Forum Home > Public : Stories > FROM NET 6Author Gentleexecutioner anging of a young countess Young countess was engaged to the prince. Her family had a lot of plans for her. However, her farther and uncle were involved in the plot against the king. The plot was discovered and they and several others conspirators testified against the countess accusing her to be the centre of the plot. The countess was tried, found guilty and sentenced to death in the nude by the king's high court. The king ordered the hanging as her execution method. He had only one mercy for arrange her execution inside the royal castle hall. Only 50 witnesses were allowed to see her to die.
The castle hall was occasionally used for the executions of noble females to spare them of hundreds or thousand eyes, particularly when they have to be undressed by the ladies in waiting and die naked. The hall had a trap door that was used for the rare executions by hanging. Much more often the condemned ladies were executed by beheading.
Shortly before the execution the witnesses selected from the king's court gathered in the hall in front of a small wooden gallows erected at the trap door. The prince was their too to see his former feancee to die. The side door opened and the execution party entered the hall. The princess dressed in all black walked first followed by a priest, two ladies in waiting, warden of the royal castle, two castle officers with the swords in their hands and the executioner.
They stopped in front of the gallows with the hanging noose. The executioner and the castle officers came to the left side of the gallows. The countess told that she is sorry what was happened and she accepts the decision of the court and the king's will. She asked everybody to pray for her. Then she took of her neck cross and gave it to the priest. The priest walked to the right side of the gallows. Then castle warden ordered to proceed with the execution. The countess put the silk gloves off and let them fall on the floor. Her ladies in waiting help took her hat off and help her to take her shoes off. The countess walked with them to the left of the gallows and stopped near the executioner. He knelt and asked her for forgiveness. She replied "I forgive you willingly. What should I do now". He said "My lady, walk behind the gallows, stop a few steps behind the noose and ask your ladies to undress you. Forgive me, but you shall not have anything covering your body except the blindfold when I perform my duty." The countess said "Thank you, sir" and walked behind the gallows. She stopped a few steps behind the noose that would soon end her young life. Her ladies in waiting stepped behind her. They swiftly removed her stockings leaving her barefoot. Than they unbutton her dress on the back and pull it down. How the countess had only see-through short delicate negligee, nicely exposing her stunning body underneath. The countess raised her arms and her ladies pulled her negligee off leaving her completely nude and ready to die. The executioner asked her to step on the trap door just behind the noose. She stood there for a few moments looking at the silent witnesses. Then one of her ladies in waiting, visible stressed, came and blindfolded the countess with the crimson ribbon. The executioner stepped behind the condemned nude blindfolded beauty. He gently but decisively put her hands behind her back and tighten them with the crimson ribbon. Then he put the noose on her neck and tighten it a bit. Now everything was ready. The countess looked amazing in all her naked glory. Her beautiful breast was pushed slightly forward and looked aroused with the arms tightened behind her back. Her pubic area was cleanly shaved. The crimson blindfold contrasted with her naked body and nicely made dark hair. The noose rope embraced her gentle neck. It was not a sculpture, or actress on the stge, but condemned young woman on the gallows. The executioner stepped on the special tile on the floor and the trap door fell. The countess dropped just a few feet and the noose did not break her neck. The floor around the trap door was just below her pubic area. Her body started convulsing. She brought the legs up and down. The floor opening was wide enough. She had her last dance in the noose. Her beautiful breasts shook gracefully. Everybody were mesmerized and horrified by the scene. The young naked lady was been slowly strangled just in front of them. The executioner let her dance for a minute or two which might be an eternity for the countess. Than he pushed her body down holding her shoulders from behind. Her neck was eventually broken and she swiftly died. The executioner took her blindfold off. She looked like she just fell asleep. The witnesses left the hall. The prince came and kissed her dead body in the cheek and then left with the Castle warden.
The castle hall was occasionally used for the executions of noble females to spare them of hundreds or thousand eyes, particularly when they have to be undressed by the ladies in waiting and die naked. The hall had a trap door that was used for the rare executions by hanging. Much more often the condemned ladies were executed by beheading.
Shortly before the execution the witnesses selected from the king's court gathered in the hall in front of a small wooden gallows erected at the trap door. The prince was their too to see his former feancee to die. The side door opened and the execution party entered the hall. The princess dressed in all black walked first followed by a priest, two ladies in waiting, warden of the royal castle, two castle officers with the swords in their hands and the executioner.
They stopped in front of the gallows with the hanging noose. The executioner and the castle officers came to the left side of the gallows. The countess told that she is sorry what was happened and she accepts the decision of the court and the king's will. She asked everybody to pray for her. Then she took of her neck cross and gave it to the priest. The priest walked to the right side of the gallows. Then castle warden ordered to proceed with the execution. The countess put the silk gloves off and let them fall on the floor. Her ladies in waiting help took her hat off and help her to take her shoes off. The countess walked with them to the left of the gallows and stopped near the executioner. He knelt and asked her for forgiveness. She replied "I forgive you willingly. What should I do now". He said "My lady, walk behind the gallows, stop a few steps behind the noose and ask your ladies to undress you. Forgive me, but you shall not have anything covering your body except the blindfold when I perform my duty." The countess said "Thank you, sir" and walked behind the gallows. She stopped a few steps behind the noose that would soon end her young life. Her ladies in waiting stepped behind her. They swiftly removed her stockings leaving her barefoot. Than they unbutton her dress on the back and pull it down. How the countess had only see-through short delicate negligee, nicely exposing her stunning body underneath. The countess raised her arms and her ladies pulled her negligee off leaving her completely nude and ready to die. The executioner asked her to step on the trap door just behind the noose. She stood there for a few moments looking at the silent witnesses. Then one of her ladies in waiting, visible stressed, came and blindfolded the countess with the crimson ribbon. The executioner stepped behind the condemned nude blindfolded beauty. He gently but decisively put her hands behind her back and tighten them with the crimson ribbon. Then he put the noose on her neck and tighten it a bit. Now everything was ready. The countess looked amazing in all her naked glory. Her beautiful breast was pushed slightly forward and looked aroused with the arms tightened behind her back. Her pubic area was cleanly shaved. The crimson blindfold contrasted with her naked body and nicely made dark hair. The noose rope embraced her gentle neck. It was not a sculpture, or actress on the stge, but condemned young woman on the gallows. The executioner stepped on the special tile on the floor and the trap door fell. The countess dropped just a few feet and the noose did not break her neck. The floor around the trap door was just below her pubic area. Her body started convulsing. She brought the legs up and down. The floor opening was wide enough. She had her last dance in the noose. Her beautiful breasts shook gracefully. Everybody were mesmerized and horrified by the scene. The young naked lady was been slowly strangled just in front of them. The executioner let her dance for a minute or two which might be an eternity for the countess. Than he pushed her body down holding her shoulders from behind. Her neck was eventually broken and she swiftly died. The executioner took her blindfold off. She looked like she just fell asleep. The witnesses left the hall. The prince came and kissed her dead body in the cheek and then left with the Castle warden.

Forum > Public / Stories > FROM NET 6