Dohwa's Beheading Execution and Afterwards
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Dohwa wondered why the king called her in the palace. Because of hearing an order of wearing beautiful clothes, she wore the cleanest one, but she felt a little bit shame when she saw the clothes of court ladies.

To Dohwa bending her upper body, the king said, "You can raise your upper body."
As soon as he looked her face, the king said.
"As I heard before, you are very beautiful like peach flower, that is, your name. Though your clothes are not good, your beauty is not damaged at all.
Now, I order to you. At tonight, come to my bedroom."
Dohwa got shock due to the king's order, so could not answer anything immediately. But after some time, she answered. "His Majesty, I'm sorry but I already married, so cannot come to thy bedroom."

The king threatened her. "What? I am a king, so your answer means you disobey my order. If I sentence death penalty to you due to your disobeying, what will you do?"
Dohwa answered without any hesitation. "Even if I will be executed by beheading at the center of Seorabeol market, I will not betray my husband."
The king firmly said. "OK. I will do as you said."


At 12:00pm next day, Dohwa knelt down on a straw mat in the center of Seorabeol market. Around her delicate neck, there was a big cangue.

The head officer advancing her beheading execution said to Dohwa.
"Sinner Dohwa, listen to me. His Majesty said that you should be executed by beheading due to His order, but if you obey His order now, He will make you the highest concubine.
Now, do you obey His order?"
Without any hesitation, Dohwa answered.
"To me, not living as a highest concubine with betraying my husband, but being executed by beheading with loving my husband is better. So, please do better thing to me quickly."

When executioners stripped all of her clothes off, Dohwa's tall and slim nudity was beautiful like peach flowers. After binding her naked body, executioners made her knell down, with spreading her legs.
Though her vagina was exposed totally, Dohwa thought inwardly as following, 'Honey, my love. I do not feel any shame though my vagina is exposed totally. But, I'm sorry to you because I did not bear your baby through my vagina.'

The head executioner stood left side of Dohwa, and lifted his executioner's sword highly. The big crowds became calm. Dohwa knew the time to be decapitated came. She did not tremble at all.
Suddenly, the big scream "No!" occured. Dohwa knew the voice was her husband's one. Her husband was running toward her with shouting, "No! Please don't kill Dohwa! Please let my beautiful wife live!" But, he was captured by the guards immediately. Because he continued struggling even after being captured, guards pressed him severely and hit him.
Dohwa turned her face to the head executioner, and said.
"Please, decapitate me right now. Please right now!"

At only one stroke, the big sword of the head executioner cleanly cut off Dohwa's long and delicate neck. "No!" the biggest shouting occurred. Dohwa's last thought was, 'Oh, my love, thanks for staying toghther with me when I am decapitated!'
While Dohwa's freshly decapitated head was flying in the air such as a falling peach flower, her blood was strongly spouting like a fountain from her neck-cut stump. The blood dropped to many spots on her sexy headless naked body: her shoulder which had beautiful line, her glamourous breasts, her beautiful thighs, and the ropes binding her body. and so on.
As soon as her decapitated head dropped to the ground, Dohwa's slim headless nudity collapsed right side. The sight that Dohwa's glamourous breasts and ample hips violently trembled like squeezing blood, looked like that a huge peach-color "S" letter trembled. Her two slim legs which had beautiful leg-lines slightly kicked two or three times. Dohwa's husband continued crying sadly.

After finishing washing and embaliming Dohwa's decapitated head, Executionrs stood three long wooden bar at the center of Seorabeol market, her execution site. They gathered the ends of wooden bars, and binding the ends and Dohwa's hair together with ropes, and longly drooping the rest of her silky hair. According to the king's order, Dohwa's decapitated head was exhibited infinitely.
Dohwa's slim headless nudity was exhibited together during 3 days at same site. Her vagina was totally exposed. On 4th day, executioners threw away her headless nudity at the outside wildfield. But when Dohwa's husband finally found the headless naked body of his wife after 7 days, surprisingly, Dohwa's beautiful headless nudity was not rotten, nor eaten by animals, at all.


After burying Dohwa's headless corpse at the backyard of his house, Dohwa's husband secretly joined the movement kicking out the king. When he could not restrict the mind to see his wife's lovely face, Dohwa's husband used to go to the center of Seorabeol market with hiding his identity. Even though she was already decapitated, Dohwa's face was still beautiful, and traces of pain of being decapitated was barely appeared on her decapitated face. When some wind blowed, Dohwa's long silky hair was beautifully fluttering. Dohwa's husband strongly restricted showing sadness.

In one year after Dohwa got beheading execution, the king was finally kicked out. Only after being exhibited during 1 years, Dohwa's decapitated head could be returned to her husband.
Even though she was decapitated 1 years before, Dohwa's face looked like being alive or freshly decapitated, and was still beautiful and lovely. After long time crying, at the sunny place, Dohwa's husband buried the decapitated head of her wife together with soils from the backyard where her headless corpse was buried.

Before burying Dohwa's decapitated head, her husband asked a craftsman to make Dohwa's wax head. The wax head was made almost same to her wife's beautiful head which was still lovely in spite of being decapitated. Whenever he missed her lovely wife, Dohwa's husband took out Dohwa's wax head, and stroked softly the head, and saw it with tears.
In some night, Dohwa appeared in her husband's dream, and said. "My love, thank you for kicking out the king who killed me, and burying my head at good place, and missing me until now. But, now, please marry another woman, and have your children. When you are happy with your family, I will be happy in the afterlife world."

Dohwa's husband married with another woman. She knew all stories about Dohwa and her husband. So, in some day, when Dohwa's husband took out Dohwa's wax head, she said to the head.
"Dohwa. you are still beautiful and lovely, and good-hearted. Now, don't worry about your husband. I will give good care to your husband."
Thanks for sharing, this is well written and interesting

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