Forum Home > Public : Stories > FROM NET 2EIRENE’S EXECUTION
A couple of centuries ago, a morning like the others; in the central square of a small country village, a wooden scaffold had been erected.
Upon it, there were a brilliant axe, a dark thick block and a straw basket just before it. A lot of persons were waiting all around, excited, to see the head of Eirene Baker severed from her body.
The young Eirene was waiting behind the scaffold; she was wearing a light dress that revealed every curve of her well shaped body; under her gown she was wearing a pair of white stockings and, at her feet, a pair of soft slippers. She was evidently scared, but she was feeling excited somehow... her head rolling on the floor... her headless body performing in a final show, maybe the kneeling fountain... yes, she realized she desired it, intensely.
After a couple of minutes, the headsman said to her that everything was ready; she had to lay there her slippers and follow him on the scaffold. When Eirene saw the axe, a cold shiver flowed through her body, frozing but exciting her more.
She gave a malicious look at the noisy crowd, then, without saying a word, she knelt down at the block, stretching her neck... she felt her pussy extremely wet under her pants.
Without any advertisement, the headsman raised the axe and, whith a strong stroke, crushed it down. The blade began running through her neck, severing her flesh, reaching the hard wood of the block.
The blonde head jumped forward, missing the basket and rolling on the ground wrapped by the silence.
Eirene’s headless body rose up, spraying blood in the air; sitting on its heels, it started a nod of the kneeling fountain. But, a strong jolt shook the brainless body, and it fell forward violently; in the fall, the abbreviated neck struck the block and her torso reached the floor with the neckstump still pushed against the wood, laying a bloody wake on it.
In the same time, the headsman picked up Eirene’s head by the blond hairs and displayed it to the crowd.
Still conscious, the girl could see the crowd now, and she could hear the headsman shouting words about her; she was feeling only a little pain on her neck, the nerves were too shocked to trasmit the entire sorrow.
The headsman turned her chopped head to the block: she saw blood all around and, behind the dark wood, her collapsed body... beautiful, her torso collapsed on the floor and her ass higher because her body had remained about in the chopping position; behind her ass, a pair of stocked legs and feet came out from the folds of the light gown... her sight began fading off and her life gently flew away.
Eirene’s eyes remained half opened, her face became very pale.
The headsman shook her head one last time and kissed it on the bloody lips; finally, he let it to fall in the basket. The blonde extremity reached the straw making a soft thud, bouncing on the straw a couple of times.
Some minutes passed; the headsman had gone down behind the scaffold and, with two assistants, was setting a wooden coffin to be used to contain Eirene’s corpse.
When it was ready, the two assistants went to take the headless body to expose it; when they were about to grab the decapitated girl, they noticed the block had impeded the blood to flow out from the neckstump.
To avoid the coffin to be flooded by the girl's vital liquid, according to the headsman, the assistants decided to drain the headless body before exposing it; an inclinated bench would have been perfect, but there weren't any inclinated benches there... there was one only thing they could do, and it wouldn't have pleased
Eirene if she was still alive... hang the decapitated body by the feet.
To leave the girl's body some dignity, the men choosed to do it behind the scaffold and hiding that view to the crowd.
Two assistants went on the scaffold to collect the headless body; one of them grabbed the dead girl by the arms, while the other one was grabbing it by the gown at the calves; during the transport to rear of the scaffold, the cloth of the gown got broken because of the wrong grip of the assistant; Eirene’s senseless body fell violently to the ground, rolling down on the stairs, pouring a great deal of blood all around.
The bare feet of the dead Eirene were tied togheter with a rope and the headless body was quickly hanged to the railing of the scaffold; in this position, the thin gown fell obviously at the flanks of the little chest, revealing everything under the waist line of the decapitated body: white panties, completely wet because of the high excitement the girl had felt before her head fell, covered a little two fleshy buttocks; a pair of well shaped and pulpy legs that seemed to ask for a massage by a man; two little and tender feet asking for a massage too.
The girl's torso was completely hidden by the gown; the two arms came out from it, and the delicate fingers of the little hands were grazing the ground; from the gown, between the arms, drops of blood were falling down, making a red puddle just under the limp headless girl.
To sway the crowd from what was happening behind the scaffold, the headsman mounted Eirene's head on a pike in the frontal part of the stage... The no more thinking extremity of the girl was exposed in front of thousands persons... her eyes were still half opened, but she couldn't see them. Eirene had desired this, and her panties were still wet because of this fantasy that had became reality... all the eyes were pointed on her face, and she couldn't do anything to impede it... in the meantime, her feminine body was dangling from railing of the scaffold, not feeling all those hands that where running on her tender flesh.
After about 20 minutes, two assistants removed Eirene’s body from draining; taken off the rope from the senselessfooties, they set the headless body into the simple coffin.
The axe had cutted the blonde head very high, so that the greatest part of neck had been remained upon the girl’s shoulders; because of the kind of the dress, part of the breasts, the entire bosom, the neck and the shoulders were completely exposed.
The assistants carried the coffin in front of the scaffold, in the middle of the crowd.
Until the sun went down, everyone took his turn to admire the lovely, decapitated body; when the night fell, the head was unpierced from the spike and placed in the coffin, at the feet of the beheaded corpse.
The coffin was conducted to the cemetery of the town and buried there.

Forum > Public / Stories > FROM NET 2