Execution of Anna Lindquist 14
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This is my latest account of the demise of the lady who just loves getting a hair cut. At her request it is based on the execution scenes in Babylon Berlin

Execution of Anna Linndquist 14


Anna Lindquist watched from her cell window as the workmen assembled the scaffold in the prison yard. It didn’t take them long as it consisted of only of a low platform with two steps leading up to it, a bench like table, a wooden block & a basket

It was late summer in 1929 in Berlin & Anna was on death row in Spandau prison. She had been convicted & sentenced to death for the murder of her lover Greta Schmidt. When Greta had told her their affair was over the thirty five year old Danish woman had flown into a rage & stabbed her lover a dozen times with a bread knife.

The trial had been short, the outcome verdict & sentence inevitable – guilty of murder & death by decapitation. The scaffold she watched wasn’t for her – yet. Another execution was planned for the next day. Her date with the headsman was still a week away

Anna turned to the two female guards who were with her in the cell & asked her voice trembling slightly. “What will they do to me? How is it actually done?”

Helga & Marguerite the two prison officers looked at each other & Helga replied, “On the morning of your execution you will be given a long prison smock to wear, no underwear is permitted. Your hair will be cut short at the back. You will be taken out into the yard to the scaffold. Once you are on the platform your sentence will be read out & you will be asked if you have any last words. You will be blindfolded & then be laid out on the bench table. Officers will be holding your legs & arms. Then the executioner will cut off your head with a single blow of his axe”

As she spoke Helga crossed her stockinged legs beneath her black uniform skirt as she felt the familiar tingling growing in her groin & her panties beginning to moisten. Marguerite did the same as she too felt her excitement grow. Both young women were lesbians with a touch of sadism in their sexuality & they loved it when they were assigned to a condemned prisoner on death row

Anna whimpered & her hand went to her neck


The next morning Anna listened in horror to the prisoner in the next cell being prepared for death. The young attractive blonde sobbed, screamed & struggled as she was dragged from her cell, down the corridor & out into the yard. The Danish woman, Helga & Marguerite went to the cell window & looked on as the doomed prisoner was half-carried across the yard & up the steps to the scaffold platform. She fell to her knees pleading for mercy as the sentence was read.

The four female prison officers who were on the platform raised the trembling shrieking girl to her feet & placed her on the bench table. They each took firm hold of an arm & leg fixing the wriggling prisoner in position.

The executioner resplendent in his top hat, tails & white gloves took his razor- sharp axe from its case. He went & stood next to the prostrate wailing prisoner, lifted the axe above his head & brought it crashing down silencing his victim for ever. The severed head dropped neatly into the basket & blood pumped from the truncated neck

Anna closed her eyes & sobbed quietly while Helga & Marguerite’s eyes glistened & they licked their lips. The crotches of both guards’ panties were by this stage very damp


The next day Anna was lying on her bed trying not to think about her fate. She sighed & said “Oh God! I can’t bear this!”

Marguerite smiled & said “You need something to distract you Anna”

The prisoner looked at her & asked “What do you suggest?”

Marguerite continued, “Well what seems to help condemned women is a little bit of self- stimulation, if you know what I mean?”

Anna replied, “I know what you mean, but is it allowed?”

Helga said, “Part of our job is to try & keep you calm & if pleasuring yourself helps then we have no objection”

She looked at her colleague & asked “Isn’t that right Marguerite?”

The two guards smiled at each other & then looked encouragingly at Anna

The Danish prisoner closed her eyes & through her prison uniform started to rub her breasts with one hand while caressing her groin with the other

The two guards pressed their thighs together & sat back to enjoy the show

Anna’s breathing deepened. She slipped one of her hands inside the top of her prison top & began to gently tweak & rub her nipples while she lifted up the front of her skirt with the other hand & burrowed her fingers inside the crotch of her panties.

Anna groaned as she massaged her clitoris. To her surprise she found herself becoming aroused very quickly. The prospect of imminent death seemed to have heightened her senses & she relished the feelings starting to course through her even more than usual

By now Helga & Marguerite had also lifted up their skirts & were fingering their very wet pussies beneath their panties

After five minutes Anna moaned loudly & said, “Oh God! I’m coming”. Her body trembled & shuddered as her orgasm swept through her

The sight & sound of the prisoner’s climax brought on the guards’ orgasms & they too groaned in pleasure as their juices flowed from their vaginas soaking their fingers.

The rest of the week seemed to pass all too quickly for Anna. The only thing that took her mind off her date with the axe was the sexual activity she engaged in in her cell. Over these few days this developed & soon Helga & Marguerite were taking it in turns to bury their thrusting tongues inside Anna’s glistening pussy while the other officer furiously finger fucked herself

The two women guards found making love to a doomed woman very exciting. In their own way they grew quite fond of Anna however not to the extent that stopped relishing the prospect of her upcoming execution


It is the morning of Anna’s execution. Helga & Marguerite have brought with them a pair of scissors, two mirrors & a floor length cream smock with a low neck at the back

Anna sits in a chair weeping silently & shivering as Helga starts to cut her hair at the back

As the prisoner’s slightly greying blonde locks fall to the floor the pale alabaster nape of her neck becomes more visible. Helga gently rubs the back of Anna’s neck. She knows from their lovemaking that this part of her body is very sensitive.

The guard whispers in her ear. “You do have a nice neck my dear. I will miss caressing it, listening to you moan & feel you squirming in pleasure”

Helga pauses & looks at Marguerite & says “Such a pity it is to be severed by an axe”

Anna whimpers her hand involuntarily touching her neck

The crotches of the two guard panties under their black skirts begin to dampen

Once Helga is finished she gives one mirror to the prisoner & holds the other one behind her head to enable Anna to inspect her last ever haircut

The Danish woman cries helplessly as she looks at the pale skin of her trembling neck now free of hair

The guards then help the terrified woman change into the long cream smock, as per regulations she isn’t given any underwear.

Just as they are finishing dressing Anna the three women hear noises coming from the yard.

Marguerite goes to the window & sees the execution party consisting of the executioner in his top hat, tails & white gloves carrying his deadly axe in its case, the Prison Governor, a priest & two female prison officers approaching the scaffold

She turns & says to the prisoner, “It is time Anna. You need to come with us”

The condemned women continues to sob as her two guards take firm hold of each of her arms. They lead her from the cell, down the death row corridor & out into the prison yard.

Anna’s legs fail her when she sees the scaffold & the waiting execution party

She falls to her knees wailing “Oh God I don’t want to die! Please have mercy! Oh God! Oh God!”

Helga & Marguerite lift the terrified prisoner to her feet & the three continue remorselessly on their journey. The two guards find the sounds of terror & the violent trembling of their prisoner very stimulating. More of their juices seep from their pussies into their panties

Once they have climbed the steps to the platform Helga & Marguerite continue to keep a firm hold of Anna as the Prison Governor reads the sentence, “Anna Lindquist you have been found guilty of the brutal murder of Greta Schmidt. For this crime you have been sentenced to death. Do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out”.

The condemned can only woman whimper “No! No! No!”

The Governor nods to the headsman who goes to the case to get his axe. As is always the case with a female execution by this stage his cock his rock hard & sperm is seeping from it’s tip into his underwear

The two other prison guards on the platform step forward & tie a blindfold round Anna’s head

They then pull the prisoner onto the bench table with each of them keeping a hold onto one of her arms.

Helga & Marguerite step forward & each grab one of the prisoner’s legs

All is now ready

The mewls of pure terror coming from Anna, the feel of her shaking legs in their hands & the sight of her shapely bottom quivering against the now tightly pulled smock arouse Helga & Marguerite even more. They grind their teeth to hold off their approaching orgasms

The executioner steps forward & stands next to prisoner laid out before him. He slowly lifts the axe above his head & pauses savouring the moment. He now knows how to time it just right, he can feel his seed just about to spurt from his massive erection.

The headsman brings the axe crashing down beheading the prisoner with one blow. Anna’s head falls into basket & her body goes limp

Semen pulses from the executioner’s throbbing cock flooding his underpants

Helga & Marguerite bite their lips & tremble as their climaxes rush through them

Justice has been done!

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