Maria Nikolaevna Romanova
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Maria Nikolaevna RomanovaI have posted this in a couple other forums lately and thought I would share with this community.
CAUTION: This story is based on an historical event and in it a 14 yr old boy and a 17 yr old girl were killed with the rest of their family. I have mentioned their death and subsequent events only in passing and strictly in keeping with historical fact.
She was the prettiest of the girls, the “Grand Duchesses”. The third youngest, she was just 19, having had her birthday last month. She was also the nicest of the girls. Her smile was warm and she never looked down at us, the guards, who did our best to ensure the family’s safety, but also needed to be aware that our revolutionary zeal was being tested every day. There were many in the Ural Soviet who wanted nothing more than see the young women and their German mother meet a most horrible death. Maria Nikolaevna Romanova, was, in so many ways, was just like the girls in the village. But to me, she was more so. A true innocent angel. I was always happy to find that I was assigned to the girl’s guard detail. Since about a month ago, Maria somehow managed to arrange her activities to place us alone together and away from the others for a minute or two each day. I am sure she looked upon our embraces and kisses as exciting interludes in her fear filled monotony. For me it was a dangerous pursuit but while all of us had our favorites among the girls, I was very pleased that Maria liked me back.
I knew from the very first that the family was doomed to a bad end. I was certain that the Czar was eventually to be killed, and probably the Czarina as well, and even though this was less than certain, it was likely the boy will have to die in order to make sure the White’s do not use him as a figurehead. I fervently hoped that the girls would be sent to relatives somewhere. But there was much talk about letting them live, yet turning them over to the Ural Soviet. Yet as I said before, the Ural Soviet Red Army troops talked often of just how they would “use” the girls. I doubted they would last a week.
Perhaps it was merciful, then, when, early yesterday morning, I was shaken awake and told to bring my rifle to the basement. There I saw the family already gathered in a small back room. They were dressed for travelling, the 6 women, (the 4 girls, the Czarina and her maid) dressed in matching white blouses and long skirts, the Czar, the heir, the Doctor and the manservant for the Czar in uniforms. They all stood against the far wall except the heir and his mother who were seated. I was told to leave my rifle and bayonet in the outer room and take a pistol. I grab a Mauser C96 automatic. It was loaded and charged. It felt heavy in my hand. The red Army leader, Yurovsky, told us we are to perform a great service for the Motherland. All the family was to be killed, and we were to aim for the heart, to provide an instant kill with minimum of blood. Each of us was to pick a person to kill. Most of the men asked for the Czar, one of the men, or the Czarina. I quickly chose my Maria, vowing to myself to make her death as quick as I could. The other daughters and the boy were assigned to other men. As there were more members of the household than us, the two servants were to be killed by anyone who was sure their assigned target was dead…and he informed us to also kill the family dog.
That was the plan. With my first shot I knew it was going terribly wrong. Maria was staring at me in disbelief as I aimed my pistol directly at her left breast. I fired but instead of a fatal wound, I saw her just stagger back, the blouse torn slightly but there was no blood. She started screaming and shouting “why” at me as I fired again and again but there was no blood, just the glint of something that sparkled inside the ripped corset visible through her now shredded blouse. All the men and the boy were dead on the floor and the Czarina covered her son with her dead body, shot in the head. The Maid was hysterically trying to leave the room but a soldier at the door thrust his bayonet into her chest and she fell at his feet. None of the daughters were dead though two were now on their knees. Maria was up against the wall and I came right up to her. She was bleeding from the mouth, and her labored breathing told me her ribs might be broken. She spoke only two words “It hurts”. The four shots I had fired had torn open her blouse and I now could see the corset covering her breasts and stomach was full of precious stones, some spilling out onto the floor. She grabbed the barrel of my pistol and I expected her to try to thrust it away but instead, she leaned forward and slipped the end of the barrel under the top of her corset, in the valley of her bosom and pushed the end into her left breast. She closed her eyes as I pulled the trigger. She fell forward into my arms. I lowered her body to the floor as I watched the others grab their rifles in frustration and bayonet the remaining three girls. Yurovsky then went up to each and checked to see if they were dead, ripping open their blouses and corsets and shooting them in their naked chests if they were not. He was angry at them for the jewels sewn into their undergarments. He pulled apart Maria’s blouse and ripped her corset like the others, but he could see the neat little hole just to the right of her dark areola and the slight trickle of blood. There was no need for another shot and he briskly told me to pick her up and take her out to the truck.
I laid Maria in the bed of the truck on top of one of her sisters, I think it was Olga, but her face was disfigured due to a bullet wound in her jaw. She also had very ugly bayonets wounds on her breasts. Unlike Maria’s calm face, her face was frozen in agony and ruined. The truck soon sped off. I mounted a horse and followed with a number of troops. In the forest all the bodies were stripped bare, the clothing inspected for valuables and millions of rubles in diamonds and other stones were recovered. I stripped her lovely body myself, carefully collecting the jewels and giving all o them to Yurovsky. The only jewel I was interested in lay at my feet, her large milk white breasts fell a bit to the side of her chest, her nipples erect in the center of large dark areola. I spent some time looking at her flat stomach and full hips with full triangle of hair between her slightly parted thighs. She was displayed with the others in view of the men who gathered and groped the women, including the still lovely body of the Czarina. I guarded her from the worst of this as Maria lay naked on the ground for some time. Finally, she and the boy were taken to a fire and an attempt was made to burn their bodies. I stayed and watched but it was not a thing that went well. Frustrated that her body would not burn, just smoke and char a bit, we were ordered to bury her and the boy together while they figured out what to do with the others. As of this morning, the others have not returned so I imagine there were more problems. At least I know were Maria lays….I will visit soon.
CAUTION: This story is based on an historical event and in it a 14 yr old boy and a 17 yr old girl were killed with the rest of their family. I have mentioned their death and subsequent events only in passing and strictly in keeping with historical fact.
She was the prettiest of the girls, the “Grand Duchesses”. The third youngest, she was just 19, having had her birthday last month. She was also the nicest of the girls. Her smile was warm and she never looked down at us, the guards, who did our best to ensure the family’s safety, but also needed to be aware that our revolutionary zeal was being tested every day. There were many in the Ural Soviet who wanted nothing more than see the young women and their German mother meet a most horrible death. Maria Nikolaevna Romanova, was, in so many ways, was just like the girls in the village. But to me, she was more so. A true innocent angel. I was always happy to find that I was assigned to the girl’s guard detail. Since about a month ago, Maria somehow managed to arrange her activities to place us alone together and away from the others for a minute or two each day. I am sure she looked upon our embraces and kisses as exciting interludes in her fear filled monotony. For me it was a dangerous pursuit but while all of us had our favorites among the girls, I was very pleased that Maria liked me back.
I knew from the very first that the family was doomed to a bad end. I was certain that the Czar was eventually to be killed, and probably the Czarina as well, and even though this was less than certain, it was likely the boy will have to die in order to make sure the White’s do not use him as a figurehead. I fervently hoped that the girls would be sent to relatives somewhere. But there was much talk about letting them live, yet turning them over to the Ural Soviet. Yet as I said before, the Ural Soviet Red Army troops talked often of just how they would “use” the girls. I doubted they would last a week.
Perhaps it was merciful, then, when, early yesterday morning, I was shaken awake and told to bring my rifle to the basement. There I saw the family already gathered in a small back room. They were dressed for travelling, the 6 women, (the 4 girls, the Czarina and her maid) dressed in matching white blouses and long skirts, the Czar, the heir, the Doctor and the manservant for the Czar in uniforms. They all stood against the far wall except the heir and his mother who were seated. I was told to leave my rifle and bayonet in the outer room and take a pistol. I grab a Mauser C96 automatic. It was loaded and charged. It felt heavy in my hand. The red Army leader, Yurovsky, told us we are to perform a great service for the Motherland. All the family was to be killed, and we were to aim for the heart, to provide an instant kill with minimum of blood. Each of us was to pick a person to kill. Most of the men asked for the Czar, one of the men, or the Czarina. I quickly chose my Maria, vowing to myself to make her death as quick as I could. The other daughters and the boy were assigned to other men. As there were more members of the household than us, the two servants were to be killed by anyone who was sure their assigned target was dead…and he informed us to also kill the family dog.
That was the plan. With my first shot I knew it was going terribly wrong. Maria was staring at me in disbelief as I aimed my pistol directly at her left breast. I fired but instead of a fatal wound, I saw her just stagger back, the blouse torn slightly but there was no blood. She started screaming and shouting “why” at me as I fired again and again but there was no blood, just the glint of something that sparkled inside the ripped corset visible through her now shredded blouse. All the men and the boy were dead on the floor and the Czarina covered her son with her dead body, shot in the head. The Maid was hysterically trying to leave the room but a soldier at the door thrust his bayonet into her chest and she fell at his feet. None of the daughters were dead though two were now on their knees. Maria was up against the wall and I came right up to her. She was bleeding from the mouth, and her labored breathing told me her ribs might be broken. She spoke only two words “It hurts”. The four shots I had fired had torn open her blouse and I now could see the corset covering her breasts and stomach was full of precious stones, some spilling out onto the floor. She grabbed the barrel of my pistol and I expected her to try to thrust it away but instead, she leaned forward and slipped the end of the barrel under the top of her corset, in the valley of her bosom and pushed the end into her left breast. She closed her eyes as I pulled the trigger. She fell forward into my arms. I lowered her body to the floor as I watched the others grab their rifles in frustration and bayonet the remaining three girls. Yurovsky then went up to each and checked to see if they were dead, ripping open their blouses and corsets and shooting them in their naked chests if they were not. He was angry at them for the jewels sewn into their undergarments. He pulled apart Maria’s blouse and ripped her corset like the others, but he could see the neat little hole just to the right of her dark areola and the slight trickle of blood. There was no need for another shot and he briskly told me to pick her up and take her out to the truck.
I laid Maria in the bed of the truck on top of one of her sisters, I think it was Olga, but her face was disfigured due to a bullet wound in her jaw. She also had very ugly bayonets wounds on her breasts. Unlike Maria’s calm face, her face was frozen in agony and ruined. The truck soon sped off. I mounted a horse and followed with a number of troops. In the forest all the bodies were stripped bare, the clothing inspected for valuables and millions of rubles in diamonds and other stones were recovered. I stripped her lovely body myself, carefully collecting the jewels and giving all o them to Yurovsky. The only jewel I was interested in lay at my feet, her large milk white breasts fell a bit to the side of her chest, her nipples erect in the center of large dark areola. I spent some time looking at her flat stomach and full hips with full triangle of hair between her slightly parted thighs. She was displayed with the others in view of the men who gathered and groped the women, including the still lovely body of the Czarina. I guarded her from the worst of this as Maria lay naked on the ground for some time. Finally, she and the boy were taken to a fire and an attempt was made to burn their bodies. I stayed and watched but it was not a thing that went well. Frustrated that her body would not burn, just smoke and char a bit, we were ordered to bury her and the boy together while they figured out what to do with the others. As of this morning, the others have not returned so I imagine there were more problems. At least I know were Maria lays….I will visit soon.

Forum > Public / Stories > Maria Nikolaevna Romanova