The triangle killer
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It was 3:00 AM in the morning when I arrived at the prison after a long drive from the capitol. The guards checked my papers and allowed me to enter with escort to my quarters for the next couple of days. I went into my rooms, undressed and took a shower. By that time, it was 4:00 AM, and I was supposed to meet the warden and his staff at 8:30 AM. I retired and slept until 7:00 AM at which time I got up and was escorted to the mess hall for breakfast. The servers seemed to know who I was and what purpose I was there for and said extraordinarily little to me except to ask me for my food requests. I ate and was escorted back to my room. I rested on my bed reading the newspaper waiting for my escort to come and get me for the meeting.
The newspaper headlines blared out, “LOVE TRIANGLE KILLER TO HANG Tuesday.” I began to read the column with interest for my purpose for being at the prison was to hang the Love Triangle Murderess as she was called.
My escort arrived and took me to the Warden’s Office where a small group of men and two women sat around a large table. I was introduced to the people around the table, The Warden, The assistant Warden, the Captain of the guard, a female lieutenant, and a female sergeant. Only the warden had officiated at an execution before and he wanted me to run the group through the process.
I started with the death watch where the prisoner is moved from death row to the condemned cell, and a guard is with her from that time on up until the execution.
I broke down the medical issues such as using an enema and a rectally inserted Tampon shortly before taking the condemned out and walked or carried to the execution chamber. Then the binding, and all those involved except the condemned clearing the trap and pulling the leaver.
I explained the drop in which it was necessary for me to measure and weigh the condemned so the drop would snap the spinal cord cleanly. I requested an RN be present before, during and after the execution.
Next, I requested to see the prisoner for the purpose of weighing her, and to check the clothing she would be wearing during the execution. Then I wanted to check out the execution chamber and make sure that the trap was in working order and see how it was set up as I had never used the gallows at this prison before.
I was led to death row and walked down the corridor checking the distance from the cells to the condemned cell. There was only the condemned in a cell, and a black curtain had been drawn across the bars so she could not see out. I walked by the cell, and on to the condemned cell which was just outside the execution chamber.
I noted that the distance from two condemned cells to the gallows trap was seventy-five feet. I then checked out the gallows and found the trap It was 3:00 AM in the morning when I arrived at the prison after a long drive from the capitol.
The guards checked my papers and allowed me to enter with escort to my quarters for the next couple of days. I went into my rooms, undressed and took a shower. By that time, it was 4:00 AM, and I was supposed to meet the warden and his staff at 8:30 AM.
I retired and slept until 7:00 AM at which time I got up and was escorted to the mess hall for breakfast.
The staff in the mess hall seemed to know why I was there and seemed uneasy, only speaking to me when I placed my breakfast order, I was used to it and I began eating.
When I had finished I asked my escort to take me to the death row section so I could evaluate the prisoners demeaner take her height and make sure thing were ready for Tuesday morning.
I was led to death row and walked down the corridor checking the distance from the cells to the condemned cell. There was only the condemned in a cell, and a black curtain had been drawn across the bars so she could not see out. I walked by the cell, and on to the condemned cell which was just outside the execution chamber.
I noted that the distance from two condemned cells to the gallows trap was seventy-five feet. I then checked out the gallows and found the trap and drop lever in good working order.
Then I asked one of the female officers to take me to the condemned inmate.
The Wardress took me to the cell door, and I looked in at a small female in her late thirties. When she saw me, she walked to the cell door and looked at me with a quizzical look on her face. The wardress said, “Elaine, this is Mister Johnson, he is here to take some vital signs such as your, height, and a few other vital statistics.
I knew she was trying to avoid using the words executioner, or hangman and looking into the girl’s eyes it was easy to see that she had figured it out.
She sort of trembled as the door was opened and she began to step back. I stepped toward her, reaching for her elbow, and grasped it stopping her backward motion. I advised her to remain calm and that I just needed to get her height and weight.
She still stood still and stood there trembling. I took my rigid tape and obtained a measurement of 5’2” in height. She remained rigid as I circled her and put a clothe tape around her to measure her shoulders, hips, then her waist As I moved the tape to her shoulders, I accidently brushed my hands against her ample breasts which had been concealed by her baggy nondescript clothing.
“Sorry,” I blurted out. She quivered again, smiled slightly, and mouthed the word “okay.”
I looked to see if the Wardress had noticed, but she was taking in some activity in the hallway. I finished my measurements and then stepped back from the young lady that I suddenly felt a twinge of sorrow for.
I looked over the wardress’s shoulder and observed that she was watching a large black bird walking up the hallway toward the condemned cell. The officer turned sheet white, and whispered, “A Raven, don’t let her see it, it is the harbinger of death. “
I stood there for a moment, and then I shouted, “shoo bird, get out of here!” The Raven stopped in the hallway in front of the death cell and stared curiously inside at the three of us.
The prisoner did not see the significance of it, and chuckled, “Big Black Bird.”
The Raven stood there a few more moments, staring at us and then walked a few feet past the cell, and flew off down the corridor to one of the barred doors and out into the morning sky.
(Elaine’s version of events.)
I watched the bird as it flew away, I could hear its cawing fade as I assumed it had flown off.
I asked Mr. Johnson what would be happening to me, he simply said the Wardess will explain everything to you, and he disappeared down the corridor.
I assumed he knew but it was probably easier on him for a female to explain to another female what would transpire from here on in.
I immediately noticed the Wardess was like me in her stockinged feet.
"Oh mame, why are you not wearing any shoes?"
" Well Elaine, it's part of security protocol, you see our shoes can be used as weapons against us so for our own safety we are required to work with condemned females in our stockinged feet"
I pondered this for a moment. It made sense I could imagine females using whatever means to do anything to avoid the inevitable.
"Thank you for your honesty, makes sense to me now and it looks much more comfortable."
"Oh, it is dear and much quieter, we like it quiet to keep the girls calm, and in some small way it at times comforts the girls as we like they, have to be in our stocking feet."
" What happens now I asked."
"Well first off Elaine my name is Mary I will be overseeing your preparations before your execution dear."
Preparations, the words rang in my ears as had the judges "to be hanged by the neck until you are dead" the gravity of my situation struck home like a sledgehammer.
" Oh, what are you going to do to me?" I felt my shoulders begin to shake in anticipation of the response hoping it would not be too unpleasant.
"Well dear shortly two female guards will arrive, and we will have to put you in a straight jacket to prevent you from harming your self you are now officially on a suicide watch, we don’t want any incidents before your date with Mr. Johnson."
"Oh my God you mean I will have to be tied up for the remainder of my time? How do you expect me to eat and go to the bathroom?" I began to weep at the thought of being bound in my stockinged feet till I would be led to the gallows.
"Don’t worry dear we will feed you and wipe you when required a female staff member will be with you 24 hours a day from now on." Mary explained. " After you are fitted with the straight jacket, we will have to cut away the back of your leotards. It will make things easier dear." She cooed.
"Easier?! easier for what?" I asked. I could hear the fear in my own voice trying to figure out why my backside had to be exposed.
"For the nurse sweetie."
"The nurse? I do not need a nurse. I feel fine, oh my God what’s the nurse going to do to me?"
" she will be bringing a set of scales Mr. Johnson needs us to record your weight dear it's so he can determine the length of the drop to ensure a quick.......she hesitated. "Death," I said. Mary nodded. I can save you the trouble. I weigh 146 pounds."
"Sorry honey we have to have it officially recorded. I'm sure you are right, but we have to document everything for the record."
I walked over to my bunk and sat down. The information left no doubt in my mind that I would be hanged and had no idea why all this was necessary.
Mary continued, "after we have your weight the nurse will be giving you a suppository, you will be receiving one three times a day, it’s to make sure your weight doesn't fluctuate otherwise Mr. Johnson will have to recalculate everything.
"Oh my god! you mean rectal suppositories? that's why you are going to cut the back of my leotards out isn't it?"
"Yes, dear and a few hours before your date with Mr. Johnson she will also be giving you an enema and inserting a rectal plug or tampon to prevent any accidents on the scaffold.
"Oh, please not an enema!!!" I moaned.
"Sorry Hun it's a requirement I’m sorry it won't be so bad she gave me one just the other day when I was constipated, she's very gentle just remember to wiggle your stocking toes when she inserts the nozzle it will make it much easier on you."
I looked down at Mary's feet, her legs were encased in a pair of rather large black leotards. Her toes began to wiggle under the material. I felt my own stockinged toes begin to point and flex under the material of my leotards. "Oh my God I am going to be given an enema" I sobbed.
"yes, another regulation Elain I'm sorry, but it will be required dear don't worry it will be over quickly, and like I said June is very gentle don't worry about it, it will be fine sweetie."
"Oh, Mary I'm sorry I just had no idea what a hanging involved, and I am very scared I don't want to die like this oh please Jesus save me I wept."
I jumped as I heard the door at the end of the corridor open and close but heard no footsteps, two uniformed females appeared at my door one carried a white heavy white canvas and leather garment.
" God are they going to tie me up now?" I asked, noticing Mary had told the truth both ladies were in stocking feet. I put my feet on my bunk and pressed my back against the cinderblock wall as they unlocked the door and stepped inside.
"Yes dear, it's time please stand up for me and extend your arms."
I realized resisting would be of no benefit to me and slowly I slid to the edge of my bunk placing my stocking feet on the cool concrete floor, and slowly rose trying to by a few more seconds of freedom.
I began to weep as I raised my arms in front of me one of the guards took my arm and guided me to the center of the cell as the other opened the garment Mary took one side as did the other woman and slipped the arms of the garment over my arms.
"Cross your arms for me Elaine." said Mary in a stern commanding voice. I crossed my arms as the other guard went behind me taking the flaps behind me pulling them tight and securing them with buckles that were at the back of the garment, I tested my bonds and found my arms were locked crossed in front of me. next with one guard on each side of me I was guided to my bunk and placed face down, I watched as one of the ladies produced a pair of scissors from a sheath on her belt and felt a hand on my leotarded bottom, the material was stretched and I heard the scissors begin to cut the material when it was removed I felt the cool air on my now exposed buttocks I buried my face in my pillow and sobbed at this humiliating course of events. then I felt one of them I assume was Mary pat my cheeks "There we go sweetie all done the nurse will be here shortly would you like to sit up?"
I looked up and was helped to a sitting position. again, I jumped as I heard the door open and waited for the nurse, who I assumed was also in stocking feet.
I did not have to wait long as she appeared at the door with a portable scale in her hands. She wore a traditional white nurse’s dress; her legs were encased in a pair of wrinkled white leotards and she was in stockinged feet. she stepped into the cell and placed the scale on the floor and stood up.
With a wide smile she said.
"Hi Elaine, I'm June I’m going to be your nurse, now be a good girl just step on the scale for me she produced a clipboard from where I don't know perhaps Mary had it all the time. I was helped to a standing position and guided to the scale which I gently stepped on looking down to see what I did weigh. "137 June said as she recorded the weight.
"Well, Hun you weigh less than you thought."
"Oh, that's just wonderful," I said sarcastically. I had not realized my diet in jail had caused me to drop my weight but did not complain, I stepped off the scale and waited for what was to come next.
"Mr. Johnson might have to use weights I'm afraid." June said.
"What?! weights? what do you mean I moaned not understanding what was being talked about.
"Well Hun you fall under the minimum weight for your height and Mr. J will probably have to tie weight on your ankles at the scaffold to ensure a clean break."
"Oh, I see, that means no suppositories then? I asked hopefully.
"I'm afraid not sweetie, you will have three suppositories inserted for the next day and did Mary tell you I will be giving you an enema on the day....
"Yes yes! she said I have to have an enema before you take me to the gallows I snapped.
"Ok Elaine it's time for your suppository Hun don't worry it will be fine." June smiled as I was placed on my back. June produced a collar attached to a leash looking thing with a buckled strap on the end, the collar was placed over my head and I felt my legs being raised towards my chest. The strap was placed under my knees and secured leaving me totally exposed, my head was slightly elevated, and I commented "Oh god! this is so embarrassing oh please Joan dont do this to me." I pleaded.
"Don't worry sweetie, I have just the thing to prevent embarrassment." I watched as she opened a black cloth and placed it over my eyes blindfolding me.
"Oh my god oh please Joan I can't see don’t do this to me I'm sorry."
"It's OK sweetie it's better this way." Joan cooed in a soothing voice. I heard a package being opened and something at my exposed rectum it was a gloved finger. "Now be a good girl and wiggle your toes for me, you're going to feel my finger. It's just a little lubrication honey.
I moaned loudly as her finger entered my waiting rectum, my stockinged toes pointed and flexed at this intrusion. I shook my head and wept. Next the suppository was placed at my rectum and pushed in just past the sphincter, as I pointed and flexed my toes, I felt it slip into my anus.
The straps were undone, and my legs slid down to their normal position. My toes continued to point and flex, trying to get used to the foreign object.
Before I could say anything, I felt warm lips being pressed against mine I opened my mouth, and a hot tongue was slipped in. I moaned as the kiss continued for some time and I heard a whisper in my ear you were such a good girl, and this is your reward.
"Thank you,'' I replied, and I felt the blindfold being removed.
I squinted as the bright overhead light assaulted my pupils as they slowly focused. I was sat up and guided to the toilet my leotards were lowered as was I onto the cold metal seat my feet were lifted and tied together as I waited for the suppository to do its work.
When I had emptied my self, my feet were untied, and I was led back to my bunk Joan sat beside me and we kissed.
“now that wasn’t so bad was it?” “No, I whispered and pressed my lips again over hers.
Monday night around midnight Joan left my cell as the matron padded in to take her place.
“Where is she going?” I asked. It time for your enema dear Mr. Johnson is preparing the gallows and he will be down to get you in a while.”
“Oh my God!” its really going to happen isn’t it?” I sobbed.
“Yes, Hun it is it will be alright it will be over quickly you won’t feel anything.”
“Will you be with me?” I asked through tear-stained eyes.
“yes, sweetie and Joan will also be going with us she has to go at Mr. Johnsons request.”
I strained against my straight jacket and my toes wiggled nervously.
“Now now don’t get your self all worked up honey we will take care of everything.”
Thoughts were racing though my head will I be the right weight? Who will be watching? What will Mr. Johnson do to me? Will we all be in stocking feet? Will it take long? Will it hurt? My mind raced could my questions be answered.
I heard the door at the end of the corridor open and continued to weep as Joan appeared at the door holding a large enema bag and a satchel I looked down and she was still in stocking feet I watched as she hung the bag on the bars and undid the long black hose.
“Ok baby its time.” Once again, I was laid on my back and the harness was applied bringing up my knees to my chest I watched as Joan snapped open a black satin hood and approached me.
“Oh, where’s the blindfold?” I asked. The hood looked familiar I had seen people in the movies being hanged and a similar hood was put over their heads.
“Its OK dear this is the hood you will have to wear we thought you should get used to it now since your time is running short.”
With that the hood was drawn over my head I could see nothing I turned my head from side to side I could feel the material expand and contract of my mouth and nose as I took deep breathes knowing what was to come.
“Oh, Joan I’m going to have an enema.” I cried as I felt Joan’s finger at my rectum for perhaps the last time.
She slowly inserted it and moved it around it was not unpleasant, she withdrew it and I felt something large begin to fill my anus it was long and when it was in something began to press inside me.
“Oh oh oh what are you doing to me?” my toes curled and flexed nervously.
“Don’t worry baby it’s a little balloon just don’t want any leaks sweetie.” Then I heard the clamp snap, and I began to fill with a burning soapy liquid. “Oh, Oh please I can’t take it oh please that enough.” I begged.
“the flow stopped as I felt a hand pat my belly. “Ok dear we can stop for a bit. When I had settled down, she asked if I was ready to continue. I nodded and the flow began again, someone was ticking my feet and my toes pointed and flexed at the assault.
When she was done the nozzle was removed as was the harness and I was led blindfolded to the toilet to expel it.
When I had finished a loud fart followed.
“Oh, I’m sorry ladies I’m just nervous I said as I was lifted to my feet and led to my bunk and placed face down, Joan’s finger again slipped in, and after lubing me well a butt plug was placed at my puckered hole and pushed in.
“Oh, oh what are you doing?” I moaned.
“Just a butt plug honey we don’t want any accidents, do we?” Joan cooed.
I was lifted to my feet, and I could feel the straps being undone and the straitjacket being removed next the hood my eyes adjusted to the light and the warden standing in front of me.
“Is it time?” I cried looking to the women for some degree of comfort. None was forthcoming they looked downward wiggling their toes.
The warden cleared his throat and spoke.
“I have to read the order of execution Elaine.
I nodded unable to speak then I heard.
“Elaine Smith, you have been found guilty of first-degree double murder by a jury of your peers, and have been brought here for execution, to wit death by hanging, do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out?”
Any last words, that sounded so final I finally cried.
“Oh, please, I don’t want to be hanged! I want to live, oh please don’t hang me, I’m sorry so deeply sorry for what I have done, don’t do this to me, its to soon, I’m not ready to go. “I cried.
The warden stepped aside as I felt my leotards being loosened at the toes. “What are you doing?” I asked Mary, who had stretched them right out they looked like elf toes.
Sorry honey I must loosen them its to let Mr. Johnson know you have had your enema and are ready to go with him.
I raised my hands.
“Don’t I have to be tied up or something?” Missing my straight jacket which had given me a sense of security.
Then I felt shackles being placed on my ankles.
“Mr. Johnson will do the rest dear”.
I heard the door at the end of the hall open and once again saw your face perhaps for the last time wide eyed again I asked, “Is it time?”
You say nothing and I detect an ever so slight nod. The two guards each take an elbow and guide me out of the cell for the last time.
I look around as Joan joins us, I notice she has loosened her white tights, I feel a small sense of comfort as she takes the place of the guard on the right and takes my hand in hers.
“I hear the warden say. “Let’s go.”
Slowly we begin my last mile, I look from side to side at the women in their cells, they are all wiggling their toes with tear-stained eyes as I am led past them.
I look through the windows as we proceed, the sun is shining it is a beautiful day, my mind imagines me in another place, far from here, anywhere but here.
I come back to reality, as there is a loud bang as the large steel green door is unlocked and swung open.
I stop in my tracks as I see the bright white scaffold looming ahead of me, I am urged forward I look up you are at the top of the thirteen steps I laugh to myself (there really are thirteen steps, just like in the movies) then I look around at the witnesses assembled for the show, there faces are a blur but I do notice the females in the crowd have had there heels taken from them there stocking toes point and flex as they get there first look at me I blush in embarrassment at my loose beige wrinkled toes which add to my humiliation. Joan urges me to the first step I feel the steel checkerboard pattern under my feet as we begin to ascend the last stair case I will ever climb, everything goes into slow motion as we get to the top, I look around nervously as Joan guides me under the large white beam and I see the noose.
I look at the shiny white double trap doors under the noose there are two footprints painted in the center Joan guides me to the noose and I place my stocking feet on the footprints looking around nervously. As my shackles are removed my stockinged toes curl nervously.
(Mr. Johnson recalls)
I had been busy at the trap, making it swing open when the lever was pulled. I adjusted the length of the rope so the loop and Elaine’s body would fall the desired distance ensuring an instant neck snap but not so far as to behead her.
The trap was reset, and a large pin inserted into the handle of the lever to prevent it from swinging open prematurely.
The leather bindings were laid out on the rail along with the hood for instant access once she was in position on the trap.
I rechecked everything, the condemned was ready, the staff who would walk her to the gallows were standing by out of sight to one side of her cell door.
I walked to the door leading to the condemned cells, opened it and made a motion that I was ready to proceed. I returned to the trap, removed the black hood from the rail and inserted it into my breast pocket.
My assistant took his position to the right side of the trap, removing the straps from the rail in the order of their use.
He laid the hip and shoulder leather straps on the floor beside the trap and draped the ankle strap over his wrist.
The cell block door swung open, and two male jailers and a female burst through the door, half lifting half pushing the condemned out into the execution chamber, she was moaning, pleading, and seemed to go limp.
As she was put onto the trap she began to urinate, and the yellow liquid flowed over the assistant’s hands as he adjusted the ankle straps.
With a disgusted look he adjusted the strap, stood up and brought the hip and shoulder straps with him.
I made a mental note to try a different brand of sanitary napkin, or maybe rubber panties in future female hangings.
I stood in front of her, looking into her fear struck eyes, and put the hood over her head.
She shuddered as I put the loop over her head and around her neck.
I pulled the loop around to the left side positioning the eyelet under the angle of the jaw on the left side and secured it there with a large rubber washer.
I stepped to the side, checked that all personnel were clear of the trap, all straps and noose in place. I then pulled the safety cotter pin from the handle recheck that all was clear and got a good grip on the lever.
(Elaine’s last thoughts)
I shake my head frantically trying to shake the hood off.
“Oh Joan, I can’t see!” I sob.
“I know baby, you have to be blindfolded, I’m right here sweetie just take some deep breathes just like you did on your bed, and wiggle your stockinged toes, it will be over soon baby, I’m so sorry.”
I test my bonds and find I am helpless; my toes point and flex I feel the wrinkled material move as I do so.
“Oh, please forgive me, I’m sorry for the the pain I have caused any of you.” I sobbed, the material of the satin hood expands and contracts as I begin to take deep breathes for the last time.
Then I hear the pin being removed and a loud bang follows, my stocking feet slid easily on the slippery floor as it disappears under my feet, I fall how far I have no idea I hear gasps from the witnesses as I free fall to a hard final stop I know is coming fast, then a snap as I lose consciousness My stocking toes point downwards trying to find ground that isn’t there, I feel my self turn and then a bright light appears to me and I feel like I am being lifted there is no pain I am floating like I was never there perhaps I never was.

This story was a collaborative effort between Konaron and myself we hope you enjoy there will be more.

A great story. I enjoyed, I hope you write a new story soon.
thank you so much we are going back into lock down so yes more will be on the way Cathy goes to the gas chamber is also in my list I wrote that one too

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