The Waiting Room
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The death penalty had been abolished planet-wide in the year 2040, the same year the new life extension drugs were released to the public. Suddenly death could generally be avoided. Risky endeavors were only performed by robots. To receive the new drugs everyone had to agree to the new contraception rules. Deliberate disobedience resulted in a new frightening punishment known as “The Waiting Room” or “Living Death.”

The year was now 2098. Nenda lived with her husband and legal child in the Republic of Checkistan. The woman had been found guilty of subverting societal order. She had refused to report the unauthorized birth of her second daughter in violation of the Planetary Conservation Law. The PCL allowed couples to have children in lottery system. Other births had to be annulled, which means aborted or destroyed after birth. The option to destroy the child within one month after being born was allowed because of the Mipmu religious sect who believed that unborn aborted children would spend eternity in hell. When Nenda held her little baby girl, she realized she could not follow the law. She fled with the illegal child.

When she was discovered, the PCL enforcement counsel wanted to show mercy. Nenda had been a good citizen. But examples had to be set for the good of the planet, whose resources were severely depleted. The standard sentence was given and Nenda listened to it with frightened tears. After the annulment she would spend a year in a “Waiting room.”

The baby was annulled that day in a government facility by gentle caring orderlies. A last minute hug in her mother’s arms, then the soothing annulment ceremony began. A slow acting anesthesia was administered and the infant would be kept asleep until natural death occurred from lack of nourishment. It was considered painless and completely humane. A small A.I. casket-death chamber would continue monitoring the baby’s breathing and send a message to the PCL database when death was confirmed.

After her child’s death notice was received, Nenda was allowed one week to get her affairs in order before reporting voluntarily to the PCL disciplinary center. She boarded the processing vehicle, where two government officials sat with her and chatted comfortingly. They hugged her and said it wasn’t too bad. It would be over eventually and then she could continue her life with her family.

The PCL discipline intake preparation was not hurried, and Nenda was allowed to proceed at her own pace. She looked at the sky and trees one last time, then stepped through the door into the PCL processing entrance. The brochure had explained the process fully, so Nenda knew exactly what to expect. The intake officer asked for her clothes and any jewelry and other items. These were placed in a bin. Completely naked, Nenda was assigned to her waiting room, WR-3286. The two officers boarded the transport shuttle with Nenda. When it stopped Nenda saw the room where she would spend the next 365 days.

The door to her tiny waiting room was opened revealing a metal chair-toilet. “It’s time to sit down in the waiting chair”, calmly explained the sweet faced officer. A look of panic flashed across the new inmate’s face. But they helped ease her down onto the chair and gently fastened electronic restraints to her head, arms, wrists, hips, legs, ankles. The restraints were thick and strong but amazingly light. They were connected by thick cords to smooth holes in the punishment chair. The A.I. system kept them gently tethered without kinking, but allowed the subject considerable freedom of movement.

“Do you have any questions?” the officer asked. “When will I eat?” she asked softly. “Well as you know your health and vitals will be monitored carefully by the PCL A.I. computer and you will be fed and given water as needed.” Nanda had read about the intricate waiting room computer system. Her temperature, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and even body weight were tracked. If her weight varied outside certain criteria her food would be adjusted. If she had a fever of other signs of disease her punishment would be paused so she could receive care. This was rare in the sterile, safe environment of the waiting room.

“We have to leave now. You’ll be okay dear.” The door closed. Instinctively Nenda tested her restraints. She could move her hips only about three inches, just enough to lift her naked buttocks off the metal chair. Her legs and ankles were kept spread apart but not uncomfortable. Her arms and hands, although in restraints were relatively free to move around. And she was allowed to lean forward enough to touch her legs. “This is not too bad”, she thought. She would be able to feed herself, and brush her hair. But there were things she was not allowed to do.

There was no clock, or windows, and eventually Nenda began to lose track of time. The lighting was not harsh and would be turned off when it was time to rest. A mechanical arm moved and provided Nenda with her first meal. It looked like a biscuit, but had all the minerals and vitamins Nenda needed to stay healthy. However it was completely devoid of seasoning, carefully meant to have as little flavor as possible. Yes time in the waiting room was designed to be as boring as possible. A generous cup of warm water was provided with each biscuit-meal.

The system took care of all Nenda’s physical needs. The room was kept warm with a steady flow of fresh air. To prevent sores the entire punishment system would be gently inverted for a few minutes every hour. It would be signaled with a soft tone. The restraints would be gently retracted to hold Nenda in place. Then the chair leaned back, little by little until Nenda’s head was almost touching the floor and her fully naked buttocks pointed to the ceiling. She was held in space not touching anything. It actually felt great to be off of the dreaded metal chair as the blood flowed freely and her back could fully stretch. This was the only break in the unbelievable monotony. Of course it was also mildly disorienting and before long the chair resumed its normal upright position and the restraints were loosened again.

Of course Nenda knew the rules. She was not allowed to masturbate or comfort her body in any way. The A.I. monitored every movement of her hands. She could scratch an itch even on her groin or breasts. However if her fingers lingered for more than two seconds in these areas, a soft warning tone sounded. Two more seconds and she would be gently disciplined. Discipline was in the form a “Hard” restraint. For a period of fifteen minutes the restraints would be pulled all the way back to their “Home” position. During this time Nenda could not move at all. Her head was pulled back, and the head rest came to life gripping her skull so she could not look around. Her hands, elbows, torso, knees and ankles were also locked tightly with almost no movement possible. This was a warning. She would be on probation for 24 hours. Attempting to pleasure herself again, in that time frame, would result in two full hours of “Hard” restraint.

During her year in the waiting room Nenda had to relieve her self many times. Her waste was removed rapidly. At regular intervals her body was cleaned by the A.I. with warm water and soap. She was allowed to brush her own hair. Her hair and nails were clipped, by mechanical arms, just a bit each time she slept. Sleep intervals were widely varied to prevent time awareness. Lights were dimmed during the allowed sleep time. Sleeping at other times was not permitted and would be punished by a one-minute shower of icy cold water.

During her entire incarceration, Nenda was not allowed mental stimulation of any kind. No sound, no voice, no news, no visitor, no clock. Just her own thoughts kept her company. Surely months had passed by now maybe she would be out soon. Or was it just weeks? She was so entirely disoriented there was no way to tell.

(She was eventually released and lived happily ever after)
The end
Nenda opened her eyes. She was actually still in the waiting room, tightly secured to the metal chair. She realized she had only dreamt of having been released. Then she heard a voice. The A.I. computer spoke to her. "Nenda, you have been in your punishment chair for 13 weeks. Unfortunately, we have very bad news. Due to worsening food shortages and environmental depletion, the PCL has changed it's laws. All waiting room inmates are no longer eligible for release after the term of incarceration. At the completion of your one-year term, all inmates are to be annulled. You will be informed more about this when your term ends. A lump rose in Nenda's throat. Did she really hear what she thought she heard? Was her hope of eventual release an rejoining her family truly gone. How would she be annulled?

When the year ended, the A.I. voice spoke again. "Nenda, your one year in the waiting room is over. Your annulment has begun."

Nothing happened. Maybe this was a mistake, some kind of sick joke. But the restraints remained on her. Time continued along. The mechanical arm that signalled feeding time whirred into action. It deposited a nice full glass of water on the feeding tray beside her. She looked longingly for her meal-biscuit in vane.

According to the PCL database, it took Nanda 21 days to perish from lack of nourishment. The end.

Nenda, shook her head and rubbed her eyes. She had been warned before entering the waiting room that she would likely experience terrible and bizarre delusions. Being alone in her isolated world was the worst punishment ever conceived. After that last scare, she was so reassured to reach out for that lovely nutritious, completely tasteless, food. Her sense of hopelessness fell away as she confidently breathed and relaxed.

She was now fully in control of her mind and decided to imagine herself in the most beautiful aromatic field of flowers. In the distance was a meandering stream where she would soak her feet. She reached down and grabbed a handful of wet sand and awed at the shiny glints of tiny gems and flakes of precious gold among the grains. Feeling happy she smiled as a beautiful tall horse approached and invited her to ride on his back. Moments later they flew across the gorgeous landscape. They slowed down and approached a garden of delightful fruits and vegetation of all sorts. She gently grasped a red apple and brought it to her mouth. The perfect crunch and sweet juice tantalized her grateful taste buds. She ate and ate until her belly was completely content.

The birds chirped... what was that weird bird sound... she awoke from her delightful trance as a gentle warning tone signaled her air time as she called it. Upside down she was gently turned. It would have been so humiliating as if anyone could see... as blood rushed to her head and she left the confines of the chair for a few minutes. Nenda pretended she was taking off in her own private rocket ship and soon she would be up in space looking down on the earth............

Finally the punishment was over. Nenda opened her eyes with a new sense of freedom and gratitude for life as she never had before. She embraced her husband and girls tightly and shed tears of joy. The days ahead were beautiful beyond words.
The end. (Really)
Nicely done. The alternate universe became believable, and the effects of the lack of stimulation seem accurate.

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