Gas Chamber stories 14:The accidental executions of 2 porn queens
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This one was written by request from a fan:

“We’ve got a very big problem,” the producer Reginald Smutt said as he talked to the director Dirk Dirtman. “Our two Porno Queens Eva and Holly Maire were at a party and the governor, the mayor and a senator was there. The airheads saw them with some cocaine and they want to keep it quiet since the election is coming up. He has friends with big connection of the not so legal nature and the tramps saw some of their activity as well. Both of them were high on something but we can’t take any chances. The governor and his friends want both of them out of the way.”
“Relax, I have just the script and the place to do it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, and I also have connections with the DOC. We can rent San Quentin for a few days and what they think will be an execution scene will be an actual execution. The screenplay is called, “The Two Nasty Girls on Death Row.”
“Brilliant, but how are we going to get the prison to go along?”
“First phase is to rent the prison. Second, we get some of their people substituted with some of ours that way no one there knows what is actually going on. Third, we make the prison believe that they are practicing for an actual execution and finally, we make sure that the cyanide and acid are in place and not the dummy stuff.”
“Can you get it done?”
“Of course. Just look at the ratings the movie will have once it hits the public. This will sell like hotcakes. Besides, it will all just be an accident according to us and the state officials.”
“Great, put the plan in to works.”
“Consider it done.”
Three weeks later the film crew arrived at the rented prison and started to set up as several guards helped them. A van brought Eva and Holly Marie to the prison. The film inside the van captured them in a scene where they were dressed in their orange jumpsuits, trying to seduce the guards who surrounded them. “Give me one last ride!” Holly Marie shouted as she did it with two of the guards. “Let me get a taste of heaven,” Eva said as she and the other two guards got it on.”
“Are you getting all of this,” the producer asked as he watched the scene in real time on his laptop.
“Getting it all,” the director answered. “They just think they’re doing another porno movie.”
“Prefect, just perfect. It’ll all look like bad communication and a horrible accident. That’s what the investigation will show. Who’s going to cry over two dead porno starts? Most of the prison staff don’t even know what’s going on and those who do will not say a word.”
Eva and Holly Marie were placed in adjacent only a few yards from the gas chamber. As they entered the cells their shoes were taken from them, leaving them in their white socks as the cameras rolled.
They looked at each other from the opposite sides of the cell block with their cells facing each other. “Do I get a last wish?” Holly Marie asked.
Eva let out a sinister laugh, “We wish not to die.”
“That’s one you can’t get,” a woman in a guard’s uniform said as she unlocked Holly Marie’s cell door to allow a priest to enter.
“Do you wish to confess?” He asked.
“Yes, I do,” Eva said as she dropped to her knees and started to unzip the priest pants.
“My child! No! I’m here to help you save your soul!” He then backed up and rezipped his pants. “I’m here to help you redeem your soul, not to satisfy the desires of your flesh in your final hours!” The priest looked at the female guard, “Please open the door.” As he left the cell he turned to Eva and Holly Marie, “I will pray that you will see it on your heart to ask for redemption before it’s too late.”
A few minutes later two guards entered each cell, each carrying a change of clothing. “Strip, everything off,” was the order they delivered to both Eva and Holly Marie.
Slowly each one of them removed her clothing and placed it on the floor. Soon, they were naked as nurses entered their cells and started strapping the stethoscope harnesses to their bodies.
“Yes, yes,” Eva said as she felt the harness tighten against her body.
“Oooo, that’s cold,” Holly Marie said with a giggle as the metal stethoscope touched her skin.
The guards then handed Evan and Holly Marie a pair of dark blue pants and a white button up shirt. “Put these on,” one of the guards ordered.
“Anything you say,” Holly Marie replied as she slid the pants over her legs.
“A little over dressed for the part,” Eva said as she buttoned the shirt around the stethoscope tube.
Each was handed a rubber band. Holly Marie put her hair in a ponytail while Eva placed hers in a bun.
The nurses and guards left the cells and the door were shut, leaving Eva and Holly Marie alone in their cells. As guards rolls a runner rug out from the cells to the gas chamber.
“Something’s not right,” Holly Marie said. “We should have already had the executioner in here exercising his rite of screwing us. We should be butt naked right now.”
“They’ll be screwing us right at the door of the chamber, probably even as they strap us in the chairs. Remember to act like you’re struggling as they use the dry ice.”
Another group of guards appeared as well as the priest who stood in the background and kept his distance from Eva and Holly Marie. The doors to both cells were opened and two guards entered each cell. One grabbed Holly Marie by her shoulder and led her out of the cell. They turned her to her right and walked her down the hallway toward the gas chamber.
As Holly Marie reached the door and entered the chamber the other guards escorted Eva from her cell. As she reached the chamber Holly Marie was already firmly strapped in the chair to the left of the door. “Over here,” one of the guards said as she pointed to the chair on the right. “Turn around and sit down.”
“Anything you say,” Eva said as she took her seat in the big, hard, metal chair and the guards started to adjust straps over her body and then connect the stethoscope. “This bunch if very dull, I was expecting a lot more,” she said as the door slammed shut and the sound of the wheel being turned to seal it sounded throughout the chamber.
“I don’t think they’re part of the movie,” Holly Marie said in a trembling voice. “They’re really going to execute us as the cameras roll, they’re making a snuff movie and we’re about to be snuffed.”
“Relax, it’s all part of the film. They will come in and get us in a second and then we’ll do our thing right her in the gas chamber.”
“What was that?” Holly Marie asked as she heard the sound of the acid/water solution gurgling through the pipes that drained into the mixing vats beneath their chairs.
“It’s just to make it realistic,” Eva replied as the arms that held the cyanide pellets in cheese cloth sacks lowered, submerging them into the acid.
“That’s not dry ice! Do you smell that smell? That’s real gas, we’re dead!” Holly Marie screamed.
“Shit, you’re right, they are making a snuff movie. What do we do?”
“We’re dead, just breath and it won’t be as bad. Count to ten and breath,” Holly Marie said. “I’ve seen it in the movies.” She held her breath, closed her eyes and then started counting to ten before she started to take several deep breaths.
“Get me out of here!” Eva screamed. “Reginald, you dirty bastard! You’re going to make money off killing me!”
As Holly Marie’s head nodded back and forth and then fell forward Eva started to hold her breath as long as she could. Then the gas hit her full force. Her head shot back with open eyes starring at the ceiling of the chamber and her mouth opened wide as she gasped for air. Her body became rigid and her toes curled downward as she arched against the straps. Suddenly, her rigid body started to convulse violently. Her head shook rapidly back and forth as her fingers and toes spread. Her convulsions continued for nearly a full minute before they slowly eased. As her body relaxed her head fell backwards with her icy stare looking straight up at the ceiling of the chamber.
Within minutes all the local TV stations were reporting the accidental executions of the two popular porn queens. One station managed to get footage of the two bodies, covered in sheets being removed from the prison.
Well it's a tragic story...maybe the next stars and porn queens are less prone to go to parties. Nice story
A wonderful story. One of the best I ever read.

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