My Wedding Day (Another Guillotine Story)
Forum Home > Public : Stories > My Wedding Day (Another Guillotine Story)Today is my wedding day. I should be at the church but I’m not. Hell, I’m in my wedding dress. A beautiful gown. And my maid of honor looks amazing! We all do…we had just left the salon, you see, and then…well, we’re in jail.
“This is ridiculous,” Sam says yet again. “You know how much this wedding costs, who’s in attendance...”
“I know,” I reply. No one else said anything. There are 7 of us in here, my entire wedding party. We were on the way to the church, actually a couple minutes early, when the stupid old lady walked out in front of us. Cindy was driving, but we all covered for her. We had to. She’s my sister’s best friend. “Our lawyer is in there right now seeing what she can do.”
“I’m sorry,” the judge said, “but our hands are tied. The Sufficient to Convict Guidelines are clear. If the guilty party will not admit such then all those involved must be punished. And the sentence leaves me no room for mercy.”
The lawyer’s heart sank. She knew exactly what that meant.
“I will allow one small mercy given the circumstances,” the judge said. “Normal policy in the case of a large group like this is rather…severe and drawn out. They can go quickly.” She signed the appropriately place on the paper before her and that was that. “Within the hour, if you please,” as she handed the form to the bailiff.
The lawyer’s face told the tale. Something was seriously wrong.
“I’m not going to get married today, am I?” My voice was quiet, subdued.
“No,” she responds after a very long pause. “You’re never actually going to get married.” Before the others could ask what that meant, she went on in a rush, “I don’t know who was driving and at this point I don’t really care. It’s irrelevant, anyways. Under the Sufficient to Convict Guidelines, if the state has the evidence to convict the guilty party but can’t do so, for whatever reason, they simply convict all those involved and sentence them accordingly.” Cindy gasps. Tina, the youngest, sobs quietly. Allison, my made of honor, says nothing. “The paperwork has already been filed. There’s nothing more I can do.”
“So what are they going to do with us?” Rachel asks before I can. “Community service or something like that?”
The lawyer licks her lips. “I’m afraid not. The lady who was struck died in hospital half an hour ago. You have each been convicted of her murder under the STC Guidelines and you have each therefore been sentenced to death. Executions to be carried out within the hour. I’m sorry.”
We say nothing for the longest time. I fight back tears. I think of my bride to be, the one I’m going to marry…was going to marry, I correct myself. Finally, Mary asks, “How…how are we going to die?”
“Normal policy for large groups is a short drop hanging done all at once. But that…that can take a while.” I cringe thinking of gasping for breath at the end of a rope. But what she says next is worse. “Given the circumstances, however, the court has decided to show mercy. You’re all to be guillotined. I’m sorry,” she says again, and she walks off.
We embrace as much as the handcuffs allow. The tears flow freely.
They come for us maybe ten minutes later. Three women guards, all with pained expressions. One at a time our hands are cuffed behind our backs. As the bride I’m at the back of the line as they lead us out and down a hallway and then to our right into another room. Mary, the first in line, screams as she steps through the door. I don’t have to guess why.
We’re made to stand on a line facing it, this…machine that will end our lives. What happens next is quick. The judge reads something I don’t hear, about the fairness of the law and how the state will brook no violation no matter how small. With that she nods to the bailiff who calls out, “Tina.”
Tina collapses on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. “Noooo!!!” she screams. The guards are unmoved by her plea. They pick her up and, with some difficulty, get her to the board.
“She’s only 17!” Rachel cries out. But I understand. That’s why they picked her first. This is another mercy of sorts.
Her cry becomes a plea as she is strapped to the machine and tilted horizontal. Her short hair easily clears the neck restraint. Without a word the bailiff removes the safety and hits the switch. The blade falls in an instant, cutting off her scream forever. A moment later we all hear the soft thud of her head hitting the basket.
Her head is left where it fell as the machine is made ready for the next of us. The blade is raised, her body is unceremoniously shoved into a waiting box, and the restraint is quickly rinsed off. Sam’s name is called next and, while she whimpers, she lets herself be strapped in and moved into position. It’s only when she sees Tina’s head in the basket below her that she loses it. In a moment her head is lying there next to it.
Rachel, with her beautiful blonde braided updo, walks to her end with her head held high. She even blows the bailiff a kiss as they lower her into position. She doesn’t even scream as the blade falls.
When Cindy’s turn comes she looks mortified. I’d give her a hug if I could. “I’m sorry,” is all she sobs as the blade falls.
Mary is out of it when her name is called. They have to drag her just like Tina, but she doesn’t fight them once she’s in place.
When it’s Allison’s turn she doesn’t flinch. She stumbles a little as she walks to her end but doesn’t falter, even when she has to wait a moment for the guard to move her hair out of the way of the blade before it falls.
And then it’s my turn. They don’t bother calling my name. They just come for me. And before I know I’m standing before the guillotine and it’s blade held high. They take their time strapping me in. And then they lay me down and the hole for my neck is before me and then they push me through. At least I’ll die pretty, I think, in my wedding dress with its finery and with my hair done and all piled high. I don’t even hear the blade fall. Just a biting pain in my neck and then my head joins those of my friends below.
“This is ridiculous,” Sam says yet again. “You know how much this wedding costs, who’s in attendance...”
“I know,” I reply. No one else said anything. There are 7 of us in here, my entire wedding party. We were on the way to the church, actually a couple minutes early, when the stupid old lady walked out in front of us. Cindy was driving, but we all covered for her. We had to. She’s my sister’s best friend. “Our lawyer is in there right now seeing what she can do.”
“I’m sorry,” the judge said, “but our hands are tied. The Sufficient to Convict Guidelines are clear. If the guilty party will not admit such then all those involved must be punished. And the sentence leaves me no room for mercy.”
The lawyer’s heart sank. She knew exactly what that meant.
“I will allow one small mercy given the circumstances,” the judge said. “Normal policy in the case of a large group like this is rather…severe and drawn out. They can go quickly.” She signed the appropriately place on the paper before her and that was that. “Within the hour, if you please,” as she handed the form to the bailiff.
The lawyer’s face told the tale. Something was seriously wrong.
“I’m not going to get married today, am I?” My voice was quiet, subdued.
“No,” she responds after a very long pause. “You’re never actually going to get married.” Before the others could ask what that meant, she went on in a rush, “I don’t know who was driving and at this point I don’t really care. It’s irrelevant, anyways. Under the Sufficient to Convict Guidelines, if the state has the evidence to convict the guilty party but can’t do so, for whatever reason, they simply convict all those involved and sentence them accordingly.” Cindy gasps. Tina, the youngest, sobs quietly. Allison, my made of honor, says nothing. “The paperwork has already been filed. There’s nothing more I can do.”
“So what are they going to do with us?” Rachel asks before I can. “Community service or something like that?”
The lawyer licks her lips. “I’m afraid not. The lady who was struck died in hospital half an hour ago. You have each been convicted of her murder under the STC Guidelines and you have each therefore been sentenced to death. Executions to be carried out within the hour. I’m sorry.”
We say nothing for the longest time. I fight back tears. I think of my bride to be, the one I’m going to marry…was going to marry, I correct myself. Finally, Mary asks, “How…how are we going to die?”
“Normal policy for large groups is a short drop hanging done all at once. But that…that can take a while.” I cringe thinking of gasping for breath at the end of a rope. But what she says next is worse. “Given the circumstances, however, the court has decided to show mercy. You’re all to be guillotined. I’m sorry,” she says again, and she walks off.
We embrace as much as the handcuffs allow. The tears flow freely.
They come for us maybe ten minutes later. Three women guards, all with pained expressions. One at a time our hands are cuffed behind our backs. As the bride I’m at the back of the line as they lead us out and down a hallway and then to our right into another room. Mary, the first in line, screams as she steps through the door. I don’t have to guess why.
We’re made to stand on a line facing it, this…machine that will end our lives. What happens next is quick. The judge reads something I don’t hear, about the fairness of the law and how the state will brook no violation no matter how small. With that she nods to the bailiff who calls out, “Tina.”
Tina collapses on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. “Noooo!!!” she screams. The guards are unmoved by her plea. They pick her up and, with some difficulty, get her to the board.
“She’s only 17!” Rachel cries out. But I understand. That’s why they picked her first. This is another mercy of sorts.
Her cry becomes a plea as she is strapped to the machine and tilted horizontal. Her short hair easily clears the neck restraint. Without a word the bailiff removes the safety and hits the switch. The blade falls in an instant, cutting off her scream forever. A moment later we all hear the soft thud of her head hitting the basket.
Her head is left where it fell as the machine is made ready for the next of us. The blade is raised, her body is unceremoniously shoved into a waiting box, and the restraint is quickly rinsed off. Sam’s name is called next and, while she whimpers, she lets herself be strapped in and moved into position. It’s only when she sees Tina’s head in the basket below her that she loses it. In a moment her head is lying there next to it.
Rachel, with her beautiful blonde braided updo, walks to her end with her head held high. She even blows the bailiff a kiss as they lower her into position. She doesn’t even scream as the blade falls.
When Cindy’s turn comes she looks mortified. I’d give her a hug if I could. “I’m sorry,” is all she sobs as the blade falls.
Mary is out of it when her name is called. They have to drag her just like Tina, but she doesn’t fight them once she’s in place.
When it’s Allison’s turn she doesn’t flinch. She stumbles a little as she walks to her end but doesn’t falter, even when she has to wait a moment for the guard to move her hair out of the way of the blade before it falls.
And then it’s my turn. They don’t bother calling my name. They just come for me. And before I know I’m standing before the guillotine and it’s blade held high. They take their time strapping me in. And then they lay me down and the hole for my neck is before me and then they push me through. At least I’ll die pretty, I think, in my wedding dress with its finery and with my hair done and all piled high. I don’t even hear the blade fall. Just a biting pain in my neck and then my head joins those of my friends below.
Great Story! I really like this dystopian scenarios where girls are executed for minor offenses...
I also enjoyed Rachel's attitude the most, cocky and funny...
And I would love a little head lifting for the attendance and the good old display in pikes as a warning (or above the executioner's fireplace as trophies)...
Thank you for sharing!
I also enjoyed Rachel's attitude the most, cocky and funny...
And I would love a little head lifting for the attendance and the good old display in pikes as a warning (or above the executioner's fireplace as trophies)...
Thank you for sharing!
I love it! Yes dying pretty in your wedding dress, your hair done, everything perfect
wow...beheaded for something that would have given them a jail time? well I think what if the old lady they ran into had been one of my beloved? to the guillotine with them. I would have loved to watch them hang though
Forum > Public / Stories > My Wedding Day (Another Guillotine Story)