short tales
Forum Home > Public : Stories > short talesSitami and Anne were captured. After a short trial they are sentenced to the only possible punishment: to death for plotting against the Crown. They will be beheaded.
I wear a long and heavy blue dress, well low-cut to allow the executioner to do his duty without problems. In order to not to have to tremble from the cold I wear my long black thigh-high boots.
A stage has been erected in the middle of the castle's large forecourt. Exactly in the center is placed a polished wooden block and little more under a basket. Around a lot of straw. It's snowed for all night and now it's very cold .
Sitami arrives wrapped in a long dress as dark as night, almost black, but despite the well-discovered cold at shoulder height. Evidently... to facilitate the executioner's work. She walks proudly on the high black boots that, as you can see, bandages her legs up to mid-thigh.
Sitami has not been told that her friend Anne will also be beheaded. For her, however, there will not be a so painless execution as for Sitami...
I put my head on the stump. I have a little difficulty settling down as my breasts clutter up a little. I stretch my neck well and support my chin in the incave. It's cold. In front of me the square is covered with snow. I look forward to the crowd watching and wait for the fatal blow that will behead me in a moment. Before laying on the block I asked the executioner if the beheading is painful and he told me not to worry, that I will not feel any pain.
The executioner drops the axe. "Ooouuununnnggghhhhh......" The axe cuts off Sitami's head, which, rolling in the basket below, stopping upside down, showing the audience the macabre vision of the lower part cut by the blade. From the neck cut off, a lot of blood spurts around coloring the white fallen snow with a deep red.
The blade penetrates my flesh, I hear it cutting deep. When the blade cuts my spine for a fraction of a second I feel a very strong pain, a terrible flash. I can't resist, I scream... "Ooouuunnnggghhhhh......" The world suddenly revolves around as if I had fallen down the stairs. Then everything stops. In front of my eyes now is my headless body from which two copious jets of blood come out. The cut is very wide... I don't have a thin neck...
I see the executioner removing the axe that took place of my head. My decapitated body is motionless. Now a torrent of blood comes out of my severed neck, pulsating in two arched jets. A huge circular cut took the place of my neck. He grabs me by the hair: it's time for my head to be exposed. I almost feel dizzy when the executioner raises my head I feel very high, like on the summit of a very steep mountain... I see the effects of my beheading: a red line, which starts from my severed neck, and more than a meter long, dramatically colors the snow.
While Sitami's head is on public display, the executioner prepares to behead Anne:
He grabs Anne by the hair, pulls her head back and exposes her neck: he begins to saw her head slowly but firmly with a knife. He pulls her back by the hair so he can behead her head without getting dirty... Mnngff mnggfff unngff gmnnnf ... moans Anne in sever pain, while the long blade comes in and out out sawing her neck.
The last thing I see is a jet of blood splashing high on Anne's face the moment the executioner's blade came in almost halfway through Anne's neck...
2nd.TALE -
I'm looking in the mirror. My look is flawless. I'm wearing a tight black dress, knee-length. Like black and shiny, are my platform boots, heel 14.
I'm ready. For my execution. I'm going to be executed in next few minutes. More precisely guillotined, as I personally chose. The alternative was to be hanged but on the suggestion of another condemned woman - she has now lost her head few months ago - I chose beheading, faster and less painful. And then I consider it much more dignifying and also... a little regal, after all Marie Antoinette was beheaded and not hung like a salami. Finally I must confess my secret desire... the idea of being publicly beheaded excites me a lot. From what it seems then the guillotine is a masterpiece of technology: full made in titanium and with a blade very shiny and, above all, sharp as a razor.
I agreed that the execution was filmed.
Having short hair there is no need to shorten them. Before proceeding they give me painkiller, "You never know" so they tell me. Curious, they're going to cut off my head soon and worry I don't feel any pain.
About twenty people are watching my beheading. Quickly I an tied to the mobile platform
The painkiller is having an effect because I feel a little drunk.
I struggle a bit to fix my neck on the lunette, it's a fairly narrower one of my neck and I press a little against my chin. By the way I am also a little fat as I have difficulty lying down and consequently to rest my head where the blade should fall.
Having an oblique shape the blade does not cut evenly but begins to cut first from the right side and then ends from the left. When the blade cuts off her spine Sitami struggled a little, immediately stopped by the straps holding her body to the mobile board. At the moment when the blade is about halfway through the neck a thin but copious jet of blood splashes from the cut between the wound and the blade, a sign that the first artery has been cut, followed, almost at the end of the stroke by a second intense almost vertical jet on the left side of the neck. The other artery has also been severed. Finally, Sitami's head falls. A river of blood comes out of the decapitated body and splashes high on the back of the blade, like a small fountain, smearing part of Sitami's body and partly splashing on the floor of the hall.
The executioner, a young woman in her fourty, grabs Sitami's head and gently places it on a shelf, leaning it to the side.
I'm still stunned. I see that they move the mobile board backwards: on it a body of decapitated woman dressed elegantly, with a beautiful pair of boots. As soon as they separate only a little the body from the blade, two jets of pulsating blood come out of where the head used to be. They raise the sharp cleaver, still dripping... on it stands a red design as done by an impressionist...
Reminds me of the water pipe that broke last week at home. What a silly thought... I never thought a beheading could be so bloody. Aftrer a while i realized what happend to me...
The blade cut off my head perfectly, cutting my tattoo in half. A year ago, for a Halloween party, I had my neck section drawn, complete with a spine, trachea and esophagus in plain sight. My friend Anne, who is a doctor, had explained to me -- and drawn -- all the anatomy. This image is now here in front of me, only it's not makeup for Halloween but it's me, real. From the two truncated arteries gushing, pulsating, blood. With bloodshed like in horror movies. The scene is terrible but at the same time I feel like Queen Marie Antoinette and the image of my decapitated body from which the blood still gushes excites me.
Sitami is still conscious, opens and closes her mouth rhythmically and her eyes wander blindly until they almost open with her open mouth when the executiones passes in front of the table. With no doubt she must have seen herself beheaded on that table.
Finally the executioner - leaved alone with her assistant - begin to take a picture of Sitami's boots. "Beautiful these Gucci boots, they are high as I like. If I find them tomorrow, I'm going to buy them too." "But be careful not to lose your head for them." replied her assistant. "Ha ha ha."
That's the last thing I heard before everything goes black.

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