Risky sport
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Risky sportFour beauties, four undergraduates under 25 and four friends, they used to be all that. Their excellent marks, their fine education and their fit and healthy bodies would no doubt have had all the doors open to them. It was sure they would all pass their aptitude tests before graduating and that was everything they would need to lead a happy life in Faraway. The four beauties were not only friends but also partners in fault, one they used to consider not so serious. This little fault was their way to play the young and rebel.
The four girls shared a secret, they used to seduce married men and lure them into adultery, it was kind of a competition between them. Two of the beauties had been invited to The Hotel a couple of times for their fault but only one of them got it and straightened her path, it took four seasons more for her to achieve the ideal happy life but she made it. The other beauty, Patricia, she got it too but she felt the humiliation she had been submitted to was too much and so she took seducing married men, and even some married women, seriously.
Patricia disregarded further invitations to The Hotel. Her conduct reports soon had her out of college but she was not afraid of being jobless and some sort of a second class citizen, she was confident her lovers would help her lead a decent life.
Soon Patricia met the Corps of Peace. A unit with the Corps visited Patricia's friend's house, they were there about Patricia and then she had two choices: being secured and frog marched out of the house and paraded to the bus or leading the gentlemen with the Corps to the bus. She picked the second.
Patricia wore her cardigan and walked in front of the men to the bus. Once inside she saw the light again.
--Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown--went the man in the middle of the stage--you have been found responsible in ten cases of simple adultery, your conduct has not improved since the last time you appeared before this board, moreover, you seem to be wantonly defying the high values and the traditions of the republic by committing the same fault time and again. Therefore this Board of Moderation has deemed convenient to invite you to The Hotel for three consecutive seasons, which make five seasons, and then you will be invited to Oblivia.--finished the man in the middle of the stage, the white robbed man.
Two gentlemen perfectly clad in gray suits help Patricia out of the glass box in the middle of the room, she's been there for an eternity.
Patricia know the drill but she can't help being surprised when one of the men in gray takes the flashing pen out of the interior pocket of his jacket. everything turns to black again.
The three seasons, though boring, flew by and soon Patricia got to the day, or night, before being invited to Oblivia. The last she could remember was her walking to one of the lifts at one of the ends of the corridor.
Oblivia was not bad at all. Patricia had thought it would be harsher but it was a nice change instead, neither the uniform was bad. All the women at the compound Patricia was invited to live in worked in the plantations, this meant some longed for sun light in her fair skin. Working in the plantations was not hard at all, all Patricia had to do was filling a couple of medium sized baskets with the leafs of a small tree.
The work hours were few and Patricia had time to read and listen to music in her room. The swimming pool and the tennis court were a very much welcome addition, Patricia was used to practice sports way back when she was in college.
--Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown please be so kind so as to leave your activities immediately and wait at your door. Mr. Forero will soon be by your door. Please follow his instructions when he arrives--went the voice over the speakers in Patricia's room. She remembered the two choices and then she jumped out of her bed and wore the blue jean jacket that completed her uniform. The Canadian tuxedo and black t-shirt sat well on her, marking her well shaped precious body, she looked at the mirror for a last time and she had to admit that, even though she was then 26, she was hot and still capable to play the risky sport that had landed her there.
Mr Forero came soon carrying some sort of a small gas bottle and a mask. All the men working at the compound were there to please the guests and Mr. Forero, a tall and athletic guy maybe a year or two her senior, had been especial and kind to her so there was no reason to be suspicious about his intentions.
--Here, have a sniff of this linda...I assure you nothing compares to it...not even perfume or the other substances you had down there--said Mr. Forero offering the mask attached to the small gas bottle to her. Patricia took the mask and had a long sniff and then another...Mr. Forero was right. That substance smelled like a thousand flowers and Patricia felt confident and brave and strong.
--Follow me linda...we are late come on--said Mr. Forero and she followed him.
They got to a metal door, Patricia guessed it was another kind of lift, and they waited until it was open. Then Mr. Forero kissed Patricia good bye and told her to pick her black hair in a bun at the back of her head, he gave her a soft black mesh to keep her hair in place and he then gently pushed her inside. Patricia was right, it had to be some sort of a lift, it was a small cabin walled with full frame mirrors. The door was locked and the cabin began to move slowly.
--citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown be welcomed to the critical protocols room. From now on the length of the procedures highly depends on your kind help and cooperation--went the voice over the speakers. It stroke Patricia, in spite of the manners and nice treatment she was in prison, she had been somehow sentenced to Oblivia, and what this critical protocols room might be about was not a difficult guess. There was some sort of a shiny metal bascule standing in the middle of the room, it looked like an adult sized cylinder split in two halves and the flat half of it had some kind of lid for the feet at the bottom.
Patricia shivered a bit and bit her lower lip, it was not difficult to know what was going to happen. She was scared but she managed to get herself together, it was not the time for her to let the system know she's finally broken.
--Citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown please be so kind as to walk to the device in the middle of the room--went the voice over the speakers. Patricia made a gesture with her lips and began to move to the device.
--Please stand with your torso against the tray and put your arms to your sides and close to your body Citizen Patricia--went the voice over the speakers and the rounded half of the device locked in as soon as Patricia was in place, wrapping her up in a shiny metal tube. The tray Patricia was standing against had some sort of a piece to keep her chin in place. The rounded half of the device gently pressed Patricia against the tray forcing her to put her chin into the piece, her head was immobilized.
Patricia's shins, upper shoulders and head were the only parts visible at both ends of the metal tube, her shoulders and shins looking good in tight light blue jean Canadian tuxedo. Patico, as her dear college friends used to call her back in the good old days, had managed to control herself so far but she bursted into tears as the bascule slowly went from standing to an horizontal position leaving Patricia just some centimeters above the ground. It was impossible to move her arms lying as she was so all she could do was tensing her legs in an emotional state of agony.
--No, no...why me why me...no...no--sobbed Patricia as the bascule got to its lying position.
--Citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown NUIP 00429 secured in place, critical protocol 44 starts in 5...4...3...--went the voice over the speakers
--NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!--screams Patico, the countdown reached zero and suddenly everything turned to black and she felt gradually numb after something metallic had hit the base of her head, it's difficult to breathe and Patricia became unconscious.
--NUIP 00429 vacated--went the voice over the speakers--NUIP 00429 cleared for issuing--went the voice over the speakers just seconds later
It was a precise hit, the blow had been enough to severe Patricia's second and third vertebrae without damaging her fair skin. Her lovely neck had been cleanly broken and death came some 30 seconds after the fatal blow had been administered. Now Patricia Eliana rests at The Garden of Silence, encased in a crystal like stone laid over a shiny dark stone with golden pieces gleaming in the sun of Oblivia. Patico looks calm and peaceful as if she was asleep, she looks hot in her well-fitting light blue Canadian tuxedo in spite of all the time that has passed.
The four girls shared a secret, they used to seduce married men and lure them into adultery, it was kind of a competition between them. Two of the beauties had been invited to The Hotel a couple of times for their fault but only one of them got it and straightened her path, it took four seasons more for her to achieve the ideal happy life but she made it. The other beauty, Patricia, she got it too but she felt the humiliation she had been submitted to was too much and so she took seducing married men, and even some married women, seriously.
Patricia disregarded further invitations to The Hotel. Her conduct reports soon had her out of college but she was not afraid of being jobless and some sort of a second class citizen, she was confident her lovers would help her lead a decent life.
Soon Patricia met the Corps of Peace. A unit with the Corps visited Patricia's friend's house, they were there about Patricia and then she had two choices: being secured and frog marched out of the house and paraded to the bus or leading the gentlemen with the Corps to the bus. She picked the second.
Patricia wore her cardigan and walked in front of the men to the bus. Once inside she saw the light again.
--Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown--went the man in the middle of the stage--you have been found responsible in ten cases of simple adultery, your conduct has not improved since the last time you appeared before this board, moreover, you seem to be wantonly defying the high values and the traditions of the republic by committing the same fault time and again. Therefore this Board of Moderation has deemed convenient to invite you to The Hotel for three consecutive seasons, which make five seasons, and then you will be invited to Oblivia.--finished the man in the middle of the stage, the white robbed man.
Two gentlemen perfectly clad in gray suits help Patricia out of the glass box in the middle of the room, she's been there for an eternity.
Patricia know the drill but she can't help being surprised when one of the men in gray takes the flashing pen out of the interior pocket of his jacket. everything turns to black again.
The three seasons, though boring, flew by and soon Patricia got to the day, or night, before being invited to Oblivia. The last she could remember was her walking to one of the lifts at one of the ends of the corridor.
Oblivia was not bad at all. Patricia had thought it would be harsher but it was a nice change instead, neither the uniform was bad. All the women at the compound Patricia was invited to live in worked in the plantations, this meant some longed for sun light in her fair skin. Working in the plantations was not hard at all, all Patricia had to do was filling a couple of medium sized baskets with the leafs of a small tree.
The work hours were few and Patricia had time to read and listen to music in her room. The swimming pool and the tennis court were a very much welcome addition, Patricia was used to practice sports way back when she was in college.
--Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown please be so kind so as to leave your activities immediately and wait at your door. Mr. Forero will soon be by your door. Please follow his instructions when he arrives--went the voice over the speakers in Patricia's room. She remembered the two choices and then she jumped out of her bed and wore the blue jean jacket that completed her uniform. The Canadian tuxedo and black t-shirt sat well on her, marking her well shaped precious body, she looked at the mirror for a last time and she had to admit that, even though she was then 26, she was hot and still capable to play the risky sport that had landed her there.
Mr Forero came soon carrying some sort of a small gas bottle and a mask. All the men working at the compound were there to please the guests and Mr. Forero, a tall and athletic guy maybe a year or two her senior, had been especial and kind to her so there was no reason to be suspicious about his intentions.
--Here, have a sniff of this linda...I assure you nothing compares to it...not even perfume or the other substances you had down there--said Mr. Forero offering the mask attached to the small gas bottle to her. Patricia took the mask and had a long sniff and then another...Mr. Forero was right. That substance smelled like a thousand flowers and Patricia felt confident and brave and strong.
--Follow me linda...we are late come on--said Mr. Forero and she followed him.
They got to a metal door, Patricia guessed it was another kind of lift, and they waited until it was open. Then Mr. Forero kissed Patricia good bye and told her to pick her black hair in a bun at the back of her head, he gave her a soft black mesh to keep her hair in place and he then gently pushed her inside. Patricia was right, it had to be some sort of a lift, it was a small cabin walled with full frame mirrors. The door was locked and the cabin began to move slowly.
--citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown be welcomed to the critical protocols room. From now on the length of the procedures highly depends on your kind help and cooperation--went the voice over the speakers. It stroke Patricia, in spite of the manners and nice treatment she was in prison, she had been somehow sentenced to Oblivia, and what this critical protocols room might be about was not a difficult guess. There was some sort of a shiny metal bascule standing in the middle of the room, it looked like an adult sized cylinder split in two halves and the flat half of it had some kind of lid for the feet at the bottom.
Patricia shivered a bit and bit her lower lip, it was not difficult to know what was going to happen. She was scared but she managed to get herself together, it was not the time for her to let the system know she's finally broken.
--Citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown please be so kind as to walk to the device in the middle of the room--went the voice over the speakers. Patricia made a gesture with her lips and began to move to the device.
--Please stand with your torso against the tray and put your arms to your sides and close to your body Citizen Patricia--went the voice over the speakers and the rounded half of the device locked in as soon as Patricia was in place, wrapping her up in a shiny metal tube. The tray Patricia was standing against had some sort of a piece to keep her chin in place. The rounded half of the device gently pressed Patricia against the tray forcing her to put her chin into the piece, her head was immobilized.
Patricia's shins, upper shoulders and head were the only parts visible at both ends of the metal tube, her shoulders and shins looking good in tight light blue jean Canadian tuxedo. Patico, as her dear college friends used to call her back in the good old days, had managed to control herself so far but she bursted into tears as the bascule slowly went from standing to an horizontal position leaving Patricia just some centimeters above the ground. It was impossible to move her arms lying as she was so all she could do was tensing her legs in an emotional state of agony.
--No, no...why me why me...no...no--sobbed Patricia as the bascule got to its lying position.
--Citizen Patricia Eliana Caballero Brown NUIP 00429 secured in place, critical protocol 44 starts in 5...4...3...--went the voice over the speakers
--NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!--screams Patico, the countdown reached zero and suddenly everything turned to black and she felt gradually numb after something metallic had hit the base of her head, it's difficult to breathe and Patricia became unconscious.
--NUIP 00429 vacated--went the voice over the speakers--NUIP 00429 cleared for issuing--went the voice over the speakers just seconds later
It was a precise hit, the blow had been enough to severe Patricia's second and third vertebrae without damaging her fair skin. Her lovely neck had been cleanly broken and death came some 30 seconds after the fatal blow had been administered. Now Patricia Eliana rests at The Garden of Silence, encased in a crystal like stone laid over a shiny dark stone with golden pieces gleaming in the sun of Oblivia. Patico looks calm and peaceful as if she was asleep, she looks hot in her well-fitting light blue Canadian tuxedo in spite of all the time that has passed.
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Forum > Public / Stories > Risky sport