Queen of the worms
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King Samson of Elbonia was outraged at his wife’s haughty behavior. She had refused to come when called. So he spoke with his high advisors to ascertain what kind of punishment she should receive. “How can I teach this creature humility?” he asked. His advisors suggested whipping and scourging. But the King was looking for something more creative. I want her to be as humble as a lowly worm.
The Kings Science advisor suggested that she could be made into a worm for a time. Curious, the King asked for more details. After a discussion, he declared: “let it be done!”

Queen Cassandra was arrested by the King's officers and brought to court. “Why am I here she demanded.” “My dear Queen spoke the judge, you have been found guilty of extreme disrespect to the King. He demands that you be placed in the position of a most humble place until your haughty spirit is extinguished. You are to be imprisoned for three months. These men will convey your highness to the ‘Special’ prison. You may bring with you, one female servant.”

Cassandra selected her trusted friend Alicia to serve her during her incarceration. The Queen imagined a short stay at a secluded small house and garden. It would not be too bad, she thought.

She boarded a carriage and after only a short time arrived at “Special” prison in Klonfell. The large doors opened and the Queen could see ten-foot-high walls all around. It was an unpleasant-looking place. There was no garden or even grass, only rough stones, and gravel.

The men escorted the Queen to the preparation area. “I am sorry, but you are to completely disrobe Your Highness.” “Are you going to whip me?” she asked. “No madam, but you will wear a special prison uniform.” “Oh well!”

The Queen’s assistant hesitated but then said, “May I assist you, my lady?” “Alright, she conceded.” Layers of royal garb were removed and placed in a gilded receptacle. “Now what! Where is my uniform?”

The science advisor opened another box and pulled out a “garment” made of golden metal hoops and chains. This is part of your punishment my lady. You are to become so to speak an earthworm. “No!” sobbed the Queen. “Please not this…”

First, we need to shave your highness. Two large women with sheers began chopping away at the prisoner’s lovely locks. With razors, they kept at it for some time until her head was completely smooth.

The first piece of the worm was the “head” which resembled a scold’s bridle. It was a metal hood that encircled her head and locked in place. “Hold still madam”, as a small metal tube was placed into her mouth, and secured. “You may speak only when spoken to or else you will be punished is that understood?” The queen responded with a difficult “Mokay”.

The rest of the outfit was a modified straight jacket. It pinned the Queen’s arms to her sides. Then a chastity belt was fastened around her hips. It was connected to strong rings at the knees and ankles. Unable to open her legs, now the Queen could only squirm and wiggle. Then she was carried to a large stone-walled pit, with metal bars covering the top. It was three feet tall so that the prisoner was unable to stand up. There was a bed of straw for comfort and warmth.
A door in the bars was opened. “In you go your highness!”, said the guard sarcastically. “You will receive gruel, porridge, water, and six strokes of the cane across your bare arse each day.” Naked and completely helpless the Queen moaned pitifully. Alicia the queen’s assistant was dumbfounded. “I shall take care of you during this terrible trial. Do not fear. Stay strong.”

The guard reported this to the judge. Then the judge came and spoke to the Queens attendant Alicia. “Young lady you are required to comfort the Queen but you can do so from out here!” “You must get in the cage with her.” He demanded. “Yes, sir, she said humbly, and began to get in the cage.” “Not like that! You might share your clothes with the prisoner which is not permitted.” So they stripped Alicia naked and lowered her into the pit and locked it closed. “Enjoy your stay!”

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