is to pleasure you & so enhance our own experience”
Knowing they had no choice the two prisoners went & bent down over the two tables padded with rubber in the centre of the room
The Major & the Leutnant gazed appreciatively at the prisoners’ firm bottoms quivering beneath their tight black skirts. They too had taken some of the aphrodisiac & they could feel the crotches of their panties beginning to moisten under their skirts
Heydrich picked up a pair of scissors that were sitting next to the two dildos. Seeler took off her skirt & tied one of the strapons round her waist so that it protruded from her crotch. She pushed her panties to one side & placed the egg shaped part of the dildo under the main column in her own pussy. She then pushed a button & the whole thing began to vibrate
These were the very latest battery operated sex toys & Heydrich had bought them when she was in leave in Hamburg some months previously
The Major went & stood next to the top of Erica’s table & lifted up the hair at the back of her head in preparation for cutting
The Leutnant placed herself behind Erica & pulled up the prisoner’s black skirt exposing her stocking tops & white panties. She then began to gently rub the crotch of the prisoner’s underwear with the tip of the gently throbbing dildo
Heydrich went to work with the scissors & the prisoner’s dark hair began to fall to the floor
Erica moaned quietly due to the combined effect of the aphrodisiac & the vibrating dildo
Anna watched on mesmerised despite her fear at what was going on on the table next to her. She could feel herself becoming more aroused
Once Erica’s neck & the back of her head was free of hair the two SS officers moved across to the Danish woman on her table & began to repeat what they had done with Erica
Anna groaned slightly as she felt her skirt lifted & the vibrating dildo rubbing against the outside of the crotch of her panties
As she cut away at the prisoner’s slightly greying blonde hair revealing her slender alabaster neck the Major said, “You do have a lovely neck my dear. It would be such a shame to have to sever it with my sword”.
As she spoke she gently rubbed the nape of Anna’s neck
The prisoner was torn between two competing feelings, dread in response to Heydrich’s comments & increasing arousal as Seeler pushed her hips forward which in turn meant that the vibrator forced Anna’s panties into the opening of her increasingly slippery vagina
Heydrich continued, “Just imagine Anna what it would be like to be kneeling at the block your bare slim neck quivering waiting for the blow. Wondering will it hurt. What will I feel?”
By the time the Major was finished, like Erica, Anna’s neck & half way up the back of her head were bare to the skin
Heydich stepped back, took of her skirt & tied the twine attached to the second dildo around her & slipped the egg shaped part past her panties & into her vagina
Seeler moved away from Anna & went back to Erica where she continued where she had let off
The Major placed herself behind the slightly squirming Danish woman & began to move the vibrator gently backwards & forwards, the tip pressing against Anna’s pantie covered crotch
Knowing that they were literally fucking for their lives the prisoner’s responded enthusiastically to the attentions of the SS officers as Heydrich & Seeler had intended
Heydrich reached down & pulled Anna’s panties to the side allowing her vibrator to penetrate the prisoner’s pussy & then started to rub the Danish woman’s breasts through her white blouse
Anna pushed her bottom backwards against Heydrich so that the vibrator could fill her vagina
The Danish prisoner groaned as the vibrating dildo throbbed away inside her & Heydrich moaned as the egg-shaped part of the sex toy vibrated against the walls of her pussy
The room was now filled with the sounds of all four women’s increasing sexual excitement
After five minute of increasingly frantic fucking Heydrich’s orgasm exploded within her. As it did so she cried out in pleasure & pressed another button on her vibrator. This resulted in a stream of salty warm water which had been stored in the egg- shaped part of the dildo spurting out of the tip & flooding Anna’s pussy.
This pushed the Danish woman over the edge & she groaned loudly & her entire body shuddered as her climax pulsed through her
The sights & sounds coming from the other table brought on Seeler & Erica’s orgasms & they both came, loud & hard, as the liquid from the Leutnant’s vibrator jetted into the prisoner’s pussy
After five minutes, when they had composed themselves, without a word Heydrich & Seeler took off their dildos & put their skirts back on & left the room
The two SS women went to the room next door sat down & smiled at each other in delight. They both lit cigarettes & Seeler said, “God Major that was superb. That was one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced. Your idea of tricking them into thinking they might be spared if they co-operated fully was a spark of genius. It also helped that they were wearing SS uniforms which are so much more sexy than those shapeless prison clothes”.
Heydrich replied, “It was clever of me wasn’t it. We will let them stew for half an hour, return, fuck them again & then tell them the bad news”.
And that was exactly what they did.
When they realised that there never had been any hope of a reprieve Anna & Erica sobbed in terror & pleaded for mercy in a way that the two SS officers found most gratifying.
As soon as they had left the prisoners Heydrich & Seeler returned to the room with the padded tables & proceeded to finger, lick & suck each other to their third orgasms of the day
It is 10 am the next day
Two guards enter the cells of the last prisoners currently on death row
Anna & Erica wearing their white blouses, black skirts, tan stockings are dragged to their feet & their hands are tied behind their backs
Weeping & whimpering they are taken from the cells, marched down the corridor & out into the prison yard
Waiting for them next to the block is Major Heydrich in her leather executrix uniform.
In her hands is the deadly samurai weapon
Leutnant Seeler stands next to her
Both the executrix & her assistant have their “Little Japanese Friends” tucked away inside their pussies held in place by the tight white panties beneath their black skirts
Standing to attention & watching on in full SS dress uniform are the other ten women from Anna & Erica’s section. They are present to witness at first hand the fate of deserters
Anna is pulled to one side while her lover continues her journey to the block
Erica wails “Please have mercy! Oh God! Please have Mercy! I don’t want to die! Oh God I don’t want to die!”
The guards ignore her pleas & force her to kneel her head & neck resting on the block. The doomed woman is sobbing uncontrollably
Heydrich walks round the terrified kneeling woman & as she had the previous day looks approvingly at Erica’s quivering buttocks outlined against her tight black skirt
The SS woman stops & slowly lowers the blade of her sword until it rests gently on the bare nape of the prisoner’s neck
Heydrich raises the sword above her head with both hands
All the spectators hold their breath
Anna closes her eyes & cries quietly
The Major brings the sword down with as much force as she can
Erica’s mewling is silenced & her severed head falls into the basket
Heydrich & Seeler breathe deeply to help control their arousal
Erica’s severed head & truncated body are swiftly removed & dumped in one of the two plain wooden coffins lying at the side of the yard
As usual one of the guards douses the block with a bucket of water & the Major wipes the blade of her sword with a rag
It is now Anna’s turn
It feels to the Danish woman that her legs have turned to jelly as she is led to the block
She is sobbing shivering in terror
Anna is forced to kneel & place her head & neck on the rubber covered piece of wood
She feels the initial gentle touch of the cold steel of the razor-sharp sword on the back of her hairless neck
The Danish woman closes her eyes & her body tenses up in anticipation of the blow that will remove her head
For the second time all those looking on in the yard hold their breath
Again the Major brings the sword crashing down severing her victim’s neck in one clean blow
Heydrich & Seeler close their eyes & grind their teeth as they climax, as do several of the other SS women, in the yard
After taking a minute to compose herself the Major addresses the rest of the SS women, “Take note ladies. This is what happens to cowards who desert our beloved organisation”
She then throws out her right arm & cries “Heil Hitler!”
All present then do the same & their voices echo round the yard
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